Club Booklet - 1947-1948 Business and Professional Women's Club, Topeka, Kansas


Club Booklet - 1947-1948 Business and Professional Women's Club, Topeka, Kansas

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Kansas History--Business and Professional Women's Club of Topeka, Kansas for 1947-1948


Business and Professional Women's Booklet, Topeka, Kansas, includes the programs, topics, members, and officers for 1947-1948


Business and Professional Women's Club, Topeka, Kansas


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1947 - 1948


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1947 - 1948

Business and Professional Women's Club, Topeka, Kansas, “Club Booklet - 1947-1948 Business and Professional Women's Club, Topeka, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Business and Professional Women's Club
Topeka, Kansas
Year Book 1947 - 1948
REGULAR MEETINGS Jayhawk Hotel 6:30 p. m.
2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month
Mrs. Catherine Norton, Chairman Evelyn Helman Mamie Hanrahan
WE FACE TOMORROW with confidence as TOGETHER WE BUILD by maintaining Faith in the guidance and leadership of our National Federation.
REONA ROGERS, President.
Keep us, Oh God, from pettiness
Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face—without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common women's human heart of us all, and,
Oh, Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
—Mary Stewart.
lighting the way for all to follow.
ushering in the new era of opportunity.
carrying our message into all lands.
recording our ideals and our faith.
the Central Figure of this group.
Give us, oh God, a realization of what our Emblem stands for.
With its standards before us, may our lives be a little stronger and finer than yesterday.
May we weed out a little more of the selfishness and greed that makes our lives petty.
Help us to see the beauty of the golden circle that binds ninety-one thousand women to higher ideals in these United States.
And, oh Lord God of Hosts, may we forget not the ideals of this symbol, the beauty of art, the need of knowledge, our responsibility to the business world, the opportunity to uplift and the ever increasing need to be kind.
As a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club,
I accept, as a sacred trust, all obligations placed upon me.
I believe in the principles and purposes of the Federation of Business and Professional Women.
I will promote the interest of women, and co-operate in perpetuating the activities of the Federation.
I will do my part to create a better understanding among the women of the world.
I will protect our Federation ideals and live up to its standards in fellowship, friendship, co-operation.
I will strive always for a finer, stronger womanhood; To serve ever to the best of my ability and strength; To be true to myself, my fellow-workers and to my God.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands; one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Dues .................................$ 900.00
Special Projects ..................... 300.00
Total.................................... $1,200.00
State and National Dues...................... $ 540.00
Treasurer's Bond .................................... 5.00
International Membership ............................ 5.00
Biennial Convention Dues ............................ 1.00
State President’s Gift .............................. 1.00
"Independent Woman”— City Library 1.50
"Independent Woman”—
Washburn University Library........................ 1.50
District Conference Expense......................... 20.00
President’s Convention Expense..................... 150.00
First Vice-President’s Expense...................... 25.00
Charity and Civic Projects 150.00
Supplies and Bulletin .............................. 60.00
Program, Speakers and Guest Dinners ............... 125.00
Emergency Fund ..................................... 70.00
State President’s Visit 15.00
Corresponding Secretary’s Supplies.................. 10.00
Courtesy Fund ...................................... 20.00
Total ......................$1,200.00
Evelyn Helman Catherine Norton Lela Hough Rheinetta Dreisbach, Chairman
1st Vice-President 2nd Vice-President . . . . Recording Secretary
Treasurer .............
Corresponding Secretary Parliamentarian
........Reona Rogers
Mrs. Catherine Norton
....Mamie Hanrahar.
