Club Booklet - Atheneum Club - 1941-1942 of Wellington, Kansas
Collection: Atheneum Club
Club Booklet - Atheneum Club - 1941-1942 of Wellington, Kansas
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Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Atheneum Club Booklet, Wellington, Kansas. Includes the programs, topics, and members for the years 1940-1941
Atheneum Club
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Atheneum Club, “Club Booklet - Atheneum Club - 1941-1942 of Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
Wellington, Kansas
Aug 7
Ap 18
Atheneum Club
* *
Organized and Federated February 13, 1934
* *
Meetings: Every Second and Fourth Tuesday from October to May, at 2:30 P. M.
* *
Motto: Look Ahead, Think Ahead Work Ahead
* *
Colors: Blue and White
* *
Flower: Sweet Pea
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us he large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always be generous.
Let us take time for all things, make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all; and, oh, Lord God, let us not forget to be kind!
— Mary Stewart.
1. Thou shalt have no other clubs before
this one.
2. Thou shalt not covet office.
3. Remember thy club engagements.
4. Honor thy club sisters.
5. Thou shalt not murder the King’s English.
6. Thou shalt be present at roll call.
7. Thou shalt not at the eleventh hour begin
to hunt material for thy paper.
8. Thou shalt strive to realize that it is the
little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one.
9. Thou shalt never be hasty in thy judg-
ment of others; nor forget to be kind.
10. Thou shalt diligently keep these commandments so that thy club days may be lengthened and thy fame spread unto the uttermost parts of clubdom.
. . . Mrs. Robert J. Burdette.
President - - Gladys Clark
Vice President - - Winifred Rogers
Secretary - - Viola McCullough
Treasurer - - Bertha Harmon
Critic - - Mary Louise Elsass
Historian, Librarian, Reporter - Verna Jaggers
* *
Year Book and Program
Coral Pyles, Chairman
Garnett Moss Edith Hill Mary Louise Elsass Social
Ann Smith, Chairman Addie Nance Bertha Harmon
Atheneum Girl
Retta Fetters, Chairman, First Semester Winifred Rogers, Chairman, Second Semester
Gladys Clark (Mrs. E. M.) - 211 East 15th
Jo Dawe (Mrs. Tom) - - 715 North C
Mary Louise Elsass (Mrs. Ralph) 1423 N. Wash. Retta Fetters (Mrs. H. E.) - 916 North B
Bertha Harmon (Mrs. Ray) - 216 East 15th
Edith Hill (Mrs. Howard) - 707 West Harvey
Ruth Hill (Mrs. James) - 301 East Harvey
Verna Jaggers (Mrs. R. E.) - 701 North C
Viola McCullough (Mrs. C. R.) - 600 N. Poplar Esther McNair (Mrs. Floyd) - 115 North A
Garnett Moss (Mrs. H. G.) - 801 West Harvey
Addie Nance (Mrs. Joe) - 604 N. Wash.
Coral Pyles (Mrs. Bernard) - 319 East 9th
Winifred Rogers (Mrs. Karl) - 1205 North C
Ann Smith (Mrs. A. J.) - - 811 West 8th
Associate Members
Thelma Knowles (Mrs. Porter) - 511 W. Lincoln Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. Ted) - 312 East 11th
Daze Worden (Mrs. Chas.) - 310 East Lincoln
Atheneum Girls
Ruth Ann Miller - - 1937-3 8
Dorothy Carter - 1938-39
Mildred Mayberry - - 1939-40
Letha Phillips - - - 1940-41
Velda Berger - - - 1941-42
Call to Order Roll Call Club Collect Reading of Minutes Committee Reports Communications Unfinished Business New Business Program
* *
Parliamentary Law is common sense in a dress suit. — Emma A. Fox
Fifth District News - Gladys Clark Do’s and Don’ts Jo Dawe
Late Inventions - Mary Louise Elsass Antiques ... Retta Fetters Our Former Club Members - Bertha Harmon Club Autobiography - - Edith Hill
Celebrities - - - Ruth Hill
Recent Books - - Verna Jaggers
Current Events - Viola McCullough The Constitution - - Esther McNair
Correct English - - Garnett Moss
Proverbs - Addie Nance
Recipes - - Coral Pyles
Parliamentary Pointers - Winifred Rogers
Pets and Hobbies of Club Members, Ann Smith
Husband’s Picnic
Ladies in slacks
Should not turn their backs.
