Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1946-1947 - Wellington, Kansas
Collection: Cary Circle Club
Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1946-1947 - Wellington, Kansas
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Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for the Wellington, Kansas Community Cary Circle Club for 1946-1947
Cary Circle - 1946-1947
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Cary Circle - 1946-1947, “Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1946-1947 - Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas Cary Circle
Wellington, Kansas
Fifth District
Fifty-First AnnuaI Program
Cary Circle 1946-1947
* *
Organized 1895 Federated 1896
Member of General, State, District and County Federations
Work for some good, nor idly lie, within the human hive— Alice Cary
Blue and White Theme
Youth Conservation Meetings
Alternate Tuesday, October to June 2:30 o’clock
President . Mrs. C. H. Collett
Vice President Mrs. R. G. Slinker
Recording Secretary Mrs. C. O. Kessinger Corresponding Sec. Mrs. A. G. Wallace
Treasurer . . Miss Mary Ward
Critic • Mrs. M. C. Ward
Custodian Mrs. G. W. Ward
Appointive Officers
Reporter • Mrs. A. C. Felt
Historian and Federation Mrs H C Plumb Fine Arts . Mrs. M. C. Ward
Legislation Mrs. G. W. Ward
International Relations Mrs. W M Martin Motion Picture and Radio Mrs. J. M. Slaten Parliamentarian Mrs. W. F. Lynch
Youth Conservation Miss Marie Sellers
Mrs. Jacob Engle Mrs. R. S. Kirk
Mrs. R. W. Prentice
Mrs. E T. Hackney Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Miss Marie Sellers Mrs. W. P. White
Mrs. Chas Garland Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Miss Grace Matthews Mrs. S. M. Stayton
Civic and Public Welfare
Mrs. F. W. Sellers Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Mrs. P. E. McCormick Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Mrs. R. G. Slinker
Mrs. W. M. Martin Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
Mrs. C. A. Gambrill
Mrs. G. W. Ward Mrs. H. A. Vincent
Miss Mary Ward
General Federation
President Mrs. LaFell Dickinson
Washington D. C.
State Officers
President Mrs. P. A. Petitt, Paola
Vice President Mrs. A. K. Reppert,
Recording Secretary Mrs. W. A. Smiley
Junction City
Treasurer Mrs. V. B. Ballard
Fifth District Officers President Mrs. J. R. Tanksley
Vice President Mrs. Geo. A. King
Recording Secretary Mrs. Allan C. Felt
Treasurer Mrs. P. O. Langerman
Corresponding Sec. Mrs. A. P. Wright
Valley Center
(Mrs. C. H.) Marguerite Waterman
Collett 1174
(Mrs. Jacob) Myrna Saylor Engle 213
(Mrs. A. C.) Harriet Dewall Felt 537
(Mrs. W. M.) May Deems Ferguson 450
(Mrs. C. J.) May Myers Garland 265
(Mrs C A) Eugenia Smiley Gambrill 480
(Mrs E F) Martha Spurlock Gilyeat 160
(Mrs. E. T.) Mabel Rogers Hackney 206
(Mrs. C. P.) Edna Pratt Hangen 554
(Mrs. R. E.) Leona Stultz Hangen 571
(Mrs. C. O.) Hazel Reed Kessinger 1067W
(Mrs. R. S.) Flora Einsel Kirk 1228J
(Mrs. W. F.) Fannie Glasglow Lynch 970
(Mrs. W. M.) Edith Myers Martin 90
(Miss) Grace Thayer Matthews 561J
(Mrs. P E) Laura Phelps McCormick 477
(Mrs. F. A.) Rubye Blanton Meierant 947
(Mrs. R W) Florence Scott Prentice 101W
(Mrs. H. C.) Lura Woods Plumb 851
(Mrs. F. W. Lulu Planz Sellers 394
(Miss) Marie Sellers 394
(Mrs S M) Minnie DeVaney Stayton 533w
(Mrs. J. M.) Eunice Clayton Slaten 1050J
(Mrs. R. G.) Mable Pulford Slinker 1430
(Mrs. H. A.) Kate Mortimer Vincent
(Mrs. A. G.) Charlene Duggan
Wallace 1232
(Mrs. G. W.) Gertrude Hitchcock
Ward 267
(Miss) Mary O. Ward 895W
(Mrs. M. C.) May Williams Ward 1333
(Mrs. W. P.) Ruth Hail White 413
Honorary Members
Mrs Lola B. Hunter. Miss Maud A. Price Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers
Mrs. Lura W. Plumb
Order of Business
Call to Order Roll Call Program Intermission Minutes
Report of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Federation Reports Critic's Report Adjournment
* *
Special Projects
Music Talent Penny Art Carpet Rags
Greetings today to all of you,
Your Year Book will tell you what you are to do;
So for weeks you can worry, fret, and stew,
And then be so happy when your part is through
Hostess Mrs. Jacob Engle
Where have you been this summer?