Mrs. Mildred Wilson
........Evelyn Helman
Mrs. Leta Cadwalader . . Mrs. Edith Johnson Mrs. Eunice Crowther Mrs. Carmen Randall
Sally Butler, Indianapolis, Indiana First Vice-President
K. Frances Scott, M.D., Northampton, Mass. Second Vice-President
Mrs. Hazel V. Peterson, Hot Springs, S. Dakota Third Vice-President
Mrs. Nina Horton Avery, Richmond, Virginia Recording Secretary
Florence V. Cartwright, Shawnee, Oklahoma Treasurer
Maude Doyle, Albuquerque, New Mexico
President, Kathryn Brenton, Marysville First Vice-President, Mrs. Irene Kelley, Atwood Second Vice-President, Hazel A. Anderson, Lawrence Treasurer, Amanda Olson, Salina Recording Secretary, Mrs. Doris Steffens, Pittsburg Corresponding Secretary, Esther Vering, Marysville Executive Secretary, Rose Gieseman, Lawrence Parliamentarian, Mrs. Kathryn Tarwater, Howard Counselor, Mrs. Jessie E. Holroyd, Sedan
Director ...........................Florence Eckert
Publicity Editor ...................Edna Richert
Executive Secretary and
KBW Business Manager Rose Gieseman
1920...................................Victoria Scott
1921 Mrs. Emma Reed Morrison
1922 .....................Lutie Embleton O’Neil
1923 .............................. Suzanne Henry
1924 ............................Dr. Elvenor Ernest
*1925 ..............................Martha Addis
1926 Mrs. Edna Crow
1927 ............................Myrtle Howard
1928 Mabel Conger
1929 ............................Mrs. Grace Buck
1933 Dr. Gladys Shutt
1932 ............................Fern Bauersfeld
1933...................................Evelyn Ford
*1934 Mrs. Della Sloan
1935 ............................. Maude V. Myers
1936 Mrs. Martha Cox
1937 .............................. Gertrude Potter
1938 Mrs. Carmen Randall
1939 .............................Mildred Chambers
1940 Claudia Hopeman
1941 ............................Zelma Williams
1942 Florence Eckert
1943 Merle Polsley
1944 Carrie Mercer
1945 ................................ Lela M. Hough
1946 .................................Inez Conley
* Deceased.
International Relations
Legislation ...........
Legislative Steering
Membership ............
News Service ..........
Program Coordination
Public Affairs.........
..........Ella Thomas
..........Edna Richert
Mrs. Rheinetta Dreisbach Helen McGhee Merle Polsley
...........Julia Cotton
Mrs. Nally Spangler
.......Mamie Hanrahan
..........Lela M. Hough
Mrs. Catherine Norton
..........Carrie Mercer
.......Lilian M. Troup
Bulletin......................................Gladys Luke
Reservations .......................Mrs. Florence Loerch
Courtesy ......................................Anna Klassen
Hostess ...............................Mrs. Mary Harris
Loan Fund ....................................Laura Straley
Social .............................................................Evelyn Finney
BOARD MEETINGS First Wednesday of Each Month Jayhawk Hotel
PROGRAM — 1947
July 23—Chicken Dinner, Social Committee M. E. Church, Perry, Kansas Evelyn Finney, Chairman.
Aug. 20—Dinner, White Lakes, Social Committee Evelyn Finney, Chairman.
Sept. 10—Program Co-Ordination Committee Mrs. Catherine Norton, Chairman.
1947-48 Plans of Action Presented by Com-mittee Chairmen.
Sept. 21—Leaders' Council
Bonner Springs, Kansas
Sept. 24—Social Hour, Lela Hough, Chairman.
Oct. 5-11—Business Women’s Week
WIBW Radio Program, Oct. 4.
Oct. 8—Helen Capps in Behalf of Charter Members Dr. Chas. W. Helsey, Speaker.
Oct. 22—Hallowe’en Party, Hostess Committee Mrs. Mary Harris, Chairman.
Oct. 25, 26—First District Conference Kansas City, Kansas.
Nov. 12—"Bosses Night”, Public Affairs Committee Carrie Mercer, Chairman.
Nov. 26—Civic Interest
Mrs. Catherine Norton, Chairman.
Dec. 14—Christmas Breakfast, Emblem Committee Edna Richert, Chairman.
PROGRAM — 1948
Jan. 14—Legislation Committee
Julia Cotton, Chairman.
Jan. 28—Legislative Steering Committee Nally Spangler, Chairman.
Feb. 11—News Service and Hostess Committees
Lela Hough and Mrs. Mary Harris, Chair-men.
Feb. 25—International Relations Committee Merle Polsley, Chairman.
Mar. 10—Safety Committee
Helen McGhee, Chairman.
Mar. 24—Education and Vocations Ella Thomas, Chairman.
April 14—Recognition of Past Presidents and Retired Members.
Coordination Committee,
Catherine Norton, Chairman.
April 28—Radio Committee
Lilian M. Troup, Chairman.
May 12—Recognition of New Members Membership Committee,
Mamie Hanrahan, Chairman.
(Elect four members of Nominating Committee.)
May 26—History Committee
Edith Johnson, Chairman.