—Gwyneth Cabb
Place—Melody Bowl Time—7:00 P. M.
Roll Call - - Introducing Husbands
Hostesses: Gladys Clark, Social Committee
* *
President’s Day
"Let us watch well our beginnings and results will manage themselves."
Recipe for a Good Clubwoman
1 lb initiative 1 lb enthusiasm
10 ozs imagination 2 lbs ambition
2 lbs devotion 2 lbs love of
1 lb efficiency fellowmen
Mix well with friendship, unselfishness and cooperation. Pour into a well-greased pan and stand in a sunshiny place. Partake of it every day of the year.
Roll Call
President’s Greeting - Gladys Clark
Response - - Winifred Rogers
Vacation Notes - - Club Members
Hostess: Mary Louise Elsass
Hitler and the Nazi
He must have a sixth sense—there's no sign of the other five—Beirne Lay, Jr.
Roll Call
Adolf Hitler - - Bertha Harmon
“You Can’t Do Business with
Hitler” - - Addie Nance
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Retta Fetters
* *
Christmas Party
"Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, and the genial fire of charity in the heart."
Roll Call
Christmas Above and Below the
Equator - Mary Louise Elsass
Churches, Cathedrals and Yuletide
Devotions - Esther McNair Critic’s Report
Entertainment - - Social Committee
Hostesses: Verna Jaggers, Edith Hill
Never judge a book by its movie.—J. W. Eagan
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. John Walter Garland Hostess: Bertha Harmon
* *
I love to see her laugh;
So much of her has a good time
—Al Pearce
“Unforgettable Characters” Viola McCullough
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Addie Nance
"I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one,
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one."
Roll Call
“What is Your Intemperance?” - Edith Hill
“What Makes Sammy Run?” - Coral Pyles
Critic’s Report
Hostess; Esther McNair
* *
Guest Day . . Birthday Party
The Arts
Art is the expression of man's delight in God's work.—Ruskin
Roll Call - - Introduction of Guests
Program - - Guest Artists
Hostesses: Winifred Rogers, Coral Pyles
he Home
She believes the only way to hold a man is down.—Lee Shippy.
“I would Not Divorce Him Now” - Jo Dawe
“The Character of My Children” - Ann Smith
“Holding a Baby” - Virginia Slothower
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Ruth Hill
* *
South America
“We need not exchange ideals with the people of other nations, but we can learn something from each other."
Roll Call
Better South American Relations, Verna Jaggers
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Ann Smith
Slowly and sadly they climb the distant mountains and read their doom in the setting sun. — Sprague.
Roll Call
Indian Tribes and Folklore - Garnett Moss
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Viola McCullough
* *
The High Cost of Living
It is not good business unless both buyer and seller gain by it.—Henry Ford
Roll Call
Balancing the Home Budget
Consumer’s Education
Fabrics Canned Goods Drugs
Winifred Rogers
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Garnett Moss
Where liberty dwells—there is my country.—Franklin
Roll Call
The Fifth Column - - Ruth Hill
Alien Registration and Fingerprinting - - Retta Fetters
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Jo Dawe
* *
MAY 12
Annual Luncheon
“Give me the end of the year;
It's fun—
When all the worryin'
And study in' is done,"
Roll Call
Club History
“Goodbye” - - Velda Berger
“We Welcome You” - The President
“I Accept” - - New Atheneum Girl
Committee Reports
Installation of Officers
* *
No Apologies
“If you don’t like these programs And their dryness makes you groan, Just stroll around occasionally With some that are your own.”
—Year Book Committee
ATHENEUM — “An institution or club devoted to the study of literature, science and art."
“Look ahead, think ahead, work ahead.”
* *
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be “The Atheneum Club.”
