Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1944-1945 Wellington, Kansas
Collection: The Cosmos Study Club
Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1944-1945 Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas -- Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for The Cosmos Study Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1944-1945
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1944-1945 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
1944 - 1945
Wellington - Kansas
Fifth District
1944 - 1945
Organized and Federated 1931
Club Motto — As long as we live let us continue to learn
Cosmos — Harmony and Order Flower — Sweet Pea
Colors — Orchid and Pink
Meetings First and Third Monday at 2:00 PM., September 18 to May 7
Member General, State, District and County Federations
General President ........ Mrs. J. L. Whitehurst
Washington, D. C.
State President ............. Mrs. S. F. Hawes
Russell, Kansas
Recording Secretary ...... Mrs. A. K. Reppert
Neodesha, Kansas
Fifth District President .... Mrs. W. R. Rowell
Fifth District Vice President . Mrs. W. R. Masters
Fifth District Recording Secretary
.....Mrs. Roscoe Tanksley, Valley Center
Fifth District Treasurer .... Mrs. George King
Fifth District War Service Chairman
...........Mrs. E. J. Schrag., Wellington
Sumner County President ..... Mrs. Jay Hilton
Sumner County Vice President
........... Mrs. E. W. Campbell, Caldwell
Sumner County Recording Secretary
.............. Mrs. Chester Dunn, Oxford
Sumner County Treasurer .. Mrs. David Holland
President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary . Treasurer Critic, Parliamentarian .. Custodian Historian Reporter Mrs. J. L. Cobb ... Mrs. M. K. Williams ... Mrs D. B. Campbell Mrs. R. C. Williams ...Mrs. E. L. Munro , Mrs. A. L. Swearingen ... Mrs. B. Y. Emerson Mrs. D. D. Becker Mrs. Thomas Frack
Dr. Sarah W. Blanchat Mrs. B. Y. Emerson
Mrs. E. L. Titus SOCIAL
Mrs. E. J. Schrag Mrs. J. E. Beth
Mrs. Frank Schropp CIVIC
Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
Mrs. S. F. Aker MUSIC
Mrs. T. A. Frack Mrs. Willisene Hoyer
Mrs. John Holman FLOWER
Mrs. R. C. Williams Mrs. S. N. Greathouse
WAR VETERANS Mrs. J. E. Carpenter
WAR SERVICE Mrs. D. D. Becker
Aker, Jessie (Mrs. S. F.) ..829
Becker, Gladyne (Mrs. D. D.) 1386-W
Beth, Mildred (Mrs. J. E.) -590
Blanchat, Sarah W. (Mrs. H. O.) 1260
Bradley, Elsie (Mrs. John) 1533,
Campbell, Myrtle (Mrs. D. B.) 451
Carpenter, Ora (Mrs. J. E.) 1034
Cobb, Flora (Mrs. J. L.) 1359-W
Cortelyou, Jessie (Mrs. W. H.) 1322
Emerson, Mayme (Mrs. B. Y.) 1416
Frack, Charlotte (Mrs. T. A.) 771
Greathouse, Cloa (Mrs. S. N.) 1488-W
Holman, Lola (Mrs. J. W.) 1443
Hoyer, Willisene (Mrs. H. W.) 601-J
Munro, Minnie (Mrs. E. L.) 1319
Schrag, Gladys (Mrs. E. J.) 305
Schropp. Irene (Mrs. Frank) 817-W
Skaggs, Maude (Mrs. D. R.) 1254-J
Swearingen, Maud (Mrs. A. L.) 155
Titus, Esther (Mrs. E. L.)
Williams, Lela (Mrs. R. C.) 576
“May those who stand recorded here Grow dearer with each added year. Acquaintance into friendship grow And friendships ever brighter glow.”
Mrs. Frank Suhl 1931-34
Mrs. F. A. Meierant Mrs. A. L. Swearingen 1934-35
Mrs. O. N. Clark Mrs. R. E. Cartmill 1935-37
Mrs. D. B. Campbell 1937-39
Mrs. J. E. Beth ..1939-41
Mrs. E. L. Munro 1941.-43
Mrs. Frank Suhl Mrs. E. H. Tennant
Mrs. C. W Hunter
Mrs. Fred Davis Mrs. M. K. Williams
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding, and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each
other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and oh Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
—Mary Stuart
Recess for paying fines etc.