What have you done? What seen?
What have you read, and the number? What have you heard that was keen?
Reassembly Day
Roll Call Summer Reminiscences
President’s Greeting Mrs. C. H. Collett Club Collect
Program Presentation Mrs. Jacob Engle
Chicago Convention Gleanings
Mrs. A. C. Felt
Social Hour
Hostess Mrs. Chas. P. Hangen
We read so much about peace That makes hate and warring cease,
But Rome was not built in just a day And footsteps to peace are slow, they say
Peace Conservation
Roll Call Peace Quotations
Steps to Peace Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Peace Conservation Mrs. D. G. Heeney
Hostess Mrs. Edith Martin
We are proud of our City, Let’s bless her, Famous people have watched her grow, So here’s to our darling “Old Timer” Who like “Stone”, always steals the show
Our City
Roll Call Name a Wellington person of note
Wellington Years Ago Mrs. C. A-Gambrill
Sketch, “A Rolling Stone”
Mrs. M. C. Ward
Music, Wellington Songs Cary Circle
Hostess Mrs. R. W. Prentice
There are shawls of every color,
Worn by women day and night,
But Mother’s was used most often To wrap the bread and keep it light.
Roll Call Your Hobby
History of shawls Mrs. A. G. Wallace
Shawl Display Miss Georgia Stipp
Carpet Rags
Hostess Mrs. F. W. Sellers
Our wars were fought in violence And Youth sure did it’s part;
As did the men of Medical Science And we thank them from our heart-
Medical Science
Roll Call Plants and Herbs in Medicine
New Medical Science Used in Veterans Hospitals Miss Mary Ward
Work of the Marines Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Music Army and Navy Songs
Hosess Mrs. R. G. Slinker
The name we love is Cary,
It stands for sisters two,
They wrote and lived and made this world
Much finer for me and you.
Cary Sisters
Roll Call Cary Circle Reminiscences
Paper, Cary Sisters Mrs. Edith Martin Poems, Cary Sisters Mrs. W. M. Ferguson Music Songs Written by Cary Sisters
Merry Christmas to you all!
In the very happiest way -
May all the gifts, both large and small
Be in memory of Christ’s Birthday.
JANUARY 1, 1947 * *
Happy New Year is a challenge To forget all the cares of the past, And start this year with a vengance That “Good” is the die that is cast.
JANUARY 7, 1947
Hostess Mrs. F. A. Meierant
United Nations is an organization To keep the peace in every nation;
And Stassen’s the man who showed Michigan how.
A state could be governed by a good man now.
Roll Call Tell Something Interesting about a Country in the United Nations.
Nations Mrs. F. w. Sellers
What Stassen Has Done in Minnesota
Marie Sellers
Music Patriotic
Hostess Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Youth Conservation is the Women’s Clubs aim
Helping girls and boys good to remain, But parents at times are trying too Irving Cobb’s daughter proved this to be true.
Youth Conservation
Roll Call Name a Noted Reformer
Alderson Prison Mrs. R. W. Prentice My Wayward Parent Mrs. W. F. Lynch Music
FEBRUARY 4 Hostess Mrs. A. G. Wallace
We were taught to say “No Ma’am and No Sir” too,
How to read and to write and figures to do,
But these modern methods took off the lids
And produce such wonders as “Kelley’s Quiz Kids”
School Days
Roll Call Verse From Your Old Reader
Modern Education Mrs. Chas. Garland
“Quiz Kids” M Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Sing Song School Days
Hostess Mrs. G. W. Ward
The news is so full of the Russians,
And books written on all their plans,
But the real Truth is still in the Kremlin And World Peace is not in our hands.