Article II. Object
The object of this club shall be to furnish opportunity of self-culture, to encourage cooperation in local civic projects and to promote consideration of subjects of general interest.
Article III. Members
Section 1. Any woman may become a member of this club upon election to membership by the club and the payment of annual dues.
Sec. 2. The membership of the club shall be limited to fifteen active members; and not more than five associate members, who may serve for
two years.
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. The officers of this club shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and a Reporter, who shall also be Club Historian.
Sec. 2. Such officers shall be elected annually, at the second meeting in January, and they shall assume their respective duties at the close of the meeting in May.
Sec. 3. Nominations shall be made by a Nominating Committee.
Sec. 4. If a vacancy occurs in any office between elections, an election to fill such vacancy shall be for the unexpired term.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. The Atheneum Club shall meet every alternate Tuesday from the second Tuesday of October to May except the Tuesday nearest Christmas. The meeting time shall be from 2:30 to 4:30.
Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Article VI. Annual Dues
The amount per capita of annual dues shall be determined by a vote of the members at the first regular meeting of the year, and the said dues, with such assessments as may be recommended by
the Executive Committee, shall be paid within one month thereafter.
Article VII. Quorum
Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VIII. Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, the amendment having been proposed at least two weeks previously.
* *
Article I. Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee, and shall appoint committees, call special meetings, approve by her signature all orders drawn by the Secretary upon the Treasurer, and exercise supervision over all affairs of the club.
Sec. 2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume the duties of that office.
Sec. 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the Executive Committee, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for the payment of money, approved by the President.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each member upon her reception into the club.
Sec. 4. The Corresponding Secretary will send a written notice to all persons elected to membership to the club, shall conduct all correspondence, and attend to such other duties as are customary to the office.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds belonging to the club, and shall disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee; all orders for the payment of money to be drawn by the Recording Secretary, approved by the President. Previous to the last meeting of the year she shall prepare and submit to the Executive Committee for audit, a detailed account of the receipts and expenditures of the year, which account, duly audited, shall be presented to the club at its last meeting.
Sec. 6. The Reporter shall report to the local paper any items of interest regarding the meeting of the club, and shall report to the Kansas Clubwoman any program of special interest.
The Historian shall aid in compiling club historical value regarding the club and community.
Article II. Committees
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the club. It shall be the duty of the committee to examine names proposed for membership, to propose amendments to the
Constitution and By-Laws, and to have full charge of the business affairs of the club. The members of this committee present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 2. Committees may be appointed by the President, as the need arises, and as such committees are approved by the Executive Board of the club.
Sec. 3. The Year Book Committee of three shall be appointed by the new Vice President, who automatically becomes chairman of said committee, such committee to prepare the year book for the following year and have it ready to present to the members by the last meeting of the year or the first meeting of the new year.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. New members shall be admitted by ballot. Each vacancy shall be filled by one candidate (no alternate).
Sec. 2. Three votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership. Prospective members may be placed upon a waiting list.
Article IV. Special Membership
Section 1. Honorary Membership may be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the club. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the club. They shall not be required to pay dues, but shall pay their per capita share of the social meetings they attend. If they desire, they may be assigned program work. Absence fines may not be levied against them.
Sec. 2. A member temporarily absent from the city or with another reasonable excuse may retain her membership in the club by paying her annual dues and providing for her program numbers and paying absentee fees for three consecutive meetings.
Sec. 3. Any member removing from the city may retain a non-resident membership by paying her annual dues.
Sec. 4. All associate members pay fifty cents yearly dues, and if a year book is desired, they purchase it at the regular club price.
Article V. Miscellaneous
Section 1. Members must prepare assigned work on the program, or provide substitute.
Sec. 2. A fine of ten cents shall be imposed for absence.
Sec. 3. A fine of five cents shall be imposed for tardiness.
Sec. 4. Our parliamentary authority shall be Parliamentary Usage for Women’s Clubs, by Mrs. Emma A. Fox.
Article VI. Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided a two weeks notice of the proposed amendment has been given.
