Club Booklet - 1958-1959 Business and Professional Women's Club, Wellington, Kansas


Club Booklet - 1958-1959 Business and Professional Women's Club, Wellington, Kansas

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Kansas History--Business and Professional Woman's Club Booklet for Wellington, Kansas -- 1958-1959


Business and Professional Women's Booklet, Wellington, Kansas, includes the programs, topics, members, and officers for 1958-1959


Business and Professional Women's Club, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection








1958 - 1959

Business and Professional Women's Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - 1958-1959 Business and Professional Women's Club, Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Business and Professional Women's Club
Wellington, Kansas
Fifth District
What Is A Woman’s Club?
A place where kindly thoughts are cherished;
Where high ideals are fed and nourished;
Where charity in all its beauty Is held to be a sacred duty Where peace and harmony abound,
And members meet on common ground.
LOCAL CLUB THEME "Achieve Through Loyalty”
Time: 7:00 P.M. - First Monday of each
Board Meeting - Fourth Monday of each
Date Committee Place
July 7 Executive Club Room
Aug. 26 Tri City Picnic Winfield
Sept. 3 Membership Club Room
Oct. 6 Legislation Club Room
Nov. 3 Internat’l Relations
Dec. 1 Hospitality Club Room
Jan. 5 Nat'l Security Club Room
Feb. 2 Health & Safety Club Room
Mar. 2 Career Advancement Club Room
Apr. 6 Emblem Club Room
May 4 Club Room-Finance
Project Club Room
June 1 History & Installation
Club Room
(subject to change)
To elevate the standards for women in business and the professions.
To promote the interests of business and professional women.
To bring about a spirit of cooperation among the business and professional women of the United States.
To extend opportunities to business and professional women through education along lines of industrial, scientific and vocational activities.
As a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club,
I accept, as a sacred trust, all obligations placed upon me.
I believe in the principles and purposes of the Federation of Business and Professional Women.
I will promote the interest of women, and co-operate in perpetuating the activities of the Federation.
I will do my part to create a better understanding among the women of the world.
I will protect our Federation ideals and live up to its standards in fellowship, friendship, co-operation.
I will strive always for a finer,
stronger womanhood: to serve ever to the best of my ability and strength; to be true to myself, my fellow-workers and to my God.
President ------ Grace B. Daniels
1st Vice President — Fannie Hardy 2nd Vice President - Katherine Peden 3rd Vice President - Minnie C. Miles Rec'd. Secretary- Helen E. Reisinger Treasurer — Dorothy B. Brimacombe
State Officers
President ------ Mrs. Jo N. Myers
1st Vice President -Mrs. Pat Wilhite 2nd Vice President- Mrs.Velma Wooster Rec’d. Secretary — Mabel Mitchell Cor. Secretary-Betty Kathryn Russell Treasurer — Mildred Blackwelder
Counselor --- Mrs. Vivian Etrick
Parliamentarian — Hazel A. Anderson Executive Sec. ----— Rose Gieseman
FIFTH DISTRICT DIRECTOR Wilma Rose ------ Newton
"Achieved Through Action Today"
"Seeing Today With The Eyes Of Tomorrow”
Leaders Council Winfield
Aug. 10, 1958
National Business Women's Week Oct. 5-11, 1958
Fall Conference --------- Newton
Oct. 18-19, 1958
State Convention -—— Wichita
May 15-17, 1959
Spring Luncheon — To be announced
President ----- Vernae Stuckey
1st Vice President - Lucille Hanson 2nd Vice President - Dora McDonald Rec’d Secretary — Anna Heath
Treasurer ----- Gladys Schrag
Cor. Secretary ----- Hilda Schrag
Parliamentarian ---- Polly Terhune
If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain If I can ease one life the aching Or cool one pain Or help one fainting robin Into his nest again I shall not have lived in vain.
1925 -------- Miss Bess Rutherford
'26 -----------— Mrs. Avis Herman
'28-'29 -------- Mrs. Edna Carter
'29- '30- '31 - Mrs. Bess Markley-Humbert '31-'32-'33 —— Mrs. Jessie Newbold
'33-'34-'35 -------- Dr. Lucy Hull
'34-'35 --- Mrs. Edith McKowen-Rose
'35- '36 -------- Mrs. Lola Zook
'36—'37- '38 — Ruby Hainsworth-Peasel
'39— '4O — Miss Louise Edwards
'40 — '41 --------- Mrs. Grace Barber
'4l-'42-'43 — Mrs. Joe Glefke-LeVelle
------ Mrs. Thelma Deweese
'45-'46 ------------- Mrs. Clarice Clark
'46- '47 - '48 -------- Miss Esther Evans
'48—'49 —— Mrs. Dorothea McIntire
'49-'50 ----------- Mrs. Louise Crow
'50-'51 ........... Mrs. Fern Smith
'5l-’52 -------- Mrs. Eutha Frambers
'52— '53 ------- Mrs. Fern Butters
'53 -'54 ------------ Mrs. Violet Frank
'54-'55 -------- Mrs. Ruth Hepler
----- Miss Emily Thompson
'56-'57 ------ Miss Sarah Newberry
'57-'58 ------ Mrs. Polly Terhune
'58—'59 ------ Mrs. Vernae Stuckey
Four deceased Presidents listed page 24
CONTINUOUS CHARTER MEMBERS 1925-59 Nannie Bybee Ruby Peasel
• Frances Lander
Charter Members not continuous are: Clarice Clark Inez Wartick
Beach, Violet McMillen, Helyn
Butters, Fern McDonald, Dora
Bybee, Nannie Newberry, Sarah
Carson, Ethel Nuttle, Letha
Clark, Clarice Peasel, Ruby
Frambers, Eutha Price, Mildred
Frank, Pauline Prunty, Ethel
Frank, Violet Read, Ruth
Goodman, Ethel Schrag, Gladys Harper, Hazle Schrag, Hilda Heath, Anna Thompson, Emily
Hepler, Ruth Trekel, Mae
Herron, Grace Terhune, Polly
Jenkins, Edna Wartick, Inez
Lander, Frances Walker, Edna
McIntire, Dorothea Windor, Dora
Young, Jean
Almack, Blanche 114 S. H
Clerk, Brown’s Book Store Res# FA 6-4128 Bus.FA 6-3141