Party for Husbands
Junior Cosmos Party
Penny Art Fund
Carpet Rag Donation
Current Projects
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Acknowledging my membership in Cosmos Club as something worthy of my best efforts, and realizing that the sum of enjoyment and improvement consists in individual contribution, I promise so far as lies within my power to do my part.
“If you don’t like these lessons
And their dryness makes you groan,
Just stroll around occasionally
With good suggestions of your own.”
Highlights of the World Today and a Glimpse into the World of Tomorrow
September 2 .. . Mrs. J. L. Cobb
"Behold our chosen leader Who presides with grace and charm, Confidently we follow,
Hail, to our President.”
Roll Call: World Events Today Greetings: Our President Guest Speaker: Mrs. W. A. Luebke Music
Social Hour
October 2 . . . Melody Bowl
"A wise man keeps on good terms with his wife, his conscience and his stomach.”
Picnic for Husbands
October 16 . . . Mrs. D. D. Becker
“Which is the best government? That which teaches self-government. ’’—Goethe.
Club Constitution and By-Laws: Parliamentarian
Roll Call: Name a Candidate for State Office
Our Ballot, National and State:
..................... Mrs. B. Y. Emerson
October 23 - 24 . . . Presbyterian Church
“You must come home with me and be my guest You will give joy to me and I will do All that is in my power to honor you.”
November 6 . . . Mrs. E. J. Schrag
‘‘In Federation We Serve”
Roll Call: Excerpts from Kansas Clubwoman
•Review of State Year Book: Dept. Chairman
District Convention Reports
Penny Art Fund
•5 minutes
November 20 . . . Mrs. H. O. Blanchat
“It is woman's duty to help win the peace
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: In Spite of War I am Thankful for—
The Special Interest of Women in Peace:
.................. Mrs. R. C. Williams
Religion at the Peace Table: Mrs. E. L. Titus
December 4 . . . Mrs. T. A. Frack
“The presence of girls is like the presence of a flower; the one gives its perfume to all who approach it, the other her grace to all that surround her.”
Our Guests: Junior Cosmos Music
December 18 . . . Mrs. J. E. Carpenter
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
Roll Call: Flowers and Trees of the Bible
Why Youth Turns from Religion: Mrs. Frank Aker
Religious Proposals for World Order:
........................ Mrs. J. E. Beth
January 1 . . . Mrs. E. L. Munro
“Our country depends upon the majesty of our laws.” ___J. Edgar Hoover.
Election Rules: Parliamentarian
Roll Call: Current Legislation
What We Don’t Know About Congress:
..................... Mrs. E. J. Schrag
January 15 . . . Mrs. J. W. Holman
“After all there is but one race—humanity.”
Parliamentary Test
Roll Call: Who’s Who in World News
Geographic Quiz: Mrs. S. N. Greathouse
Russia’s Relations with Japan:
..................... Mrs. Thomas FracK
February 5 . . . Mrs. John. Bradley
“Stars and Stripes Forever.”
Roll Call: American and Foreign War Leaders
Display of Servicemen’s Souvenirs
Soldier’s Oath: Mrs. M. K. Williams
Origin of "Uncle Sam"
Our Boys’ Insignia, Decorations and Medals:
......................Mrs. D. B. Campbell
Women in Uniform: Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou
February 19 . .. Mrs. S. N. Greathouse
“Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good citizens.”—Webster
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: Women in the News
Woman’s Obligation in the Present Crisis:
......................... Willisene Hoyer
Discussion Bring Carpet Rags
March 5 . . . Mrs. J. E. Beth
‘Literature is the garden of wisdom.”—James Ellis
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: New Books
Book Review: Mrs. John Bradley
March 19 . . . Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
“Conservation means the greatest good to the greatest number and that for the longest time.”—Charles Richard Van Hise
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: Name a Substitute Used in Our Homes
Rayon—The Modem Textile: Mrs. J. E. Carpenter
Plastics of Today and Tomorrow:
....................... Mrs. D. R. Skaggs
April 2 . . . Mrs. R. C. Williams
"If we wish to see a real spiritual recovery, the women of our Nation should be deeply concerned with religion and our homes are the very place where it should start.”
