1886 - Directory of the City of Wellington and Business Directory of Caldwell - Kansas


1886 - Directory of the City of Wellington and Business Directory of Caldwell - Kansas


Wellington, Kansas--Residents

Sumner County--Residents

Wellington, Kansas--Businesses

Sumner County, Kansas-Businesses

Sumner County, Kansas--Voters

Sumner County, Kansas--Towns

Sumner County, Kansas--Townships


1886 Directory of the City of Wellington, Kansas and the Business Directory of Caldwell, Kansas. Also a complete list of the voters of Sumner County with the Post Office address of each, arranged by towns and townships in alphabetical order.


C. C. Hirons
Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Press Job and Book Rooms


Wellington Public Library
Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library
Wellington, Kansas











C. C. Hirons Wellington, Kansas Sumner County Press Job and Book Rooms 1886, “1886 - Directory of the City of Wellington and Business Directory of Caldwell - Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 25, 2025, https://wellington.digitalsckls.info/item/109.

— OF THE —
City of Wellington,
Business Directory of Caldwell.
Giving a list of the Inhabitants, Business Firms, Benevolent and Religious Institutions.
Also a Complete List of the Voters of Sumner County With the Post Office address of each, arranged by Towns and Townships in alphabetical order.
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It
Sumner County Press Job and Book Rooms. 1886.
The artistic exce1lence and superior workmanship of our designs are evidenced by the many specimens now on exhibition in our show room, and by the numerous works which we have erected in various cemeteries in this vicinity.
Every department
of our business is in the hands of skilled and competent workmen who are capable of executing any piece of work, from the plainest to the most elaborate, which together with lithe personal super-vision which each department receives is a guarantee that
Perfect Satisfaction will be given to the most exacting of our patrons. Special Designs and estimates for any desired work will be furnished on application.
We are here to stay and we defy all foreign or any other kind of competition
We are strictly a HOME COMPANY. We have no large commissions to pay to traveling salesmen; consequently we can give the lowest possible prices and guarantee first-class work and material.
We do not, as do some firms, put in soft stone bases for monuments, but, instead, use the best of Strong City limestone which will last forever. Each week we are in receipt of consignments of foreign and domestic marble.
Chains and iron fences a specialty.
Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere and we will save money for you.
Callahan, Amer & Co
Successors To
in the State Natronal Bank Building.
Fine Photographic work of any size or class, finished in the most approved style. We have in successful operation all the late improvements in the art; Work of all kinds is executed promptly.

Instantaneous Photographs

of children a specialty. We are prepared to do all kinds of landscape and view work with dispatch and promptness. The following kept on sale: City views, Indian photo’s, Views of Kansas, Arkansas, Indian Territory, New Mexico and Colorado scenery.
Our prices are always reasonable

We lead in Low Prlces.
Dr. B. B. Freeman
Successor to Dr. MARTIN.
Office second stairway north of the Arlington corner.
Residence south F street opposite Dr. Maggard Telephone No. 90.
Wellington. Kansas

J. H. Heath. M. D.
Physician & Surgeon
Office and residence corner Seventh and Poplar streets.
Industry and close attention to detail.
AEtna Mills..................... 36
B. F. Sparr.....................117
Collender Billiard Parlor........30
Cyphers Bros.....................60
C. M. Staub......................60
C R. Hume......................88
Depot Hotel................... 42
Dr. Freeman..............Fly leaf
Dr. Heath.......................Fly leaf
E. N. Andrews...................Fly leaf
Fisher, Wood & Co............... .. 54
G S. Burton..........Inside cover
G. F. Calver................12
H. P. Hall..................Cover
Hall Bros..... ..... ........Fly leaf
H. Haskin & Bro.................117
Henry Ratekin...................Fly leaf
Hoosier Bakery................. 18
Isaac G. Heed... .............. 18
J. .J. Augustine ..________ Flyleaf
J. H, Mason .....................18
J. M. Thomas................... 117
J. L. Grider.................... 54
J A. Burnette................... 88
Long, Martin & Co.... Inside cover
Leland Hotel................... 72
Orie Fitzgerald.................Fly leaf
Sumner County Bank...........60-128
State National Bank........Bed leaf
Southern Kan. Mortgage Co “ “
Snell & Sargent. ...............Fly leaf
Stock Exchange Bank ............. 70
Southwestern Hotel...............88
Sumncr Co Press Opposite........ 32
Share Bros.......................24
Sumner County Press............ 144
The Wellington Pump Co_______ Cover
The Showalter Mortgage Co..Cover
W.T. Coverdale.....Inside Cover
Wm. Weaver.......................18
Willis K. Folks..................30
Wellington Music Co........ ...30
Walter McCoy....................42
Walker & Harding ..............42
Worden & Co........ ........... . .. 54
Wellington Boiler Mills..........66
Woods’ Opera House..............128
Wellington Marble Works .FIy leaf
So much has already been said and written relating to Sumner County, its rapid growth, fertility, &C., that I deem it unnecessary to make further comment on the subject, and will merely give the population of the county and the various cities and towns therein as shown by the census of 1886: Sumner county, 34,741; Wellington, 7,157; Caldwell, 1,967; Belle Plaine, 762; Oxford, 705; Conway Springs, 635; Argonia, 514; South Haven, 408; Hunnewell, 209; Mulvane, 800, and Geuda Springs, about 600. Since the above census was taken the population of both the county and its cities and towns have been greatly augmented by a desirable class of “home hunters” from the oast and elsewhere.
November 25th, 1886.

In making this Street Directory we take Washington Avenue as a dividing line north and south, and Harvey avenue as a dividing line east and west.
Streets North Harvey Ave.
First..........................7th street
Second................. 8th street
Third...................9th street
Fourth.............. 10th street
Fifth.........................11th street
Sixth ............... 12th street
Seventh................13th street
Eighth........................14th street
Ninth.........................15th street
Tenth............... 16th street
Eleventh............. 17th street
Twelfth.............. 18th street
Thirteenth.... ........19th street
Fourteenth......... .20th street
Fifteenth........... 21st street
Sixteenth......................22d street
Seventeenth................ 23d street
Eighteenth....................24th street
Streets South Harvey Ave.
First................ Lincoln Ave.
Second................. 4th street
Third......... ........ 3d street
Fourth.............. . .2d street
Fifth...................1st street
Sixth........................Maple street
Seventh ............Walnut street
Eighth... ............Mill street
Ninth..................South street
Tenth............... Kansas street
Eleventh............. Sumner street
Twelfth ... . .......Botkin street
Streets East Washington
First.....................C street
Second................. B street
Third ... A street
Fourth.............. Ash street
Fifth................Birch street
Sixth......................Cherry street
Seventh........ ...Douglass street
Eighth................ Elm street
Streets West Washington

First. ..........Jefferson Ave.
Second........ .... .....F street
Third,.................. G street
Fourth................ ... H street
Fifth........ — Blaine street
Sixth Olive street
Seventh............ Poplar street
Eighth............... Park Street
Ninth ................ Plum street
Tenth........... . High street
Streets running each way through the city run from one side of city limits to the other.

Wellington City Directory
ab...................... ...above
agt..................... .agent
ave ....................... avenue
bds ... ................. boards
bet . .....................between
clk...... ................. clerk
co..................... ... county
e............. ........... east of
es.. ........... ........east side
imp . .........implements
ins... .................insurance
lab...................... laborer
n......................... north
ne cor.......... northeast corner
ns...... .............. north side
nw cor...........northwest corner
ne....................... near
opp.... ............... opposite
propr....................... .... -proprietor
res.. .................. residence
s.......................south of
ss.....................south side
se cor........ .southeast corner
sw cor .........southwest corner
w. ......................west of
ws.............................west side
The figures 1d, 2d, 3d etc., first door, second door, third door, etc.
Example Smith, John, fr Ky., carp, wks ss Main st. 2d w 2d st, bds ss 3rd 2nd w Main st.
Means John Smith, from Kentucky, carpenter, works south side Main street two doors west of Second street, and boards south side of Third street, two doors west of Main street.

Adams' Express Co., 208 N. Washington ave. Adams, C. A. fr. Ohio, res. 525 S. F st.
Adams, C. fr. Ohio, res. 525 S. F st.
Adams, Wm. fr. Ohio, res. 525 S. F st.
Adams, Geo. fr. Missouri, laundryman, res. 114 E. 3rd st.

AEtna Mills, John G. Woods, proprietor, s. w. cor. Lincoln ave.. and Ash st.
Aldrich, L. B. fr Wisconsin, tinner, basement Frantz, Mann & Co's, hardware, res. 110 S. G st.
Aldrich, Elmer fr. Wisconsin, printer, wks. Postal Card office, res.
110 S. G st.
Aldrich, Miss Cora fr. Wisconsin, res. 110 S. G st.
Albert, Mrs. S. fr. Illinois, res. 524 S. G st.
Albert, Jacob fr. Illinois, gardener, res. es. G st., opp. Walnut st.
Albert, Jno. fr. Illinois, teamster, res. s. e. cor. 2nd and Cherry sts.
Algire, J. B. fr. Illinois, plasterer, res 622 S. F st.
Alexander, J. D. fr. Illinois, manager Wellington street railway, res.
728 N. B st.
Althaus, Jno. fr. Illinois, carpenter, res. 605 E. Lincoln ave.
Allison, I. W. fr. Indiana, carpenter, res. 411 S. Olive st.
Alis, N. fr. Indiana, carpenter, res 408 E. 4th st.
Alley, W, fr. Indiana, plasterer, res. s. w. cor. 2nd and Douglas sts.
Allen, Mrs. E. fr. Indiana, res. s. w. cor. 7th and Poplar sts.
Amberg, Jno. fr. Illinois, section hand S. K. R. R., res. n. e. cor. 3rd and Cherry sts.
Amberg, C. fr. Illinois, section hand S. K. R. R., res. n. e. cor. 3rd and Cherry sts.
Amberg, Miss Barbara fr Illinois, res. n. e. cor. 3rd and Cherry sts.
Amer, H. P. fr. Illinois, wks. Marble Works, res. 419 N Jefferson ave.
Amick, P. fr. Missouri, res. 309 S. C st.
Anderson, P. M. fr. Illinois, jeweler, wks. P. A. Wood, bds. Arlington.
Anderson, Miss Ella fr. Illinois, res. 616 N Jefferson ave.
Anderson, Miss Stella fr. Illinois, res. 616 N Jefferson ave.
Anderson, Miss Mary fr. Illinois, res. 616 N Jefferson ave.
Anderson, Jno. I. fr. Illinois, constable, res. 616 N Jefferson ave.
Anderson, Isaac fr. Iowa, bridge carpenter S. K. R. R., res. n. e. cor.
1st and Cherry sts.
Anderson, Miss Annie fr. Sweden, wks. 1206 S Washington ave.
Anderson, Jno. fr. Missouri, laborer, res. 617 S. F st.
Anderson, Miss Ella fr. Indiana, res. 428 S. H st.
Anderson, R. A. fr. Indiana, res. 428 s. II st.
Andrews, T. N. fr. Iowa, salesman A. Graff, res, 828 s. Washington ave.
Andrews, H. W. fr. Illinois, proprietor Bee-Hive grocery, res. 303 s. F st.


Andrews, E. N. fr. England, harness and saddles, 117 n. Washington ave., bds. Arlington House, res. 1d, n. M. E. Church.
Anthony, C. D. fr. Massachusetts, proprietor Sumner House.
Arlington House, Speed & Crenshaw, proprietors, entrance 109 w. Harvey ave.
Argust, Miss Nellie fr. Illinois, res. 322 e. 12th st.
Arnold, G. W., fr. Illinois, tinner, wks. A. Graff, res. es. Olive, 4d. s. 8th st.
Arnold, J. A., fr. Illinois, livery, feed and sale stable, 509 s. Washington ave., res. 507 s. Washington ave.
Arnold Bro’s. feed and sale stable, 509 s. Washington ave.
Arnold, S. M., fr. Illinois, livery, feed and sale stable, 509 s. Washington ave., res. 507 s. Washington ave.
Arnold, W. M., fr. Illinois, livery, feed and sale stable, 509 s. Washington ave., res. 507 s. Washington ave.
Armstrong, D. M., fr. New York, dealer in second-hand goods, 303 s. Washington ave., res. 404 s. Jefferson ave.
Armstrong, S. N., fr. Illinois, farmer, res. 302 e. 3rd st.
Artman, A. C., fr. Illinois, laborer, res. sw. cor. 10th and n. G sts.
Atchison, H. J., fr. Indiana, res. 328 s. C st. Atchison, Miss Urna, fr. Indiana, res. 328 s. C. st.
Attebury, J. L., fr. Missouri, res. 125 Park st.
Augustine, J. J. & Co., dealer in dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, ladies’ and gents' furnishing goods, 120, 122 and 124, e. Harvey ave.
Augustine, J. J., fr. Chicago, dry goods and clothing, 120, 122 and 124 e. Harvey ave., res. 227 n. F st.
Austin, Geo., fr. Iowa, well borer, res. 509 n. Olive st.
Austin, Miss Lizzie, fr. Iowa, res. 510 n. Olive st.
Austin, H., fr. Iowa, carpenter, res. 510 n. Olive st.
Austin, .J., fr. Missouri, gardener, res. 504 w. Lincoln ave.
Ausmus, P., fr Missouri, hardware, stoves and implements, 218 n Washington ave, res 401 n Poplar st.
A. T. & S. F. R. R. depot, cor. Washington ave. and 16th sts.

Babcock, Mrs. C., fr. Michigan, res. 326 n. F st.
Babcock, Miss Loretta, fr. Michigan, book-keeper at C. A. Hall, res. 326 n. F. st.
Baptist Church, nw. cor. Lincoln and Jefferson aves.
Bailey, E. painter, res. 714 n. F. st.

Bailey, H. R., fr. Indiana, attorney, res. 805 n. F st.
Baker, W. C., fr. Illinois, carpenter, res. 722 n. Washington ave. Ballinger, J., fr Illinois, grocer, ns. Lincoln ave., 3drs e. of Washington ave., res. 115 n. Jefferson st.
Ballinger, J., jr., fr. Illinois, res. 115 n. Jefferson st.
Banks, L., fr. Illinois, res. 528 s. Blaine st.
Banks, P. W., fr. Illinois, res. 611 s. H st.
Banks, C. W. fr. Wisconsin, farmer, res. 611 s. H st.
Banks, W. B. fr. Illinois, laborer, res. e. s. Olive st. 3 dr s of 2nd. st. Barrett, E. fr. Illinois, graindealer, res. 220, w. Lincoln ave. Barnett, T. fr. Kentucky janitor court house, res. 610 n. Jefferson ave Barnett, Dr. W. O. from Indiana, office West’s drug store, res 305, n. B. st.
Barnett, Miss Luella, fr. Illinois, res. ss e. 10th st. 3d e B. st.
Barker, H. C. fr. Indiana, teamster, res. 923, s. C st.
Barker, M. S. fr. Illinois, gunsmith, 221, s. Washington ave. boards Hosier Bakery.
Barker, L. M. fr. Illinois, painter, w. Lincoln ave. 2d w. Washington ave. res. ns. w. 4th st. 3d w. Plum st.
Barnard, Mrs. A. H. fr. Ohio, res. 111 s. Jefferson ave.
Barnard, C. H. fr. Illinois, wks. City Mills, res 524, s. F st.
Barnes, W. J. fr. Illinois, clerks Chicago Grocery store, res. 215 s. Blaine st.
Barlow, T. H., fr. Missouri, machinest, wks. S. K. round house, res.
nw. cor. Birch and 4th sts.
Barnhill, R., fr. Iowa, farmer, res. 609, e. Harvey ave.
Barth, Miss Lou, from Michigan, wks. M. D. Wilcox.
Barber, H., fr. Illinois, painter, res. 809 n. Blaine st.
Bashore, D., fr. Ohio, wks. Wells, Fargo Express, res. 418 s. C st. Bateman, Jno., fr, Arkansas, res. 202 n. C st.
Bastow, W. D., fr. Illinois, florist, res. 228 w. 9th st.
Baumgardner, C. A., fr. Ohio, res. 612 n. H st.
Baumgardner, Jno., fr. Ohio, shoemaker, wks. R. Lynch, res. 612 n.
H st.
Beal, A. A., fr. Illinois, farmer, res. 628 s. F st.
Beal, Miss Mary, fr. Illinois, res. 628 s. F st.
Beal, W. P., fr. Illinois, clerks A. Graffs, res. 223 e. Harvey ave. Beal, J. Q. A., fr. Illinois, res. 202, n. Jefferson ave. Beaty, W. E., fr. Indiana, prop. Beaty’s Business College, res. 529 n. C st.
Beaton, W. P. fr. Indiana, brick mason, res. 329 e. Harvey ave.

Beatley, C., real estate agt. over Wells, Fargo Ex., boards Phillips house.
Beattie, Rob., clerks First National Bank, bds. Tucker house. Beardsley, B. C., fr. Illinois, jeweler, West's drug store, bds. Arlington house.
Beaver, L., from Kentucky, laborer, res. 524 s. Blaine st.
Bebb, W. J., fr. Ohio, sewing machine agt. res. ne. cor. Jefferson ave and Sumner st.
Beehler, Miss Annie, fr. Ohio, res. 602 e. 4th st.
Beck, J. D., fr. Illinois, attorney at law, office up stairs, Press blk. res. 611 e. Lincoln ave.
Bell, Miss Minnie, fr. Pennsylvania, res. 118 e. 10th st.
Beliel, Joseph, fr. Iowa, see. foreman S. R. rr. res. es. Elm st. 2d s. 4th street.
Begert, Miss E. M., fr. New York, res. 325 s. H st.
Benton, F. W., fr. Illinois, wks. A. Graff, residence 603 w. 4th st Benneman, L., fr. Indiana, blacksmith, bds. Hoosier Bakery. Berry, W. H., fr. Arkansas, county clk. res. 706 s. Jefferson ave. Berryman, Miss Sadie, fr. Iowa, wks. 329 n. C st.
Bertram, J. N., fr. Kentucky, sewing machine agt. res. 302 n. Jefferson ave.
Beers, F., fr. Indiana, conductor S. K. rr. res. 512 s. Washington ave.
Biddenger, F., from Ohio, res. 710 n. C st.
Biddison, A. J., fr. Clay Centre, Kansas, res. 109 n. F st.
Biggs, W. G., fr. Missouri, painter, res. 728 e. 4th st.
Bingner, John, fr. Illinois, clk. A. Graff, res. ns. w. Harvey ave. 3d w. Poplar st.
Bishop, L. W., fr. Missouri, manager Republican-Postal Card publishing Co. res. 609 n. C st.
Bishop, J. A., fr. Iowa, farmer, res. ne. cor. Washington ave. and Walnut st.
Black, A. M., fr. Indiana, stock dealer, res. 424 n. Poplar st.
Black, W. A., fr. Indiana, loan broker office, over A. Graff, bds. es. n. F st. 2d s. 10th st.
Black, E. A., fr. Indiana, book keeper W. A. Black, res. es. n. F st.
2d s. 10th st.
Black & Ausmus, dlrs in hardware stoves and machinery, 218 n Washington ave.
Black, Miss Eva, fr. Pennsylvania, res. 513 s. Blaine st.