Report of Nominating Committee.
June 4, 5, 6—State Convention, Topeka.
PROGRAM—1948 (Concluded)
June 9—Annual Meeting
Election of Officers Committee Reports.
June 23—Installation
Reona Rogers, President Courtesy Committee, Anna Klassen, Chairman.
Dates To Be Announced
Spring Luncheon—
Friendship Dinner—Altrusa Club, Hostess.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
Ahlstrom, Mae J., 1100 Topeka Blvd. 2-6789 Teacher, Randolph School.
Aley, Ella, 1509 Harrison..............2-5509
Teacher, Van Buren School.
Allen, Amy, 919 Fillmore ..............2-6536
Retired Proofreader, State Printing Plant
Allen, Jessie, 919 Fillmore............2-6536
Bookbinder, State Printing Plant.
* Anders, Betty, 409 Twiss ............3-2638 3-4171
Bookkeeper, Merchants Nat'l Bank.
Anderson, Alfarata J., 422 East 8th 2-6343 2-8205
Statistical Clerk, State Dept, of Education
Andrews, Edna, 421 Elmwood ..........3-6114
Teacher, Belvoir School.
Arnett, Corene V. (Mrs. R. Jay).......2-3993 3-4121
Asbury Apt. No. 12, 409 Huntoon. Steno-Bookkeeper, Mosby-Mack Motor Co.
Arnott, Dorothy M., 600 W. 8th, Apt. 9 3-2363
Tax Examiner, State Revenue and Tax Dept. Ext 66
Asbell, Lillian M., Kansas City, Mo.
Clerk Sportswear, Pecks Ash, Mrs. Grace Stover, 301 Klein . . 2-1565 Real Estate.
Barr, Wilma M., 1018 Taylor...........3-9140 2-0571
Statistical Clerk, Kan. Employ. Security Div. Bauersfeld, Fern, Biltmore Hotel, Okla. City 1, Okla.
State Mgr., Woodmen Circle.
*New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
*Beeks, Florence (Mrs. Chas. B.), .. 3-4977 2-8045
615 West 3rd.
Bookkeeper, U. Railroad Workers of America. Bieber, Judith, 1615 College 2-5106 6508
Health Education Director, Y.W.C.A.
Blachly, Vida R., 1315 Western 3-3652 2-8257
Clerk, State Vehicle Dept.
*Boyington, Betty H., 1240 Winfield 3-8375 2-0167
Personnel Clerk, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Bracy, Mrs. Evelyn M., 1190 Fillmore . ... 8926 3-1889
Cashier and Receptionist, Rembrandt Studio.
Bradbury, Vivian, 418 Polk St..........3-6770
Teacher, Belvoir School.
Brannan, Blanche, 1220 Clay
Sec. and Office Mgr., Winter V. A. Hospital. Brown, Gladys, 710 Monroe St.
Dining Room Supervisor, Winter V. A. Hospital
Brown, Mrs. Hazel K., 727 Taylor.......2-7740 2-8257
Clerk, State Vehicle Dept.
Buck, Grace B. (Mrs. Jay),
13155 E. McKinley, Phoenix, Arizona.
Retired Sec.-Treas. and Co-owner Insurance Co.
Burfeind, Noreen, 112 West 8th........ 3-2598 2-4872
Co-owner Heirloom Gift Shop.
Burke, Anna Marie, 1253 Garfield 2-8730 7743
Receptionist, St. Francis Hospital.
*Butterfield, Hazel, 3130 Shaddow Lane 8405 8404
Asst’ Mgr., Wolf’s Jewelry.
* New Member, + Deceased.
Home Office
Name, Address and Occupation
Butters, Belva Jane, (Mrs. Wm. F.)
834 Hedgewood ....................2-3163
Cadwalader, Leta (Mrs. Jess)
1435 Boswell .......................2-7892 3-2363
Cashier, State Revenue and Taxation Dept.
Capps, Helen, 1125 Polk 3-6182
Retired Sec’y, Public Instruction.
Carle, Rose M., 819 Mulvane .......... 2391
Stock Record Clerk, 832 AAF Supply Depot.
Chalmers, Hazel (Mrs. R. B.),
1445 Byron ........................ 2-5239
Teacher, Indian Creek School.
Chambers, Mildred J., 1509 Clay .....2-2152 2-8294
Asst. Supervisor, Elementary Education.
