Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1940-1941 Wellington, Kansas


Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1940-1941 Wellington, Kansas


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Club Booklet for The Cosmos Study Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1940-1941


Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection





Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1940-1941 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

The Cosmos Study Club
l940 - 1941
Fifth District
Mrs. Aker
The Cosmos Study Club
1940 - 1941
Organized and Federated 1931
* * *
Club Motto — As long as we live let us continue to learn Cosmos — Harmony and Order Flower — Sweet Pea Colors — Orchid and Pink
* * *
Meetings First and Third Mondays at 2 P. M. September 16 to May 5
Member General, State, District and County Federations
Life is a book of Volumes Three,
The Past, the Present, and the yet to Be;
The first is written and laid away,
The second, we’re writing day by day,
The next, and last, of Volumes Three,
Is lost from sight—God holds the key.
* * *
The Americans Creed
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable, established upon the principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity, for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.—William Tyler Page.
Acknowledging my membership in Cosmos Study Club as something worthy of my best efforts, and realizing that the sum of enjoyment and improvement consists in individual contribution, I promise so far as lies within my power to do my part.
* * *
Club Collect
Keep us, O God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common woman’s heart of us all; and O Lord God, let us not forget to be kind.—Mary Stuart.
Fifth District Officers
President - Mrs. V. E. Chesky, Halstead
Vice-President - - Mrs. H. K. Bruce, Marquette
Recording Secretary - Mrs. W. R. Rowell, ElDorado
Treasurer ... Mrs. Noah Bridges, Newton Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. W. R. Masters, Halstead
* * *
Order of Business
Call to Order Collect
Reading of Minutes
Committee Club Publications Department Recess for Paying Fines Program Adjournment
President ... - Mrs. Edward Beth
Vice-President - - - Mrs. E. L. Munro
Recording Secretary ... Mrs. Hart Dey
Corresponding Secretary - - Mrs. J. L. Cobb
Treasurer .... Mrs. R. C. Williams
Critic and Parliamentarian - - Mrs. D. B. Campbell
Custodian .... Mrs. M. K. Williams
Historian .... Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
Reporter - - Mrs. T. A. Frack
* * *
Program: Mrs. C. N. Stapp . Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou . Mrs. S. N. Greathouse Social: Mrs. Melvin Prunty . Mrs. E. L. Titus . Mrs. J. L. Cobb Music: Mrs. R. E. Cartmill . Mrs. M. K. Williams . Mrs. Ernest Tonsing Civic: Mrs. S. F. Aker . Mrs. J. E. Carpenter . Mrs. B. Y. Emerson Flower: Mrs. E. L. Munro . Mrs. Hart Dey Junior Sponsor: Mrs. T. A. Frack
Past Presidents
Mrs. Frank Suhl - 1931 - 1934
Mrs. F. A. Meierant ... 1934 - 1935
Mrs. A. L. Swearingen, Mrs. O. N. Clark - 1935 - 1937
Mrs. R. E. Cartmill, Mrs. D. B. Campbell - 1937 - 1939
Honorary Members
Mrs. Frank Suhl Mrs. H. W. Hoyer Mrs. E. H. Tennant
Sumner County Officers
President ... Mrs. Ray Howard, Argonia Vice-President - - Mrs. S. F. Aker, Wellington
Recording Secretary - - Mrs. Jay Hilton, Caldwell
Treasurer - - Miss Hilda Harper, Argonia
Corresponding Secretary - Miss Arlene Rucker, Belle Plaine
Aker, Jessie (Mrs. S. F.)
Beth, Mildred (Mrs. Edward)
Blanchat, Sarah (Mrs. H. O.)
Campbell, Myrtle (Mrs. D. B.)
Carpenter, Ora (Mrs. J. E.)
Cartmill, Eunice (Mrs. R. E.)
Cessna, Lova Marie (Mrs. Harold)
Cobb, Flora (Mrs. J. L.)
Cortelyou, Jessie (Mrs. W. H.)
Dey, Indus (Mrs. Hart)
Emerson, Mayme (Mrs. B. Y.)
Fergeson, Alpha (Mrs. M. L.)
Frack, Charlotte (Mrs. T. A.) Greathouse, Cloa (Mrs. S. N.)
Munro, Minnie (Mrs. E. L.)
Prunty, Ethel (Mrs. Melvin)
Stapp, Elsie (Mrs. C. N.) Swearingen Maude (Mrs. A. L.) Titus, Esther (Mrs. E. L.) Tonsing, Dorothy (Mrs. Ernest) Williams, Dana (Mrs. M. K.) Williams, Lela (Mrs. R. C.)
September 16
"How delightful to meet.
And each member to greet,
After the summer vacation is ended;
Our first meeting day We'll be carefree and gay,
Then return to the lessons suspended"
Roll Call: What I Enjoyed Most in the Summer
Greetings by the President ----- Mrs. Beth Discussion of Year Book - Program Committee
Etiquette - - - - - - - - Mrs. Aker
Round Table Discussion
Music ------- Music Committee
Hostess — Mrs. Frack * * *
October 7
American Citizenship
"If we all did our duty without being watched, it would cut down taxes considerably."—Royal Smith
Roll Call: Name a Tax Parliamentary Drill
The Tax Picture Today ----- Mrs. Cobb How Well is Your Town Governed - Mrs. Munro
Sumner County Taxes ----- Mr. Waugh
Hostess — Mrs. Carpenter
October 21
Indian Welfare
"Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutor'd mind—
Sees God in clouds or hears him in the wind."—Pope
Visit to Chilocco Indian School * * *
November 4
American Home
"The Home—civilization's first line of defense"
Roll Call: A Time Saving Device Parliamentary Drill
The Family’s Contribution to Democracy - - Mrs. Emerson
A Goal for the American Family - Mrs. Frack
Chores—A Division of Home Labor - Mrs. Swearingen
District Convention Reports
Hostess — Mrs. Aker
November 18
Guest Day
"A bit of wit, and make it rhyme For this is entertainment time"
Roll Call: My Guest for Today is-------
* * *
December 2
Safety Program
"Death takes no holiday"
Roll Call: Our Narrowest Escape Parliamentary Drill
Sportsmanlike Driving ----- Mrs. Blanchat Junior Safety Councils - - - - - Mrs. Cessna
Highway Construction and Safety - Mrs. Titus
Hostess — Mrs. Dey
December 16
"The Bible is a window in this prison world Through which we may look into eternity"
Roll Call: Women of the Bible
Carol Singing
The Bible as Literature
Hostess — Mrs. Swearingen 408 South G
* * *
January 6
"He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory"
Roll Call: The Disease I Dread the Most and Why
Socialized Medicine ...... Mrs. Frack
Leper Colonies ...... Mrs. Carpenter
Election of Officers
Hostess — Mrs. R. C. Williams
January 20
Kansas Day
"Ad astra per aspera"
Roll Call: Kansans Who are Famous Parliamentary Drill
Coronado ------ Mrs. R. C. Williams
Kansas Birds and Wild Flowers - ... Mrs. Cortelyou
(Paper prepared by Mrs. Bohanna, 1932)
Hostess — Mrs. Blanchat * * *
February 3
- Public Welfare
"Knowledge is the wings with which we fly to heaven"
Roll Call: A Peace Quotation
Peace Monuments - - - - - Mrs. Tonsing
Bird Study ------- Mrs. Prunty
Opportunity Schools - - ... Mrs, Aker
Hostess — Mrs. Emerson
February 17
American Home
"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the now"
Roll Call: Display of Antiques. Each to bring something old to tell about Music - - - Music Committee
Glass - -- -- -- - Mrs. Dey
Junior Cosmos Club Exchange Program
Hostess — Mrs. Cobb