Black, A. D., fr. Pennsylvania, merchant tailor and dlr. in clothing,
136 s. Washington ave. res. 513 s. Blaine st.
Blake, John, fr. Missouri, engineer B. K. rr. res. 816 e. Lincoln ave.
Blank, Isaac, from Pennsylvania, farmer, res. 514 s. Blaine st.
Bliven, Miss Minnie, from Indiana, res. 305 n. B st.
Boggs, James, from Connecticut, carpenter, res. 311 s. Washington ave.
Bollinger, Miss Kate, fr. Iowa, res. 408 n. Poplar st.
Bollinger, S. E., fr. Iowa, carpenter, res. 408 n. Poplar st.
Bolton, John, fr. Indiana, propr. Brumley house.
Bolton, C., fr. Indiana, bds. Brumley house.
Bolton, Harry, fr. Indiana, bds. Brumley house.
Bolton, John, Jr., fr. Iowa, plasterer, res. 826 n. F st.
Bone, T. P., fr. Illinois, real estate agt. office, over Wellington National bank, res, 628 e. Harvey ave.
Bone, Miss Luella, fr. Illinois, res. 628 e. Harvey ave.
Bone, H. J., fr Ill., attorney at law, office at court house, res. 628 e. Harvey ave.
Bowers, Levi, fr. Ill., grain dealer, res. ne. cor. w. 9th and F sts.
Bowers, W. H. C., fr. Ill., real estate agent, office over Wells Fargo Express, res. 618 n. C St.
Bowerman, H. C., fr. Can., bds. Farmers’ restaurant.
Bowerman, I. S., from Can., dentist, res. 523 s. Olive st.
Boussom, J. H., fr. Ind., laborer, res. 428 s. Blaine st.
Botkin, F. L., from Iowa, dairyman, res. ws. Plum st., 2d n. 8th st.
Boyle, Ed, fr. Ill., painter, res. 529 s. H st.
Bradley, John, fr. Ill., attorney and loan agt, 1d. w. Sumner Co.
bank, res. 1206 s. Washington ave.
Bradley. F., fr. Pa., stone mason, res. 403 s. H st.
Brady E. F. fr. Ill., brakeman S. K. R. R. res. 512 s. Washington
Branaman, A., fr. Iowa, cashier Sumner Co. Bank, res. se. cor. Harvey ave. and Poplar st.
Brace, C. L.. fr. Ill., book-keeper C. C. Curtis, res. se. cor. Harvey ave and High st.
Breneman, Mrs. Mary, fr. Iowa, res. 819 n. Washington ave.
Breneman, Dr. J. T., fr. Iowa, office rear of Arlington drug store, res 819 n. Washington ave,
Brengle, Dr. W. B., fr. Ill., office rear Arlington drug store, res. sw. cor. 4th and High sts.
Brelsford, C. W., fr. O., painter, res. 803 n. Blaine st.

Brewer, Geo., fr. N. Y., wks. AEtna mills, res. 722 e. 4th st.
Brewer, J. H., fr. Ill., farmer, res. 216 n. B st.
Bright, C. E., fr. O., drayman, res. 708 n. B st.
Bristol, Mrs. H., fr. Ill., 714 n. Washington ave.
Brower, Jessie, fr. Ind., barber, 232 n. Washington ave., res. 202 n. G st.
Britton, J., fr. Mo., brakeman S. K. R.R.. bds. 611 e. 3rd st.
Brown, F. W., fr. Mo., res. 211 s. F. st.
Brown, S., fr. Ills., clks. Chicago Lumber Co., res. 327 s. Jefferson st. Brown, J. H. fr. K. real estate dealer, res 221 s. B. st.
Brown. E. L. fr. Indiana,, carp., res. 629 n. C. st.
Brown, J. F. fr. Ohio, res. 718 w. 7th st.
Brown. Miss Alice, fr. Ohio, res. 718 w. 7th st.
Brown, Miss Jane, fr. Missouri, res. 824 w. 7th st.
Brown, Dr. Julia, fr. Missouri, office and res. 824 w. 7th st.
Brown, J. C. fr. Indiana, res. es. n. H st. 1d. n. 13th st.
Brown, N. W. fr. Kentucky, farmer, res. 413 n. Olive st.
Brown, Miss T. A., fr. Kentucky, res. 413 n. Olive st.
Brown, Miss Myrtle, fr. Kentucky, res. 413 n. Olive st.
Brumley House, 414 n. Washington ave.
Brumley, D. T., fr. Illinois, res. 518 n. Blaine st.
Brumley. Mrs. L. A. fr. Illinois, res. ws. n. B. st. 2d. n. 11th st. Brumley, W., fr. Illinois, res. ws. n. B st. 2d. n. 11th st. Brunswick, D., from Kentucky, clothing and gents furnishing goods, 121 s. Washington ave., res. above the same.
Bruner, J. E., piano tuner, bds. Brumley house.
Buckley, J. F., fr Ohio, prop Pennsylvania stables, res 713 n C st. Burton, G. S., fr Kentucky, dentist, over Wellington National Bank, bds Arlington.
Burk, Thomas, fr Indiana, man’gr Rock Island Lumber Co., bds Brumley house.
Burris, P., fr Illinois, res 217 n Jefferson ave.
Burris, Rev. A. T., fr Iowa, pastor M. E. church, res 316 n Jefferson ave.
Burris, Mrs. E. B., fr. Ohio, res 114 n B st.
Burris, Miss Mary, fr Ohio, res 134 n B st.
Burscough, T.. fr Illinois, sewing machine agent, res se cor w 10th and Olive sts.
Bunch, Miss C., fr Missouri, res Washington ave hotel.
Burgess, E„ wks C. F. Luening, bds Sumner house.
Burgess, J. W., fr Illinois, wks Chicago Lumber Co., res 304 s Jefferson ave.

Burgess, W. C., fr Illinois, res 304 s Jefferson ave.
Burgess, J. W., Sr., carp, res 304 s Jefferson ave..
Burman, D., fr Ohio, farmer, res 118 e 10th st.
Burman, Miss Clara, fr Ohio, elks Share Bros., res 118 e 10th st. Byler, C. W., fr Indiana, wks Robinson’s carriage shop, res 134 e „ 8th st.
Byler, C. M., fr Indiana, clks Central drug store, res 134 e 8th st. Byler, C. E., fr Indiana, wks Chicago Lumber Co., res 134 e 8th st. Byler, J., fr Indiana, res 134 e 8th st.
Bybee, H. C., fr Kentucky, res 330 e Lincoln ave.
Buttrey, Thomas, fr Illinois, res 231 e 7th st.
Buttrey, Miss R., fr Illinois, res 231 e 7th st.
Buttrey, Fred, fr Illinois, res 231 e 7th st.
Caldwell, D. N, fr Illinois, attorney at law, office over Crane’s book store, res 304 n F st.
Callahan, J. K., fr Indiana, wks Peniwell marble works, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Callahan, J., fr New York, res 628 w 2nd st,
Culver, G. F., fr. England, merchant tailor, 110 w. Harvey ave
res. 237 w. 7th st.
Campbell, L. B., res. 328 n. C st.
Campbell, S., wks. Arlington.
Campbell, J. C., propr. Monitor, bds. Boston club.
Campbell, Miss Lizzie, fr. Illinois, bds. 128 s. G st.
Camp, J. J., telegraph operator, bds. Washington ave. hotel.
Cann, Wm., fr. Illinois, res. 204 e. Lincoln ave.
Cann, Fred, fr. Illinois, res. 204 e. Lincoln ave.
Cann, Miss Gillie, fr. Illinois, res. 204 e. Lincoln ave.
Carr, G. L., fr. Illinois, cabinet maker, wks. Miexsell, res. 521 n.
F st.
Carr, Miss Addie, fr. Illinois, res 629 w. 2nd st.
Carr, C., fr. Illinois, clk. Stanley’s drug store, res. 629 w. 2nd st.
Carr, J., fr. Illinois, city Scavenger, res. 629 w. 2nd st.
Carr, Miss Grace, res. 414 s. Washington ave.
Carr, C. fr. Illinois, laborer, res. 620 e. 4th st.
Carr, A., fr. Illinois, laborer, res. 620, e. 4th st.
Carey, Mrs. I. L. fr. Missouri, res. 828 s. Washington ave.
Carson, Mrs. M. M., Teacher, res. 116 s. Jefferson ave.

Carter, H. S., abstractor at Fultz & Milliard, res. 329 n. B st.
Carter, J. W., fr. Ohio, plasterer, res. 821 s. Jefferson ave.
Carrol A., res. 124 n. F st.
Case, H. H., fr. New York. propr. Collender Billiard hall, res. 607 s. H st.
Case, Henry, fr. Indiana, teamster, res. 527 n. H st.
Cene A., fr. Germany, wks. S. K. rr. res. es. Elm st. 3d s. 4th st. Central drug store, drugs medicines paints and oils, J. A. Maggard, propr., 110 s. Washington ave.
Chance, E., fr. Illinois, res. 313 n. Olive st.
Chaney, W. D., fr. Ohio, wks. Hall Bros., res. 420 w. Harvey ave. Chambers, Mrs. E. W., fr. Illinois, res. 803 s. Washington ave. Charles, Jno., from Pennsylvania, res. 501 s. G. st.
Chase, J. C., bds. Farmers restaurant.
Chenoweth, Mrs. R. W., fr. Illinois, res. 220 w. Harvey ave. Chenoweth, Miss M., fr. Illinois, clk. J. J. Augustine, res. 220 w. Harvey ave.
Chenoweth, C., fr. Illinois, clk. Chenoweth's drug store, res. 220 w. Harvey ave.
Chenoweth, Dr. A., fr. Illinois, druggist, 202 s. Washington ave. res. 312 w. Lincoln ave.
Cheever, A. B., fr. Illinois, sec'y home loan and building ass’n, res. 430 w. 4th st.
Chism, N. B., fr. Kentucky, wks. Showalter Mortgage Co., res. 904 s. C st.
Childers, M. fr. Indiana, carpenter, res. 912 n. H. st.
Chilson, Mrs. N. H., fr. Iowa, res. 918 n. H st.
Chipchase, H. G., fr. Illinois, manager telephone Co., bds. Nickle Plate restaurant.
Cheney. Mrs. Alice, fr. Missouri, res. 910 n. F. st.
Chicago Grocery, C. M. Staub, propr. 126 s. Washington live. Chitwood, W. A., Tailor, wks. M. J. Kain, bds. Farmers restaurant. Christian Church, no. cor. Jefferson ave. and w. 9th sts.
Church. J. T., manager G. B. Shaw lumber yard, res. 602 s. Washington ave.
City Mills, Geo. H. Hunter, propr ws F st. bet Walnut and Mill sts.
Clayton, Miss Jennie, fr Kentucky, wks 614 s Washington ave. Claytor, J. M., fr Virginia, carpenter, res sw cor Jefferson ave and Kansas st.
Cleveland, Mrs. L. A., fr New York, res 210 w 10th st.

Cleveland, Miss Kate, fr New York res 216 w 10th st.
Cleveland, P. H., fr New York, propr Star Livery Feed and Sale stable, res 804 s Jefferson ave.
Clinger, Dr. J. A., fr Ohio, office Stanley’s drug store, res 310 e 10th
Clinger, P., fr Indiana, engineer at Hunter’s mill, res 828, s Jefferson st.
Clothier, H. C., fr England, restaurant and confectionery, 133, s Washington ave, res 614, e 4th st.
Cobean, A. F., fr Illinois, clk Richardson & Co., res 501 s G st.
Coats, J. H., fr Illinois, fireman S. K. rr res 701 e Lincoln ave.
Cockrinn, J. B., fr Kentucky, res 124 n Jefferson st.
Coffenberger, P., bds depot hotel.
Cogswell, L. S., fr Illinois, dlr in musical instruments, 111 e Harvey ave. res 614 s C st.
Coker, G., fr Illinois, res 716 n B st.
Coker, J. W., fr Illinois, farmer, res 716 n B st.
Collins, C., fr Illinois, bds Farmers restaurant.
Collins, Geo., fr Indiana, attorney at law, res 812 n B st.
Collins, L. P., fr Illinois, res 507 s Jefferson ave.
Coleman, J. A., fr Illinois, res 1134 s Washington ave.
Compton, Miss Carrie, fr Kentucky, res 705 n G st.
Compton, J. B., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 705 n G st.
Conavay, G. T., fr Kentucky, painter, res ss w 12th st, 1d w F st. Connor, Pat., stone mason, bds Central hotel.
Conrad, C., fr Michigan, wks S. K. rr, res 822 e 4th st.
Copeland, Wm., fr Ireland, laborer, res 704 w 10th st.
Colton, E. A., fr Illinois, res 520 e Lincoln ave.
Cordell, J. F., fr Missouri, res 204 s Washington ave.
Cordell, Mrs. C. F., milliner, 202 s Washington ave, res same. Coverdale, W. T., fr Delaware, clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes, 135 s Washington ave, res 526 e Lincoln ave.
Coverdale, N. H., fr Delaware, res 526 e Lincoln ave.
Coverdale, Miss Lottie, res 526 e Lincoln ave.
Coverdale, Miss Minnie, fr Delaware, res 526 e Lincoln ave.
Cordery, T. J., laborer, res ns 1st st, 3d w Ash st.
County Jail, se. cor. Washington ave. and 11th st.
County Court House, es. Washington ave., bet. 10th and 11th sts. Cowen, W. M., fr. Ohio, loan agent, office over Phillips house, bds Phillips house.
Cook, B., fr. Ireland, wks. A. T. & S. F. R. R., res. 728 n. Jefferson st.

Cox, Riley, fr. Indiana, wks. Central hotel.
Cox, W. E., fr. Kentucky, deputy district clerk, res. 311 e. 8th .st. Cox, Lou, fr Michigan, barber, wks. McMillan's res 118 n G st. Cooper, C., fr England, stonemason, res 704 e 4th st.
Craddock, G. P., fr. Kentucky, wks McDonald & Parker, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Craddock, W. F., fr Kentucky, Press office, bds Phillips house. Cramer, Mrs. S. A., fr Illinois, res 428 w Harvey ave.
Cramer, Miss May, fr Illinois, res 428 w Harvey ave.
Cramer, Miss Kittie, fr Illinois, telephone operator, res 428 w Harvey ave.
Crain, W., fr Illinois, wks S. K. R. R., res 905 Elm st.
Crane, S., books and stationery, 111 n Washington ave.
Crawford, C. H., fr New York, carpenter, res se cor 3rd and Olive sts.
Crawford, Mrs. M. A., fr Indiana, res 310 n F st.
Crawford, Miss Bessie, printer, Standard office, res 310 n F st. Crawford, Miss Cleore, book-keeper, Standard office, res 310 n F st. Crenshaw, J. D., fr Kentucky, propr Arlington house.
Crider, Wm., fr Indiana, blacksmith, e Lincoln ave, res 1009 s F st. Cromley, H., fr Ohio, painter, res 218, e Lincoln ave.
Cromley, B. R., fr Ohio, clks Holmes’ grocery, res 218 e Lincoln ave.
Cromley, B. F., fr Indiana, teamster, res 402 n Olive st.
Cron, C., wks Wellington Music Co., res over Savage’s grocery.
Cross, S. B., fr Iowa, manufactures wire fence, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Crossman, P. L., fr Missouri, artesian well driller, res ss w 15th bet G and H sts.
Crosier, J. L., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 907 w 7th st.
Crosier, J. D., fr Illinois, laborer, res 907 w 7th st.
Crouse, G. H., fr Ohio wks water works, bds Hoosier bakery.
Criley, W., wks George, King & Caldwell, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Curtis, C. C., fr Illinois, hardware, stoves and implements, 104 n Washington ave, res 620 e Lincoln ave.
Cummins, Wm., fr Illinois, brickmason, bds Lincoln Avenue hotel. Cunningham, L. E., fr Illinois, teamster, res 405 e 4th st.
Curry, N. B., fr Indiana, wks section A. T. & S. F. R. R., res 508 s Jefferson st.
Cyphers, Paul, propr Kansas livery, feed and sale stable, 320 n Washington ave, res ws C st, 3 drs n 9th st.
G. F. Cabor
A full line of Foreign and Woolens always on hand.

Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed.
West Harvey Avenue. 2 Doors East of Post Office

Dakeman, R., fr Iowa, propr Diamond Front livery stable, dealer in horses and mules, 229 s Washington ave, res 309 s Washington ave.
Daly, J. C., fr Iowa, bridge carpenter S. K. R. R., res 816 e 4th st.
Darling, E. H., fr Indiana, res 511 s Olive st.
Davidson, Miss Nellie, fr Illinois, res 602 s C st.
Davidson, C. H. fr Illinois, clks C. C. Curtis, res 602 s C st.
Davidson, M., fr Illinois, blacksmith, 118 e Lincoln ave, res 602 s ,C st.
Davidson, Bob, fr Missouri, stenographer, bds Tucker house.
Davidson, H. H., fr Kentucky, res 306 s F st.
Davis, G. B., fr Illinois, freight agent A. T. & S F. R. R., res 724 n Washington ave.
Davis, J. W. fr Ohio, laborer, res ss w 8th st, 2 drs w Plum st.
Davis, W. E., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 314 e Harvey ave*
Davis, Cash, fr Indiana, clks Arcade clothing house, bds Phillips house.
Davis, Miss Mary, wks C. L. Brace.
Davis, Mrs. C., fr Iowa, res 621 s Birch st.
Davis, G. R., fr Illinois, teamster, res 521 e 4th st.
Davis, J. W., fr Illinois, real estate and loans, 128 n Washington ave, res 705 s Jefferson ave.
Davis, Mrs. O. F., fr Iowa, res 621 s Washington ave.
Davis, S., fr Ohio, res 410 s Jefferson ave.
Davis, A., fr Illinois, laborer, res ns w Lincoln ave, 2 drs w High st.
Davis, C. E., fr Pennsylvania, real estate and loans, rear Wellington national bank, res 304 s H st.
David, H., fr Pennsylvania, wks S. K. round house, res 714 e 4th st.
Davenport, Mrs. Ida, fr Michigan, photographer, 125 n Washington ave, bds 225 s H st.
Davenport, W. W., fr Illinois, farmer, res 205 s Blaine st.
Day, Ed., fr New York, liveryman, ws C st, 2 drs n Harvey ave, res 329 w 3rd st.
Day, Miss Mary, fr New York, res 329 w 3rd st.
Day, Miss Adda, bds 208 e 7th st.
Decker, J. D., fr Illinois, books and stationery, 108 n Washington ave, res 714 n Washington ave.
DeFrees, Miss Rosamond, fr Wisconsin, res 439 w 4th st.
DeFrees, Mrs. M. F., fr Wisconsin, res 439 w 4th st.
DeArmond, W. S., fr Ohio, clks Howell, Hobson & Hodges, res 321 s F st.

Demuth, Geo., fr Tennessee, carpenter, res ne cor Lincoln ave and H st.
Demuth W. H., fr Indiana, insurance agent, bds Brumley house. Dempsey, Jas., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 803 e 4th st.
Denning, Mrs. J., fr Ohio, res 511 n Jefferson ave.
Depot Hotel, H. A. Williams, propr opp S. K. depot.
Denton, Miss Minnie, fr Kentucky, res 319 e 14th at.
Denton, Mrs. E. W., fr Kentucky, res 319 e 14th st.
Derrick, J. T., fr Indiana, propr Farmer's restaurant, 220 n Washington ave, res ns 7th st, 2drs w Washington ave.
Derrick, Bert, fr Indiana, bds Farmer's restaurant.
DePue, Prof. John, music teacher, res 712 n Blaine st.
Dey & Thompson, attorneys at law, over postoffice.
Dey, J. S., fr Iowa, attorney at law, over postoffice, res 612 s H st.
DeYoe, E. P., fr Michigan, dealer in pumps and wind mills, 112 e Lincoln ave, res over same.
Dick, Mrs. E. R., fr Iowa, dressmaker, 120 w 7th st, res same.
Dick, Peter, fr Iowa, res 120 w 7th st.
Dick, S. M., fr Kentucky, farmer, res ns Lincoln ave, ldr e A st. Dickson, E., fireman S. K. R. R., bds Depot hotel.
Digby, W., fr Illinois, wks 714 n Washington ave.
Dishman, A., fr Kentucky, attorney, office over Rankin & Wilcox, bds 321 w Harvey ave.
Dixon, T. H., fr Indiana, real estate broker, over First national bank, res 904 s Washington ave.
Dobbins, Miss Iva, fr Illinois, wks 402 n Jefferson st.
Dobbins, A., fr Illinois, farmer, res 627 w 9th at.
Dobbins, J. C., fr Illinois, farmer, res 627 w 9th st.
Dobbs, Wm., fr Illinois, res ns 1st st, 4drs w Ash st.
Dobson, C., fr Illinois, yardmaster S. K. R. R., bds 611 e 3rd st. Dodson, E. C., fr Illinois, propr Illinois stable, res es Olive st, 1d s 4th st.
Dodson, Miss Callie, fr Illinois, res es Olive st, 1d s 4th st.
Dodson, J. M., fr Illinois, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Dorsey, A., fr Nebraska, stockdealer, res 424 n Blaine st.
Dorsey, Miss Lulu, fr Nebraska, res 424 n Blaine st.
Dorsey, Mrs. Mary, fr Illinois, res 708 s Washington ave.
Dorsey, C. W.,fr. Illinois, stockdealer. res 704 s Washington ave.

Dorsey, Robt., laborer, res 1129 s Washington ave.
Doty, J. A., fr Illinois, stonemason, res 504 Olive st.
Dougherty, J. H., fr West Virginia, res 509 s C st.
Douglass, S. B., res nw cor w 8th and Poplar sts.
Douglass. C., fr Pennsylvania, tinner wks Gelino, res ss Walnut st, 2ds w G st.
Donner, J., fr Indiana, cigar maker, wks Miller & Price, bds 304 s Jefferson st.
Dowell, Wm., fr Indiana, blacksmith, wks M. Davidson, res 517 s F. st.
Downer, L., fr Missouri, bridge carpenter S. K. R. R., res 725 e 4th st.
Downey, J. L., fr Illinois, wks C. A. Hall, res se cor Lincoln ave and High st.
Downey, Mrs. M. C., fr Illinois, 510 n F st.
Droz, E. H., fr Missouri, deputy sheriff, res 105 e 13th st.
Drury, S., fr Kentucky, res 424 w Harvey ave.
DuBois, T. E., fr Illinois, printer, res 117 w 4th st.
Dunbar, Miss E., fr Illinois, res 430 w Lincoln ave.
Duncan, J. W., fr Kentucky, lunch room, 115 s Washington ave, res same.
Dugan, Mollie, wks Phillips house.
Dunham, J. H., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 528 n B st.
Dunham, W. H., M. D., fr Missouri, res 328 s II st.
Durham, W. W., Baptist missionary, res ws F st, 3ds n South st.
Dunning, Mrs. H., fr Maine, res 819 n A st.
Dunn, S., fr Kentucky, stockdealer, res 728 s Washington ave.
Dye, O. M., fr Michigan, vice president Showalter Mortgage Co, res 214 w Lincoln ave,
Earle, Mrs. A. A., fr Michigan, res 112 e Lincoln ave.
Earl, J., fr Kentucky, clk Share Bros., bds Washington ave hotel.
Easton, Perry, fr Indiana, manufacturer boots and shoes, 123 s Washington ave, res 321 s Washington ave.
Eaton, T, J., fr Illinois, propr Lincoln ave ball alley, res ss 8th st, 2d w Plum st.
Eaton, Miss Lucy, fr Illinois, res 228 w 9th st.
Eckles, Mrs. S. J., fr Kentucky, res 227 s F st.

Eberbart, E. fr Ohio, blacksmith, wks Keir Bros., bds 228 s B st.
Edrington, J. F., fr Kentucky, stock dlr. res ws n Blaine st, 1d n 14th st.
Edrington, G. I., fr Kentucky, stock dlr, res 709 n Blaine st.
Edrington, Miss Emma, fr Kentucky , res 709 n Blaine st.
Edwards, F. L., fr Illinois, res 230 w Harvey ave.
Edwards, J. I., book-keeper first national bank, res 230 w Harvey ave.
Eisfelder, Miss Nettie, bds 115 n Jefferson ave.
Eggleston, H. N., fr Illinois, farmer, res 703 n A st.
Elbinger, L., clothing and gents furnishing goods, 127 n Washington ave, bds Arlington.
Elgin, J., fr Illinois, wks J. T. Showalter, bds same.
Ellis, L., division road master S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Elliott, R. K., fr Indiana, res 304 n B st.
Elliott, C. E., attorney, office court house, res 211 n C st.
Elliott, Dr. C. E., fr Illinois, office over Snyder’s drug store, res 211 n C st.
Elliott, A R., fr Indiana, carpenter, 412 n Washington ave, res 512 n Washington ave.
Ellsworth, B. A., fr Michigan, stone mason, res 211 w Harvey ave.
Emerson, Dr. F. G., fr Iowa, office West’s drug store, res ss e 13th st, 2d e B st.
Engle, J., fr Germany, clk Harlan Bros., bds Boston club.
Epperson, C. G., fr Iowa, newspaper correspondent, res 709 n A st.
Epperson, J., fr Iowa, res 709 n A st.
Erhard, A. B., fr Pennsylvania, res 103 s B st.
Erhard, C. J., fr Pennsylvania, clk B. F. Sparr, res 103 s B st.
Erhard, U. S., fr Pennsylvania, telegraph operator A. T. & S. F. depot, res 103 s B st.
Ervin, Mrs. Carrie, fr Illinois, res 209 s Washington ave.
Ervin, Miss Mabel, fr Illinois, res 209 s Washington ave.
Espey, D. A., fr Illinois, res 808 n Washington ave.
Estrange, Miss Claudia, wks Arlington house.
Entrekin, Jerome, fr Ohio, bds Brumley house.
Evans, C., fr Illinois, farmer, res 322 e 12th st.
Evans, Dr. W. F., bds 321 w Harvey ave.
Everly, Robt., fr Pennsylvania, laborer, bds Hoosier bakery.

Fado, Jacob, fr Indiana, laborer, res 524 n H st.
Falkenberg, P. A., fr Illinois, bds Brumley house.
Farris, J. F., fr Indiana, farmer, res es n A st opp 14th st.
Feigh, M., fr Germany, wks section S. K. R. R. res. 607 e 4th st. Feree, S. R., fr Illinois, ice dlr, res 221 s C st.
Ferguson, J. J., fr Kentucky, res 810 n C st.
Ferguson, Miss Mattie, fr Kentucky, res 810 n C st.
Ferguson, E. C. fr Kentucky, abstractor, 416 n Washington ave, res 715 w 8th st.
Fetters, A., fr Illinois, farmer, res 708 e Harvey ave.
Finley, J. E., fr Indiana, laborer, bds 519 n Blaine st.
First National Bank, 107 n Washington ave.
Fisher, L. C. fr Illinois, painter, res 518 n Washington ave.
Fisher, J. W. fr Illinois, ins agt, 416 n Washington ave, res 412 n Blaine st.
Fisher, L. B., fr Illinois, city marshal, res 311 e 11th st.
Fisher, J., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 704 e Lincoln ave.
Fisher, Wood & Co., dlrs in staple and fancy groceries, ws Washington ave, bet Lincoln ave and 4th st.
Fisher, L., fr Illinois, grocer, ws Washington ave, bet 4th st and Lincoln ave, bds Phillips house.
Fisher, John, wks S. K. R. R. bds Lincoln ave hotel.
Fisher, Fred, brakeman S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Fisher, A. L., fr Illinois, blacksmith, wks Al Robinson’s, res 421 w Lincoln ave.
Fisher, Henry, fr Illinois, carpenter, res 712 w 3rd st.
Fisher, Ed, fr Illinois, res 712 w 3rd st.
Fish, H. fr Missouri, res 608 e 4th st.
Fitzgerald, E. H., fr Missouri, res 204 n Poplar st.
Fitzgerald, Orie, fr Missouri, attorney at law, office over Crane’s book store, res 204 n Poplar st.
Fleming, Wm., telegraph operator S. K. R. R. res 428 s C st.
Flanders, Geo., from Illinois, gardener, res es Blaine st, 4d s 2nd st.
Flandro, C. E., fr Missouri, secretary Showalter mortgage Co, res 624 n Poplar st.
Flambers, Geo., fr Illinois, clk golden rule grocery, bds L E F T club.
Fletcher, Mrs. Anna, fr Indiana, dressmaker, res over Rankin & Wilcox.
Flour & Feed Store.
We deliver Flour, Feed, &c., to all parts of the city. WEST 8TH STREET, ONE DOOR WEST ROBINSON’S CARRIAGE SHOP.
Wm. WEAVER, Proprietor.
Mason's Barber Shop
109 South Washington Ave.
First-class in every respect. Bath rooms in connection. Special attention given to Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting.
JAMES H. MASON, Proprietor.
215 South Washington Ave.
F. O. Gary, Proprietor. Isaac G. Reed,
Office over Central Drug Store,
1112 S. Washington Ave., — Wellington, Kansas.

Flint, Mrs. M. J., from Illinois, res 508 n Jefferson ave.
Force, D., fr Illinois, bds Farmers restaurant.
Ford, R. Y. fr Illinois, abstractor, bds Arlington house.
Ford, W. fr Illinois, printer, wks Monitor, res 501 e Lincoln ave.
Ford, J. C., fr Illinois, wks Fultz & Millard, res 501 e Lincoln ave.
Forbes, Dr. C. C. fr Kentucky, room 3 Press blk, res 601 s Washington ave.
Forbes, W. R. fr Kentucky, wks Shaws lumber yard, res 601 s Washington ave.
Forbes, J. C., fr Kentucky, clk Johnson & Scandrett, res 601 s Washington ave.
Forsythe, M., fr Iowa, cigarmaker, wks Miller & Price, res 518 s
F st.
Forsythe, J. D., fr Iowa, carpenter, res 518 s F st.
Forsythe, Miss Grace, fr Iowa, res 518 s F st.
Forsythe, Ed, printer, wks Standard office, bds Arlington.
Forsyth, S., fr Iowa, printer, bds Farmers restaurant.
Forrest, Miss Katie, fr Illinois, milliner, over Share Bros, res over Snyder’s drug store.
Forrest, Miss Mary, fr Illinois, milliner, over Share Bros, res over Snyder’s drug store.
Forrest, Miss Jennie, milliner, over Share Bros, res over Snyder’s drug store.
Fogle, Miss Sallie, wks 304 n B st.
Fogle, Miss Minerva, fr Iowa, wks 624 n Washington ave.
Fogle, H., fr Pennsylvania, farmer, res 914 w Harvey ave.
Folks, Willis K.,fr Illinois, coal dlr, 126 e Harvey ave, res 429 w Harvey ave.
Foster, T., painter, res 419 s Olive st.
Foster, R. F., fr New York, plasterer, res 301 e Lincoln ave.
Foster, Miss Lou, fr New York, res 301 e Lincoln ave.
Fox, A. C., fr Illinois, painter, res 629 w 8th st.
Francis, J. W., fr Indiana, res sw cor 2nd and Ash sts.
Franks, Wm., fr Illinois, wks Long Bell lumber Co, bds 304 s Jefferson ave.
Franklin, J. fr Kentucky, dentist, res 228 Cherry st.
Frantz, Edmund, asst cashier Wellington national bank, bds Arlington house.
Frantz, A. P. fr Illinois, stoves and hardware, 201 s Washington ave res 301, s Blaine st.
Frantz, Mann & Co, dlrs in stoves and hardware, 201 s Washington ave.

French, P. W., fr Wisconsin, res 514 s F st.
French, J., fr Wisconsin, farmer, res 409 s C st.
French, F. L., fr Wisconsin, clks W. R. Savage, res ss e. 3rd, 3d e C st.
French, O. N., fr Wisconsin, clks Howell, Hobson & Hodges grocery, res 1008 w Harvey ave.
French, Charley, fr Wisconsin, clks golden rule grocery.
French, R., fr Wisconsin, res se cor Kansas st and Washington ave.
Freeman, Dr. B. B., fr Indiana, homoepathist physician, office over Rankin & Wilcox's, res 217 s F st.
Fry, Miss Sadie, wks 410 s H st.
Fry Geo., fr Michigan, res 440 w Lincoln ave.
Fry, Mrs. C., fr Michigan, res 440 w Lincoln ave.
Fry, W. A., fr Michigan, cabinet workman, ns e Lincoln ave, 3 drs w of C st, res 440 w Lincoln ave.
Fry, Elmer, Hackman, bds Phillips house.
Fulkerson, J. E., fr Missouri, res 828 s C st.
Fultz, Geo. R., fr Missouri, loan and insurance agt, 212 n Washington ave, res. sw cor 8th and Olive sts.
Furman, J. W., fr Michigan, harness maker, wks E. N. Andrews, res ss e 3rd st, 2 drs e C st.
Furnas, Miss Rhoda, fr Indiana, wks 628 e Harvey ave.
Garnett. Dr. W. M., fr Kentucky, dentist, Marble blk, res ne cor H and 2nd sts.
Gamester, Wm., butcher, bds Central hotel.
Gardner, T. fr Connecticut, mfr and dlr in hair goods, 311 s Washington ave, res same.
Garland, T. J., fr Illinois, butcher, 113 s Washington ave, res 131 e Lincoln ave.
Garland, Fred, butcher, 113 s Washington ave, res ne cor Harvey ave and G st.
Gary, F. O., fr Indiana, propr Hoosier bakery, res 128 w 4th st.
Garver, C. J., fr Ohio, attorney at law, res 821 n A st.
Gatliff, T. C., fr Colorado, wks Postal Card, bds Brumley house.
Gatliff, W. F., fr Illinois, res 320 s Washington ave.
Gatliff, T. C., Sen., fr Illinois, res 320 s Washington ave.
Gatliff, J. B., fr Illinois, res 408 s F st.

Gee, J. S., fr Kentucky, laborer, res 215 s H st.
George, Tom, attorney at law, office 1d s court house, res 303 n C st.
George, King & Caldwell, attorneys at law, 1d s court house.
George, W. H., fr Illinois, res 306 s G st.
George, Miss Cynthia, fr Illinois, res 306 s G st.
George, John, fr Illinois, stock dlr, res 306 s G st.
Gelino, Wm., fr Illinois, stoves and hardware, 122 n Washington ave, res 624 n Washington ave.
Geyer, J. E., fr Indiana, carpenter, res ne cor Harvey ave and Plum st.
Geyer, Isaac, fr Indiana, carpenter, res ws H st, 2d s Walnut st.
Ging, Sing, laundry man, 231 s Washington ave.
Glaize, W. C., fr Missouri, cashier state national bank, bds 321 w Harvey ave.
Glaman, A., res 528 s G st.
Glaman, Gus, fr Germany, stonemason, res 528 s G st.
Glasgow, J. N., fr Illinois, farmer, res 329 s F st.
Glasgow, M. P., fr Illinois, bus driver, res 329 s F st.
Glasgow, Miss Fannie, milliner, 124 e Harvey ave, res 329 s F st.
Glines, Mrs. L. M., fr Ohio, res 529 w 9th st.
Glover, W. B., fr Indiana, blacksmith, res 213 s B st.
Goodnight, T. C., fr Illinois, painter, res 914 e Lincoln ave.
Gooding, G. W., fr Illinois, clks A. Graff, res 804 e Harvey ave.
Golden Rule Grocery, Geo. Q. McGown propr, 205 s Washington ave.
Goodwin, Wm., fr Illinois, wks section A. T. & S. F, R. R. bds ss 12th st 1d e F st.
Goodwin, John, fr Illinois, brickmason, bds Lincoln ave hotel.
Goss, Miss Norah, fr Missouri, res 204 s Washington ave.
Goss, Miss Laura, fr Missouri, res 204 s Washington ave.
Graham, J. M., fr Illinois, attorney at law office over Hall’s grocery, res 414 n Jefferson ave#
Graham, Miss Minnie, fr Kentucky, res 728 s Washington ave.
Graham, Frank, fr Illinois, clks J. C. Smith’s, bds L. E. F. T. club.
Graff, A., fr New York, hardware, stoves and implements, 105 s Washington ave, res ns Harvey ave, bet Douglass and Cherry sts.
Gray, Mrs. J. fr Ohio, res 604 s Jefferson ave.
Grey, A. J., shoemaker, wks Tinkham’s, res 409 n Olive st.
Gregory, W. M., wks McDonald’s lumber yard, bds Lincoln ave hotel.