Beach, Violet 715 S. Wash.
Credit Mgr. Packard Mtr. Co.
Res. FA 6-3149 Bus. FA 6-3341
Berghaus, Nona 1112 N. B
Typing Teacher, Wellington High S. Res. FA 6-4105 Bus. FA 6-2911
Butters, Fern 1007 N. Poplar
Secretary, County Engineer Res. FA 6-2149 Bus. FA 6-2791
Bybee, Nanie 314 E. Lincoln
Retired Saleslady Res. FA 6-2604.
Carson, Ethel 404 N. F
Ass't Secretary, Credit Bureau Res. FA 6-3833 Bus. FA 6-4461
Clark, Clarice 324 W. 10th
Mgr. Credit Bureau Res. FA 6-2432 Bus. FA 6-4461
Christian, Margaret 510 S. Jeff.
Secretary, Packard Mtr. Co.
Res. FA 6-2688 Bus. FA 6-331*1
Dickey, LaHoma 821 College
Clerk, Jaggers Jewelry Res. FA 6-5232 Bus. FA 6-3541
Frambers, Eutha 218 N. C
Co-owner, The Fashion Res. FA 6-4683 Bus. FA 6-2781
Frank, Pauline 417 Wash.
Owner, Frank Funeral Home
Res. FA 6—3441 Bus. FA 6—344l
Frank, Violet 803 E. Lincoln
Principal, Jefferson School
Res. FA 6-4026 Bus. FA 6-5387
Frankum, Irene 611 N. Jeff.
Checker, Dillons
Res. FA 6-3766 Bus. FA 6-9323
Goodman, Ethel 1016 N. Jeff.
Saleslady, Harper's Acces.
Res. FA 6-3982 Bus. FA 6-2981
Hanson, Lucille 1107 N. B
Elementary Teacher, Mayfield, Ks. Res. FA 6-2543 Bus. Mayfield,26
Harper, Hazle 317 E. 17th
Owner, Harpers Acces. Shop Res. FA 6-3728 Bus. FA 6-2981
Heath, Anna 823 N. A
Steno-Clerk Sumner-Cowley Elec.
Res. FA 6-3545 Bus. FA 6-4231
Hepler, Ruth 218 N. A
Librarian, Boeing Airplane Co.
Res. FA 6-2498
Herron, Grace 309 E. l4th
Cessna Airplane Co. (Clerk)
Res. FA 6-3432
Hendrickson, Bula 824 N. Poplar
Bula’s Boquets & Ceramics Res. FA 6-4289
Jacques, Eva 601 N. Wash.
High School Teacher Res. FA 6- Bus. FA 6-2911
Jenkins, Edna 611 Delrose
Sec'y-Treas., Oxwell, Inc.
Res. FA 6-2596 Bus. FA 6-4481
Lander, Frances 115 N. F
Retired Saleslady-Res. FA 6-3044
Lantz, Thraissie Milan, Kansas
McCormick, Laura 606 E. Harvey
Clerk of the District Court
Res. FA 6-2812 Bus. FA 6-2611

