Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1943-1944 - Wellington, Kansas
Collection: Cary Circle Club


Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1943-1944 - Wellington, Kansas

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Club Booklet for the Wellington, Kansas Community Cary Circle Club for 1943-1944


Cary Circle - 1943-1944


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection








Cary Circle - 1943-1944, “Club Booklet - Cary Circle - Fifth District - 1943-1944 - Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Cary Circle
Wellington, Kansas
o o
Fifth District

Cary Circle
o o
Circle Organized 1895 Federated 1896
Member of County, Fifth District and State Federations
Motto: “Work for some good, nor idly lie within the human hive.” — Alice Cary
Colors: Blue and White
Meetings: Alternate Tuesday, October to June, 2:30 o’clock
President .... ........Mrs. P. E. McCormick
Vice-President ..... .....Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
Recording Secretary ... .. Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Treasurer ............. ...Mrs. Jacob Engle
Critic ....... .. ........Mrs. M. C. Ward
Custodian ................Mrs. G. W. Ward
Reporter ..... ....... ....Mrs. R. S. Kirk
Historian .... .........Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Art ... ................. Mrs. E. T. Hackney
International Relations Mrs. C. W. Hunter
Federation Mrs. W. F. Lynch
Legislation ............. Mrs. W. M. Martin
War Service .............Mrs. W. H. Rush
Mrs. Roy Slinker Mrs. F. A. Brooke
Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Mrs. C. F. Martin Miss Grace Matthews Mrs. C. H. Collett Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Mrs .F. A. Meierant Mrs. H. A. Vincent
Mrs. J. M. Slaten
Mrs. F. W. Sellers Mrs. Harry Baker
Mrs. W. H. Rush
Mrs. A. C. Felt Mrs. G. W. Ward
Mrs. C. 0. Kessinger
Mrs. A. G. Wallace Mrs. W. M. Ferguson Mrs. C. A. Gambrill
Miss Mary Ward Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Mrs. Jacob Engle
Mrs. J. L. Whitehurst ............
General Federation President
Mrs. F. S. Hawes .....................Russell
State President
Mrs. A. K. Reppert ...................Neodesha
State Recording Secretary
Mrs. W. R. Rowell .............. El Dorado
Mrs. W. R. Masters ................Halstead
Mrs. J. R. Tanksley ....... .... Wichita
Recording Secretary
Mrs. Orville A. Kent ........... El Dorado
Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. George E. King .............. Wichita
(Mrs. F. A.) Annie Todd Brooke ......681
(Mrs. H. S.) Lucy Hinchman Baker ....1279
(Mrs. C. H.) Marguerite Waterman Collett
(Mrs. Jacob) Myrna Saylor Engle .........213
(Mrs. A. C.) Harriet Deewall Felt .......537
(Mrs. W. M.) May Deems Ferguson ........450
(Mrs. C. A.) Eugenie Smiley Gambrill . 484
(Mrs. E. F.) Martha Spurlok Gilyeat .160
(Mrs. E. T.) Mabel Rogers Hackney ..206
(Mrs. C. P.) Edna Pratt Hangen ......554
(Mrs. R. E.) Leona Stultz Hangen ....571
(Mrs. C. W.) Lola Brown Hunter ....792
(Mrs. C. O.) Hazel Reed Kessinger ....1067-W
(Mrs. R. S) Flora Einsel Kirk ......1228-J
(Mrs. W. F.) Fannie Glasgow Lynch .......970
(Mrs. W. M.) Edith Myers Martin ..........90
(Mrs. C. F.) Virginia Townsend Martin . 1345
(Miss) Grace Thayer Matthews .......561-J
(Mrs. P. E.) Laura Phelps McCormick ... 1335
(Mrs. F. A.) Rubye Blanton Meierant .947
(Mrs. H. C.) Lura Woods Plumb .............851
(Mrs. W. H.) Lena Pfeifer Rush ............611
(Mrs. F. W.) Lulu Planz Sellers ...........394
(Mrs. J. M.) Eunice Clayton Slaten .....1050-J
(Mrs. R. G.) Mabel Pulford Slinker ......1430
(Mrs. H. A.) Kate Mortimer Vincent ......817-J
(Mrs. A. G.) Charlene Duggan Wallace . 1232 (Mrs. G.W.) Gertrude Hitchcock Ward . .267
(Miss) Mary O. Ward ...................895-W
(Mrs. M. C.) May Williams Ward -----------1333
Honorary Members
Mrs. Lola B. Hunter Miss Maude Price Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers
Non-Resident Member
Mrs. Minnie Stayton
Call to Order Roll Call Program Intermission Minutes
Reports of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Federation Reports Critic’s Report Adjournment
Let the earth and the water, the air and the fruits of my country be sweet, my God.
Let the homes and marts, the forests and fields of my country be full, my God.
Let the promises and hopes ,the deeds and words of my country be true, my God.
Let the lives and the hearts of the sons and daughters of my country be one, my God.
— Rabindranath Tagore.
OCTOBER 5 — Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Golden hours of vision come to us in this present life when our faculties work together in harmony. — C. F. Dole.
When my cue comes call me, and I will an-swer. — Shakespeare.
Roll Call .............. Autumn Quotations
President’s Greeting .. Mrs. P. E. McCormick
Book Review ............ Mrs. H. A. Vincent
Presentation of Year Books, Mrs. Roy Slinker Music
Social Hour
OCTOBER 19 — Mrs. R. E. Hangen
First you must have faith, then you will have power. — Sun Yat-Sen.
Roll Call ......................Resources
History and Government Miss Mary Ward Prominent People Mrs. A. G. Wallace
NOVEMBER 2 — Mrs. C. H. Collett
If you have wit, use it to please, and not to hurt. — Lord Chesterfield.
Roll Call ...............Humorous Memories
Interesting Present World
Personalities ......Mrs. R. E. Hangen
Selected Story ..........Miss Grace Matthews
Personal Reminiscences, Mrs. C. A. Gambrill
NOVEMBER 16 — Mrs. C. O. Kessinger
Books give wisdom where was none before, But where some is, the reading make it more. — Sir John Herrington.
Roll Call ................Current Events
What We Don’t Know About
Congress .............Mrs. H. C. Plumb
Book Review ..............Mrs. W. H. Rush
NOVEMBER 30 — Mrs. Jacob Engle
Beautiful isle of the sea smile on the brow of the waters. — George Cooper.
Roll Call .....................An Island
Topography of Islands ....Mrs. H. S. Baker
People and Culture .......Mrs. A. C. Felt
DECEMBER 14 — Mrs G. VV. Ward
Every artist dips his brush into his own soul and paints his own nature into his picture. — Henry Ward Beecher.
In Charge of
Art Chairman Mrs. E. T. Hackney Music
Social Hour
JANUARY 4 — Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Even while we sing, he smiles his last, And leaves our sphere behind.
The Good Old Year is with the past,
O’ be the New as kind. — Bryant.
American Home:
Roll Call .......... Sayings of our Children
Preservation of Foods Mrs. C. O. Kessinger
Children As Post-War
Citizens ............Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
The Path of Family
Religion ............ Mrs. C. H. Collett
JANUARY 18 — Mrs. E. F. Gilyeat
When we look into the long avenues of the future and see the good there is for each one of us to do, we realize after all what a beautiful thing it is to work and to live and to be happy. — Robert Louis Stevenson.
Roll Call ...A Book I Should Like To Own
Book Review ............Mrs. W. M. Martin
Election of Officers
FEBRUARY 1 — Mrs. F. W. Sellers
To God be humble, to thy friend be kind, And with thy neighbor gladly lend and borrow;
His chance tonight, it may be thine to - morrow. — William Dunbar.
South America:
Roll Call .................Current Events
People and Culture ........Mrs. G. W. Ward
South American Quiz .......Mrs. Jacob Engle
Reading — Christ of the Andes ..
Mrs. C. P. Hangen
Peace is the healing and elevating influence of the world. — Woodrow Wilson.
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." — Matt. 5:9.
Roll Call .. ..........Peace Quotations
Guest Speaker .. ...... Miss Maude Price
Reading — Peace — Robert
Whitaker ...........Mrs. J. M. Wyatt
FEBRUARY 29 — Mrs. A. C. Felt
“I would rather belong to a poor nation that is free, than a rich nation that has ceased to love freedom.” — President Wilson.
Roll Call ...............News of the Week
America’s Foreign Policies Past and