Gressel, A., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 426 s Blaine st.
Green, A. G., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 312 s Jefferson ave.
Green, Miss Flora, res 312 s Jefferson ave.
Green, Lotus, fr Ohio, wks Hunter’s mill, res 312 s Jefferson ave.
Green, M. M., fr Indiana, wks Standard office, res 602 w 8th st.
Green, F. E., fr Indiana, telegraph operator, bds 304 s Washington ave.
Grider, J. L., fr Kentucky, attorney at law, office over E. N. Andrews’ harness shop, bds 420 n Jefferson ave.
Grigg, R. W., fr Iowa, attorney at law, office in Marble blk, res 311 e 13th st.
Griffith, John, fr Illinois, carpenter, res 715 e 4th st.
Gross, G. D., fr Arkansas, res 402 s Jefferson ave.
Groves, Mrs. Jane, fr Illinois, res 204 n C st.
Groves, Wm., fr Indiana, plasterer, res 905 w 4th st.
Guesnier, Lewis, fr Illinois, baker, wks city bakery, bds 719 n Washington ave,
Guthrie, Ledru, fr Ohio, attorney at law, office over Richardson & Co., bds Arlington house.
Guthrie, Ralph, fr Ohio, loan agt. over Richardson & Co., res 429 s F st.
Guthrie. L. C., fr Ohio, res 429 s F st.
Gwatkin, C. H., fr Virginia, res 319 s Washington ave.
Hall, H. P., fr Michigan, jeweler, Snyder’s drug store, bds Boston club.
Hall, C., mechanic, res ws Jefferson ave, 1d n 14th st.
Hall. C. A., fr Illinois, grocer, 130 n Washington ave, res 326 n F st.
Hall Bros., agricultural implements, 112 w Lincoln ave.
Hall, F. O., fr Illinois, dlr in agricultural implements, 112 w Lincoln ave, res ws G st, 2d s Walnut st.
Hall, P. B., fr Illinois, dlr agricultural implements, 112 w Lincoln ave, res se cor Walnut and H sts,
Hall, F. H., restaurant, 111 s Washington ave, bds same.
Hale, N. S. fr Michigan, res ws Plum st, 4d n 8th st.
Halsted, S. H., fr Indiana, res 229 e 15th st.
Hamblin, M. K., fr Illinois, wks C. C. Curtis, res 724 e Lincoln ave

Hamilton, R.. fr Indiana, clks Howell, Hobson & Hodges grocery, res 825 w Lincoln ave.
Hamilton, Dr. B. F., fr Ohio, office West’s drug store, res 811 s Washington ave.
Haines, D., fr Ohio, farmer, res 421 n Washington ave.
Hamel, Gus., brakeman, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Hanson, Mrs. C. R., fr Ohio, res 519 n Blaine st.
Harding, J. R., fr Illinois, res 1134 s Washington ave.
Harding, Jno. jr., fr Illinois, attorney at law, office Cole & Robinson blk, res 1134 s Washington ave.
Hardenburgh, T. L., fr New York, clks J, J. Augustine’s, bds Farmers restaurant.
Harlan Bros., dry goods, boots and shoes, 130 s Washington ave. Harlan, Levi, fr Illinois, dry goods, boots and shoes, 130 s Washington ave, res 508 s Washington ave.
Harlon, John, fr Kentucky, wks 608 s G st.
Hart, T. W. fr Kentucky, propr Central hotel.
Hart, J. T. fr Kentucky, res Central hotel.
Harpham, R. fr Arkansas, president first national bank, res 504 n Jefferson ave.
Harp, Henry, fr Illinois, res 218 n F st.
Harp, Miss Lillie, fr Illinois, music teacher, res 218 n F st.
Harkey, J. S. fr Illinois, carpenter, res ws Olive st, 1d n 15th st.
Harkey, Miss Dora, wks Mrs. Hutton.
Harris, O. B., fr Illinois, res ns. w 7th st, 2d w High st.
Harris, Miss Luella, fr Illinois, res 615 n A st.
Harris, A. B., fr Illinois, res 615 n A st.
Harris, Miss Lula, fr Illinois, res sw cor Walnut and C sts.
Harris, Mrs. G. W., fr Iowa, res 618 s Washington ave.
Harris, Miss Evelyn, fr Iowa, res 618 s Washington ave.
Harris, Miss Maud, fr Iowa, res 618 s Washington ave.
Harrelson, J. F., fr Missouri, res 606 e Harvey ave. ‘
Harrison, Miss Vada, fr Ohio, res 201 n Jefferson ave.
Harrod, M. fr Ohio, farmer, res 822 e Lincoln ave.
Hastie, Miss Alice, fr Illinois, res 220 w Harvey ave.
Hastie, J. K., fr Illinois, liveryman, ws C st, 2d n Harvey ave, res 220 w Harvey ave.
Haughey, J. W„ attorney at law, office in Marble blk, res 829 n B st.
Haughey & McBride, attorneys at law, office in Marble blk.
Dry Goods § Company,
The old Reliable Square Dealing Dry Goods House head-quarters for everything
Dry Goods Boots And Shoes.
Yours patronage solicited,
Share Bros., Dry Goods Company,
Wellington, ----- Kansas

Havens, A., fr Illinois, wks gas works, res nw cor G and Walnut sts.
Havens, D., fr Illinois, teamster, res 817 s Jefferson ave.
Havens, Miss Mary, fr Illinois, res 817 s Jefferson ave.
Havens, Mrs. H., fr Illinois, res 817 s Jefferson ave.
Haworth, P., fr Ohio, wks Standard office, bds Washington ave hotel.
Hawkins, Mrs. M. F., fr Kentucky, tailoress, res 125 e Lincoln ave.
Hayden, Mrs. M. P., fr Ohio, res 819 n A st.
Haynes, J. N., fr Missouri, engineer, at coal prospecting works, res ss w 15th st, bet G and H. sts.
Hazard, J. S., fr Rhode Island, res 231 n A st.
Hazel, Eliza, fr Kentucky, wks 1104 s Washington ave.
Hedden, E. S., conductor S. K. R. R., res 527 e Lincoln ave.
Hedden, Jas., brakeman, S. K. R. R., bds Depot hotel.
Hedden, C. H., fr Canada, brakeman S. K. R. R., res ne cor s B and e 4th sts.
Hedrick, D. M., fr Illinois, res 824 s Washington ave.
Helvey, W. A., fr Illinois, clks Ballinger’s grocery, res 227 e 11th st.
Heath, Dr. J. H., fr Indiana, physician and surgeon, office and res sw cor 7th and Park sts.
Henderson Frank, fr Ohio, res 305 e 11th st.
Henderson, M. S., fr Iowa, wks A Graff, bds 321 w Harvey ave. Henry, M. C., fr Kentucky, loan broker, 2 drs w Sumner County bank, res 420 n Jefferson ave.
Henning, A. H., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 702 s F st.
Henning, Miss Thersa, res 702 s F st.
Henning, Wm. fr Indiana, res 702 s F st.
Herrell, W. M., fr Iowa, laborer, res nw cor 1st and Ash sts.
Herring, Luke, fr Pennsylvania, propr Standard, res 410 s H st.
Herrick, J. T., fr Indiana, judge district court, res 718 n A st. .
Hentzell, B. F., fr Indiana, farmer, res 420 e 4th st.
Herrick, S. P., fr Indiana, res es A st, bet 14th and 15th sts.
Henning, Ed, fireman S. K. R. R., bds Depot hotel.
Hervey, D. W., bds Central hotel.
Heskett, Mrs. A., res ns e 12th st, 2d e B st.
Heskett, John, fr Illinois, farmer, res es n A st, opp 11th st.
Hewitt, Miss Nettie, fr Iowa, teacher, res over Frantz, Mann & Co’s. hardware store.
Henry, S., fr Ohio, res ne cor 3d and Olive sts.
Hibbard, J. F., agt Wells, Fargo express, res 508 e Harvey ave.

Hickman, J. T., fr Illinois, res 327 e 9th st.
Hickman, James, fr Illinois, wks court house, res 327 e 9th st.
Higby, C., drayman, res 914 w Harvey ave.
Higby, F. W., fr Illinois, conductor S. K. R. R., res se cor 4th and Douglass sts.
Higgins, W. H. fr Iowa, sewing machine agent, 130 e Lincoln ave, res 228 w 14th st.
Hiatt, E., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 628 s H st.
Hiatt, L., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 628 s H st.
Hill, G., fr Illinois, res 423 s Blaine st.
Hill, C. A., fr Illinois, res 629 s F st.
Hill, John, fr Pennsylvania, plasterer, res 504 s G st.
Hill, R. M., fr Illinois, drayman, res 507 s H st.
Hill, Miss Mary, fr New York, res 627 e Lincoln ave.
Hill, C. W., fr New York, manager water works, res 627 e Lincoln ave.
Hill Chas., clks A Graff, res sw cor Harvey ave and A st.
Hilligoss, Mrs. I. J., fr Indiana, res 628 n C st.
Hildebrand, Henry, fr Indiana, carpenter, res 405 n Washington ave.
Hines, Wm., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 915 w 7th st.
Hinsey, Jno., fr Indiana, wks section S. K. R. R., res 329 e Lincoln ave.
Hirons, Jno., fr Michigan, carpenter, res 428 n F st.
Hirons, Miss Lizzie, fr Michigan, res 428 n F st.
Hirons, C. C., fr Michigan, compiler Wellington and Sumner Co. directory, res 209 n Olive st.
Hirons, O. P., fr Michigan, res 209 n Olive st.
Hirons, A. R., fr Michigan, real estate dealer, res 408 n Blaine st.
Hitt, Miss Lou, fr Iowa, res 212 s F st.
Hitt, C. B., fr Texas, carpenter, res 701 n Olive st.
Hitt, Miss Eva, fr Iowa, wks 504 n Jefferson ave.
Hobson, J. A., fr Kentucky, grocer, 120 n Washington ave. res 1104 s Washington ave.
Hodges, Miss Linnie, fr Kentucky, wks 324 n C st.
Hodges, J. P., fr Kentucky, grocer, 120 n Washington ave, res 1104 s Washington ave.
Hogue, Wm., fr Illinois, collector and solicitor Sumner Co. Press, res se cor 2nd st and Jefferson ave.
Hogue, Ed., fr Illinois, printer, wks Press office, res se cor 2nd st and Jefferson ave.

Holman’s Fancy Bazar, dry goods, notions, boots and shoes 115 n Washington ave.
Holman, C. B., fr Indiana, propr Holman’s Fancy Bazar, res ns e 10th st, 2d e B st.
Holman, F. C., fr Illinois, gunsmith, 223 n Washington aye, res 317 e Harvey ave.
Holmes, Miss Mary, fr Illinois, res 806 n C st.
Holmes & Co., dlrs in staple and fancy groceries, 121 n Washington ave.
Holmes, M. V. B., fr Illinois, grocer, 121 n Washington ave, res 216 s G st.
Holmes, W. R., fr Illinois, clks postoffice, bds Tucker house.
Holmes, Clint, fr Illinois, carpenter, 331 n Washington ave, res 206 n Jefferson ave.
Holmes, Miss Emma, wks 812 n B st.
Holcomb Mrs. J. A., fr Michigan, res sw cor Lincoln ave and Blaine st.
Holcomb, H. W., fr. Michigan, clks Central drug store, res sw cor Lincoln ave and Blaine st.
Holmes, Miss Lizzie, fr Illinois, res 806 n C st.
Hollingsworth, J., fr Iowa, res 407 n C st.
Hoffman, Frank, fr Iowa, baker, res 819 s C st.
Hopper, Isaac, fr Michigan, real estate agt, office Marble block, res 819 n A st.
Hornaday, Miss Anna, fr Indiana, res 612 n Olive st.
Horner, C., stonemason, res 821 s C st.
Howard, F. H., fr Illinois, brickmason, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Howell, Hobson and Hodges, dlrs in staple and fancy groceries, 120 n Washington ave.
Howell, J., fr Kentucky, grocer, 120 n Washington ave, res 1028 s Washington ave.
Howell, Mrs. Mattie, fr Illinois, res 314 e 7th st.
Hoyt, J., res ws Plum st, 5d n 8th st,
Hood, H. Q., fr Illinois, president Wellington Pump Co., res es Olive st, 1d n Harvey ave.
Hood, Chas., propr Monitor, bds Boston club.
Hood, Miss Mary, fr Illinois, teacher, bds 321 w Harvey ave
Hooper, I. N., fr Michigan, barber, basement Press block, res 209 Park st.
Hoover, Jno., fr Virginia, carpenter, res 628 n Jefferson ave,

Hoover, J., fr Missouri, hack driver, res 220 s Jefferson ave.
Hubbard, W. H., fr Illinois, bds Central hotel.
Hubbard, T. B., fr Illinois, res es n Blaine st, 3d n 10th st.
Hubbard, T. A., fr Michigan, stockdealer, res 427 e 9th st.
Hubbert, Mrs. M. J., fr Illinois, dressmaker, over Share Bros, bds Tucker house.
Hudspeth, W. G., fr Illinois, stockdealer, residence 201 n Jefferson ave.
Hudspeth, M. Y., fr Illinois, res 207 n Jefferson ave.
Hudspeth, Chas., fr Texas, bds Farmer's restaurant.
Huffman, F., fr Missouri, carriage trimmer, wks Al. Robinson, res 109 w 4th st.
Huffman, Mrs. C. J., fr Ohio, res 714 n G st.
Hunter, Geo. H., fr Illinois, propr City mills, res 708 s G st.
Hunter, A. M., res 825 s Washington ave.
Hunter, Miss Jennie, fr Colorado res 420 n F st.
Hunt, Mrs. Norah, fr Ohio, music teacher, bds 304 s Jefferson ave.
Hunt, Dr. J., fr Illinois, office Central drug store, res sw cor Harvey ave and G st.
Hunt, Geo., fr Illinois, res sw cor Harvey ave and G st.
Hundley, S., fr Iowa, wks brickyard, res 927 s Washington ave.
Hurley. F., veterinary surgeon, res 217 s H st.
Hutchinson. S. Y., fr Illinois, laborer, res e 8th st, 2d w A st.
Hutton, Mrs. G. E., dressmaker, over Frantz, Mann & Co's, hardware.
Hutton, G. E., veterinary surgeon, res over Frantz, Mann & Co's, hardware store.
I’Anson, M., fr Illinois, farmer, res se cor G and 13th sts.
Illinois livery, feed and sale stable, Dodson & Brumley, proprs, 213 n Jefferson ave.
Igou, J. B., fr Illinois, machinist, res 502 e Harvey ave.
Ingalls, J., fr Germany, clk, bds 321 w Harvey ave.
Isenminger, H. C., fr Ohio, clks Chicago grocery, res sw cor e 4th and Douglass sts.
Isenminger, Miss Luella, fr Ohio, res sw cor e 4th and Douglass sts.
Ivers, Phil., fr New York, music teacher, res 136 w 4th st.
Ivers, Thomas, fr New York, telegraph operator, res 136 w 4th st.
Ivers, Mrs. C., fr New York, res 136 w 4th st.

Jackson, M. R., fr Ohio, tinner, res 629 e Harvey ave.
Jackson, G. I., fr Ohio, res 629 e Harvey ave.
Jackson, J. C. fr Indiana, carpenter, res 312 e 10th st.
Jaggers, B. R., fr Kentucky, wks Hunter’s mill, res 717 s F st. James, Wm, carpenter, wks C. V. McDonald’s, bds Boston club. James, J. W., res over Marble blk drag store.
Jarvis, Miss Mary, fr Illinois, wks 311 e 8th st.
Jay, Prof. Wm., principal city schools, res 324 n B st.
Jewett, Mrs. C. B., fr Indiana, dressmaker, Press blk, up stairs. Johnson, T., porter Arlington house.
Johnson, O. D., fr Kentucky, jeweler, res nw cor Harvey ave and High st.
Johnson, Mrs. M. A., fr Indiana, res 409 s Blaine st.
Johnson, Miss Vina, fr Indiana, res 409 s Blaine st.
Johnson, H., fr Illinois, laborer, res 528 s Blaine st.
Johnson, D. W., fr Illinois, res 714 s Washington ave.
Johnson, Mrs. L. E., res 714 s Washington ave.
Johnson, Zack, fr Illinois, res 714 s Washington ave.
Johnson, John, dry goods, boots and shoes, 101 n Washington ave, res 330 w Lincoln ave.
Johnson & Scandrett, dlrs in dry goods, boots and shoes, 101 n Washington ave.
Johnson. J. B., fr Illinois, res 303 Ash st.
Johnson, Chris, clks Marble blk drug store.
Jones, S. L., fr Missouri, sheriff, res ss e 13th st, 1d e B st.
Jones, Wes, fr Illinois, laundryman, Phillips house, res 916 w Lincoln ave
Jones, W., fr Ohio, brickmason, res 606 s H st.
Jones, W. M., fr Ohio, wks Cline’s harness shop, res 606 s H st.
Jones, L., fr O teamster, res 606 s H st.
Jones, C., fr Indiana, stonemason, res ns w 4th st, 2d w Plum st.
Jones, S. S., fr Illinois, house moving, res 1015 s F st.
Jones, A. J., fr Kentucky, res 614 s Jefferson ave.
Jones, Miss Carrie, fr. Illinois, dressmaker, res 213 e Lincoln ave.
Jones, Willis, fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 918 s Jefferson ave.
Jordan, A. A., dlr in second hand goods, 217 s Washington ave, res 217 s Washington ave.
Joseph, Wm., fr Kentucky, stonemason, res nw cor e 3rd and Cherry sts.
Collender Billiard Parlor.

