Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1951-1952 - Wellington, Kansas
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Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1951-1952 - Wellington, Kansas

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Club Booklet for the Wellington, Kansas Community Cary Circle Club for 1951-1952


Cary Circle - 1951-1952


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




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Cary Circle - 1951-1952, “Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1951-1952 - Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Cary Circle
Fifth District 1951 - 1952


Aug 7
Fifty- Sixth Annual Yearbook
Aug 10
CARY CIRCLE Wellington, Kansas Fifth District 1951 - 1952
Organized 1895 Federated 1896
Moto: “Work for some good, nor idly lie within the human hive."—Alice Cary
Colors: Blue and White
Meetings: Every other Tuesday at 2:30 P. M.
October to June
Page 1
CARY CIRCLE Dedicates This Yearbook to
Its Fifty-year Members:
Mrs. E. T. Hackney and Mrs. Jacob Engle
"We fear not to follow the path they trod, Since our candle was lit from their flame."
Fage 2
Keep us, O God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and oh Lord God, let us forget not be kind!
—Mary Stewart
Page 3
Cary Circle knows the circle is the sign Forever linked with qualities divine.
Unity, loyalty, high thoughts bless With the circle’s endlessness.
From the circle’s perfect standard May our conduct never vary.
Let the toast go swinging around with a glorous ringing sound
Here’s to Cary, to Cary.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the seal,
Of all our aims, the good, the true, the real.
Let us not carelessly mar nor break The pattern that we strive to make.
—May Williams Ward
Page 4
*Mrs. Martha Herrick Grace *Mrs. Cordelia Wood Herrick *Mrs. Margaretta H. Smith *Mrs. Fannie M. Hunter *Mrs. Melissa F. Ready *Mrs. Eva Stearns Hitchcock *Mrs. Minnie Owens Richards Mrs. Lola Brown Hunter *Mrs. Philena Stearns Campbell Mrs. Myrna Saylor Engle Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock Ward &Mrs. Fannie Miexsell Burks *Mrs. Almira Saylor Robinson Mrs. Anna Young Garland *Mrs. Helen Wallace Barbour Mrs. Edna Robbins Herrick Miss Mary O. Ward Mrs. Edith Myers Martin Mrs. Lura Woods Plumb *Mrs. Ethel Shoup Moodie Mrs. Annie Todd Brooke *Mrs. Clara Holliday Cobean Mrs. Minnie Devaney Stayton Mrs. May Myers Garland Mrs. Mabel Rogers Hackney *Mrs. Fannie Glasgow Lynch Mrs. Kate Mortimer Vincent *Mrs. Katherine Chambers Wyatt Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers Mrs. Harriet Dewall Felt Mrs. Edna Pratt Hangen *Mrs. Lena Pfeifer Rush Mrs. Laura Phelps McCormick Mrs. Martha Spurlock Gilyeat Mrs. Marguerite Waterman Collett Mrs. Mabel Pulford Slinker *Deceased
Page 5
President____________Mrs. Hiram Cole Houghton
1734 N Street, N.W., Washington, D. C.
Vice-President_____________Mrs. Oscar A. Ahlgren
Whiting, Ind.
Second Vice-President__Mrs. Theodore S. Chapman Jerseyville, Illinois.
Recording Secretary________Mrs. L. J. McCaffrey
Miami, Fla.
Treasurer -------------------Mrs. R. I. C. Prout
Minneapolis, Minn.
President ........... Mrs. V. B. Ballard, Wichita
Vice-President ...... Mrs. Chas. Marcoot, Caldwell
Recording Secretary...Mrs. Dan Hopson, Phillipburg
Treasurer ............. Mrs. E. T. Beck, Dwight
Corresponding Sec.... Mrs. Wilma Baden, Wichita
President ...................... Mrs. Allen Felt
Vice-President ............ Mrs. P. D. Langerman
Secretary ................. Mrs. Leon Roembach
Treasurer ................. Mrs. Wilbur Marshall
Corresponding Secretary ........ Mrs. J. L. Cobb
Summer County
President....Mrs. D. B. Campbell, Wellington
Page 6
President .................... Mrs. M. C. Ward
* Vice-President ............. Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Recording Secretary ............. Mrs. F. W. Ross
Corresponding Secretary ...... Mrs. W. M. Martin
Treasurer ................. Mrs. C. O. Kessinger
Parliamentarian-Critic ....... Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
Custodian .................... Mrs. G. W. Ward
Press-Publicity ............... Mrs. W. M. Martin