McDonald, Dora 6o5 Delrose
Bookkeeper, Horton’s Furn.-Appl.
Res. FA 6-2875 Bus. FA 6-3591 .
McIntire, Dorothea 1301 N. B
Teacher, Roosevelt School Res. FA 6-3906 Bus. FA 6-2761
McMillen, Helyn 815 E. Lincoln
Principal, Madison School Res. FA 6-4919 Bus. FA 6-5377
Miller, Sara 1314 N. Wash.
Sec'y, Cessna Aircraft Co.
Res. FA 6-5195
Moore, Mildred 918 N. Wash.
Bookkeeper, Antrim Lumber Co.
Res. FA 6-2422 Bus. FA 6-2421
Newberry, Sarah 808 E. 7th
Cashier, Sumner-Cowley Elec.
Res. FA 6-4485 Bus. FA 6—4231
Nuttle, Letha 324 E. 9th
Co-owner, Nuttle's Jewelry Res. FA 6-4234 Bus. FA 6-5101
Peasel, Ruby 110 S. G
Retired Secretary Res. FA 6-3939
Price, Mildred 921 W. Harvey
Accountant, Sumner-Cowley Elec. Res. FA 6-3998 Bus. FA 6-4231
Prunty, Ethel 110 W. 12th
Secretary, Millers Insurance Res. FA 6-2665 Bus. FA 6-2081
Rissell, Roberta 609 Morningside
Owner, Bobbie's Beauty Bar Dr.
Res. FA 6-2984 Bus. FA 6-4747
Roach, Rita 8l5 E. Harvey
Teacher, High School
Res. FA 6-3406 Bus. FA 6-2911
Schrag, Gladys 225 E. 11th
Co-onwer, Schrag's Radio & TV
Res. FA 6-2503 Bus. FA 6-2621
Schrag, Hilda 824 N. C
Sec'y Agri. Extension Office
Res. FA 6-4669 Bus. FA 6-2601
Shockey, Pauline 220 N. B
Teacher, High School
Bus. FA 6-2911
Stauffer, Ann 718 N. Wash
Teacher, High School
Res. FA 6-2909 Bus. FA 6-2911
Stearns, Dixie 408 W. Lincoln
Retired Nurse
Res. FA 6-9191
Stuckey, Vernae 1305 N. Blaine.
Res. FA 6-2939 Bus. FA 6-6234
Terhune, Polly 708 N. B.
Sec’y & Ass't.,Dr. Van Deventer Res. FA 6-2858 Bus. FA.6-4021
Thompson, Emily 718 W.
Sec'y to Supt. of Schools Res. FA 6-2321 Bus. FA 6-2971
Titus, Marie 811 N. Blaine
Bookkeeper - Fashion Res. FA 6-5597 Bus. FA 6-2781
Trekell, Mae 405 N. Wash.
Owner, Vogue Hat Shop Res. FA 6-2093 Bus. FA 6-2093
Walker, Edna 622 N. Olive
Sec’y, High School Principal Res. FA 6-4503 Bus. FA 6-2911
Wartick, Inez 209 S. F
Service Rep. S.W. Bell Tele. Co.
Res. FA 6-2692 Bus. FA 6-2281
Winsor, Dora 525 E. Harvey
Chief Oper. S.W. Bell Tele. Co.
Res. FA 6-3472 Bus. FA 6-2286
Young, Jean 908 W. Harvey
Steno-Clerk, Santa Fe Mech. Dept.
Res. FA 6-4006 Bus. FA 6-3801
July Meeting July 7, 1958
Picnic Club Room
Executive Board • • 7:00 P. M.
August Meeting Aug. 26, 1958
Tri City Winfield
• 7:00 P.M.
Membership Sept. 3, 1958
Chrmn. Eutha Frambers
Co- Violet Beach
Frances Lander
Legislation Oct. 6, 1958
Legislative Steering
Chrmn. Violet Frank
Co- Clarice Clark
Beulah Hendrickson Violet Howe
International Relations
Nov. 3, 1958
Chrmn. Edna Jenkins
Co- Sarah Miller
Margaret Christian Bobbie Rissell
Hospitality Dec. 1, 1958
Chrmn. Ruth Hepler
Co- Edna Walker
Irene Frankum Marie Titus Lucille Hanson
National Security Jan. 5, 1959
Chrmn. Sarah Newberry
Co- Nona Berghouse
Polly Terhune Blanche Almack Dixie Stearns
Health & Safety Feb. 2, 1959
Chrmn. Ethel Carson
Co- Jean Young
Mildred Moore Eva Jacques
Career Advancement Mar. 2, 1959 Public Affairs
Chrmn. Pauline Shockey
Co- Hazle Harper
Emily Thompson Mae Trekell Pauline Frank
Emblem Apr. 6, 1959