H. H. Case, Proprietor.

Fitted up in good style, with six new Collender Tables, and a nice, quiet place in which to pass a leisure hour.
Up stairs, over 115 North Washington Avenue, Wellington, Kan. —: AT :-
' Willis K. Folks' Coal Yard.
Wellington City Property
And aLl kinds of musical merchandise. We buy for
cash and can consequently sell cheaper than our competitors.
238 South Washington Avenue.


A. L. RUNYAN, Editor.

Sumer County Press
Official Paper of Sumer County.
The Paper That Pays to Advertise When Others Fail to do so.
It has a larger circulation in Sumner county than all the papers published at the county seat combined.
Therefore it is the Cheapest and Best Advertising Medium.

Kain, M. J., fr Illinois, merchant tailor, 230 n Washington ave, bds Farmers restaurant.
Kansas Livery Feed and Sale Stables, Paul Cyphers, propr,
320 n Washington ave.
Kaserman, Jno., fr Illinois, butcher, 227 s Washington ave, res es Washington ave, 3d s 4th st.
Kauffman, Miss E. H., fr Illinois, wks Chicago millinery parlors, bds
321 w Harvey ave.
Klein, F., fr Missouri, harness and saddles, 133 n Washington ave, res 416 s H st.
Klopfenstein, Lee, fr Ohio, res 322 e 9th st.
Kincaid, S. S., clk district court, bds Washington ave hotel.
Kier, D. B., fr Illinois, blacksmith, 134 e Harvey ave, res 417 w Lincoln ave.
Kier, J., fr Illinois, blacksmith, 134 e Harvey ave, res 228 s B st.
King, P., fr Iowa, propr nickle plate restaurant, Cole & Robinson blk, res 125 n Jefferson ave.
King, C. P., fr Illinois, abstracter, 110 e Harvey ave, bds Arlington house.
King, T., fr Indiana, drayman, res 414 e 4th st.
King, Sam, cook, L. E. F. T. club.
King, I. N., attorney at law, office 1d s court house, res 329 n C st.
Kinzey, F., bridge carpenter, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Kimball, Mrs. S. D., fr New York, res 128 s G st.
Kirk, M. H., fr Illinois, farmer, res 518 s Olive st.
Kirk, S., contractor and builder, bds Sumner house.
Keagy, M. B,, fr Illinois, stock dlr, res e end Harvey ave.
Keith Bros., dlrs in boots and shoes, Standard blk.
Keith, C. R., fr Wisconsin, dlr in boots and shoes, Standard blk, bds Boston club.
Keltner, H. J., fr Missouri, painter, res 307 n Olive st.
Kennedy, Mrs. L., fr Missouri, res 910 n F st.
Kern, Rev. W. H., pastor Christian church, res 301 e 9th st.
Kerr, T., fr Pennsylvania, stonemason, res ws F st, 4d n South st.
Keever, W. H., fr Indiana, engineer, S. K. R. R. res 317 s C st.
Keever, Geo. fr Indiana, carpenter, res 905 s Washington ave.
Keyes, L., fr Indiana, res 225 n C st.

Knowles, F. E. fr Illinois, res 405 s F st.
Keystone Mills, McMahan Bros., proprs intersection S. K. R. R. and A. T. & S. F. R. R.
Knowles, Henry, fr Illinois, butcher, 113 s Washington ave, res sw cor 7th and A sts.
Knowles & Garland, meat market, 113 s Washington ave.
Knight, G. T., fr Vermont, brakeman, S..K. R. R. res 517 e 4th st.
Konrad, H., fr Germany, wks Washington ave hotel.
Krell, J. D., fr Illinois, res 328 n B st.
Lacy, Miss Jennie, fr Kentucky, wks 312 s H st.
Lambert, D. W., brakeman, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Lamb, H. F., fr Kentucky, laborer, res 510 s Blaine st.
Lampkins, H., fr Kentucky, farmer, res ns, 1st st, 2d e Birch st. Lane, E., fr Kentucky, stonemason, res 927 s C st.
Landis, H. F., fr Ohio, res nw cor 3rd and Douglass sts.
Landis, N., of Ohio, wks S. K. round house, res nw cor 3rd and Douglass sts.
Langford, J. M., fr Illinois, carpenter, res es Olive st, 3d s 8th st. Langley, Mrs. S. E., fr Illinois, tailoress, wks M. J. Kain, res 913 w Harvey ave.
Lankford, H. M., fr Indiana, res 518 s Olive st.
Larick, J. B., fr Illinois, res 402 s Olive st.
Laswell, M., fr Missouri, stock dlr, res 224 n Jefferson ave. Lawrence, J. N., fr New Jersey res 116 n B st.
Lawrence, Jas. fr New Jersey, attorney at law, office over H. H. & H.’s grocery, res, 220 e 7th st.
Layman, Henry, carpenter, bds Central hotel.
Leighty, J., fr Illinois, harness maker, wks E. N. Andrews, res 119 n Jefferson ave.
Legler, Ed., fr Iowa, bds Central hotel.
Letcher, D., fr Missouri, res 1019 s F st.
Lewallen, Miss Eva, fr Indiana, res sw cor Lincoln ave and High st.
Lewallen, Miss Minnie, fr Indiana, res sw cor Lincoln ave and High st.
Lewallen, J., fr Indiana, res sw cor Lincoln ave and High st.

London, M., fr Iowa, stone mason, res 717 n Jefferson ave.
London, I. E., fr Iowa, stone mason, res 212 w 10th st
Logan, J. E., fr Illinois, painter, res 514 e 4th st
Lovingfoss, J. C., fr Illinois, carpenter, res. 516 n Jefferson ave.
Lovingfoss, Chas., fr Illinois, res. 516 n Jefferson ave.
Lovingfoss, Arthur, fr Illinois, carpenter, res 516 n Jefferson

ave. *

Love, Mrs. T. R., fr Virginia, res 423 n B st.

Love, Miss Mossie, fr Virginia, res 423 n B st.
Luening, C. F., fr Germany, furniture dealer, 212 s Washington ave. res 325 s H st.
Luther, S., fireman S. K. R. R., bds. Depot Hotel
Lynch, C. S., fr Indiana, clerks Arlington Drug Store, res 409 s H st.
Lynch, W., fr Indiana, painter, res ws Poplar st. 1 d s 14th
Lynch, Miss. Grace, fr Indiana, res ws Poplar st 1 d s 14th st.
Lynch, W. F., fr Indiana, painter, res ws Poplar st. 1 d s 14th st.
Lynch. R., fr Ohio, shoe maker 226 n Washington ave., res 501 w Harvey ave.
Lynch, Miss. Euretta, fr New York, compositor, wks. Press Office res s end Blaine st.
Lynch, Miss. Cora, fr New York, dress maker 210 s Washington ave., res. s end Blaine, st.
Lytle, Mrs. C. C., fr Illinois, res 405 n F st.


Lewis, A. P. fr New York, res 236 s Washington ave.
Lewis, Mrs. L. C., fr New York, milliner, 236 s Washington ave res same.
Lee, C. B., painter, ws n Washington ave, 2d s 9th st, bds Boston club.
Liddle, S., fr Iowa, wks C. C. Curtis, res 611 s G st.
Lindley, Mrs. C. W. fr Illinois, res 724 n Washington ave.
Lindsey, L. fr Kentucky, laborer, res 604 n Olive st.
Lineberger, J. R., fireman S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Lockhart, W. J., fr Virginia, gardener, res 708 n G st.
Loftis, Peter, fr New York, laborer, res 502 n F st.
Loftis, Miss Winnie, fr New York, res 502 n F st.
Long-Bell lumber company, 411 s Washington, ave.
Long, Martin & Co., dlrs in staple and fancy groceries, 126 n Washington ave.
Long, F. P., fr Nebraska, clks Long, Martin & Co., res sw cor 8th and G sts.
Longman, Bros., real estate and loan agts, Marble blk.
Longman, T. H. fr Ohio, real estate and loan agt, Marble blk, 427 s G st.
Longman, W. S., fr Ohio, real estate and loan agt, marble blk. res 427 s G st.
McAdams, Mrs. Sarah, fr Illinois, res 629 w 8th st.
McBride, W. T. attorney at law, office Marble blk, bds Arlington.
McCallie, J. A„ fr Tennessee, gardener, res 602 w 8th st.
McCain, Mrs. E. C., fr Missouri, res ns 1st st, 2d w Ash st.
McClanahan, Mrs. H. N., fr Illinois, res 601 n A st.
McClanahan, A. W., fr Illinois, farmer, res 601 n A st.
McClanahan, Miss Frankie, res 601 n A st.
McConnel, C., fr Illinois, wks S. K. R. R., bds 611 e 3rd st.
McCormack, James, fr Ohio, wks Davenport's art gallery, bds 304 s Jefferson ave.
McCoy, Walter, dlr in staple and fancy groceries, 217 e Lincoln ave, res same.
McCullough, H. E., wks Bee Hive grocery, res 303 s F st.
McCune, W. C., fr Illinois, manager Chicago lumber yard, res 112 s Jefferson ave.

McDonald & Parker, attorneys at law, 203 n Washington ave.
McDonald, W. A., fr Ohio, attorney at law, 203 n Washington ave, res 428 s Washington ave.
McDonald, Mrs. S. E.,fr Illinois, res 418 s Washington ave.
McDonald, C. V., architect, nw cor Lincoln ave and Ash st, res over Harlan Bros, store.
McDonald, H., fr Illinois, teamster, res 727 s Jefferson ave.
McDonald, V., fr Illinois, res 417 n Blaine st.
McDonald, J., fr Virginia, well digger, res 425 n Blaine st.
McDougall, Mrs. J., fr Wisconsin, stenographer, bds 128 s G st.
McElhenev, W., fr Indiana, wks bus barn res 512 s G st.
McFarland, Albert, fr Indiana, carpenter, res 615 w 10th st.
McGann, Miss Maggie, wks Washington Avenue hotel.
McGown, Geo. Q., propr Golden Rule grocery, 205 s Washington ave.
McGregor, Mrs. C., fr Illinois, res 417 w Lincoln ave.
McKinstry, W. D., fr Illinois, clks Share Bros, bds 321 w Harvey ave.
McMahan T. V., fr Pennsylvania, farmer, res 708 s H st.
McManis, T., fr Illinois, plasterer, res 825 s Jefferson ave.
McMillan, Wm., fr Kentucky, res 528 s Olive st.
McMillan, J. C., fr Illinois, barber, se cor Washington and Harvey aves, res 407 w Harvey ave.
McNichols, Mrs. M., fr Pennsylvania, milliner, over Stanley’s drug store, res same.
McPhail, Mrs. M., fr Illinois, res 413 w Harvey ave.
McSchooler, T. W., fr Illinois, foreman Press office, res 422 n F st.
Maddy, W. H., wks county clerk’s office, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Maggard, Dr. J. A., propr Central drug store, res 212 s F st.
Magee, R. B., fr Missouri, drayman, res 705 w 3rd st.
Mahan, D. P., fr Missouri, carpenter, res 314 s F st.
Mahan, M. J., fr Missouri, clks Bee Hive grocery, res ss e 10th st, 3d e B st.

Mallett, C. P., liveryman, cor 3rd st and Washington ave, res 222 e 3rd st.
Mann, Dr. S., fr Illinois, propr Marble blk drug store, res above same.
Mann, Wm., dlr stoves and hardware, 201 s Washington ave, bds Tucker house.

Marble Block Drug Store, Dr. S. Mann propr, 106 s Washington ave.
Mariam, J., res ns e 4th st. 2d e A st.
Mardis, B. T., fr Kentucky, stonemason, res 221 s B st.
Marker, S., fr Illinois, propr Lincoln Avenue hotel.
Marker, Geo. E., fr Illinois, res es n A st, opp 12th st.
Marker, Miss Adda, fr Illinois, res es n A st, opp 12th st.
Marsh, E., drayman, res 514 e Lincoln ave.
Marshall, Wm., fr Indiana, painter, res 522 s Olive st.
Marshall, W. W., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 510 s H st.
Martin, E. B., fr Ohio, grocer, 126 n Washington ave, res 306 w Lincoln ave.
Martin, Miss Calista, fr Ohio, res 306 w Lincoln ave.
Martin, W. M., fr Ohio, res 306 w Lincoln ave.
Mason, J. H., fr Pennsylvania, barber, 109 s Washington ave, bds Tucker house.
Mason, Dr. Kate A., fr Chicago, office and res over Frantz, Mann & Co.
Mason, I. V., fr New Jersey, painter, 342 n Washington ave, res 515 n Jefferson ave.
Mason, Frank, fr Missouri, res 528 n F st.
Maston, N. L., fr Pennsylvania, tinner, wks A Graff, res 210 s H st.
Mathews, C. L., fr Indiana, Indiana bakery, res same.
Matteson, W. C. fr New York, res 809 w Harvey ave.
Maxey Bros., dlrs in staple and fancy groceries, 208 s Washington ave.
Maxey, W. A., fr Illinois, grocer, 208 s Washington ave, res 108 n B st.
Maxey, M. A.. fr Indiana, carriage painter, res 507 n Jefferson ave.
May, E., real estate and insurance agt, over Wells Fargo Express Co., res 813 n Blaine st.
Merrill, T. J., fr Ohio, well digger, res 929 n C st.
Merrill, Mrs. S. M., fr New York, tailoress, wks G. F. Calver, res 809 w Harvey ave.
Messenger, H. M., fr New York, machinist, res 611 e 3rd st.
Messenger, F. L., fr New York, laborer, res 611 e 3rd st.
Metcalf, G. W., fr Kentucky, barber, wks McMillans, bds Phillips house.
Metcalf, Miss Katie, fr Illinois, res ws n H st, 3d n 14th st.
Metcalf, B., fr Illinois, wks Worden’s nursery, res ws n H st, 3d n 14th st.
JOHN G. WOODS, Proprietor.
Capacity 300 Barrels per day.
Manufactures the celebrated Horse Shoe Brand of flour, the best ever made in Sumner county. Patents: Diamond and Good Luck. Family: White Rose and Delicious.

Methodist church, 101 n Jefferson ave.
Meyer, Geo., harness maker, 140 s Washington ave, res 704 n C st
Meyer, R. H., fr Pennsylvania, blacksmith, se cor Washington ave and 9th st, res ws C st, 2d n 11th st.
Michael, Jno., fr Indiana, wks Indiana bakery, bds same.
Miexsell, Z., fr Pennsylvania, furniture dealer, 116 n Washington ave, res nw cor w 7th and Olive sts.
Miexsell, Frank, clks Richardson & Co., res nw cor w 7th and Olive sts.
Miexsell, Sam, clks Z. Miexsell, res nw cor w 7th and Olive sts. Millard, Robt., plasterer, res 302 n C st.
Millard, C., fr Illinois, clks J. D. Decker, res 302 n C st.
Millard, D. C., abstractor and ins agt, 212 n Washington ave, res 521 n Jefferson ave.
Millard, Ret., fr Illinois, wks Fultz & Millard, res ss Harvey ave, 2d w High st.
Miller, F., fr Illinois, laborer, bds Farmer’s restaurant.
Miller, Isaac, fr Pennsylvania, res ws C st, 2d n 9th st.
Miller, D. W., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 501 n Olive st.
Miller, Geo. M., fr Pennsylvania, cashier First National bank, res 424 s G st.
Miller, C. S., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 811 e Lincoln ave.
Miller, Miss Hannah, fr Illinois, teacher, res 811 e Lincoln ave.
Miller, Miss Emma, fr Illinois, res 811 e Lincoln ave.
Miller, Miss Sarah, fr Illinois, res 811 e Lincoln ave.
Miller, T. K., fr Indiana, restaurant and confectionery, 117 s Washington ave, res 608 s Washington ave,
Miller & Price, cigar mnfrs, 117 s Washington ave.
Miller, C. E., fr Indiana; clks Tom Miller’s, res 608 s Washington ave.
Miller, F. E., fr Indiana, printer, wks Postal Card, res 814 s Jefferson ave.
Miller, H. G., fr Indiana, wks water works, res 814 s Jefferson ave.
Miller, Miss Ida, fr Indiana, res 814 s Jefferson ave.
Miller, Levi, fr Ohio, assistant marshal, res 408 w Lincoln ave.
Miller, Mrs. M. E., fr Ohio, res 413 w Lincoln ave.
Miller, M., clks county treasurer’s office, bds Phillips house.
Milne, W. A., wks McMahan’s mill, res 413 s G st,
Milne, J. A., fr Iowa, wks McMahan’s mill, res 521 e Lincoln ave.
Mishler, Geo., fr Illinois, carpenter, bds Phillips house.
Mitchell, J. H., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 503 s H st.