History and Federation ........ Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Fine Arts ........................ Mrs. Allan Felt
Legislative ................... Miss Marie Sellers
International Relations ....... Mrs. S. M. Stayton
Youth Conservation ............ Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Literature ................. Mrs. Charles Garland
Citizenship ................... Mrs. Ella Taylor
American Home ................. Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Page 7
Mrs. Lawrence Cummins Mrs. Jacob Engle
Mrs. P. T. Diehl
Mrs. T. W. Ross Mrs. Roy Slinker
Mrs. Clyde Smith Mrs. Homer Humbert
Miss Mary Ward Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Civic and Public Welfare
Mrs. H. A. Vincent Miss Grace Matthews
Mrs. F. W. Sellers
Mrs. C. H. Collett Mrs. P. E. McCormick
Mrs. W. P. White
Mrs. G. W. Ward Mrs. Ella Talyor
Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Mrs. C. 0. Kessinger Mrs. C. F. Martin
Mrs. Jacob Engle
Page 8
(Mrs. C. H.) Marg'uerite Waterman Collett ....42 W (Mrs. Lawrence) Juanita Horner Cummins..1718W
(Mrs. P. T.) Lilia Gower Diehl ............1421W
(Mrs. Jacob) Myrna Saylor Engle .............213
(Mrs. A. C.) Harriet DeWall Felt ............537
(Mrs. C. J.) May Myers Garland .............265
(Mrs. E. F.) Martha Spurlock Gilyeat........160
(Mrs. E. T.) Mabel Rogers Hackney ..........206
(Mrs. C. P.) Edna Pratt Hangen ..........554W
(Mrs. R. H.) Bess Markley Humbert .. Belle Plaine
(Mrs. C. O.) Hazel Reed Kessinger .........1067W
(Mrs. C. F.) Virginia Townsend Martin ......1345
(Mrs. W. M.) Edith Myers Martin ..............90
(Miss) Grace Thayer Matthews ...............561J
(Mrs. P. E.) Laura Phelps McCormick .........477
(Mrs. F. A.) Ruby Blanton Meierant ..........947
(Mrs. H. C.) Lura Woods Plumb ...............851
(Mrs. F. W.) Olive Hutcheson Ross ..........1330
(Mrs. T. W.) Alberta McClure Ross ..........611W
(Mrs. F. W. Lulu Planz Sellers .............394
(Miss) Marie Sellers .......................394
(Mrs. R. G.) Mabel Pulford Slinker .........1430
(Mrs. Clyde) Maude Cook Smith _____________ .614
(Mrs. S. M.) Minnie DeVaney Stayton .....1274
(Mrs.) Ella Gilmore Taylor ........... ...1802W
(Mrs H. A.) Kate Mortimer Vincent ..........538W
(Mrs. G. W.) Gertrude Hitchcock Ward ........267
(Miss) Mary O. Ward ................. ...895W
(Mrs. M. C.) May Williams Ward .............1333
(Mrs. W. P.) Ruth Hail White ...... 413
Honorary Members
Mrs. Lola B. Hunter Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers
Miss Maude A. Price Mrs. Lura W. Plumb
Mrs. Eugenia S. Gambrill
Page 9
Federation Day ............................ Oct. 2
Reading of Club Constitution .............. Oct. 2
Report of General Federation Convention..........Oct. 2
Federation Speakers ........... Oct. 2 and Jan. 22
Report of District Convention ............. Oct. 16
Penny Art Fund ............................ Oct. 30
Art Tour .................................. Oct. 30
Hostess to other Clubs with guest speaker..Nov. 13
Carpet Rags for War Veterans .............. Jan. 22
Review of State Yearbook .................. Jan. 22
Personal Guest day with guest speaker ..... Mar. 4
Club Institute ............................ Mar. 18
Music Talent Tea .......................... Apr. 15
Report of KFWC Convention ................ May 13
County Federation Meeting ..................June
Items from District, State and General
Federation Magazines ............ Each Month
Friendship Scrapbook Books for Japan
Wellington Public Library
Youth Conservation
Books to H. S. Library Gift to 4-H Building Fund
Program with Youth participation .... Nov. 27 Membership in Committee for Youth Recreation Building
Participation in betterment and civic projects, patriotic celebrations and charity drives. Participation in U. N. and UNESCO.
Page 1 0
NEW PERSPECTIVES In looking at the landscape of life, we may gain “New Perspectives" by a proper focus on Religion; secure cultural breadth by means of Education and Literature, find width and depth in International Relations, and color and harmony may be obtained through Art and Music. If our vista is to include Freedom, we must view the landscape from the proper angle and have a wider horizon of understanding and appreciation.
-L. G. D.