Present .............Mrs. F. W. Sellers,
Mrs. R. S. Kirk
MARCH 14 — Mrs. C. P. Hangen
“Life is not so bad, upon my word we’re happy yet,
And many things we can’t afford we some how get.”
Roll Call ...................Current Event
Looking Backward ........Mrs. W. F. Lynch
Better Things Coming .... .Mrs. C. F. Martin
Music — Old Time
MARCH 28 — Mrs. E. T. Hackney
What is given by the gods more desirable than an happy hour? — Catullus.
A Play ...............Mrs. Bernard Pyles
Social Hour
APRIL 11 — Mrs. W. M. Martin
From birth to age 18, a girl needs good parents. From 18 to 35, she needs good looks. From 35 to 55, a woman needs personality. And from 55 on, the old lady needs cash!
— Kathleen Norris.
Roll Call ............................. Women in Past Wars
Women in Uniform ...................Mrs. C. W. Hunter
Book Review ................ ...... Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
APRIL 25 — Mrs. II. C. Plumb
The memory of the red man how can it pass away,
While their names of music linger on each mount and stream and bay.
Richard Huntington.
American Indian:
Roll Call .......................A Tribe
Home Life and Worship, Mrs. F. A. Meierant Arts and Legends ........Mrs. M. C. Ward
MAY 9 — Mrs. W. H. Rush
“Ambition goes too far with me,
The daily tasks I shirk;
In dreaming such things today,
I don’t have time to work."
Plant Exchange and General
Discussion ..........Mrs. F. A. Brooke
The Rubber Industry ....... Mrs. J. M. Slaten
Report of General Federation
Reading .....................Bonnie Hall
MAY 23 — Mrs. C. F. Martin
I’ve made it a practice to put all my worries down in the bottom of my heart, then sit on the lid and smile. — Mrs. Wiggs.
Roll Call — Quotations .........Ogden Nash
In charge of Program Committee Music
Social Hour
“So the year dies, and so, Into the Afterglow All the year’s days go.
So dies the year, and so Gently we come to know How fair the Afterglow.”
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning at the bar, When I put out to sea.
Rachel Buttrey September 8, 1942
Mrs. Martha Herrick Grace Mrs. Cordelia Wood Herrick Mrs. Margaretta H. Smith Mrs. Fannie M. Hunter Mrs. Melissa F. Ready Mrs. Eva Stearns Hitchcock Mrs. Minnie Owens Richards Mrs. Lola Brown Hunter Mrs. Philena Stearns Campbell Mrs. Myrna Saylor Engle Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock Ward Mrs. Fannie Miexsell Burks Mrs. Almira Saylor Robinson Mrs. Anna Young Garland Mrs. Helen Wallace Barbour Mrs. Edna Robbins Herrick Miss Mary O. Ward Mrs. Edith Myers Martin Mrs. Lura Woods Plumb Mrs. Ethel Shoup Moodie Mrs. Annie Todd Brooke Mrs. Clara Holliday Cobean Mrs. Minnie DeVaney Stayton Mrs. May Myers Garland Mrs. Mabel Rogers Hackney Mrs. Fannie Glasgow Lynch Mrs. Kate Mortimer Vincent Mrs. Katherine Chambers Wyatt Mrs. Lulu Planz Sellers Mrs. Harriet Deewall Felt Mrs. Edna Pratt Hangen Mrs. Lena Pfeifer Rush
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things, make us grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all; and Oh, Lord God, let us not forget to be kind.
— Mary Stewart.
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable, established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its Laws; to respect its Flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of tha United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Cary Circle knows the circle is the sign Forever linked with qualifies divine.
Unity, loyalty, high thoughts bless With the circle’s endlessness.
From the circle’s perfect standard May our conduct never vary.
Let the toast go swinging around With a glorious ringing sound.
Here’s to Cary, to Cary.
Cary Circle knows the circle is the seal,
Of all our aims, the good, the true, the real.
Let us not carelessly mar nor break
The pattern that we strive to make.
— May Williams Ward.

Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 4" wide X 5 1/2" tall, in printed cover