Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1961-1962 - Wellington, Kansas
Collection: Cary Circle Club


Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1961-1962 - Wellington, Kansas

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Club Booklet for the Wellington, Kansas Community Cary Circle Club for 1961-1962


Cary Circle - 1961-1962


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection







Cary Circle - 1961-1962, “Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1961-1962 - Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Wellington, Kansas
1961 - 1962
Fifth District
Apr 5
1961 - 1962 Apr 18
Sixty-sixth Annual Yearbook of
Wellington, Kansas
Organized—1895 Federated—1896
Member of the General, State, 5th District and County Federations
MOTTO: "Work for some good, nor idly lie within the human hive."—Alice Cary
Colors: Blue and White
Meetings: First and third Tuesdays at 2:30 P. M., beginning the first Tuesday in October and ending the first Tuesday in May.
Dedicates this Book to
Mrs. Edna Hangen
Whose HANDS have given help, Inspiration and guidance to Cary Circle for fifty years.
Responsible, Responsive Hands
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. Eccl. 9:10
President____________________Mrs. E. Lee Ozbirn
General Federation of Women’s Clubs 1734 N Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
President____________________Mrs. Wilbur Marshall
101 S. West, Leon, Ks.
President-Elect_________ Mrs. J. W. Henkle, Sr.
Box 25, Great Bend, Ks.
Vice-president_______________Mrs. D. A. Jordan
Norton, Kansas
Recording Secretary__________Mrs. Ralph DeWitt
Manhattan, Ks.
Corresponding Secretary________Mrs. G. D. Long
Wichita, Kansas
Treasurer ___________________Mrs. C. O. Waddell
Edwardsville, Ks.
President____________________Mrs. H. O. Williams.
President-Elect_____________Mrs. E. H. Cullison,
424 E. Pearl, Mulvane
Recording Secretary _________Mrs. J. R. Alison,
628 Spruce, Halstead
Treasurer ___________________ Mrs. Vern Coover,
601 S. Madison, Wichita
Corresponding Secretary ---------Mrs. Hugh Bennington,
Sumner County Officers
President ....... Mrs. D. G. Heeney, South Haven
Secretary ............ Mrs. C. A. Crews, Argonia
President ..... ...
Vice President ....
Recording Secretary
Treasurer .........
Corresponding Sec. Custodian .........
Mrs. H. H. Zimmerman RFD 2, Belle Plaine
.... Mrs. J. A. Fetters
RFD 2., Wellington
. Mrs. Wendel Ready
319 E. 11th
Mrs. Hazel Kessinger 109 E. loth
... Mrs. Ludora Kille
1716 N.B.
.... Mrs. Harriet Felt
417 S. H.
Art .................
Music ...............
Literature ............
War Veterans ........
Federation Magazine Press and Publicity Civil Defense .......
... Mrs. Kessinger
.... Mrs. Ready
... Mrs. Gilyeat
.... Mrs. Coffelt
.... Mrs. Syfert
Mrs. Zimmerman .... Mrs. Fetters
Mrs. Felt Program Mrs. Kille
Mrs. Kessinger Miss Wyckoff Social Mrs. Coffelt
Mrs. Russell Mrs. Syfert
Mrs. Vincent Mrs. Fetters
Miss Wyckoff Mrs. Hummel Flower Mrs. Vincent
Mrs. Ready Music Mrs. McCormick
Mrs. Gilyeat Mrs. Fetters Civic Mrs. Fetters
Mrs. Hangen Parliamentarian Mrs. Gilyeat Reporter Mrs. Zimmerman
Mrs. (L. L.) Murrel Gardner Coffelt
Mrs. (A. C.) Harriet Deewall Felt
Mrs. (J. A.) Golda Kirkpatrick Fetters Mrs. (E. F.) Martha Spurlock Gilyeat Mrs. (C. P.) Edna Pratt Hangen
Mrs. (0. F.) Florence Hummel
Mrs. (C.O.) Hazel Reed Kessinger
Mrs. (J. G.) Ludora Hearte Kille
Mrs. (P. E.) Laura Phelps McCormick Mrs. (Wendell) Leah Knowles Ready Mrs. (J. H.) Scottie McManis Russell Mrs. (J. M.) Eunice Clayton Slaten
Mrs. A. C.) Maude Hoge Syfert
Mrs. (H. A.) Kate Mortimer Vincent Miss Mary Olive Ward Miss Susie Wyckoff Mrs. (H. H.) Ola Evans Zimmerman
Honorary Member
Mrs. Edith Myers Martin
Federation Activities
Federation Program
Guest Day
Musical Tea
GFWC Presented Monthly
Delegates to State and District Conventions
Convention Reports
Parliamentary Law
Contributions to
Music Talent Fund
Penny Art Fund
War Veterans
Presentation of Programs
Book Review
Film on Gardens
Guest Speaker
Pertinent Issues
Order of Business
Call to Order Roll Call Program Minutes
Unfinished Business
New Business
Reports of Committees Federation News Critic’s Report Adjournment
Roll Call
Murrell Coffelt ..
Harriet Felt ...
Golda Fetters .... Martha Gilyeat ...
Edna Hangen ....
Florence Hummel Hazel Kessinger ..
Ludora Kille ...
Laura McCormick
Leah Ready .....
Scottie Russell .... Eunice Slaten ....
Maude Syfert ...
Kate Vincent ...
Susie Wyckoff .... Ola Zimmerman
.......... Garden Hints
............ Federation
............ Inventions
.... Hymns and Authors
............. New Books
................ Norway
.......... South America
.......... Current Events
............. Good T. V.
................. Music
.......... Kansas Birds
.......... Conservation
.... Medicine and Health
Community Improvement
.......... Hands in Art
............. Education
Roll Call October 3
President’s Greetings ......... Mrs. Zimmerman
Presentation of Yearbooks ............. Mrs. Felt