Call to Order Roll Call Program
Unfinished Business New Business
Report of Committees Federation Reports Critic’s Report Adjournment
Page 11
October 2, 1951 A Look at Federation
"Strength United is Stronger"
Roll Call ........ Comments on Yearbook Theme
President’s Message .......... Mrs. M. C. Ward
State President’s Message .... Mrs. V. G. Ballard
GFWC Convention in Houston....... Mrs. Allan Felt
Mrs. Lawrence Cummins Reading of Club Constitution.............Mrs. R. G. Slinker
News from all Federation Magazines .........
......................... Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Music and Tea
Hostess—Mrs. F. A. Meierant October 16, 1951
A Look at Defense and Economic Security
"We are met on a great battlefield testing whether this nation or any nation so conceived can long endure.”
Roll Call ..................................
What light can I cast when shadows appear?
Women in Civil Defense ....... Mrs. C. H. Collett
Inflation is Everybodies
Business ................ Mrs. S. M. Stayton
A Benediction: “Faith For These
Times” ..................... Mrs. Floyd Ross
Report of District Convention, KFWC
Hostess—Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Page 1 2
OCTOBER 30, 1951 A Look at Art
"Nature is God’s, Art is Man’s”
Art Tour............ Sue Jean Covacevich’s Studio
Winfield, Kansas
Penny Art Fund
NOVEMBER 13, 1951
A Look at Symbols
“If you have knowledge let others light their candles by it.”
“Beads Tell Tales’ .. Mrs. W. M. Teed, Wichita
Guest Day for Wellington Federated Clubs
Presbyterian Church
Page 13
NOVEMBER 27, 1951
A Look at Youth and Citizenship
“We can build for the future through
the children of today by instilling in them a deep pride in this country of ours."
Roll Call ................. Pledge to Children
Flag Etiquette ............ Miss Grace Matthews
Round Table ...... "The Heritage of The U. S. in
Times of Crisis.”
Mrs. T. W. Ross, Miss Marie Sellers and members from Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H and High School Student Federation.
Citizenship and news from Federation magazines Mrs. Ella Taylor, Department Chairman of Citizenship.
Hostess—Mrs. F. W. Sellers
DECEMBER 11, 1951
“I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it throughout the year.”
Roll Call .......... What I want for Christmas
A playlet “Episodes of Christmas”...Mrs. Allan Felt Mrs. C. O. Kessinger, Mrs. W. P. White.
Christmas Reading ......... Miss Lynn Hatcher
Christmas Music
“My Years in Cary” ............ Mrs. Jacob Engle
News from Federation magazines..Mrs. H. C. Plumb Hostess-—Mrs. G. W. Ward
Page 14
JANUARY 8, 1952 A Look at Public Health in Kansas
"Health Means Happiness"
Roll Call ................... A Health Note
Symposium .... “How is Kansas Keeping up with
Public Health?”
Physical ......... Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Mental ........... Mrs. R. H. Humbert
Dental ........... Mrs. G. W. Ward
Public Welfare and news from Federation Magazines ....... Mrs. H. A. Vincent, Chairman of
Civic and Public Welfare
Hostess—Mrs. Lawrence Cummins
JANUARY 22, 1952
A Look at War Veterans’ Needs
“Work done in the spirit of service is equivalent to prayer.”
Roll Call ....... Do you have your carpet rags?
Our Veterans ....... Mrs. A. G. McClure, Fifth
District Chairman of War Veterans.
Mary Stewart Collect .......... Mrs. P. T. Diehl
Review of State Year Book .... Mrs. H. C. Plumb Election of Officers Carpet Rags due