Coe, Mrs. Lucy B., 510 Lane........... 4344
Clerk, AT&SF Railway.
Compton, Helen M. (Mrs. Thos. O.),
1236 MacVicar ......................3-6805 2-8257
Clerk-Typist, State Motor Vehicle Dept.
Conley, Inez, Lincoln, Nebr.
Assoc. Professor, University of Nebraska.
Cook, Jen, 1420 West 3rd .............2-0470
Comptometer Operator, A.T.&S.F. Railway Co.
Corp, Mrs. Ada F., 508 West 10th 2-7236 Receptionist, Christ’s Hospital.
Cotton, Julia,
634 Topeka Ave., Apt. 103..........3-4361 2-0541
Deputy, County Assessor’s Office.
— 17—
Home Office
Name, Address and Occupation
Croft, Mrs. Lydia J., 2828 Minnesota . 6957 2-8271
Adv. Mgr., Asst. Mgr. Book Dept.,
Kansas State Teachers Assn.
Crowther, Mrs. Eunice, 419 Taylor . 3-7711 2-1801
Information Clerk, S. W. Bell Telephone Co.
*DeGroff, Gertie Ruth, 1046 MacVicar 2-4344 Auditing Dept., Blue Cross.
*Dennis, Opal, 813 West 10th......... 5194 2-4242
Bookkeeper, Alliance Co-operative Insurance Co.
Dickenson, Mrs. Lulu Palmer,
816 Madison ......................2-1763 2-1763
Owner and Mgr. Apartment—Wheat Farm.
Doig, Anna H., 1135 College ......... 6756
Retired Sec’y., Mortgage Office.
Douglas, Katheryn, 1325 Fillmore . 2-6704 9532
Relief Clerk, S. W. Bell Telephone Co.
Dowell, Clara, 1184 Collins ..........2-4801 3-2343
Salesperson, J. C. Penney Co.
Dreisbach, Rheinetta B. (Mrs. G. B.),
2820 Maryland .....................2-0238 2-7291
Sec’y., Collection and Tax Dept., Capitol Federal Savings and Loan.
Eckert, Florence, 942 Lindenwood . 3-1723 6911
Supt. Schools, Shawnee County.
Edgington, Maxine, 514 West 6th .... 2-4471 3-1829
Bookkeeper and Sec'y, Cable Spinning Equipment Co.
Elder, Laura R., 1728 Willow........... 6288 2-0543
Nurse, Kansas Crippled Children’s Home and Service League.
Elliott, Gertrude B., 1114 Taylor.....2-7038
Kansas Employment Security Div.
* New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
Elliss, Lucy, 705 Lane 8068
Retired Teacher.
Engstrand, Agnes, 900 Tyler, Apt. 207 2-8576 2-8205
Elem. Supervisor, State Supt, Public Instruction.
Finney, Bernie Mae, (Mrs. H. A.),
931 Anderson Terrace................ 9158 3-4171
Loan Teller, Merchants Nat’l Bank.
Finney, Evelyn E., 931 Anderson Terrace 9158 2-0571
Sr. Steno., Kansas Employment Security Div.
Fisher, Helen T., 3409 West 11th ... . 2-3457 Cataloger, Washburn University Library.
*Fitch, Ruth, 304 Greenwood Sec., U. S. Govt.
Fleming, Mrs. Stella A., 419 Madison 2-3037 Real Estate Rentals.
Ford, Evelyn, 1140 Garfield............2-7621 2-8416
Records Consultant, State Board of Health.
*Foresman, Audria A., 813 West 10th . 5194 2-4242
Asst. Sec'y, Alliance Co-Operative Ins. Co.
Fowler, Freida, (Mrs. A. G.),
112 West 8th .......................2-1308 2-4872
Co-owner Dr. Fowler’s Foot and Shoe Clinic.
Frazier, Loudell, (Mrs. R. P.),
1123 Harrison ......................2-9617 2-0543
Social Worker, Kansas Children’s Home and Service League.
*Gebhardt, Sarah L., O. T. R.,
Winter V. A. Hospital ..............2-4059 3-6411
Supervisor, Occupational Therapy. Ext. 109
Gilmore, Mrs. Elizabeth Kemper, 501 Tyler Owner and Mgr. Brentwood Apts.
* New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
Godin, Mrs. Ethel, 1123 Harrison 3-0655 3-2363
Office Auditor, State Sales Tax Dept.