Roll Call: A Post War Household Convenience
Tomorrow’s Homes Today: Mrs. D. D. Becker
Personality and Character Training:
.................... Mrs. J. W. Holman
April 16 . . . Mrs. B. Y. Emerson
"To preserve health is a moral and religious duty, for health is the basis of all social virtues.”—Johnson
Parliamentary Quiz
Roll Call: A Health Hint
Health for Strength: Mrs. H. O. Blanchat
Economic Rehabilitation: Mrs. E. L. Munro
Violin Solo: Music Talent_Student
....................... Esther Lee Titus
May 7 . . . Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou
“I can’t see God but I can see evidence of Him everywhere especially in the Spring.”—Geo. B. Barnard
Roll Call: A Written Suggestion for Next Years’ Programs
Installation of Officers
Resume of Year’s Work: Mrs. A. L. Swearingen Music
When we finish the year and see its close And the last of our meetings are here,
And we think on the things we’ve left behind And the thoughts we’ve had this year;
Our memory turns to what we have learned And the fun we’ve had together And we find the best that has come to us Is the friendship in all sorts of weather.
Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
Hours given to Red Cross Sewing
At Red Cross Headquarters
Red Cross Knitting
Red Cross Surgical Dressings
Red Cross Canteen
Key Woman
Child Care
Nurse’s Aid
Number of Victory Gardens
Scrap Paper
Cans Fruit and Vegetables
Waste Fat (lbs.)
Bonds and Stamps
Carpet Rags
of the Cosmos Study Club
Wellington, Kansas
The higher education of women being one of the leading questions of the present time, and an inter-change of ideas being conducive to this result, it has been decided to form an organization to be governed by the following rules and regulations: CONSTITUTION Article I
NAME: The name of this organization shall be THE COSMOS STUDY CLUB Article II
OBJECT: The object of this club shall be to encourage women to study, to furnish opportunity for self-culture, to promote an interest in the best literary works of the day, and to consider subjects of general interest, whether of a literary, social or educational nature.
Article III
MEMBERS. Section 1 — Any woman may become an active member of this club upon election to membership by the club, and the payment of the annual dues.
Section 2 — The active and associate membership of the club shall be limited to twenty-five members.
Section 3 — (1) Associate membership shall be limited to five members. An associate member shall have the privilege of discussion but may not make a motion or vote. Associate members shall be required to attend three regular meetings. (2) Any resident member of the club may upon her written request and for reasonable cause become an associate member for a period of one year.
Article IV
OFFICERS: Section 1 — The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Critic-Parliamentarian, Club Reporter, Custodian and a Historian.
Section 2 — Such officers shall be elected by ballot for a period of two years at the first regular meeting in the month of January, and they shall assume their respective duties at the close of the last regular meeting in May. No officer shall be eligible to succeed herself.
Section 3 — The Corresponding Secretary shall be appointed by the President.
Article V
MEETINGS: Section 1 — Regular meeting: The club shall meet the first and third Mondays of the month, beginning with the third Monday in September and ending the first Monday in May.
The business session shall begin promptly at 2 p.m. and the program not later than 3 p.m.
Section 2 — Called meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President or three members and notice thereof given.
Section 3 — Guest Day: To be observed twice a year. Time, place and character of which to be determined by the Program Committee.
Article VI
QUORUM: Eight members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business other than e-lection of officers, at which time three-fourths of the membership shall be a quorum. Members granted a leave of absence shall not be counted in percentage necessary for quorum.
Article VII
AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be a-mended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present, but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
BY-LAWS Article I
Annual Dues: Each member active and associate, shall pay the amount of dues that shall be determined annually by the vote of the club at the first regular meeting in the calendar year. One-half of all said dues shall be paid not later than the first regular meeting in May. Balance of said dues to be paid by the first regular meeting in September following. Members failing to pay dues before the first regular meeting in December shall forfeit all rights to membership and their names shall be taken from the roll.
Section 2 — New members admitted at the first meeting in January shall be required to pay one-half of all said dues.
Section 3 — No resignation from membership shall be accepted from one who is in arrears for dues.
Section 4 — PENNY ART FUND: Each member, active or associate, shall be assessed one penny each year for a Penny Art Fund, which shall be paid by March 1.
Article II
DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Section 1 — Of President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall appoint standing committees, call special meetings, approve by her signature all orders drawn by the Secretary upon the Treasurer, and exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the Club.