Chrmn. Dorothea McIntire
Co- Ethel Prunty
Inez Wartick Hilda Schrag Letha Nuttle
Club Room May 4, 1959
Chrmn. Fern Butters
Co- Mildred Price
Ethel Prunty Hilda Schrag
Chrmn. Mae Trekel
Co- Hazle Harper
Mildred Moore Beulah Hendrickson a
Chrmn. Dora McDonald
Co- Lucille Hanson
Anna Heath Hilda Schrag Gladys Schrag
History and Installation
June 1, 1959
Chrmn. Ruby Peasel
Co- Mildred Price
Music Edna Jenkins
Margaret Christian
Bulletin Editor Grace Herron Dora Winsor
Parliamentarian Polly Terhune
"They never quite leave us, our friends who have passed,
Through the shadows of death to the sunlight above;
A thousand sweet memories are holding them fast,
To the places they blest with their presence and love."
1926 ------ Miss Nell Waugh
1927 —'28 ---- Miss Nolia Meredith
1938—'39 — Mrs. Mabel Hillebrandt
1944-'45 ---- Mrs. Pansy Brown
Keep us, Oh God, from pettiness Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed,
Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle,
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common women's heart of us all, and,
Oh, Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
- Mary Stewart.
Give us, Oh God, a realization of what our emblem stands for.
With its standards before us, may our lives be a little stronger and finer than yesterday.
May we weed out a little more of the selfishness and greed that makes our lives petty.
Help us to see the beauty of the golden circle that binds ninety-one thousand women to higher ideals in these United States.
And, Oh, Lord God of Hosts, may we forget not the ideals of this symbol, the beauty of art, the need of knowledge, our responsibility to the business world, the opportunity to uplift and the ever increasing need to be kind.
Verna's Song I WOULD BE TRUE
I would be true, for there are those who trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care;
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
I would be friend of all — the foe, the friend-less;
I would be giving, and forget the gift;
I would be humble, for I know my weakness;
I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift.
I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift.
Tell me why the stars do shine,
Tell me why the ivy twines,
Tell me why the ocean’s blue,
And I will tell you why I love you.
Because God made the stars to shine, Because God made the ivy twine, Because God made the ocean blue, Because God made you, that's why I love you.
Flag Salute
I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America And to the republic for which it stands One nation under God, indivisible With liberty and justice for all.
God Bless America
God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her With a light from the bright star above From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam,
God bless America, my home sweet home, God bless America, my home sweet home.

Original Format

Bound, printed, and stapled booklet, 4.5" wide and 6.0" tall