Roll Call Russian Notables
Russia Today Mrs. P. E. McCormick Book Review Mrs. H. A. Vincent
Music Russian
Hostess Mrs. Chas. Garland
Lady Announcers - we love every one -From Hilda to Ilka and Dorothy Thompson,
But for a great voice that really was felt We’ll always remember the late Roosevelt.
Women In Radio
Roll Call Name a Woman Announcer
Leuella Parson
Ilka Smith
Dorothy Thompson Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat Alicia Sergio
Kate Smith
Hedda Hopper Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Presbyterian Church
The Musical Program Federated Clubs, Gives help to the talented one. We wish they all could be winners,
For Gloria gives us such fun.
Musical Program Miss Gloria Fetters Guest Day
Hostess Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
Europe’s beautiful Churches and lovely Cathedrals,
Show art, endurance and highest ideals, But the little old Church in the green, wild wood,
Taught the Pioneer Folk how to be good
Churches and Cathedrals
Roll Call Bible Quotation
European Churches Mrs. G. W. Ward American Churches Mrs. R. G. Slinker -Music Hymns
Hostess Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Our boys and girls are ambitious, Scholarships help out a lot To get all the learning desirous For them to end at the top.
Nobel Prize Rhodes Scholarship
Carnegie Mrs. R. S. Kirk
Rockefeller Foundation Westinghouse
Ford Mrs. C. O. Kessinger
Hostess Mrs. A. G. Felt
Great men and events make history Of such lasting quality,
That artists and sculptures made of clay Their monuments and memorials forever to stay.
Roll Call Name a Statue
Noted Statuees Miss Grace Matthews
Memorials Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Hostess Mrs. R. E. Hangen
We all must see the Azalea Trails,
The flowers, the houses, the costumed females;
But never forget the Pioneer’s plan, Whose covered wagon crossed Kansas land.
Roll Call Name a Southern Song
Azalea Trail Mrs. J. M. Slaten
Kansas Trails Mrs. W. P. White
Music Kansas Songs
MAY 27
Hostess Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Spring Luncheon One O’clock
Book Review Mrs. S. M. Stayton
A happy ending at last is found
And each has done her part in the round;
We hope you’ve enjoyed the program of cheer
And emerged happy from Cary this year.
Mrs. Martha Herrick Grace
Mrs. Cordelia Wood Herrick
Mrs. Margaretta H. Smith
Mrs. Fannie M. Hunter
Mrs. Melissa F Ready
Mrs. Eva Stearns Hitchcock
Mrs. Minnie Owens Richards
Mrs. Lola Brown Hunter
Mrs. Philena Stearns Campbell
Mrs. Myrna Saylor Engle
Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock Ward
Mrs. Fannie Miexsell Burks
Mrs. Almira Saylor Robinson
Mrs. Anna Young Garland
Mrs. Helen Wallace Barbour
Mrs. Edna Robbins Herrick
Miss Mary O. Ward
Mrs. Edyth Myers Martin
Mrs. Lura Woods Plumb
Mrs. Ethel Shoup Moodie
Mrs. Annie Todd Brooke
Mrs. Clara Holliday Cobean
Mrs. Minnie DeVaney Stayton
Mrs. May Myers Garland
Mrs. Mabel Rogers Hackney
Mrs. Fannie Glasgow Lynch
Mrs. Kate Mortimer Vincent
Mrs. Katherine Chambers Wyatt
Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers
Mrs. Harriet Deewall Felt
Mrs. Edna Pratt Hangen
Mrs Lena Pfeifor Rush
Mrs. Laura Phelps McCormick
Mrs. Martha Spurlock Gilyeat
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding, and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and, oh, Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
....Mary Stuart.
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity, for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution: to obey its laws; to respect its Flag; and to defend it against all enemies
—William Tyler Page. * *
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation
indivisible with liberty and justice for all”.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the sign Forever linked with qualities divine.
Unity, loyalty, high thoughts bless With the circle’s endlessness.
From the circle’s perfect standard May our conduct never vary.
Let the toast go swinging around With a glorious ringing sound
Here’s to Cary, to Cary.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the seal, Of all our aims, the good, the true, the real.
Let us not carelessly mar nor break
The pattern that we strive to make.