Gordon, Gertrude, (Mrs. AL. V.),
1301 Clay........................... 2-4174
Housewife and former dancing teacher.
*Gray, Marjorie, 1421 Eden Court 2-8772 2-2323
Teacher, Randolph School.
Green, Vernis, 1211 Western ...........2-3464 2-7236
Credit Mgr., Christs’ Hospital.
Grierson, Mayme, 1253 Garfield 2-8730 7781
Clerk, Crosby Bros.
*Griswold, Mabel M., (Mrs. Chas.)
1240 Wayne ..........................2-2861 6661
Clerk Inspector, Capper Publications, Inc.
Grotewohl, Eugenia, 1718 Clay .......... 2-6318 9566
Chief Clerk Traffic Dept., S. W. Bell Tel. Co.
Hannigan, Agnes E., 1115 Tyler..........2-4429 2-8257
Clerk, Auto Theft Div., State Vehicle Dept.
Hanrahan, Mamie, 1019 Topeka 3-0552 2290
Teacher, Lincoln School.
*Hansen, Mary Gay, 617 Harrison 4-1309 5641
Bookkeeper-Steno, Updegraff Buick, Inc.
Hardsaw, Rosa, 223 Woodlawn 3-1774 2-7296
Dir. of Nursing, Jane C. Stormont Hospital.
Harris, Mary E., (Mrs. W. H.),
325 Van Buren ....................... 2-2160 3-4107
Sec., Port of Entry Section, State Corp. Comm.
Hart, Viola Grace, 1269 Lakeside Dr. 2-5627 2-7236
Dietician, Christ’s Hospital.
* New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
Haynes, Mrs. Anne, 1306 Medford 2-2138 3-2343
Clerk, J. C. Penney Co.
Heckle, Irene B., (Mrs. E. J.),
1331 Collins ........................3-2954 2-8257
Sec’y, State Vehicle Dept.
Helman, Evelyn M., 1719 W. Second . ..... 2-1334
Clerk-Steno, U. S. Soc. Sec. Admin.
Hopeman, Claudia, 971 Lindenwood 2-8919 3-6433
Asst. Mg. Editor, Kansas Gov’t Journal.
Hopkins, Mrs. Emma R., 312 West 8th 9001 7781
Saleslady, Handkerchief Dept., Crosby Bros.
Hough, Lela M., 1121 Grand.............2-4873 3-2363
Tax Examiner, State Dept, of Rev. and Taxation.
Hubbell, Mrs. Katherine, 114 East 7th 9145 2-8257
Auditing Clerk, State Motor Vehicle Dept.
Hudson, Roberta E., 1100 Topeka Blvd. 2-6156 2-8257
Cashier, State Motor Vehicle Dept.
*Humfeld, Margaret, 1014 Lincoln 3-4425 3-2969
Sec’y, St. Anne’s Westminster Presby. Church.
Hurley, Lucile, 106 Fillmore .........2-8321
Clerk, State Auditor’s Office.
Johnson, Mrs. Edith E., 518 Taylor 2-3393 2-8257
Clerk, State Vehicle Dept.
Kathrens, Mabel, 506 West 6th 6821 8485
Office Service and Supply Letter Shop.
Klassen, Anna, 1729 Lane St............2-6239 9500
Station Records Clerk, S. W. Bell Tel. Co.
Klopfer, Esther, (Mrs. Harry),
508 West 10th ......................2-5900
Cafeteria Operator.
* New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
Kratochvil, Mildred, 1268 Polk .........2-9664
Service Representative, S. W. Bell Tel. Co.
Leader, Dr. Genevra E., (Mrs. T. E.),
606 Kansas Ave........................ 8629 8629
Lee, Millie, (Mrs. A. Edward),
Throop Hotel ......................... 7768 7768
Asst. Hotel Manager.
Lee, Nellie, 216 East 7th 2-5815 2-0511
Clerk, Kansas Inspection Bureau.
Lee, Norah, 216 East 7th...............2-5815
Typist, S. W. Bell Tel. Co.
Leighty, Mrs. Stella E., 1426 Madison 3-7668 Saleslady, Crosby Bros.
Leuenberger, Loretta, (Mrs. Fritz, Jr.),
508 West 10th .......................3-1005 7738
Asst, to Husband, Gem Grocery.