Original Format
Bound, printed, and stapled booklet, 4 1/4" wide and 6 1/4" tall
Club Booklet - Atheneum Club - 1941-1942 of Wellington, Kansas
Scroll down to view and search inside this booklet
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Atheneum Club Booklet, Wellington, Kansas. Includes the programs, topics, and members for the years 1940-1941
Atheneum Club
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Atheneum Club, “Club Booklet - Atheneum Club - 1941-1942 of Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
Wellington, Kansas
Aug 7
Ap 18
Atheneum Club
* *
Organized and Federated February 13, 1934
* *
Meetings: Every Second and Fourth Tuesday from October to May, at 2:30 P. M.
* *
Motto: Look Ahead, Think Ahead Work Ahead
* *
Colors: Blue and White
* *
Flower: Sweet Pea
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us he large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always be generous.
Let us take time for all things, make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all; and, oh, Lord God, let us not forget to be kind!
— Mary Stewart.
1. Thou shalt have no other clubs before
this one.
2. Thou shalt not covet office.
3. Remember thy club engagements.
4. Honor thy club sisters.
5. Thou shalt not murder the King’s English.
6. Thou shalt be present at roll call.
7. Thou shalt not at the eleventh hour begin
to hunt material for thy paper.
8. Thou shalt strive to realize that it is the
little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one.
9. Thou shalt never be hasty in thy judg-
ment of others; nor forget to be kind.
10. Thou shalt diligently keep these commandments so that thy club days may be lengthened and thy fame spread unto the uttermost parts of clubdom.
. . . Mrs. Robert J. Burdette.
President - - Gladys Clark
Vice President - - Winifred Rogers
Secretary - - Viola McCullough
Treasurer - - Bertha Harmon
Critic - - Mary Louise Elsass
Historian, Librarian, Reporter - Verna Jaggers
* *
Year Book and Program
Coral Pyles, Chairman
Garnett Moss Edith Hill Mary Louise Elsass Social
Ann Smith, Chairman Addie Nance Bertha Harmon
Atheneum Girl
Retta Fetters, Chairman, First Semester Winifred Rogers, Chairman, Second Semester
Gladys Clark (Mrs. E. M.) - 211 East 15th
Jo Dawe (Mrs. Tom) - - 715 North C
Mary Louise Elsass (Mrs. Ralph) 1423 N. Wash. Retta Fetters (Mrs. H. E.) - 916 North B
Bertha Harmon (Mrs. Ray) - 216 East 15th
Edith Hill (Mrs. Howard) - 707 West Harvey
Ruth Hill (Mrs. James) - 301 East Harvey
Verna Jaggers (Mrs. R. E.) - 701 North C
Viola McCullough (Mrs. C. R.) - 600 N. Poplar Esther McNair (Mrs. Floyd) - 115 North A
Garnett Moss (Mrs. H. G.) - 801 West Harvey
Addie Nance (Mrs. Joe) - 604 N. Wash.
Coral Pyles (Mrs. Bernard) - 319 East 9th
Winifred Rogers (Mrs. Karl) - 1205 North C
Ann Smith (Mrs. A. J.) - - 811 West 8th
Associate Members
Thelma Knowles (Mrs. Porter) - 511 W. Lincoln Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. Ted) - 312 East 11th
Daze Worden (Mrs. Chas.) - 310 East Lincoln
Atheneum Girls
Ruth Ann Miller - - 1937-3 8
Dorothy Carter - 1938-39
Mildred Mayberry - - 1939-40
Letha Phillips - - - 1940-41
Velda Berger - - - 1941-42
Call to Order Roll Call Club Collect Reading of Minutes Committee Reports Communications Unfinished Business New Business Program
* *
Parliamentary Law is common sense in a dress suit. — Emma A. Fox
Fifth District News - Gladys Clark Do’s and Don’ts Jo Dawe
Late Inventions - Mary Louise Elsass Antiques ... Retta Fetters Our Former Club Members - Bertha Harmon Club Autobiography - - Edith Hill
Celebrities - - - Ruth Hill
Recent Books - - Verna Jaggers
Current Events - Viola McCullough The Constitution - - Esther McNair
Correct English - - Garnett Moss
Proverbs - Addie Nance
Recipes - - Coral Pyles
Parliamentary Pointers - Winifred Rogers
Pets and Hobbies of Club Members, Ann Smith
Husband’s Picnic
Ladies in slacks
Should not turn their backs.