* * *
March 3
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting—a wayside sacrament.—Emerson
Roll Call: Interesting Murals Parliamentary Drill
The National Gallery ----- Mrs. Cobb
Ceramics ------- Mrs. Cartmill
The Romance of Silverware - Mrs. Swearingen
Hostess — Mrs. Cessna
March 17
"I seldom notice book ends, much,
Although, of course, I've seen them;
They are like ears—what really counts Is what one has between them."
Roll Call: Something Irish
Book Review, “The Pacific,” van Loon - - Mrs. Fergeson
Hostess — Mrs. Beth
* * *
April 7
Birthday Tea
"Turn backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight"
Roll Call: My First Club Paper in Cosmos
Resume of Ten Year’s Work .... Mrs. Munro
Program - - - - - Music Committee
Hostess — Mrs. Stapp
April 21
Consumer Education
"It is not good business unless both buyer and seller gain by it.”—Henry Ford
Roll Call: My “Pet” Economy Parliamentary Drill
Consumer Education . . Fabrics .... Mrs. Carpenter
Consumer Education . . Canned Goods ... Mrs. Titus
Consumer Education . . Drugs - Mrs. Tonsing
Review General Federation Magazine ... Mrs. Cessna
Hostess — Mrs. Prunty
* * *
May 5
Annual Luncheon
Roll Call: My Score
Music ...... Music Committee
Installation of Officers
My Score Card
32% Attendance
16% Notifying
32% On Time
16% Roll Call
8% Taking Part in Discussion or Voting
12% Papers Prepared
“To write a year book is quite a task,
To please each member we cannot ask.
We send this forth with a quaking heart, Trusting each sister to do her part.
If each one comes with a willing mind,
A good year’s work she here will find.”
Program Committee

Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 5 1/2" wide X 4 1/2" tall, Cover and some pages missing.