Loerch, Florence, (Mrs. Charles),
113 Kansas Ave........................ 6452 6452
Co-owner and Mgr. Chesterfield Hotel.
Luke, Gladys, 1510 Kansas Ave......2-0865 4082
Clerical Work, S. W. Bell Tel. Co.
McBroom, Ann J., (Mrs. C. E.),
517 Polk ............................3-7657 2-8257
Clerk, State Motor Vehicle Dept.
McClintock, Eileen, (Mrs. E. A.),
919 Tyler ...........................3-6612 8627
Bookkeeper, Drs. Wakeman and McClintock.
McCrumb, Amy, P. O. Box 598............ 6481
Clerk, A.T.&S.F. Railway Co. Ext. 271
McGhee, Helen M., 1606 Boswell . .... 2-9404 3-6411
Instructor Ceramics, Winter V. A. Hosp. Ext. 174
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
McLenon, Mary G., 920 Washburn 5881 2-4338
Office Mgr., Grayce Shop.
Manlove, Catherine, (Mrs. Chas. G.),
1107 Wayne................................................3-1420 3-6176
Co-Owner Willis-Overland Co., Inc.
Mercer, Carrie A., 1116 Wabash 2-0429
Relief Clerk, S. W. Bell Tel. Co.
Milburn, Frances S., (Mrs. P. J.),
614 Roosevelt Ave.........................................2-0320 2-8223
Sec.-Treas., W. L. Hamilton and Associates, Inc.
Mitchell, Mabel, 109 Fillmore ...............................2-5244 5687
Office Mgr., Topeka Chamber of Commerce.
Montieth, Anne R., 700 Fillmore ..........2-0185
Retired, Former H. S. Math Teacher.
Moore, Nina F., 1012 Western.................................. 8048
Retired Teacher.
Morgan, Betty, (Mrs. C. P.),
908 West 4th .............................................2-0087 8173
Beautician, Vel Rene Shop.
Moseman, Anna, 108 East 8th..................................2-3083 3-1331
Saleslady, Berksons.
Myers, Maud V., 1113 Quincy .......................2-0124 2-8257
Clerk, Kansas Motor Vehicle Dept.
Norton, Catherine Austin, (Mrs. Thos. H.),
915 Western ..............................................3-3445
Proofreading Dept., State Printing Plant.
Nygren, Gladys, 2632 Michigan ............ 2-7573
Music Supervisor, Highland Park High School.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
*Park, Marie, (Mrs. Jerry),
506 West 6th .......................2-3584
Receptionist and Clerk, State Livestock Sanitary Comm.
*Pitman, Goldie, 917 West 10th 2-7303 2-4044
Teacher Quincy School.
Polsley, Genie Merle, 110 N. Fillmore 2-0755 8511
Rate Clerk, C.R.I.P. Railway Co.
Potter, Gertrude, RR No. 1............. 7231
Retired, Owner Lumber Co.
Pougher, Kate C., 718 Kansas Ave. 2-7185 2-7185
Owner Pougher Corset Shop, 114 West 8th.
Prell, Irene K., 1621 Clay............. 4630
Retired, Government Employee.
Putnam, Mrs. Louise Gibson,
1323 W. 7th.........................2-2618 2-2618
Teacher, Expression and Speech.
Quick, Lula Mae, 1126 Taylor...........3-6980 2-0571
Acct. Clerk, Kansas Employment Security Div.
Randall, Carmen, (Mrs. Graydon H.),
1018 Topeka Blvd....................2-0343 2-9219
Executive Sec’y, Topeka Addressing Co.
*Ray, Mrs. Carrie, 423 Jewell ......... 5331 6401
Mgr. Hosiery Dept.. Pelletiers.
Richardson, Mrs. Pearl, 214 N. Main, Pratt, Kansas Dist. Information Officer, OPA.
Richardson, Mrs. Kate, 429 Harrison Sewing Supervisor.
Richert, Edna H., 1630 Fillmore 2-4602 2-9012
Agent Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co.
* New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation Home Office
Roberston, Mrs. Edith, 3620 York Way 2-3613 6212
Sec. to Chief Justice W. W. Harvey,
Kansas Supreme Court.
Rogers, Reona, 1314 West 7th 3-1815 3-4105
Credit Mgr., Adams Bros. Salesbook Co.
Rucker, Hazel, 1114 Taylor .............2-7038 2-7286
Bookkeeper, State Auditor’s Office.