Mitchell, Wm., fr Illinois, res 503 s H st.
Mitchell, Miss T., fr Indiana, res 116 s Jefferson ave.
Moeser, G., fr Illinois, butcher, res 515 e Harvey ave.
Moeser, Miss Emma, fr Illinois, res 515 e Harvey ave.
Moeser, John, stonemason, res 318 s Blaine st.
Monaghan, Wm., fr Illinois, teamster, bds Central hotel.
Monley, T., waterman, res 423 e 3rd st.
Montgomery, Annie, wks Arlington house.
Moran, John, fireman S. K. R, R., bds Depot hotel.
Monnet, Isaac, fr Indiana, probate judge, res 628 n A st.
Morehart, W. L, fr Ohio, engineer S. K. R. R., res 520 e 4th st. Morehouse, D. G., fr New York, carpenter, res 427 s C st.
Morford, Miss Eva, fr Iowa, tailoress, wks A. Weber, res 712 w 7th st.
Morgan, F. P., yardmaster S. K. R. R., res 427 s G st.
Morgan, G. A., fr Iowa, well digger, res 724 n Blaine st.
Morse, J. C. 0., fr Illinois, deputy sheriff, res 207 w Harvey ave. Morse, Ed., clks Snyder’s drug store, bds 414 s Jefferson ave.
Morse, Mrs. R. J., fr Illinois, res 414 s Jefferson ave.
Morton, Harry, wks Arlington hotel.
Morrison, W. M., clks Phillips house.
Morris, Mrs. R., fr Kentucky, res 616 s F st.
Morris, J. W, fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 610 s F st.
Morris, T. M., fr Kentucky, res ws H st, 3d s Walnut st.
Mosbager, W. H., fr Illinois, wks C. C. Curtis, res 509 n Jefferson ave.
Mosley, Peter, fr Indiana, laborer, res 228 s A st.
Moss, Robt., fr Illinois, engineer Hunter’s mill, res 411 s Blaine st.
Moulder, E. E., fr Kentucky, carpenter and builder, 137 s Washington ave, res nw cor South and C sts.
Moore, W. E., fr Ohio, res 313 n F st,
Moore, S., fr Iowa, stonemason, res 328 s Blaine st.
Moore, J. V., fr Pennsylvania, teamster, res sw cor 3rd and High sts.
Moore, Frank, fr Illinois, res 415 s H st.
Moore, A. D., fr Illinois, res 415 s H st.
Moore G. I., fr Michigan, stockdealer, res 225 e Lincoln ave.
Moore. D. H., bridge carpenter S. K. R. R., bds Depot hotel.
Mumford, Wm., fr Illinois, attorney at law, office over Long, Martin & Co’s, grocery, res 314 e 7th st.

Mumford, Jas., fr Illinois, well digger, res sw cor H and 11th sts.
Murray, James, wks Arlington house.
Murray & Elliott, attorneys at law, office at court house.
Murray, John A., fr Iowa, county attorney, res es n A st, opp 14th st.
Murray, A. A., fr Kentucky, farmer, res 524 s Blaine st.
Murrell, W. D., fr Kentucky, real estate and loans, 205 n Washington ave, res 614 s Washington ave.
Murphy, John, fr Missouri, res 112 n F st.
Munviller, F. J., clks Stanley’s drug store, res 514 s Washington ave.
Myers, Hiram, fr Indiana, poultry dlr, res 414 s Washington ave.
Myers, W. H., fr Illinois, laborer, res 622 n C st.
Myers, T. J., fr Ohio, stockdealer, res 715 s C st.
Myers, Miss Edith, fr Missouri, res 706 s C st.
Myers, L. K., fr Missouri, res 706 s C st.
Myers, W., fr Missouri, clks Arlington drug store, res 706 s C st.
Nance, Jno., fr Iowa, carpenter, res 217 s C st.
Napiero, A. fr Kentucky, harness maker, wks E. N. Andrews, bds Central hotel.
Neal, F. P., fr Iowa, cashier Wellington national bank, res 104 n F st.
Nelson, Ed., clks Chicago grocery, bds Boston club.
Nelson, W. S., fr Illinois, loan agt, over postoffice, res 818 n C st. Newbold, W. J., fr Iowa, deputy recorder, res 623 n Blaine st.
Newman, C R., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 520 s C st.
Newman, E. V., fr Indiana, painter, 342 n Washington ave, res 516 s C st.
Newton, T. B., fr Ohio, plasterer, bds 529 w 9th st.
Newton, L. C., fr Illinois, wks Geo. H. Hunter, res 624 s C st.
Newton, W. R., wks Hunter’s mill, res 1212 s Washington ave.
Neustadt, C., fr Illinois, attorney at law, over Gelino’s store, bds Nickle Plate restaurant,
Nichols, Miss Lula, fr Illinois, res 224 n Poplar st,
Nichols, P. H., fr Ohio, clks Golden Rule grocery, bds 321 w Harvey ave.

Nichols, I. B., fr Illinois, shooting gallery, 114s Washington ave, res same.
Nichols, Mrs. L. C., fr Illinois, milliner, 114 s Washington ave, res same.
Nichols, J., fr Illinois, wks section, S. K. R. R. res s end Cherry st.
Nickle Plate Restaurant, King & Co., proprs, Cole & Robinson's blk.
Nirdlinger, Joe, gents, furnishing goods, 134 n Washington ave, bds Boston club.
Nirdlinger, H. C., gents, furnishing goods, 134 n Washington ave, bds Boston club.
Nixon, Joseph, fr Illinois, farmer, res 917 w Harvey ave,
Nixon, Wm., fr Illinois, wks S. K. R. R. res 810 e Harvey ave.
Nixon, Fred, fr Michigan, engineer, S. K. R. K. res 817 s. Lincoln ave.
Nixon, Miss Rena, fr Michigan, res 817 e Lincoln ave.
Nixon, John F., fr Illinois, printer, wks Press office, res 917 w Harvey ave.
Noe, H. C., fr Indiana, train dispatcher, S. K. R. R. res 701 s Wash-ton ave.
Noe, Miss Clara, fr Indiana, res 701 s Washington ave.
Nugent,. Chas., fr England, marble cutter, wks Peniwell's, bds, Washington ave hotel.
Orahood, E., fr Illinois, carriage maker, wks Al Robinson's, res 401 s Jefferson ave.
Orahood, C., fr Illinois, clks Augustine & Co., res 101 s Jefferson ave.
Orahood, Miss Nellie, fr Illinois, 401 s Jefferson ave.
O'Hare, Barney, fr Ireland, section foreman, A. T. & S. F. R. R. bds 728 n Jefferson ave.
Orear, Mrs. F. M., fr Indiana, res 402 n Jefferson ave.
Orear, Miss, Orpah, fr Indiana, res 413 n C st.
Orear, Dr J. H., fr Indiana, office Central drug store, res 413 n C st.
Orr, R. W., fr Illinois, carpenter, res ss n A st opp 12th st.
Owen, Geo. fr Illinois, laborer, res ns 4th st, 3d w Poplar st.
Owen, Wm., fr Illinois, res 923 w 7th st.
Owen, J. W., fr Illinois, teamster, res ws n H st, 2d n 13th st.
Owens, Frank, fr Illinois, bds L. E. F. T. club.

Paige, Geo. E., fr Iowa, printer, wks Republican office, bds Central hotel.
Palmer, Mrs. H. A., fr Illinois, boarding house, 321 w Harvey ave.
Parker, A. E., attorney at law, office 203 n Washington ave, res 806 n Poplar st.
Parker, David, fr Ohio, engineer, S. K. R. R. res 327 s C st.
Pastor, Von S., fr Illinois, printer, wks Press office, bds Phillips house.
Parsons, Eli, fr Michigan, conductor, S. K. R. R. bds Arlington house.
Patterson, R. L., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 405 s G st.
Patterson, C, fr Ohio, carpenter, res 405 s G st.
Patten, Miss Olive, fr Illinois, clks Richardson & Co., res 403 s G st.
Patten, D. C., fr Illinois, farmer, res 403 s G st.
Pearce, J. R., fr Ohio, shoemaker, wks Lamb & Easton's, res 729 n C st.
Pedigo, Geo. fr Kentucky, carpenter, res nw cor Jefferson ave and Sumner st.
Peck, L. W., fr Connecticut, teamster, res 608 s G st.
Pemberton, J. T., fr Illinois, wks Wellington pump Co., res 908 s Washington ave.
Pendleton, A. fr Illinois, wks Hunter's mill, res 808 s Jefferson ave.
Pendleton, Mrs. Rhoda, fr Illinois, res 808 s Jefferson ave.
Pendleton, Miss Mattie, fr Illinois, res 808 s Jefferson ave.
Peniwell, J. C., fr Illinois, propr Wellington marble works, se cor Lincoln and Jefferson aves, res 529 w 10th st.
Peniwell & Co., marble works, se cor Lincoln and Jefferson aves.
Peniwell, C. C., fr Illinois, Wellington marble works, res 529 w 10th st.
Perry, H., wks Arlington house.
Person, C. R., druggist, 123 n Washington ave, res 113 w 11th st.
Peters, Richard, section foreman, A. T. & S. F R. R. bds 728 n Jefferson ave.
Petermen, W., fr Ohio clk.; Augustine & Co., bds Farmers restaurant.


H. A. Williams,proprietor.
Building and Furniture new.
By Southern Kansas depot, Wellington, Kan.

Manufacturer of
Groceries, Glassware and Queenwsare.
217. E. Lincoln Ave., Wellington, Kansas.

Walker & Harding.
Office in Cole & Robinson’s Block, over Nickel Plate Restaurant,


Petree, Henry, fr Kentucky, laundryman, 124 n G st, res same.
Phelps, W. A., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 515 s F st.
Phelps, F. E., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 515 s F st.
Phillips House, J. M. Purcell proprs, 137 n Washington ave.
Phillips, M., laborer, res 110 e 3rd st.
Phillips W. E., fr Illinois, conductor, S. K. R. R. res 709 e 4th st.
Piatt, J. S., fr Illinois, clks Maxey Bros., res 729 s H st.
Piatt, Wm., fr Illinois, wks Howell Hobson & Hodges, res 806 s H st.
Piper, Fred, fr Indiana, elks Holman’s fancy bazar, bds L. E. F. T. club.
Pitts, J. K., fr Illinois, foreman C. C. Curtis’ tin shop, res 110 n Olive st.
Pitts, G. T., attorney at law, office at court house, res 328 s F. st.
Planks, W. H. fr Missouri, res 432 w Lincoln ave.
Plow, Simon, fr Pennsylvania, clks Holman’s Bazar, bds Phillips house.
Polsen, N., fr Sweden, tailor, wks A. D. Black, res over Frantz, Mann & Co’s hardware store.
Porter, J. W., fr Pennsylvania, res 1111 s Washington ave.
Porter, Miss Maggie, fr Pennsylvania , res 1111 s Washington ave.
Porter, Miss Lizzie, fr Pennsylvania, res 1111 s Washington ave.
Porter, Robert, res 313 e 13th st.
Pothour, J. H., fr Ohio, conductor, S. K. R, R. res 810 e 4th st.
Potter, O. O., res 316 n C st.
Powell, Wm., blacksmith wks Meyer’s, bds ws C st, 2d n 11th st.
Pourron, J., fr France, laborer, res 812 w 8th st,
Prall, B. G., fr Kentucky, res 118 n Jefferson ave.
Pray, Enos, fr Indiana, clks Augustine & Co., res 312 s G st. Presbyterian Church, ne cor Harvey ave and F st.
Probst, Robert, fr Illinois, propr city bakery, res 719 n Washington ave.
Price, Frank, fr Ohio, agt Adams express Co., res se cor 7th and Plum sts.
Price, Fletcher, fr Ohio, elks Share Bros., res ns Harvey ave, 1d Olive st.
Price, Miss Maud, fr Ohio, res ns Harvey ave, 1d w Olive st.
Price, Miss Bertha, fr Ohio, res ns Harvey ave, Id w Olive st.
Price, Joseph, fr Ohio, res 124 Park st.
Price, V., cigar manfr, 117 s Washington ave, res 920 s Jefferson ave.


Public telephone station, H. G. Chipchase manager, 109 n Washington ave.
Pugh, Frank, fr Missouri, res 428 s Jefferson ave.
Purcell, J. M., fr Kentucky, propr Phillips house.
Quinn, W. B., fr Illinois, dlr in imported horses, res sw cor C and Maple sts.
Quinn, Miss Nellie, fr Illinois, sw cor Maple and C sts.
Rabold, D. J., fr Kentucky, clks C. A. Hall’s, res ne cor Lincoln ave and H st.
Randall, W., fr New York, painter, 225 s Washington ave, res 423 s F st.
Rankin & Wilcox, cigars and confectionery, 110 n Washington ave.
Rankin, W. M., cigars and confectionery, 110 n Washington ave, res 224 Park st.
Rasure, Geo. W. & Co., real estate agts, 418 n Washington ave.
Rasure, Mrs. C. fr Kentucky, res 304 e 12th st,
Rasure, Geo. W., fr Kentucky, real estate agt and abstractor, 418 n Washington ave, res 304 e 12th st.
Ratekin, Henry, fr Illinois, jeweler, marble blk drug store, res 208 e 7th st.
Ratliffe, Mrs. M., fr Ohio, superintendent public instruction, res 728 n A st.
Ray & Neustadt, attorneys at law, over Gelino’s store.
Ray, J. A. fr Kentucky, attorney at law, office over Gelino’s store, res 227 s F st.
Ready & Ready, attorneys at law, 118 n Washington ave.
Ready, J. M., fr Illinois, attorney at law, office 118 n Washington ave, res 305 s G st.
Ready, Wm., fr Illinois, attorney at law, office 118 n Washington ave, res 816 e Lincoln ave.


Rector, E. T., fr Ohio, gardener, res es s C st, opp South st.
Redens, W. R., fr Texas, res 309 e 14th st.
Renfrow, Wm, fr Illinois, res 428 n C st.
Renick, J W., fr Kentucky, stone mason, res 423 s C st.
Renick, Miss Mary, fr Kentucky, res 423 s C st.
Replogle, Miss Lucinda, fr Illinois, res 708 n B st.
Replogle, Mrs. F., fr Indiana, res 612 n Blaine st.
Reed, Ed, fr Illinois, res 816 n A st.
Reed, Miss Annie, fr Illinois, res 305 s G st.
Reed, Isaac G., fr Massachusetts, attorney at law, office over Central drug store, res 520 s H st.
Reeves, Albert, fr England, res 218 w 9th st.
Rhodes, Mrs. Nettie, fr Iowa, res 1212 s Washington avc.
Richards, J. L., fr Illinois, res 502 w 10th st.
Richards, A. A., attorney at law, office over E. N. Andrew's, res. 404 s G st.
Richardson, Thomas, fr Missouri, dry goods, notions & c, 114 n Washington ave, res 209 n A st.
Richardson & Co., dry goods, notions Ac, 114 n Washington ave. Richardson, T. P., fr Missouri, journalist, bds 209 n A st.
Richardson, Miss Lizzie, fr Missouri, clks Richardson A Co., res 209 n A st.
Richardson, John, fr Missouri, clks Richardson A Co., res 502 s E st.
Richardson, Gus, bridge carpenter, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Richey, N. H., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 701 n C st.
Riemann, H A., fr Missouri, carpenter, res 424 w Lincoln ave.
Riemann, H. E., fr Missouri, clks Golden Rule grocery, bds 424 w Lincoln ave.
Riley, Mrs. N., fr Illinois, res 508 s F st.
Ripley, S. C. fr Illinois, conductor, S. K. R. R. bds Arlington house.
Ripley, W. S., fr. Illinois, bds Farmers restaurant,
Robbins, F. K., fr Illinois, bookkeeper first national bank, bds Arlington house.
Robinson, Al, propr Wellington carriage wks, bds L. E. F. T. club.
Rolph, Mrs. Anna, fr Indiana, res sw cor C and Walnut sts.
Romig, W. A., fr Illinois, tinner, res 614 w 9th st,
Rosenfield. A. M., clks Arcade clothing house.
Roser, Ed. L., jeweler, 108 n Washington ave, res 228 s H st.

Rose, D. S., attorney at law, over C. A. Hall’s grocery, bds Boston , club.
Roth, Jno., fr Illinois, teamster, res 619 e 3rd st.
Roth, L., fr Missouri, res 112 e 3rd st.
Rouse, Miss Carrie, fr Ohio, clks Share Bros., res 505 n B st.
Rouse, T. H., fr Ohio, plasterer, res 505 n B st.
Rouse, Miss Ella, fr Ohio, res 505 n B st.
Rumer, G. W., fr Ohio, teamster, res nw cor Blaine and 13th sts.
Runyan, A. L., fr Pennsylvania, editor Sumner Co.. Press, res 223 w Lincoln ave.
Rush, Frank, fr Illinois, baggageman Southwestern Bus Co., bds Arlington house,
Rush, W. E. O., fr Ohio, foreman Mallett’s stables, res 422 s C st.
Rush, J., fr Illinois, farmer, res 728 s Jefferson ave.
Russel, Al., bds Arlington house.
Rustainer, J. T., fr Illinois, bds Brumley house.
Sanders, J. T., fr Ohio, manager W. U. telegraph office, res 213 n F st.
Sanders, O. E., fr Indiana, res 213 n F st.
Sanders, Miss Maud, fr Indiana, res 213 n F st.
Sanders, Rev. D. W., fr Indiana, pastor Baptist church, res 318 s F st.
Sanders, Miss Mattie, fr Indiana, res 318 s F st.
Sargent, J. T., stockdealer, res sw cor Birch and e 4th sts.
Sargent, T. P., fr Illinois, painter, res sw cor Birch and e 4th sts.
Sargent, F. M., fr Indiana, photographer, State National bank building, bds Farmer’s restaurant.
Sater, Jim, fr Indiana, clks Golden Rule grocery, res 1d s street car barn.
Sater, Wm., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 704 n B st.
Saul, D. G., fr Illinois, City bakery, 324 n Washington ave, res same.
Saunders. J. W., fr Michigan, real estate and loan agt, 2d w Sumner Co. bank, res ne cor Harvey ave and B st.
Saunders & Fulkerson, real estate and loan agts, 2d w Sumner
Co. bank.