Section 2 — Of Vice-President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 3 — Of Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Club, collect all dues and issue receipt therefor, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for payment of money approved by the President. She shall notify delinquent members as required in Article I Section 1 of these By-Laws and on the first regular meeting of December each year take from the roll of members the names of all those whose dues have not been paid.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each member upon her reception into the Club.
Section 4 — Of Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with her correspondence and send out notices and reports as required and perform the duties of the Recording Secretary in her absence.
Section 5 — Of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all dues and other money from the Recording Secretary, giving her a receipt. All orders for the payment of money to be drawn by the Recording Secretary, approved by the President. Previous to the last meeting, she shall prepare and submit for audit, a detailed account of the
receipts and expenditures of the session, which account duly audited shall be presented to the Club at its last meeting.
Section 6 — Of Critic-Parliamentarian: The Critic-Parliamentarian shall at the close of each business session offer her criticism on any part of the previous program and at least eight times during the year she shall present a discussion on Parliamentary procedure not to exceed fifteen minutes.
Section 7 — Of Club Reporter: The Club Reporter shall report to the local papers any items of interest regarding the meetings of the Club ana shall report to the Official State paper any program of special interest.
Section 8 — Of Custodian: The Custodian shall preserve and keep in her possession all mementos, records and things of value to the Club as these shall accumulate from year to year.
Section 9 — Of Historian. The Historian shall compile in bock form any or all of the club papers, clippings, roll calls, pictures, etc., furnished by the club members which in her judgment have historical or permanent value. Volumes to be delivered to the Custodian not later than the first meeting of the next Club year.
Article III
(1) Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of three members who shall appoint places of meetings, arrange programs, secure lectures, and otherwise plan for advancing the interests of the Club.
(2) Social Committee: The Social Committee shall be composed of three members who shall
have charge of all social affairs desired by the Club.
(3) Music Committee: The Music Committee shall consist of three members who shall provide music for the program of each regular meeting and for such other occasions as may be desired by the Club.
(4) Civic Committee: The Civic Committee shall consist of three members who shall attend to all civic affairs voted by the Club.
(5) Flower Committee: The Flower Committee shall consist of two members who shall attend to
he purchase and disposal of flowers. In case of death in the immediate family of a member (in-cluding father and mother) flowers shall be sent. In other cases, the Corresponding Secretary shall send a letter of condolence from the Club. In case of the continued illness of a member for a week or more, cards shall be sent.
Article IV
ADMISSION OF MEMBERS: Section 1 — Any member of the Club may present a name for membership at any regular meeting of the Club, such name to be presented in writing to the Secretary
Section 2 — New members shall be voted on by ballot, their name having been presented at the previous meeting.
Section 3 — Old members shall be given preference when names are submitted for membership.
Section 4 — Three votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership.
Article V
MEMBERS: Section 1 — Honorary Members: Honorary membership for exceptional service rendered to the Community or to the Club may. be
conferred upon a member by a two-thirds vote of the Club. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club. Absence fines shall not be levied against them.
(a) The names of resident Honorary Members not attending one regular Club meeting during the year shall be dropped from the roll.
Section 2 — Absent Members: A member temporarily absent from the city may retain her active membership in the Club by paying her annual dues and providing for her program numbers. Any regular active member of this Club (Professional Women excepted) shall forfeit her membership by her absence from three consecutive meetings unless a leave of absence has been granted by the Club.
Section 3 — Prolonged illness of a member shall be the only cause for the granting of a leave of absence by the Club, length of time of such leave of absence to be determined by the Club. Absence fines shall not be assessed against such members.
Section 4 — Any member desiring associate membership shall be required to send her application by mail to the corresponding secretary, previous to the meeting in which application is to be considered.
Article VI
MISCELLANOUS: Section 1 — Members must prepare assigned work on the program, or provide substitute, and two failures within the year forfeits the right to membership.
Section 2 — Any member may bring a visiting friend to any Club meeting; such visitor not being a resident of the city.
Section 3 — The President may be excused from any place upon the program.
Section 4 — A fine of ten cents shall be imposed for absence.
Section 5 — A recess shall be declared at each meeting for the payment of absence fines and assessments.
Section 6 — The Club will not be responsible for postage or rental expense in program material incurred by members.
AMENDMENTS: These By-Laws may be a-mended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present providing a two-weeks notice of the proposed amendment has been given.