—Gwyneth Cabb
Place—Melody Bowl Time—7:00 P. M.
Roll Call - - Introducing Husbands
Hostesses: Gladys Clark, Social Committee
* *
President’s Day
"Let us watch well our beginnings and results will manage themselves."
Recipe for a Good Clubwoman
1 lb initiative 1 lb enthusiasm
10 ozs imagination 2 lbs ambition
2 lbs devotion 2 lbs love of
1 lb efficiency fellowmen
Mix well with friendship, unselfishness and cooperation. Pour into a well-greased pan and stand in a sunshiny place. Partake of it every day of the year.
Roll Call
President’s Greeting - Gladys Clark
Response - - Winifred Rogers
Vacation Notes - - Club Members
Hostess: Mary Louise Elsass
Hitler and the Nazi
He must have a sixth sense—there's no sign of the other five—Beirne Lay, Jr.
Roll Call
Adolf Hitler - - Bertha Harmon
“You Can’t Do Business with
Hitler” - - Addie Nance
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Retta Fetters
* *
Christmas Party
"Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, and the genial fire of charity in the heart."
Roll Call
Christmas Above and Below the
Equator - Mary Louise Elsass
Churches, Cathedrals and Yuletide
Devotions - Esther McNair Critic’s Report
Entertainment - - Social Committee
Hostesses: Verna Jaggers, Edith Hill
Never judge a book by its movie.—J. W. Eagan
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. John Walter Garland Hostess: Bertha Harmon
* *
I love to see her laugh;
So much of her has a good time
—Al Pearce
“Unforgettable Characters” Viola McCullough
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Addie Nance
"I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one,
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one."
Roll Call
“What is Your Intemperance?” - Edith Hill
“What Makes Sammy Run?” - Coral Pyles
Critic’s Report
Hostess; Esther McNair
* *
Guest Day . . Birthday Party
The Arts
Art is the expression of man's delight in God's work.—Ruskin
Roll Call - - Introduction of Guests
Program - - Guest Artists
Hostesses: Winifred Rogers, Coral Pyles
he Home
She believes the only way to hold a man is down.—Lee Shippy.
“I would Not Divorce Him Now” - Jo Dawe
“The Character of My Children” - Ann Smith
“Holding a Baby” - Virginia Slothower
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Ruth Hill
* *
South America
“We need not exchange ideals with the people of other nations, but we can learn something from each other."
Roll Call
Better South American Relations, Verna Jaggers
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Ann Smith
Slowly and sadly they climb the distant mountains and read their doom in the setting sun. — Sprague.
Roll Call
Indian Tribes and Folklore - Garnett Moss
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Viola McCullough
* *
The High Cost of Living
It is not good business unless both buyer and seller gain by it.—Henry Ford
Roll Call
Balancing the Home Budget
Consumer’s Education
Fabrics Canned Goods Drugs
Winifred Rogers
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Garnett Moss
Where liberty dwells—there is my country.—Franklin
Roll Call
The Fifth Column - - Ruth Hill
Alien Registration and Fingerprinting - - Retta Fetters
Critic’s Report
Hostess: Jo Dawe
* *
MAY 12
Annual Luncheon
“Give me the end of the year;
It's fun—
When all the worryin'
And study in' is done,"
Roll Call
Club History
“Goodbye” - - Velda Berger
“We Welcome You” - The President
“I Accept” - - New Atheneum Girl
Committee Reports
Installation of Officers
* *
No Apologies
“If you don’t like these programs And their dryness makes you groan, Just stroll around occasionally With some that are your own.”
—Year Book Committee
ATHENEUM — “An institution or club devoted to the study of literature, science and art."
“Look ahead, think ahead, work ahead.”
* *
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be “The Atheneum Club.”