Savage, W. R., fr Missouri, dlr in staple and fancy groceries, 125 s Washington ave, res 320 s Jefferson ave.
Scandrett, M. M., fr Iowa, farmer, res nw cor e 10th and B sts.
Scandrett, Miss Lizzie, fr Iowa, res nw cor e 10th and B sts.
Scandrett, J. A., fr Canada, dlr dry goods, boots and shoes, 101 n Washington ave, bds Arlington house.
Schafer, Ed., propr Schafer’s meat market, 204 n Washington ave, bds L. E. F. T. club.
Schafer’s Meat Market, 204 n Washington ave.
Schafer, Louis, fr Ohio, bds Farmer’s restaurant.
Schendel, Wm., fr Illinois, gunsmith, 116 e Harvey ave, res same.
Schwinn & Wood, attorneys at law, office over E. N. Andrews’ harness shop.
Schwinn, W. W., fr Indiana, attorney at law, office over E. N.
Andrews’ harness shop, res 809 w Harvey ave.
Scott, I. I., fr Iowa, secretary Wellington Pump Co, res ws C st, 1d n 11th st.
Scott, Geo., laborer, res 517 n C st.
Scott, Miss Kate, fr Indiana, res ns 7th st. 1d w Washington ave.
Scott, James, fireman S. K. R. R. res 621 e 4th st.
Scow, John, fr Germany, wks S K yards, bds 611 e 3rd st.
Scribner, Mrs. A. B., fr New Hampshire, res 605 w 10th st.
Sears, F. A., fr Illinois, propr bottling wks, res 323. e 14th st.
Sears, W. M., fr Illinois, bds Lincoln ave hotel.
Sellers, Mrs. A., fr Indiana, res 823 w Lincoln ave.
Sells, Mrs. E. F., fr Ohio, res 803 n Blaine st.
Senseney, R., bridge carpenter, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Severns, J. O., jailer, res 535 n Washington ave.
Seymour, W. B., fr Wisconsin, res ss e 9th st, 2d w A st.
Shaffhausen, H., printer, wks Press office, bds 223 w Lincoln ave.
Shaff, B. F., fr Indiana, clks Indiana bakery, bds same.
Share, John D., fr Michigan, dlr in dry goods, notions & c., 106 s Washington ave, res 228 s G st.
Share Bros. Dry Goods Co., 106 s Washington ave.
Sharp, J. E., fr Virginia, tailor, res 611 n Jefferson ave.
Sharp, Harry, station agt, A. T. & S. F. R. R. res 402 n F st.
Sharpsteen, B. R., fr Pennsylvania, laborer, res 614 s G st.
Shaw, G. B. & Co., dlrs in lumber and coal, 421 s Washington ave.
Shaw, H., fr Illinois, billiard hall, 1d s Central hotel, res ns 9th st,
1d w C st.

Shaw, J, res 728 s H st.
Shaurer, Peter, turning and scroll sawing, 424 e Lincoln ave, res 614 e Lincoln ave.
Shawver, C. C., fr Illinois, stock dlr, res 404 s H st.
Shearer, G. W. fr Illinois, sewing machine agt, res 601 n Olive st.
Shellhammer, D. B. brakeman, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Sherman, Mrs. M. N., res 205 s Washington ave.
Sherman, A. W. fr New York, wks Wells, Fargo express, res 204 s Jefferson ave.
Sherman, Miss Helen, fr New York, printer, wks Standard office, res 204 s Jefferson ave.
Sherril Mrs. E. A., fr Illinois, res 913 w Harvey ave.
Shields, R., brakeman, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Shinliver, C. C., res es n Plum st, 1d n 8th st.
Shobe, W. C., fr Kentucky, boarding house, 304 s Washington ave.
Short, M. F., fr Illinois, res 528 w 3rd st.
Showalter, John T., res 603 s Jefferson ave.
Sifford, D. M., fr North Carolina, wagon maker, ws s C st, 2d s Harvey ave, res 712 w 7th st.
Silver, W. H., fr Illinois, drayman, res 1003 w 4th st.
Simmons, Cal, fr Illinois, farmer, res 416 n F st.
Simmons, L. II., fr Illinois, bds Farmers restaurant.
Simmons, L. A., fr Illinois, attorney at law, office over Phillips house, res 724 w 3rd st.
Simms, Wm., fr Illinois, res 225 s H st.
Simms, Miss Fannie, fr Illinois, res 225 s H st.
Simpson, J. D., fr Ohio, grocer, (Long, Martin & Co.) res sw cor Washington ave and 14th st.
Sitton, A. L., fr Missouri, drayman, res nw cor w 4th and High sts.
Sitton, M. R. fr Missouri, stonemason, res nw cor w 4th and High
Sitton, W. W., fr Missouri, plasterer, res nw cor w 4th and High st.
Six, Daniel, fr Illinois, res 1008 s Jefferson ave.
Six, Miss Fannie, fr Illinois, res 1008 s Jefferson ave.
Skaggs, R. C., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res ne cor 1st and Birch sts.
Skaggs, D. E., fr Kentucky, propr Phillips house.
Skinner, A. G., fr Missouri, res 424 w Lincoln ave.
S. K. R. R. depot, se cor Ash and 3d sts.
Sleigh, Joe, fr Iowa, stonemason, bds Washington ave hotel.

Sliger, W. H., fr Indiana, engineer, S. K. R. R. res 409 s Blaine st.
Smith, Simon, fr Illinois, res 404 s Washington ave.
Smith, W. G., fr Kentucky, bds Sumner house.
Smith, E., fr Missouri, cigars and confectionery, 219 s Washington ave, res same.
Smith, Mrs. E., fr Indiana, res 130 e Harvey ave.
Smith, Miss Anna, fr Kentucky, res 304 w South st.
Smith, Shobe. fr Kentucky, clks Holmes grocery, res 304 w South st.
Smith, J. G., fr Kentucky, assistant cashier state national bank, res 304 w South st.
Smith, A. H., fr Kentucky, real estate dlr, 205 n Washington ave, res 304 w South st.
Smith, Geo., fr New York, clks Smith & Black, bds 519 s Blaine st.
Smith, C. W., fr New York, dlr in agricultural implements, ss Harvey ave, 2d e Jefferson ave, res 519 s Blaine st.
Smith, Robert, fr Pennsylvania, laborer, res 828 w Lincoln ave.
Smith, Miss Fanny, fr Missouri, res 209 n A st.
Smith, S. H., loan broker, 128 e Harvey ave, res 323 n C st.
Smith, Orville, fr Vermont, city engineer, office over Richardson & Co., res 406 n Poplar st,
Smith, Ben, fr Iowa, carpenter, res 414 w Harvey ave.
Smith, Miss M. E., res 316 n Jefferson ave.
Smith, R. J. fr Ohio, real estate dlr, res 528 n Jefferson ave.
Smith, Charles, night elk Arlington house.
Smith, J. C., fr Indiana, dlr in clothing boots and shoes, 102, & 122 s Washington ave.
Snell & Sargent, portrait and landscape photographers, State national bank building.
Snell, E. B., fr Ohio, photographer, state national bank building, res 528 n C st.
Snell, Miss Blanche, fr Ohio, res 528 n C st.
Snyder, F. B., fr Illinois, druggist, 123 n Washington ave, res 116 n Olive st.
Snyder, C., res 212 s C st.
Snyder, L. B., wks Hoosier bakery, res 2.12 s C st.
Soper, Mrs. Mary, fr Illinois, res 321 w Harvey ave.
Southern Kansas Mortgage Co., up stairs, Marble blk.
Southwell, Chas., fr Illinois, printer, res sw cor B and 11th sts.
Southwell, J., fr Iowa, res 308 n C st.

Sparr, B. F., fr Pennsylvania, dlr in dry goods, boots and shoes 129 s Washington ave, res 229 n C st.
Spell, Frank, fr Missouri, wks brick yard, res 1031 s F st.
Spicknall, W. R. fr Indiana, propr brick yard, res 628 s Washington ave.
Speed, A. D., propr Arlington house.
Spillman, Jno., fr Illinois, res 725 n Blaine st.
Spinden, S., fr Switzerland, wks A. T. & S. F. R. R. res 104 n H st.
Spitler, Dr. S. W., fr Ohio, office over Chicago grocery, res 322 w. Lincoln ave.
Spradling, P. H., fr Kentucky, farmer, res 607 s G st.
Spradling, B., fr Kentucky, teamster, res 607 s G st.
Sprague, F., fr Illinois, bookkeeper, Hunter's mill, res es s H st, 2d s Walnut st.
Spurling, Miss Ida, fr Ohio, dressmaker, bds Tucker house. Spruence, Clem, fr Delaware, clks W. T. Coverdale, res ne cor e 4th. and Ash sts.
Stanley, C. H. fr Indiana, clks B. F. Sparr, res 517 s Jefferson ave
Stanley, O. C., fr Indiana, teamster, res 517 s Jefferson ave.
Stanley, A. M., fr Indiana, druggist, 134 s Washington ave, res 502 s Washington ave.
Staffelbach, W. H., fr Iowa, attorney at law, office up stairs Press block, res 714 n Poplar st.
Stapleton, Mrs. M., fr New York, res 136 w 4th st.
Starling, J. W., fr Illinois, clks C. C. Curtis, res 307 e 9th st.
Staub, C. M., propr Chicago grocery, res ss e 9th st, 3d e B st.
Staub, Jno., fr Ohio, res ne cor city.
Staubus, Miss Josie, res 612 n Poplar st.
Staubus, L., fr Illinois, stockdealer, res 612 n Poplar st.
State National Bank, ne cor Washington and Lincoln aves.
Stearnes, J. H., fr New York, farmer, res es n A st, opp 15th st
Stephens, E., fr Virginia, res 621 s F st.
Stephens, W. P., fr Ohio, clks Johnson & Scandrett, res 529 s F st.
Stephens, E. J., fr Ohio, res 529 s F st.
Stephens, M. C., fr Ohio, painter, res 529 s F st.
Stephens, W., res 213 s Jefferson ave.
Stephens, Jesse, fr Pennsylvania, res 213 s Jefferson ave.
Stephens, Miss Hattie, clks Holman’s Fancy Bazar, res 213 s Jefferson ave.
Stettler, Miss Christie, fr Ohio, res 714 n G st.
Stettler, John, fr Illinois, grain buyer, Hunter’s mill, res 802 s G st.

Stevenson, Ed. fr Indiana, wks W. U. telegraph office, res 217 s F st.
Stevenson, Miss Edith, fr Indiana, res 217 s F st.
Stevenson, R. W., coroner, res 204 s G st.
Stewart, H. M., propr Standard, res 612 n Olive st.
Stewart, Mrs. Mary, res 012 n Olive st.
Stewart, .J. T., fr Ohio, loan broker, 118 n Washington ave, res 402 n Jefferson ave.
Stewart, Peter, fr Illinois, stockdealer, res 408 s C st.
Stinson, T. B., fr Indiana, clks Share Bros, res 904 w Harvey ave.
Stipp, J. H., fr Illinois, res 909 w Harvey ave.
Stipp, F. A., dlr coal and lime, 117 w Harvey ave, res 309 n F st.
Stipp, G. W., fr Illinois, manager Stipp's coal yard, res 309 n F st.
Stivers, C. E., fr Indiana, editor Postal Card, res 420 n F st.
Stonebraker, Miss Annie, fr Illinois, wks Chicago millinery parlors, bds L. B. Snyder.
Stoner, Joe, fr Illinois, brakeman S. K. R. R., bds Depot hotel.
Stone, Jno., barber, wks J. H. Mason, res 904 w Lincoln ave.
Strahan, fr Virginia, transfer agt A. T. & S. F. R. R., res 903 w Lincoln ave.
Street Oar barn, sw cor Washington ave and 15th st.
Strock, Geo., teamster, bds Phillips house.
Stubbles. J. W. fr Illinois, lunch and cigars, 131 s Washington ave, res same.
Stubbs, Mrs. D. C., fr Ohio, res 304 e 7th st.
Sturman, Jas., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 728 n C st.
Sturman, Ed., fr Indiana, res 728 n C st.
Sulsar, Mrs. M., fr Ohio, res 502 s F st.
Sullivan, M., fr Canada, grocer, 211 e Lincoln ave, res same.
Sullivan, A. W., fr Indiana, teamster, res 418 s Jefferson ave.
Sullivan. Miss Ella, fr Nebraska, wks 519 s Blaine st.
Sullivan. H., fr Iowa, res 424 s Blaine st.
Sutcliffe. H., fr Ohio, laborer, res 622 n Olive st.
Sutherland, Wm., fr Scotland, tailor, wks G. F. Calver, res 212 e Harvey ave.
Summer County Bank, sw cor Washington ave and 7th st.
Sumner House, C. D. Anthony, propr, ns w 4th st, 4d w Washington ave.
Swan. S., fr Illinois, blacksmith, res 224 e Lincoln ave.
Swan, Miss Ella fr Illinois, res 224 e Lincoln ave.

Swartz, B., fr Indiana, teamster, res 419 e 4th st.
Swartz, Miss. Nancy, fr Indiana, res 419 e 4th st.
Swartz, Miss Nannie, fr Indiana, wks 817 n A st.
Sweazy, A., fr Illinois, plasterer, res 224 n Poplar st.
Swem, P. E., fr Ohio, propr Washington Avenue hotel.
Swerd, R., fr Germany, wks Wellington Foundry, res 320 e 4th st. Sweet, W. H., fr Illinois, sewing machine agt, 111 e Harvey, res nw cor 7th and High sts.
Swope, J. W., fr Missouri, Adams express messenger, res 910 w Harvey ave.
Tabb, J. G., fr England, carpenter, res 607 s Washington ave.
Tandy, Wm., teamster, res 527 n Blaine st.
Tandy, J. E., teamster, res 527 n Blaine st.
Tanner, T. A., fr Indiana, wks section A. T. & S. F. R. R., res 526 n Blaine st.
Tappy, B. C., fr Olathe, Kansas, butcher, wks Knowles & Garland, res 315 e 8th st.
Taylor, Robert, fr Kentucky, res 210 e Harvey ave.
Taylor, W. S., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 415 s Olive st,
Taylor, W., wks Postal Card, bds Washington Avenue hotel.
Teft, J. C., wks Mallett’s stables, bds Sumner house.
Tegder, John, fr Missouri, res 427 s Olive st.
The Sumner County Press, circulation 2,300, A. L. Runyan, editor, office over Holmes & Co’s, grocery.
The Showalter Mortgage Company, ss Harvey ave, 1d w postoffice.
The Southern Kansas Farm, Loan and Investment Company, 104 w 7th st.
The Sumner County Standard, H. M. Stewart, editor, Luke Herring, business manager, office Standard block.
The Wellington Monitor, Campbell & Hood, proprs, office
Press block.
The Home Building and Loan Association, office with King & Davis, 2d e Wellington national bank.
The Republican-Postal Card, C. E. Stivers editor, office over Gelino’s hardware store.

Thompson, Fred, fr Illinois, wks AEtna mills, bds Lincoln ave hotel.
Thompson, W., fr Wisconsin, grain dlr, res 719 n A st.
Thompson, J. C., loan agt, Marble blk, res 228 s G st.
Thompson, Jas., fr Illinois, managcr Oliver lumber yard.
Thompson, Robt., fr Pennsylvania, shoemaker, wks J. C. Smith, res 222 n Jefferson ave.
Thomas, Miss Annie, fr Missouri, wks W. H. Sweet.
Thorpe, Rev. W. W., fr New York, pastor Presbyterian church, res 217 w Harvey ave.
Thorpe, Miss Grace, teacher, res 217 w Harvey ave.
Thrailkill, J. C., fr Missouri, res 201 w Harvey ave.
Thralls, J. M., fr West Virginia, res 528 n Washington ave.
Tichnor, C. M., fr Illinois, abstracter, wks Fultz & Millard, res se cor Harvey ave and Park st.
Tillman, L. A., fr Indiana, barber, wks Brower's, res es Olive st, 1d s 14th st.
Tinkham, A., fr Massachusetts, manufacturer boots and shoes, ns Harvey ave, 2d e Washington ave, res 206 n G st.
Todd, Mrs. E. A., fr Illinois, res 610 s Jefferson ave.
Todd, Miss Belle, fr Illinois, res 610 s Jefferson ave.
Tompkins, J. G., fr Illinois, bds Farmers restaurant.
Totty, Leonard, fr Kentucky, dentist, res 728 s Washington ave.
Totty, Mrs. E., fr Kentucky, res 728 s Washington ave.
Townsend, B. C., fr Illinois, stonemason, res ws s C st, 2d n South st.
Tracey, M., stonemason, bds Lincoln ave hotel.
Tracy, W. B., fr Iowa, wks Chicago, grocery, res 505 s Olive st.
Trahern, A. P. fr Missouri, teamster, res ns w 7th st. 3d w High st. Trant, Miss Mary, res 227 e 11th st.
Travis, W. F., fr Ohio, carpenter, res 711 e Lincoln ave.
Trester, A. E., fr Indiana, carpenter, res 327 n Jefferson ave,
Trester, J. M., fr Indiana, jeweler, 224 n Washington ave, res same. Troup, W. fr Indiana, teamster, res se cor 13th and Olive sts. Trowbridge, S., res ws Plum st, 3d n 8th st.
Trowbridge, E. C., fr Missouri, loan agt, 104 w 7th st, res 122 n Olive st.
Truett, J., clks roadmaster, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Tucker, W. H., propr Tucker house.
Tucker House, W. H. Tucker propr, se cor Washington ave and 4th st.
Tulley, E. J., fr Illinois, bds Arlington house.
Turner, Miss Lulu, wks Arlington house.

J. L. Fisher H. L. Wood, F. M. Young.
Wood & Co.,
Fresh Groceries and Provisions.
217 S. Washington Ave., Wellington, Kansas.

Office over E. N. Andrews' Harness Store.
Wellington, Kansas.

Wellington Nursery
One-half mile north of the city.
We have everything in the line of Nursery stock suitable to this climate.
We Guarantee our Stock
True to name, first-class in every respect and we Defy Competition. We handle all new varieties of merit and can furnish the same at lower rates than can be had of eastern linns.
Wellington, Kansas,

Vanderslice, D., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res es n H st, 2d n 13th st.
Vanocker, A. W., fr Iowa, grocer, 319 e Lincoln ave, res same.
Vaughn, Miss Eunice, fr Illinois, wks 104 n F st.
Viele, H. M., fr Iowa, painter, ws Washington ave, 2d s 9th st, bds Arlington house.
Vinsickle, H., fr New York, wks G. W. Rasure, res 804 e Lincoln ave.
Vinson, S. A., fr Indiana, laborer, res sw cor Lincoln ave and Plum st.
Veluzat, L., fr Kentucky, res 328 s G st.
Voils, W. H„ fr Nebraska, stock dlr, res 308 s C st.
Walcher, John, fr Illinois, farmer, res 426 s C st.
Walcher, Frank, fr Illinois, res 414 s C st.
Wa Lee, laundry men, 132 w Harvey ave.
Walker, W. T., fr Indiana, attorney at law, office Cole & Robinson blk, res 805 w Lincoln ave.
Walker, J. M., fr Illinois, attorney at law, 229 n Washington ave, res 512 n Blaine st.
Walker. J. S., fr Illinois, real estate agt, 229 n Washington ave, res 512 n Blaine st.
Walker, C., fr Illinois, real estate agt, 229 n Washington ave, res 512 n Blaine st.
Walker & Harding, attorneys at law, office Cole & Robinson’s blk.
Walker, G. fr Illinois, wks 608 s G st.
Walker, J. W., fr Indiana, train dispatcher S. K. R. R. res 407 e Lincoln ave.
Walter, N. D. fr Pennsylvania, clks J. J. Augustine & Co., res 317 s G st.
Walters, J. B., fr New York, wks S. K. round house, res nw cor 1st and Elm sts.
Walton, Mrs. S., fr Illinois, res 631 s Washington ave.
Walton, Miss Maggie, fr Illinois, res 631 s Washington ave.
Wallace, W. M., fr Iowa, machinist, res nw cor 1st and Birch sts.
Wallace, Harry, fr Illinois, manager Kansas and Texas coal Co., 126 e Lincoln ave, res 410 n Jefferson ave.