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 4" wide X 5 1/2" tall, in printed cover
Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1944-1945 Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas -- Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for The Cosmos Study Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1944-1945
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1944-1945 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
1944 - 1945
Wellington - Kansas
Fifth District
1944 - 1945
Organized and Federated 1931
Club Motto — As long as we live let us continue to learn
Cosmos — Harmony and Order Flower — Sweet Pea
Colors — Orchid and Pink
Meetings First and Third Monday at 2:00 PM., September 18 to May 7
Member General, State, District and County Federations
General President ........ Mrs. J. L. Whitehurst
Washington, D. C.
State President ............. Mrs. S. F. Hawes
Russell, Kansas
Recording Secretary ...... Mrs. A. K. Reppert
Neodesha, Kansas
Fifth District President .... Mrs. W. R. Rowell
Fifth District Vice President . Mrs. W. R. Masters
Fifth District Recording Secretary
.....Mrs. Roscoe Tanksley, Valley Center
Fifth District Treasurer .... Mrs. George King
Fifth District War Service Chairman
...........Mrs. E. J. Schrag., Wellington
Sumner County President ..... Mrs. Jay Hilton
Sumner County Vice President
........... Mrs. E. W. Campbell, Caldwell
Sumner County Recording Secretary
.............. Mrs. Chester Dunn, Oxford
Sumner County Treasurer .. Mrs. David Holland
President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary . Treasurer Critic, Parliamentarian .. Custodian Historian Reporter Mrs. J. L. Cobb ... Mrs. M. K. Williams ... Mrs D. B. Campbell Mrs. R. C. Williams ...Mrs. E. L. Munro , Mrs. A. L. Swearingen ... Mrs. B. Y. Emerson Mrs. D. D. Becker Mrs. Thomas Frack
Dr. Sarah W. Blanchat Mrs. B. Y. Emerson
Mrs. E. L. Titus SOCIAL
Mrs. E. J. Schrag Mrs. J. E. Beth
Mrs. Frank Schropp CIVIC
Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
Mrs. S. F. Aker MUSIC
Mrs. T. A. Frack Mrs. Willisene Hoyer
Mrs. John Holman FLOWER
Mrs. R. C. Williams Mrs. S. N. Greathouse
WAR VETERANS Mrs. J. E. Carpenter
WAR SERVICE Mrs. D. D. Becker
Aker, Jessie (Mrs. S. F.) ..829
Becker, Gladyne (Mrs. D. D.) 1386-W
Beth, Mildred (Mrs. J. E.) -590
Blanchat, Sarah W. (Mrs. H. O.) 1260
Bradley, Elsie (Mrs. John) 1533,
Campbell, Myrtle (Mrs. D. B.) 451
Carpenter, Ora (Mrs. J. E.) 1034
Cobb, Flora (Mrs. J. L.) 1359-W
Cortelyou, Jessie (Mrs. W. H.) 1322
Emerson, Mayme (Mrs. B. Y.) 1416
Frack, Charlotte (Mrs. T. A.) 771
Greathouse, Cloa (Mrs. S. N.) 1488-W
Holman, Lola (Mrs. J. W.) 1443
Hoyer, Willisene (Mrs. H. W.) 601-J
Munro, Minnie (Mrs. E. L.) 1319
Schrag, Gladys (Mrs. E. J.) 305
Schropp. Irene (Mrs. Frank) 817-W
Skaggs, Maude (Mrs. D. R.) 1254-J
Swearingen, Maud (Mrs. A. L.) 155
Titus, Esther (Mrs. E. L.)
Williams, Lela (Mrs. R. C.) 576
“May those who stand recorded here Grow dearer with each added year. Acquaintance into friendship grow And friendships ever brighter glow.”
Mrs. Frank Suhl 1931-34
Mrs. F. A. Meierant Mrs. A. L. Swearingen 1934-35
Mrs. O. N. Clark Mrs. R. E. Cartmill 1935-37
Mrs. D. B. Campbell 1937-39
Mrs. J. E. Beth ..1939-41
Mrs. E. L. Munro 1941.-43
Mrs. Frank Suhl Mrs. E. H. Tennant
Mrs. C. W Hunter
Mrs. Fred Davis Mrs. M. K. Williams
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding, and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each
other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and oh Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
—Mary Stuart
Recess for paying fines etc.