Hostess—Mrs. C. 0. Kessinger
Page 15
FEBRUARY 5, 1952
A Look at Democracy
"We are breaking sod for unnumbered millions to come."
Roll Call ........ A Tradition in Our Country
A Panel: “American Folklore Speaks our American Way of Life.”
Members of Panel:
Mrs. W. M. Martin Mrs. C. F. Martin Mrs. C. P. Hangen Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Hostess—Mrs. W. P. White
FEBRUARY 19, 1952 A Look at International Relations
“The only true solution of our political and social problems lies in cultivating everywhere the spirit of brotherhood.”
Roll Call ... A sentence Prayer for our world
Speaker: International Scholarship Student at the University of Wichita, Miss Pat Gegan.
News from Federation Magazines... Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Hostess—Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Page 16
MARCH 4, 1952 A Look at Literature
“My Friends are my Treasures"
Roll Call ............................ Introduction of Guests
Poems from "Loonshadow" by the author................................
............................... Irma Wassail, Wichita
Social Hour
Personal Guest Day Hostess—Mrs. F. W. Ross
MARCH 18, 1952 A Look at Communications
"Television is the prodigy of the hour”
Roll Call .... Methods of Communications Both Old and New
The Tape That Talks Back to You ............
......................... Mrs. Clyde Smith
What are we Going to do with Television?....
......................... Mrs. R. G. Slinker
Club Institute .............. Mrs. F. W. Sellers
Hostess—Mrs. Jacob Engle
Page 17
APRIL 1, 1952
A Look at Religion at Easter
"Lo He is not here—He is risen"
Roll Call................... Easter in Verse
Book Review: "A Certain Woman” by Victor
MacClure ............... Mrs. C. J. Garland
Hostess—Mrs. P. T. Diehl
APRIL 15, 1952 Music Talent Tea
"Music is well said to be the speech of angels.” — Carlyle
Roll Call .... The first line of my favorite hymn
Hymn of the Month ............ Miss Mary Ward
Religious Music in the Home ................
.................... Mrs. P. E. McCormick
Contest Numbers by Music Audition Student
......................... Miss Phyllis Gaskill
Music Talent Fund
News from Federation Magazines .............
......................... Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Hostess—Mrs. T. W. Ross
Page 18
APRIL 29, 1952 A Look at the American Home
“This is my Father’s World”
Roll Call ......................... My Hobby
Precious Gems .............. Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Birds of America by John James Audubon ....
....................... Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
A Scenic Film ..................... Mr. 0 Rhea
Exhibit of Flowers in Antique Containers ....
.............................. Club Members
Hostess—Mrs. E. T. Hackney
MAY 13, 1952 A Look at Humor
“A Laugh is Worth a Hundred Groans in any Market.” —Charles Lamb
Roll Call ...... A line from my favorite humorist
Bennett Cerf, Humorist and Publisher ........
............................ Mrs. M. C. Ward
Report of KFWC Convention Installation of Officers Luncheon
Hostess—Mrs. A. C. Felt
Participation in Summer County Federation meeting at Oxford.
Page 19
In Memory
"To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die."

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Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 4 1/4" wide X 6" tall, in printed cover