—Mary Williams Ward
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 4" wide X 6 1/4" tall, in printed cover
Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1946-1947 - Wellington, Kansas
Scroll down to view and search inside this booklet.
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for the Wellington, Kansas Community Cary Circle Club for 1946-1947
Cary Circle - 1946-1947
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Cary Circle - 1946-1947, “Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1946-1947 - Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas Cary Circle
Wellington, Kansas
Fifth District
Fifty-First AnnuaI Program
Cary Circle 1946-1947
* *
Organized 1895 Federated 1896
Member of General, State, District and County Federations
Work for some good, nor idly lie, within the human hive— Alice Cary
Blue and White Theme
Youth Conservation Meetings
Alternate Tuesday, October to June 2:30 o’clock
President . Mrs. C. H. Collett
Vice President Mrs. R. G. Slinker
Recording Secretary Mrs. C. O. Kessinger Corresponding Sec. Mrs. A. G. Wallace
Treasurer . . Miss Mary Ward
Critic • Mrs. M. C. Ward
Custodian Mrs. G. W. Ward
Appointive Officers
Reporter • Mrs. A. C. Felt
Historian and Federation Mrs H C Plumb Fine Arts . Mrs. M. C. Ward
Legislation Mrs. G. W. Ward
International Relations Mrs. W M Martin Motion Picture and Radio Mrs. J. M. Slaten Parliamentarian Mrs. W. F. Lynch
Youth Conservation Miss Marie Sellers
Mrs. Jacob Engle Mrs. R. S. Kirk
Mrs. R. W. Prentice
Mrs. E T. Hackney Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Miss Marie Sellers Mrs. W. P. White
Mrs. Chas Garland Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Miss Grace Matthews Mrs. S. M. Stayton
Civic and Public Welfare
Mrs. F. W. Sellers Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Mrs. P. E. McCormick Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Mrs. R. G. Slinker
Mrs. W. M. Martin Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
Mrs. C. A. Gambrill
Mrs. G. W. Ward Mrs. H. A. Vincent
Miss Mary Ward
General Federation
President Mrs. LaFell Dickinson
Washington D. C.
State Officers
President Mrs. P. A. Petitt, Paola
Vice President Mrs. A. K. Reppert,
Recording Secretary Mrs. W. A. Smiley
Junction City
Treasurer Mrs. V. B. Ballard
Fifth District Officers President Mrs. J. R. Tanksley
Vice President Mrs. Geo. A. King
Recording Secretary Mrs. Allan C. Felt
Treasurer Mrs. P. O. Langerman
Corresponding Sec. Mrs. A. P. Wright
Valley Center
(Mrs. C. H.) Marguerite Waterman
Collett 1174
(Mrs. Jacob) Myrna Saylor Engle 213
(Mrs. A. C.) Harriet Dewall Felt 537
(Mrs. W. M.) May Deems Ferguson 450
(Mrs. C. J.) May Myers Garland 265
(Mrs C A) Eugenia Smiley Gambrill 480
(Mrs E F) Martha Spurlock Gilyeat 160
(Mrs. E. T.) Mabel Rogers Hackney 206
(Mrs. C. P.) Edna Pratt Hangen 554
(Mrs. R. E.) Leona Stultz Hangen 571
(Mrs. C. O.) Hazel Reed Kessinger 1067W
(Mrs. R. S.) Flora Einsel Kirk 1228J
(Mrs. W. F.) Fannie Glasglow Lynch 970
(Mrs. W. M.) Edith Myers Martin 90
(Miss) Grace Thayer Matthews 561J
(Mrs. P E) Laura Phelps McCormick 477
(Mrs. F. A.) Rubye Blanton Meierant 947
(Mrs. R W) Florence Scott Prentice 101W
(Mrs. H. C.) Lura Woods Plumb 851
(Mrs. F. W. Lulu Planz Sellers 394
(Miss) Marie Sellers 394
(Mrs S M) Minnie DeVaney Stayton 533w
(Mrs. J. M.) Eunice Clayton Slaten 1050J
(Mrs. R. G.) Mable Pulford Slinker 1430
(Mrs. H. A.) Kate Mortimer Vincent
(Mrs. A. G.) Charlene Duggan
Wallace 1232
(Mrs. G. W.) Gertrude Hitchcock
Ward 267
(Miss) Mary O. Ward 895W
(Mrs. M. C.) May Williams Ward 1333
(Mrs. W. P.) Ruth Hail White 413
Honorary Members
Mrs Lola B. Hunter. Miss Maud A. Price Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers
Mrs. Lura W. Plumb
Order of Business
Call to Order Roll Call Program Intermission Minutes
Report of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Federation Reports Critic's Report Adjournment
* *
Special Projects
Music Talent Penny Art Carpet Rags
Greetings today to all of you,
Your Year Book will tell you what you are to do;
So for weeks you can worry, fret, and stew,
And then be so happy when your part is through
Hostess Mrs. Jacob Engle
Where have you been this summer?