Party for Husbands
Junior Cosmos Party
Penny Art Fund
Carpet Rag Donation
Current Projects
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Acknowledging my membership in Cosmos Club as something worthy of my best efforts, and realizing that the sum of enjoyment and improvement consists in individual contribution, I promise so far as lies within my power to do my part.
“If you don’t like these lessons
And their dryness makes you groan,
Just stroll around occasionally
With good suggestions of your own.”
Highlights of the World Today and a Glimpse into the World of Tomorrow
September 2 .. . Mrs. J. L. Cobb
"Behold our chosen leader Who presides with grace and charm, Confidently we follow,
Hail, to our President.”
Roll Call: World Events Today Greetings: Our President Guest Speaker: Mrs. W. A. Luebke Music
Social Hour
October 2 . . . Melody Bowl
"A wise man keeps on good terms with his wife, his conscience and his stomach.”
Picnic for Husbands
October 16 . . . Mrs. D. D. Becker
“Which is the best government? That which teaches self-government. ’’—Goethe.
Club Constitution and By-Laws: Parliamentarian
Roll Call: Name a Candidate for State Office
Our Ballot, National and State:
..................... Mrs. B. Y. Emerson
October 23 - 24 . . . Presbyterian Church
“You must come home with me and be my guest You will give joy to me and I will do All that is in my power to honor you.”
November 6 . . . Mrs. E. J. Schrag
‘‘In Federation We Serve”
Roll Call: Excerpts from Kansas Clubwoman
•Review of State Year Book: Dept. Chairman
District Convention Reports
Penny Art Fund
•5 minutes
November 20 . . . Mrs. H. O. Blanchat
“It is woman's duty to help win the peace
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: In Spite of War I am Thankful for—
The Special Interest of Women in Peace:
.................. Mrs. R. C. Williams
Religion at the Peace Table: Mrs. E. L. Titus
December 4 . . . Mrs. T. A. Frack
“The presence of girls is like the presence of a flower; the one gives its perfume to all who approach it, the other her grace to all that surround her.”
Our Guests: Junior Cosmos Music
December 18 . . . Mrs. J. E. Carpenter
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
Roll Call: Flowers and Trees of the Bible
Why Youth Turns from Religion: Mrs. Frank Aker
Religious Proposals for World Order:
........................ Mrs. J. E. Beth
January 1 . . . Mrs. E. L. Munro
“Our country depends upon the majesty of our laws.” ___J. Edgar Hoover.
Election Rules: Parliamentarian
Roll Call: Current Legislation
What We Don’t Know About Congress:
..................... Mrs. E. J. Schrag
January 15 . . . Mrs. J. W. Holman
“After all there is but one race—humanity.”
Parliamentary Test
Roll Call: Who’s Who in World News
Geographic Quiz: Mrs. S. N. Greathouse
Russia’s Relations with Japan:
..................... Mrs. Thomas FracK
February 5 . . . Mrs. John. Bradley
“Stars and Stripes Forever.”
Roll Call: American and Foreign War Leaders
Display of Servicemen’s Souvenirs
Soldier’s Oath: Mrs. M. K. Williams
Origin of "Uncle Sam"
Our Boys’ Insignia, Decorations and Medals:
......................Mrs. D. B. Campbell
Women in Uniform: Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou
February 19 . .. Mrs. S. N. Greathouse
“Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good citizens.”—Webster
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: Women in the News
Woman’s Obligation in the Present Crisis:
......................... Willisene Hoyer
Discussion Bring Carpet Rags
March 5 . . . Mrs. J. E. Beth
‘Literature is the garden of wisdom.”—James Ellis
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: New Books
Book Review: Mrs. John Bradley
March 19 . . . Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
“Conservation means the greatest good to the greatest number and that for the longest time.”—Charles Richard Van Hise
Parliamentary Drill
Roll Call: Name a Substitute Used in Our Homes
Rayon—The Modem Textile: Mrs. J. E. Carpenter
Plastics of Today and Tomorrow:
....................... Mrs. D. R. Skaggs
April 2 . . . Mrs. R. C. Williams
"If we wish to see a real spiritual recovery, the women of our Nation should be deeply concerned with religion and our homes are the very place where it should start.”