Sacher, Sara, 1800 East 21st............3-6295 2-0561
Nurse, SBA Hospital.
Sawyer, Lillian, 1120 Quincy ...........2-6216 3-3465
Office Mgr., Hill Livestock Co.
Shellhorn, Nina J., 506 West 6th 6821
Teacher, Lincoln School.
Sheppard, Ella M., (Mrs. C. W.),
231 Broadmoor ....................... 2-0374 9327
Manager Graysons.
Snyder, Ada L., 312 West 8th ......... 9001 9001
Manager Hadden Hall.
Solomon, Mrs. Esther, 1314 West 7th 3-1815 Clerk, Palace Clothing Co.
Soper, Pearl L., (Mrs. Roscoe E.),
612 Topeka ...........................3-8219 5641
Office Mgr., Updegraff Buick Co.
Spangler, Nally, (Mrs. Chas. H.),
316 Harrison ........................ 2-8303 3-5089
Teacher, Belvoir School.
Starr, Mrs. Ruth E., 902 West 8th 3-1130
Sec’y to State Bldg. and Loan Commissioner.
Straley, Laura, 918 Madison .............2-2934 5220
Fred Straley Insurance Service.
Home Office
Name, Address and Occupation
Swan, Gertrude, (Mrs. M.),
615 West 17th ......................2-5568
Acct. Dept., International Harvester Co.
Thomas, Mrs. Carrie, 723 Tyler 2-8257
Clerk, State Vehicle Dept.
Thomas, Ella I., 611 West 8th 7248 3-1351
Sales and Tax Clerk, Kansas Power and Light Co.
Thurber, Elsie, 519 Washburn...........2-3180
Retired, Sec'y, Kansas Fire Inspection Dept.
Townsend, Mrs. Florence, 915 Mulvane 3-4698 Retired.
Trott, Mrs. Helen E., 1625 Wayne 3-1856 5518
Stenographer, Masonic Grand Lodge.
*Truelove, Rhoda, (Mrs. J. E.),
1429 N. Kansas ..................... 5336 5336
Sec’y, Co-owner Paint and Decoration Contracting Co.
Troup, Lilian M., 1218 West 6th........2-4308 3-1365
Informational Representative, State Highway Comm.
Warren, Helen Dorgan, (Mrs. Lewis W.)
303 East 6th ........................3-2757 3-5089
Teacher, Belvoir School.
*Weir, Vivian, 1007 West 6th.......... 2-2990
Teacher, Lincoln School.
Wellman, Ethel, (Mrs. A. O.),
1208 West 10th ...................... 9077
Retired, A.T.&S.F. Employee.
Wells, Lillie Mae, 1129 N. Jackson 6090 9500
Relief Clerk, S. W. Bell Tel. Co.,
*WelIs, Rhoda, 607 West 10th............ 5780 3-6411
Asst. Finance Officer, Winter V. A. Hosp. Ext. 155 * New Member.
Name, Address and Occupation
Home Office
Westerstrom, Edna G., 635 Van Buren 6508
Executive Director, YWCA.
Wheeler, Crystal, 624 Taylor .......... 2-8261
Statistical Clerk, State Labor Dept.
Whetstone, Clara, (Mrs. W. E.),
1033 Oakley .........................2-2126 8531
Mgr., Retail Shoes and Repairs, Whetstone Shoe Co.
White, Mrs. Amelia, 153 N. Clay........2-6195
Alteration Dept., Palace Clothing Co.
Willcutts, Eva E. (Mrs. Byron),
429 Taylor ..........................2-1814 6936
Mfgr. XXXX Horseradish Products.
Williams, Zelma, 1015 Fillmore .........2-0291
Teacher, Grant School.
Willits, Maud, 1035 Fillmore ...........3-4437 6401
Mgr. Smart Shop, Pelletiers.
Wilson, Mrs. Mildred H. W.,
600 West 8th, Apt. 11............... 3-2363
Tax Examiner, State Income Tax Div. Ext. 66
Wright, Mrs. Hazel Heikes,
1111 W. 7th ........................2-7345
Instructor in Educ. Retraining, Winter V. A. Hosp.
*WuIfkuhIe, Rosemary, 220 Kendall . . 9151 3-4171
Bookkeeper, Merchants Nat'l Bank.
* New Member.

Original Format

Bound, printed, and stapled booklet, 4.0" wide and 6.0" tall