What have you done? What seen?
What have you read, and the number? What have you heard that was keen?
Reassembly Day
Roll Call Summer Reminiscences
President’s Greeting Mrs. C. H. Collett Club Collect
Program Presentation Mrs. Jacob Engle
Chicago Convention Gleanings
Mrs. A. C. Felt
Social Hour
Hostess Mrs. Chas. P. Hangen
We read so much about peace That makes hate and warring cease,
But Rome was not built in just a day And footsteps to peace are slow, they say
Peace Conservation
Roll Call Peace Quotations
Steps to Peace Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Peace Conservation Mrs. D. G. Heeney
Hostess Mrs. Edith Martin
We are proud of our City, Let’s bless her, Famous people have watched her grow, So here’s to our darling “Old Timer” Who like “Stone”, always steals the show
Our City
Roll Call Name a Wellington person of note
Wellington Years Ago Mrs. C. A-Gambrill
Sketch, “A Rolling Stone”
Mrs. M. C. Ward
Music, Wellington Songs Cary Circle
Hostess Mrs. R. W. Prentice
There are shawls of every color,
Worn by women day and night,
But Mother’s was used most often To wrap the bread and keep it light.
Roll Call Your Hobby
History of shawls Mrs. A. G. Wallace
Shawl Display Miss Georgia Stipp
Carpet Rags
Hostess Mrs. F. W. Sellers
Our wars were fought in violence And Youth sure did it’s part;
As did the men of Medical Science And we thank them from our heart-
Medical Science
Roll Call Plants and Herbs in Medicine
New Medical Science Used in Veterans Hospitals Miss Mary Ward
Work of the Marines Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Music Army and Navy Songs
Hosess Mrs. R. G. Slinker
The name we love is Cary,
It stands for sisters two,
They wrote and lived and made this world
Much finer for me and you.
Cary Sisters
Roll Call Cary Circle Reminiscences
Paper, Cary Sisters Mrs. Edith Martin Poems, Cary Sisters Mrs. W. M. Ferguson Music Songs Written by Cary Sisters
Merry Christmas to you all!
In the very happiest way -
May all the gifts, both large and small
Be in memory of Christ’s Birthday.
JANUARY 1, 1947 * *
Happy New Year is a challenge To forget all the cares of the past, And start this year with a vengance That “Good” is the die that is cast.
JANUARY 7, 1947
Hostess Mrs. F. A. Meierant
United Nations is an organization To keep the peace in every nation;
And Stassen’s the man who showed Michigan how.
A state could be governed by a good man now.
Roll Call Tell Something Interesting about a Country in the United Nations.
Nations Mrs. F. w. Sellers
What Stassen Has Done in Minnesota
Marie Sellers
Music Patriotic
Hostess Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Youth Conservation is the Women’s Clubs aim
Helping girls and boys good to remain, But parents at times are trying too Irving Cobb’s daughter proved this to be true.
Youth Conservation
Roll Call Name a Noted Reformer
Alderson Prison Mrs. R. W. Prentice My Wayward Parent Mrs. W. F. Lynch Music
FEBRUARY 4 Hostess Mrs. A. G. Wallace
We were taught to say “No Ma’am and No Sir” too,
How to read and to write and figures to do,
But these modern methods took off the lids
And produce such wonders as “Kelley’s Quiz Kids”
School Days
Roll Call Verse From Your Old Reader
Modern Education Mrs. Chas. Garland
“Quiz Kids” M Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Sing Song School Days
Hostess Mrs. G. W. Ward
The news is so full of the Russians,
And books written on all their plans,
But the real Truth is still in the Kremlin And World Peace is not in our hands.