Roll Call: A Post War Household Convenience
Tomorrow’s Homes Today: Mrs. D. D. Becker
Personality and Character Training:
.................... Mrs. J. W. Holman
April 16 . . . Mrs. B. Y. Emerson
"To preserve health is a moral and religious duty, for health is the basis of all social virtues.”—Johnson
Parliamentary Quiz
Roll Call: A Health Hint
Health for Strength: Mrs. H. O. Blanchat
Economic Rehabilitation: Mrs. E. L. Munro
Violin Solo: Music Talent_Student
....................... Esther Lee Titus
May 7 . . . Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou
“I can’t see God but I can see evidence of Him everywhere especially in the Spring.”—Geo. B. Barnard
Roll Call: A Written Suggestion for Next Years’ Programs
Installation of Officers
Resume of Year’s Work: Mrs. A. L. Swearingen Music
When we finish the year and see its close And the last of our meetings are here,
And we think on the things we’ve left behind And the thoughts we’ve had this year;
Our memory turns to what we have learned And the fun we’ve had together And we find the best that has come to us Is the friendship in all sorts of weather.
Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
Hours given to Red Cross Sewing
At Red Cross Headquarters
Red Cross Knitting
Red Cross Surgical Dressings
Red Cross Canteen
Key Woman
Child Care
Nurse’s Aid
Number of Victory Gardens
Scrap Paper
Cans Fruit and Vegetables
Waste Fat (lbs.)
Bonds and Stamps
Carpet Rags
of the Cosmos Study Club
Wellington, Kansas
The higher education of women being one of the leading questions of the present time, and an inter-change of ideas being conducive to this result, it has been decided to form an organization to be governed by the following rules and regulations: CONSTITUTION Article I
NAME: The name of this organization shall be THE COSMOS STUDY CLUB Article II
OBJECT: The object of this club shall be to encourage women to study, to furnish opportunity for self-culture, to promote an interest in the best literary works of the day, and to consider subjects of general interest, whether of a literary, social or educational nature.
Article III
MEMBERS. Section 1 — Any woman may become an active member of this club upon election to membership by the club, and the payment of the annual dues.
Section 2 — The active and associate membership of the club shall be limited to twenty-five members.
Section 3 — (1) Associate membership shall be limited to five members. An associate member shall have the privilege of discussion but may not make a motion or vote. Associate members shall be required to attend three regular meetings. (2) Any resident member of the club may upon her written request and for reasonable cause become an associate member for a period of one year.
Article IV
OFFICERS: Section 1 — The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Critic-Parliamentarian, Club Reporter, Custodian and a Historian.
Section 2 — Such officers shall be elected by ballot for a period of two years at the first regular meeting in the month of January, and they shall assume their respective duties at the close of the last regular meeting in May. No officer shall be eligible to succeed herself.
Section 3 — The Corresponding Secretary shall be appointed by the President.
Article V
MEETINGS: Section 1 — Regular meeting: The club shall meet the first and third Mondays of the month, beginning with the third Monday in September and ending the first Monday in May.
The business session shall begin promptly at 2 p.m. and the program not later than 3 p.m.
Section 2 — Called meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President or three members and notice thereof given.
Section 3 — Guest Day: To be observed twice a year. Time, place and character of which to be determined by the Program Committee.
Article VI
QUORUM: Eight members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business other than e-lection of officers, at which time three-fourths of the membership shall be a quorum. Members granted a leave of absence shall not be counted in percentage necessary for quorum.
Article VII
AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be a-mended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present, but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
BY-LAWS Article I
Annual Dues: Each member active and associate, shall pay the amount of dues that shall be determined annually by the vote of the club at the first regular meeting in the calendar year. One-half of all said dues shall be paid not later than the first regular meeting in May. Balance of said dues to be paid by the first regular meeting in September following. Members failing to pay dues before the first regular meeting in December shall forfeit all rights to membership and their names shall be taken from the roll.
Section 2 — New members admitted at the first meeting in January shall be required to pay one-half of all said dues.
Section 3 — No resignation from membership shall be accepted from one who is in arrears for dues.
Section 4 — PENNY ART FUND: Each member, active or associate, shall be assessed one penny each year for a Penny Art Fund, which shall be paid by March 1.
Article II
DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Section 1 — Of President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall appoint standing committees, call special meetings, approve by her signature all orders drawn by the Secretary upon the Treasurer, and exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the Club.