Article II. Object
The object of this club shall be to furnish opportunity of self-culture, to encourage cooperation in local civic projects and to promote consideration of subjects of general interest.
Article III. Members
Section 1. Any woman may become a member of this club upon election to membership by the club and the payment of annual dues.
Sec. 2. The membership of the club shall be limited to fifteen active members; and not more than five associate members, who may serve for
two years.
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. The officers of this club shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and a Reporter, who shall also be Club Historian.
Sec. 2. Such officers shall be elected annually, at the second meeting in January, and they shall assume their respective duties at the close of the meeting in May.
Sec. 3. Nominations shall be made by a Nominating Committee.
Sec. 4. If a vacancy occurs in any office between elections, an election to fill such vacancy shall be for the unexpired term.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. The Atheneum Club shall meet every alternate Tuesday from the second Tuesday of October to May except the Tuesday nearest Christmas. The meeting time shall be from 2:30 to 4:30.
Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Article VI. Annual Dues
The amount per capita of annual dues shall be determined by a vote of the members at the first regular meeting of the year, and the said dues, with such assessments as may be recommended by
the Executive Committee, shall be paid within one month thereafter.
Article VII. Quorum
Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VIII. Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, the amendment having been proposed at least two weeks previously.
* *
Article I. Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee, and shall appoint committees, call special meetings, approve by her signature all orders drawn by the Secretary upon the Treasurer, and exercise supervision over all affairs of the club.
Sec. 2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume the duties of that office.
Sec. 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the Executive Committee, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for the payment of money, approved by the President.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each member upon her reception into the club.
Sec. 4. The Corresponding Secretary will send a written notice to all persons elected to membership to the club, shall conduct all correspondence, and attend to such other duties as are customary to the office.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds belonging to the club, and shall disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee; all orders for the payment of money to be drawn by the Recording Secretary, approved by the President. Previous to the last meeting of the year she shall prepare and submit to the Executive Committee for audit, a detailed account of the receipts and expenditures of the year, which account, duly audited, shall be presented to the club at its last meeting.
Sec. 6. The Reporter shall report to the local paper any items of interest regarding the meeting of the club, and shall report to the Kansas Clubwoman any program of special interest.
The Historian shall aid in compiling club historical value regarding the club and community.
Article II. Committees
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the club. It shall be the duty of the committee to examine names proposed for membership, to propose amendments to the
Constitution and By-Laws, and to have full charge of the business affairs of the club. The members of this committee present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 2. Committees may be appointed by the President, as the need arises, and as such committees are approved by the Executive Board of the club.
Sec. 3. The Year Book Committee of three shall be appointed by the new Vice President, who automatically becomes chairman of said committee, such committee to prepare the year book for the following year and have it ready to present to the members by the last meeting of the year or the first meeting of the new year.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. New members shall be admitted by ballot. Each vacancy shall be filled by one candidate (no alternate).
Sec. 2. Three votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership. Prospective members may be placed upon a waiting list.
Article IV. Special Membership
Section 1. Honorary Membership may be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the club. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the club. They shall not be required to pay dues, but shall pay their per capita share of the social meetings they attend. If they desire, they may be assigned program work. Absence fines may not be levied against them.
Sec. 2. A member temporarily absent from the city or with another reasonable excuse may retain her membership in the club by paying her annual dues and providing for her program numbers and paying absentee fees for three consecutive meetings.
Sec. 3. Any member removing from the city may retain a non-resident membership by paying her annual dues.
Sec. 4. All associate members pay fifty cents yearly dues, and if a year book is desired, they purchase it at the regular club price.
Article V. Miscellaneous
Section 1. Members must prepare assigned work on the program, or provide substitute.
Sec. 2. A fine of ten cents shall be imposed for absence.
Sec. 3. A fine of five cents shall be imposed for tardiness.
Sec. 4. Our parliamentary authority shall be Parliamentary Usage for Women’s Clubs, by Mrs. Emma A. Fox.
Article VI. Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided a two weeks notice of the proposed amendment has been given.
Original Format
Bound, printed, and stapled booklet, 4 1/4" wide and 6 1/4" tall