Roll Call Russian Notables
Russia Today Mrs. P. E. McCormick Book Review Mrs. H. A. Vincent
Music Russian
Hostess Mrs. Chas. Garland
Lady Announcers - we love every one -From Hilda to Ilka and Dorothy Thompson,
But for a great voice that really was felt We’ll always remember the late Roosevelt.
Women In Radio
Roll Call Name a Woman Announcer
Leuella Parson
Ilka Smith
Dorothy Thompson Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat Alicia Sergio
Kate Smith
Hedda Hopper Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Presbyterian Church
The Musical Program Federated Clubs, Gives help to the talented one. We wish they all could be winners,
For Gloria gives us such fun.
Musical Program Miss Gloria Fetters Guest Day
Hostess Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
Europe’s beautiful Churches and lovely Cathedrals,
Show art, endurance and highest ideals, But the little old Church in the green, wild wood,
Taught the Pioneer Folk how to be good
Churches and Cathedrals
Roll Call Bible Quotation
European Churches Mrs. G. W. Ward American Churches Mrs. R. G. Slinker -Music Hymns
Hostess Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Our boys and girls are ambitious, Scholarships help out a lot To get all the learning desirous For them to end at the top.
Nobel Prize Rhodes Scholarship
Carnegie Mrs. R. S. Kirk
Rockefeller Foundation Westinghouse
Ford Mrs. C. O. Kessinger
Hostess Mrs. A. G. Felt
Great men and events make history Of such lasting quality,
That artists and sculptures made of clay Their monuments and memorials forever to stay.
Roll Call Name a Statue
Noted Statuees Miss Grace Matthews
Memorials Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Hostess Mrs. R. E. Hangen
We all must see the Azalea Trails,
The flowers, the houses, the costumed females;
But never forget the Pioneer’s plan, Whose covered wagon crossed Kansas land.
Roll Call Name a Southern Song
Azalea Trail Mrs. J. M. Slaten
Kansas Trails Mrs. W. P. White
Music Kansas Songs
MAY 27
Hostess Mrs. E. T. Hackney
Spring Luncheon One O’clock
Book Review Mrs. S. M. Stayton
A happy ending at last is found
And each has done her part in the round;
We hope you’ve enjoyed the program of cheer
And emerged happy from Cary this year.
Mrs. Martha Herrick Grace
Mrs. Cordelia Wood Herrick
Mrs. Margaretta H. Smith
Mrs. Fannie M. Hunter
Mrs. Melissa F Ready
Mrs. Eva Stearns Hitchcock
Mrs. Minnie Owens Richards
Mrs. Lola Brown Hunter
Mrs. Philena Stearns Campbell
Mrs. Myrna Saylor Engle
Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock Ward
Mrs. Fannie Miexsell Burks
Mrs. Almira Saylor Robinson
Mrs. Anna Young Garland
Mrs. Helen Wallace Barbour
Mrs. Edna Robbins Herrick
Miss Mary O. Ward
Mrs. Edyth Myers Martin
Mrs. Lura Woods Plumb
Mrs. Ethel Shoup Moodie
Mrs. Annie Todd Brooke
Mrs. Clara Holliday Cobean
Mrs. Minnie DeVaney Stayton
Mrs. May Myers Garland
Mrs. Mabel Rogers Hackney
Mrs. Fannie Glasgow Lynch
Mrs. Kate Mortimer Vincent
Mrs. Katherine Chambers Wyatt
Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers
Mrs. Harriet Deewall Felt
Mrs. Edna Pratt Hangen
Mrs Lena Pfeifor Rush
Mrs. Laura Phelps McCormick
Mrs. Martha Spurlock Gilyeat
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding, and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and, oh, Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!
....Mary Stuart.
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity, for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution: to obey its laws; to respect its Flag; and to defend it against all enemies
—William Tyler Page. * *
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation
indivisible with liberty and justice for all”.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the sign Forever linked with qualities divine.
Unity, loyalty, high thoughts bless With the circle’s endlessness.
From the circle’s perfect standard May our conduct never vary.
Let the toast go swinging around With a glorious ringing sound
Here’s to Cary, to Cary.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the seal, Of all our aims, the good, the true, the real.
Let us not carelessly mar nor break
The pattern that we strive to make.
—Mary Williams Ward
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 4" wide X 6 1/4" tall, in printed cover