Section 2 — Of Vice-President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 3 — Of Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Club, collect all dues and issue receipt therefor, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for payment of money approved by the President. She shall notify delinquent members as required in Article I Section 1 of these By-Laws and on the first regular meeting of December each year take from the roll of members the names of all those whose dues have not been paid.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each member upon her reception into the Club.
Section 4 — Of Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with her correspondence and send out notices and reports as required and perform the duties of the Recording Secretary in her absence.
Section 5 — Of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all dues and other money from the Recording Secretary, giving her a receipt. All orders for the payment of money to be drawn by the Recording Secretary, approved by the President. Previous to the last meeting, she shall prepare and submit for audit, a detailed account of the
receipts and expenditures of the session, which account duly audited shall be presented to the Club at its last meeting.
Section 6 — Of Critic-Parliamentarian: The Critic-Parliamentarian shall at the close of each business session offer her criticism on any part of the previous program and at least eight times during the year she shall present a discussion on Parliamentary procedure not to exceed fifteen minutes.
Section 7 — Of Club Reporter: The Club Reporter shall report to the local papers any items of interest regarding the meetings of the Club ana shall report to the Official State paper any program of special interest.
Section 8 — Of Custodian: The Custodian shall preserve and keep in her possession all mementos, records and things of value to the Club as these shall accumulate from year to year.
Section 9 — Of Historian. The Historian shall compile in bock form any or all of the club papers, clippings, roll calls, pictures, etc., furnished by the club members which in her judgment have historical or permanent value. Volumes to be delivered to the Custodian not later than the first meeting of the next Club year.
Article III
(1) Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of three members who shall appoint places of meetings, arrange programs, secure lectures, and otherwise plan for advancing the interests of the Club.
(2) Social Committee: The Social Committee shall be composed of three members who shall
have charge of all social affairs desired by the Club.
(3) Music Committee: The Music Committee shall consist of three members who shall provide music for the program of each regular meeting and for such other occasions as may be desired by the Club.
(4) Civic Committee: The Civic Committee shall consist of three members who shall attend to all civic affairs voted by the Club.
(5) Flower Committee: The Flower Committee shall consist of two members who shall attend to
he purchase and disposal of flowers. In case of death in the immediate family of a member (in-cluding father and mother) flowers shall be sent. In other cases, the Corresponding Secretary shall send a letter of condolence from the Club. In case of the continued illness of a member for a week or more, cards shall be sent.
Article IV
ADMISSION OF MEMBERS: Section 1 — Any member of the Club may present a name for membership at any regular meeting of the Club, such name to be presented in writing to the Secretary
Section 2 — New members shall be voted on by ballot, their name having been presented at the previous meeting.
Section 3 — Old members shall be given preference when names are submitted for membership.
Section 4 — Three votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership.
Article V
MEMBERS: Section 1 — Honorary Members: Honorary membership for exceptional service rendered to the Community or to the Club may. be
conferred upon a member by a two-thirds vote of the Club. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club. Absence fines shall not be levied against them.
(a) The names of resident Honorary Members not attending one regular Club meeting during the year shall be dropped from the roll.
Section 2 — Absent Members: A member temporarily absent from the city may retain her active membership in the Club by paying her annual dues and providing for her program numbers. Any regular active member of this Club (Professional Women excepted) shall forfeit her membership by her absence from three consecutive meetings unless a leave of absence has been granted by the Club.
Section 3 — Prolonged illness of a member shall be the only cause for the granting of a leave of absence by the Club, length of time of such leave of absence to be determined by the Club. Absence fines shall not be assessed against such members.
Section 4 — Any member desiring associate membership shall be required to send her application by mail to the corresponding secretary, previous to the meeting in which application is to be considered.
Article VI
MISCELLANOUS: Section 1 — Members must prepare assigned work on the program, or provide substitute, and two failures within the year forfeits the right to membership.
Section 2 — Any member may bring a visiting friend to any Club meeting; such visitor not being a resident of the city.
Section 3 — The President may be excused from any place upon the program.
Section 4 — A fine of ten cents shall be imposed for absence.
Section 5 — A recess shall be declared at each meeting for the payment of absence fines and assessments.
Section 6 — The Club will not be responsible for postage or rental expense in program material incurred by members.
AMENDMENTS: These By-Laws may be a-mended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present providing a two-weeks notice of the proposed amendment has been given.
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 4" wide X 5 1/2" tall, in printed cover