Hostess—Mrs. Syfert
October 17 Hands of the Past

Roll Call
Tour of "Cow Town”—Wichita Reports of District
Convention Review of G F Clubwoman
Close of Centennial Activities
Hostesses—Program Committee
November 7
Federation Day
Greetings ...................... Mrs. Zimmerman
Federation, First Hand ..... Mrs. Wilbur Marshall,
State President
Mrs. Wilbur Marshall, State President
Mrs. H. O. Williams, Fifth District President County Federated Clubs
Report of GFWC Convention
Fellowship Hall, First Methodist Church
November 21
Roll Call
Our Library .... Mrs. Fred McCoy, City Librarian
New Books ................... Mrs. Hangen
Panel —
Old Books ................... Miss Wyckoff
X l -' <t /‘■'H
December 5
Place of Meeting -- -----------City Library
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.
Psalms 19
Roll Call ................... A Christmas Verse
The Star of Bethlehem ................ Mrs. Felt
Music — Christmas Carols
Hostess—Mrs. Ready
January 2
Hands across the border.
Roll Cali
Brazil ........................... Mrs. Kessinger
Followed by discussion by members
Hostess—Mrs. Russell
January 16
... a pen in his hand ...
Roll Call
Book Review: The Autobiography of Frank M. Stahl as told and illustrated by Margaret
Whittemore ............. Mrs. J. A. Fetters
News from Federation Magazines Hostess—Mrs. Kille
February 6
Youth is not the era of wisdom,
Let us therefore have due consideration.—Rivarol
Roll Call
Youth that need helping hands ...... Mrs. Coffelt
The Youth Problem in Wellington .... Mrs. Slaten
Hostess—Mrs. Kessinger
February 20
“Happy is the home guided by loving hands.”
Roll Call
Parent problems of yesterday and
today ......................... Mrs. Russell
News from Federation Magazines
Parliamentary Drill ................ Mrs. Gilyeat
Hostess—Mrs. Felt
March 6
Gifted Hands
Music Alive and in Story ........... Mrs. Ready
Music Talent Tea Guests
March 20
“Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all in my HAND.” Tennyson
Roll Call
Gardens — Film ....................... Mrs. Kille
News from Federation Magazines
Hostess—Mrs. Gilyeat
April 3
“It takes a heart, a head and a HAND to make a home."
Roll Call
Symposium—Moral and Spiritual needs of our
Community......... Mrs. Giilyeat, Moderator
Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Vincent, Mrs. Hummel Other Cary Circle Members
State Convention April 4, 5, 6, Wichita
Hostess—Mrs. Coffelt
April 17
Roll Call
Medicine and Health ................ Mrs. Syfert
Report of State Convention News from Federation Magazines
Hostess—Mrs. Hangen
May 1
Serving Hands
Roll Call Citizenship
Presentation of Rug to Scouts ... Mrs. Ready
Installation of officers ........ Mrs. Zimmerman
Picnic at Scout Cabin
Social Committee in Charge
Cary Circle knows the circle is the sign Forever linked with qualities divine
Unity, loyalty, high thoughts bless With the circle’s endlessness.
From the circle’s perfect standard May our conduct never vary.
Let the toast go swinging around With a glorious ringing sound
Here’s to Cary, to Cary.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the seal,
Of all our aims, the good, the true, the real.
Let us not carelessly mar nor break
The pattern that we strive to make.
—May Williams Ward
*Mrs. Martha Herrick Grace *Mrs. Cordelia Woods Herrick *Mrs. Margaret H. Smith
*Mrs. Fannie M. Hunter
*Mrs. Melissa F. Ready
*Mrs. Eva Sterns Hitchcock *Mrs. Minnie Owens Richards *Mrs. Lola Brown Hunter
*Mrs. Philena Sterns Campbell *Mrs. Myrna Saylor Engle
*Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock Ward *Mrs. Fannie Miexsell Burks *Mrs. Almira Saylor Robinson *Mrs. Anna Young Garland
*Mrs. Helen Wallace Barbour Mrs. Edna Robbins Herrick
Miss Mary Olive Ward
Mrs. Edith Myers Martin
*Mrs. Lura Woods Plumb
*Mrs. Ethel Shoup Moodie
Mrs. Annie Todd Brooke
*Mrs. Clara Holliday Cobean
*Mrs. Minnie DeVaney Stayton
Mrs. May Myers Garland
*Mrs. Mabel Rogers Hackney
*Mrs. Fannie Glasgow Lynch
Mrs. Kate Mortimer Vincent
*Mrs. Katherine Chambers Wyatt *Mrs. Lula Planz Sellers
Mrs. Harriet Deewall Felt
Mrs. Edna Pratt Hangen
*Mrs. Lena Pfeifer Rush
Mrs. Laura Phelps McCormick
Mrs. Martha Spurlock Gilyeat
Mrs. Marguerite Waterman Collett Mrs. Mabel Pulford Slinker
Mrs. May Williams Ward
Mrs. Rubye Blanton Meierant
Mrs. Hazel Reed Kessinger
*Mrs. Ruth Hail White
Mrs. Dorothy Fry
The one for whom you cared With such abiding love.
Has found the wondrous shining path Up to the home above.
The home where joy forever dwells
Where loved ones but await.
For us to share their happiness Beyond the heavenly gate.
Mabel Hackney
Ruth White
Gertrude Ward
Lura Plumb
Keep us, O God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all, and oh Lord God, let us forget not, to be kind!
—Mary Stewart

Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 4" wide X 5 1/2" tall, in printed cover