Wallace, W. R., fr Illinois, register deeds, res 235 n A st,
Wall, H. H., fr England, res 528 s H st.
Wampler, J. W., fr Illinois, teamster, res 615 e 4th st.
Warmburg, D., fr Illinois, see foreman, S. K. R. R. res sw cor 2nd and Birch sts.
Ware, Geo. E., fr Illinois, manager Long-Bell lumber Co., res nw cor Mill and C sts.
Warwick, W., fr Iowa, real estate agt, 1d w Sumner county hank bds 218 n F st.
Warner, Wm. fr Missouri, carpenter, res 424 n C st.
Washington, Mollie, wks 624 n Poplar st.
Washington, Geo., fr Kentucky, farmer, res 504 n F st.
Washington Avenue Hotel, P. E. Swem propr.
Wasson, J. N. W., fr Illinois, attorney at law, office with J. W Fisher, res 1011 s Washington ave.
Watkins, E. P., fr Indiana, barber, wks J. H. Mason, res 911 w 4th st.
Watson. Uriah, fr Missouri, tailor wks G. F. Calver, bds Washington ave hotel.
Watson John, fr England, painter, 109 w Lincoln ave, res 613 s H st.
Way, Wm., fr Indiana, res ws Poplar st, 1d s 14th st.
Wear, W. S., fr Illinois, carriage maker, wks M. Davidson, res 606 s C st,
Weaver Wm., fr Michigan, flour and feed store, ss 8th st, 3d w Washington ave, res ws Poplar st, bet 14th and 15th sts.
Weaver, Fred E., fr Michigan, farmer, res ws Poplar st, bet 14th and 15th sts.
Weaver, Glen H., fr Michigan, clks Weaver’s feed store, res ws Poplar st, bet 14th and 15th sts.
Weber, A., fr Pennsylvania, tailor, bds L. E. F. T. club.
Welfal, J., fr France, wks section, A. T. & S. F. R. R. bds 728 n Jefferson ave.
Welsh, J. M., fr Michigan, propr city boarding stables, 138 e 7th st, res 328 n A st.
Wellington Pump Co., manufacturers Hood’s Automatic pump, basement Press blk.
Wellington Carriage Works, Robinson propr, 118 w 8th st.
Wellington Marble Works, dwell & Co., propr, se cor Lincoln and Jefferson aves.
Wellington National Bank. 101 s Washington ave.

Wellington Music Co., dlrs in musical instruments, 238 s Washington ave.
Wellington News and Book Store, S. Crane prop, 111 n Washington ave.
Welling, Miss Amy, fr New York, res 414 s Washington ave.
Wells Fargo Express Co., 205 n Washington ave.
Wells, C. N., fr Illinois, res 228 n B st.
Wells, Miss Bertie, fr Illinois, res 228 n B st.
Wendling, M. B., fr Illinois, abstractor, office court house, res 311 n B st.
West, Dr. F. B., fr Virginia, druggist 118 s Washington ave res 213 w Lincoln ave.
West, C., fr Canada, carpenter, res 107 w 4th st.
Weeden, H. C., fr Wisconsin, wks King & Davis, res 426 n B st.
Wetzel, J. L., fr Iowa, Assistant cashier Sumner Co, bank, res 406 n Jefferson ave.
Wheeler, E. J., fr Virginia, carpenter, res 214 s Jefferson ave.
Wheeler, C. W., fr Missouri, plasterer, res 624 s G st.
White, D. H., fr Iowa, res 208 n C st.
White, C. A., propr Kentucky livery, feed and sale stables, 118 w Lincoln ave, res 120 w Lincoln ave.
White, Geo., fr Indiana, street car driver, res sw cor 2nd and Elm sts.
White, Chas., jeweler, wks H. P. Hall.
Whiteley, Geo., fr Iowa, clks Showalter mortgage Co., res 622 s H st.
Whitfield, Wm., fr Illinois, laborer, res 911 s Washington ave.
Wiant, G. W., fr Ohio, farmer, res 606 n H st.
Widner, Jno., fr Iowa, laborer, res 705 s F st.
Wightman, H. R., fr New York, engineer at water works, res 412 s Olive st.
Wightman, E., fr Illinois, laborer, bds 412 s Olive st.
Wilcox, Ira, stonemason, res 419 s C st.
Wilcox, Jno., fr Ohio, plasterer, res 711 n Olive st.
Wilcox, M. D., fr Iowa, confectionery, cigars and tobacco, 110 n Washington ave, res ss w Harvey ave, 3d w High st.
Wilder, A. M., fr Kentucky, res 723 e 4th st.
Wilkinson, A. C., fr Illinois, wks Marble works, res 708 n A st.
Wilkinson, R. D., fr Illinois, carpenter, res 708 n A st.
Wilson, J., fr Nebraska, res 214 n G st.

Wilson, S. E. fr Illinois, farmer, res 915 w Lincoln ave.
Wilson, A. A., fr Indiana, res 629 e 4th st.
Willard, H., fr Illinois, carpenter, bds 502 w 10th st.
Willard, Miss Anna, fr Missouri, res 210 e Harvey ave.
Williams, Mrs. J. K., fr Indiana, res 118 n Jefferson ave.
Williams, H. A., fr Indiana, propr Depot hotel.
Williams, J. H., res ss 2nd st, 2d w Douglass st.
Williams, D. M., laborer, res nw cor 1st and Ash sts.
Williams, Wm., fr Georgia, wks Gas works, res 219 e Lincoln ave. Williams, E. O., fr Indiana, laborer, res ns w Lincoln ave, 3d w High st.
Williams, T. J., fr Illinois, propr Kentucky livery, feed and sale stable, 118 w Lincoln ave, res 511 s G st..
Williams, J. K., fr Illinois, teamster, res 617 s H st.
Williamson, T., fr Illinois, res ne cor s F and Mill sts.
Willsie, Chas., fr Iowa, attorney at law, office 1d w Sumner County bank, res 804 s Washington ave.
Winders, R., bus driver, bds Phillips house.
Winders, J., fr Indiana, brickmason, bds Lincoln Avenue hotel. Winger, A. M., fr Illinois, carpenter, res ns e 4th st, 4d e Douglass St.
Winger, Z. H., fr Ohio, salesman C. C. Curtis, res 430 w Harvey ave.
Wise, Wm., fr Indiana, gardener, res nw cor w 8th and Plum sts. Wisehart, Mrs., L. J., fr Indiana, dressmaker, res 328 s C st.
Wolfe, J. H., fr Michigan, wks water works, res 511 n C st.
Worden, C., fr Illinois, res 924 n H st.
Worth, Frank, fr Minnesota, carpenter, ros ws Blaine st, 2d s 14th st.
Wood, Dr. P. A., fr Massachusetts, propr Arlington drug store, res 312 s H st,
Wood, Mrs. H. P., fr New York milliner, over Stanley’s drug store, res same.
Wood, H. L., fr Indiana, grocer 216 s Washington ave, res same. Wood, Miss Helena, fr Indiana, res 817 n A st.
Wood, C. A., clks Arlington dry store, res 312 s H st.
Wood, S. T., fr Canada, county surveyor, res 514 s H st.
Wood, Miss A., fr Kentucky, ws 422 s Jefferson ave.
Wood, Miss Leona, fr Kentucky, res 422 s Jefferson ave.
Wood, J. J., fr Kentucky, carpenter, res 422 s Jefferson ave.
Wood, J. O., fr Kentucky, clks Harlan Bros., res 422 s Jefferson ave.

West, Fred bds Philips house.
Woods Opera House, sw cor Washington Ave and 7th st.
Woods, Jno G. Missouri propr AEtna mills, res esn A st, opp 9th st.
Woods, H. L., fr Missouri, manager Woods' opera house, res es n A st, opp 9th et.
Woods, A. O., fr Missouri, grain dir, res 225 n A st.
Woods, Miss M., fr Kentucky, wks 304 w South st.
Wooden, Mrs. M. I., dressmaker, up stairs Press block, res ame.
Woodin, C. A., fr Michigan, conductor S. K. R. R., res 515 e Lincoln ave,
Woolford, Jno., fr Kentucky, wks 604 s Jefferson ave.
Woolsey, H. G., dir pianos and organs, 208 n Washington ave. res sw cor w 8th and Plum sts.
Wright, Jno., fr England, res 219 n Jefferson ave.
Wright, Jno., fr Michigan, shoemaker, 1d s Brumley house, res 613 n G et.
Wright, Miss Ella, fr Michigan, res 613 n G st.
Wright, John T., fr Kentucky, groceries, flour and feed, 232 s Washington ave, res 527 s Washington ave.
Wulz, Miss L., fr Illinois, wks 705 s Jefferson ave.
Wyatt, J. N., fr Kentucky, clks golden rule grocery, res 916 s C st.
Wyatt, Mrs., E. F., fr Kentucky, res 9.16 s C st,
Wynn, Miss Nannie, fr Ohio, wks 628 s Washington ave.
Wynn, Miss Sallie, fr Ohio, wks 528 n Washington ave.

Yetter, W. W. fr Pennsylvania, stock dir, res 114 n G st.
Youngblood, Chas., fireman, S. K. R. R. bds depot hotel.
Young, M. C., fr Ohio, dir in musical merchandise, 238 s Washington ave, res same.
Young, Miss Fannie, fr Illinois, music teacher, res 238 s Washington ave.
Young, J. H., fr Pennsylvania, bds Brumley house.

Zigg, c, fr Missouri, music teacher, res 122 n Olive st.
Business Directory of Wellington City
Firms, Professions, Trades and Occupations
C. V. McDonald, nw cor Lincoln ave and Ash st.
Anderson & Smith, 128 e Harvey ave.

A. A. Richards, office over Andrews' harness shop.
Alonzo Dishman, office over Richardson & Co.'s store,
R. W. Grigg, office Marble blk.
D. N. Caldwell, office over Crane's book store.
J. L. Grider, office over Andrews' store.
Geo. Collins, res 812 n B st.
Schwinn & Wood, office over Andrews’ harness shop.
George, King & Caldwell, office 1d s court house.
Murray & Elliott, office at court house.
G. T. Pitts, office court house.
Haughey & McBride, office up stairs, Marble blk.
Ledru, Guthrie, office over Richardson & Co.
Walker & Harding, office in Cole & Robinson blk.
J. M. Walker, office 229 n Washington ave.
McDonald & Parker, office 203 n Washington ave.
L. A. Simmons, office 135 n Washington ave.
Dey & Thompson, office over Showalter Mortgage Co.
J. D. Beck, office up stairs, Press blk.
Orie Fitzgerald, office over Crane's book store.
W. H. Staffelbach, office up stairs, Press blk.
Ready & Ready, office 118 n Washington ave.
Jas. Lawrence, office 118 n Washington ave.

John G. Woods, President. A. BRANAMAN, Cashier.
Paul WEtzEl. Vice President. J. L. Wetzel, Ass’t Cashier.
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00
Wellington, — Kansas,
Does a general Banking business. Collections given special attention. Interest paid on time deposits.
Cyphers bros
Kansas Livery Feed

Sale Stable,
First Door N of skating rink, 320 North Washington Ave.,
C. M. Staub
Chigago grocery
126 South Washington Avenue,
Telephone No 27.
Wellington Kansas.
J. S. DEY,
Real Estate and Insurance Agents
The eldest established Insurance Agency in the city and the largest number of

We Have BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE, both City and Country.
Call and see us and be convinced.
Remember the place, upstairs over Wellington National Bank—Entrance on Washington Avenue,


Will Mumford, office 124 n Washington ave.
Ray & Neustadt, office over Gelino’s hardware store.
D. S. Rose, office over C. A. Hairs grocery.
J. M. Graham, office over C.
A Hall’s grocery.
Chas. Willsie, office 102 w 7th st.
John Bradley, office 104 w 7th st.
Isaac G. Reed, office over Central drug store.
J. N. W. Wasson, office 416 n Washington ave.
H. J. Bone, office at court house.
Agricultural Implements.
C. C. Curtis, 104 n Washington ave.
Smith & Black, 130 w Harvey ave.
Hall Bros, 112 w Lincoln ave.
Black & Ausmus, 218 n Washington ave.
A. Graff, 105 s Washington ave.
P. W. French, 116 s Washington ave.
M. Campbell.
King & Davis, 110 e Harvey ave.
J. W. Fisher, 416 n Washington ave.
Geo. W. Rasure & Co., 418 n Washington ave.
E. C. Ferguson, 416 n Washington ave.
Wendling & Pitts, office at court house.
Fultz & Millard, 212 n Washington ave.
Sumner Co. Bank, sw cor Washington ave and 7th st.
First National Bank, 107 n Washington ave.
Wellington National Bank, 101 s Washington ave.
State National Bank, 137 s Washington ave.
Blacksmith and Repair Shops.
Kier Bros., 134 e Harvey ave.
M. Davidson, 118 e Lincoln ave.
W. H. Crider, 221 e Lincoln ave.
A. Robinson, 118 w 8th st.
R. H. Meyer, se cor Washington ave and 9th st.
Books and Stationery.
S. Crane, 111 n Washington ave.
J. D. Decker, 108 n Washington ave.
Boot and Shoe Dealers.
B. F. Sparr, 129 s Washington ave.
Johnson & Scandrett, 101 n Washington ave.
Harlan Bros., 130 s Washington ave.
Holman’s Fancy Bazar, C. B. Holman, propr, 115 n Washington ave.
Richardson & Co., 114 n Washington ave.
Share Bros., 108 s Washington ave.
J. J. Augustine & Co., 120, 122 and 124 w Harvey ave.
W. T. Coverdale, State National bank building.
Keith Bros., Standard block.
J. C. Smith, 122 s Washington ave.
D. Brunswick, 121 s Wash-ton ave
City Bakery, Robt. Probst, propr, 719 n Washington ave.
D. G. Saul, 234 n Washington ave.
Indiana Bakery, C. L. Mathews, propr, 114 e Lincoln ave.
T. K. Miller, 117 s Washington ave.
Hoosier Bakery, F. O. Gary, propr, es Washington ave, bet Lincoln ave and 4th st.

J. C. McMillan, under Wellington National bank.
Jesse Brower, 232 n Washington ave.
J. H. Mason, 109 s Washington ave.
Tillman & Roberts, 222 n Washington ave.
I. N. Hooper, basement Press block.

Billiard Halls.
H. Shaw, es Washington ave, 1d s Central hotel.
Collender Billiard hall, H. H. Case, propr, over Holman’s Fancy Bazar.
Henry Fish, 213 s Washington ave.

Business College.
W. E. Beaty, 125 n Washington ave.

Coal Dealers.
G. B. Shaw & Co., 421 s Washington ave.
F. A. Stipp, 117 w Harvey ave.
S. Barratt & Co., 245 n Washington ave.
Willis K. Folks, 126 e Harvey
Kansas and Texas Coal Co., H. Wallace, manager, 126 e Lincoln ave.

Confectionery & Fruit.
H. C. Clothier, 133 s Washington ave.
T. K. Miller 117 s Washington ave.
Rankin & Wilcox, 110 n Washington ave.
Hall & Scandrett, 111 s Washington ave.

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers.
Lamb & Easton, 123 s Washington ave.
Jno. Wright, 1d s Brumley house.
R. Lynch, 226 n Washington ave.

Carpenters and Builders.
Ed. L. Brown, 323 n Washington ave.
E. E. Moulder, 137 s Washington ave.
Mitchell Bros., 503 s Washington ave.
Clinton Holmes, 331 n Washington ave.
Anderson & Smith, 128 e Harvey ave.

Clothing Dealers.
W. T. Coverdale, 135 s Washington ave.
J. J. Augustine & Co., 120, 122 and 124 e Harvey ave.
D. Brunswick, 119 s Washington ave.
Indiana Clothing House, A. D. Black propr, 136 s Washington ave.
S. Elbinger, 127 n Washington ave.
J. C. Smith, 104 s Washington ave.
Cigar Manufacturers.
Miller & Price, 117 s Washington ave.

Dry Goods and Notions.
J. J. Augustine & Co., 120, 122 and 124 e Harvey ave.
Share Bros., 108 s Washington ave.
Richardson & Co., 114 n Washington ave.
Holman's Fancy Bazar, C. B. Holman, propr, 115 n Washington ave.
Harlan Bros., 130 s Washington ave.
Johnson & Scandrett, 101 n Washington ave.
B. F. Sparr, 129 s Washington ave.

Drug Stores.
F. B. West, 118 s Washington ave.
Marble Block Drug Store, S. Mann, propr, 106 s Washington ave.
F. B. Snyder & Co., 123 n Washington ave.
Arlington Drug Store, P. A. Wood, propr, 102 n Washington ave.
Central Drug Store, J. A. Maggard, propr, 110 s Washington ave.
City Drug Store, A. C. Chen oweth, propr, 202 s Washington ave.
A. M. Stanley, 134 s Washington ave.

G. S. Burton, 103 Washing-
ton ave.
W. M. Garnett, up stairs Marble block.

Mrs. L. B. Snyder, rear of Chicago millinery parlors.
Misses Forrest, over Share Bros.
Mrs. L. C. Nichols, 114 s Washington ave.
Mrs. Wooden & Jewett, up stairs Press block.
Mrs. Anna Fletcher, over Rankin & Wilcox.
Mrs. G. E. Hutton, over Frantz, Mann & Co.

Express Companies.
Wells Fargo Express, 205 n Washington ave.
Adams Express, 208 n Washington ave.
John G. Woods, AEtna mills. Furnishing Goods, Gents’.
Richardson & Co, 114 n Washington ave.
Joe, the Hatter. 134 n Washington ave.
D. Brunswick, 104 s Washington ave.
J. C. Smith, 119 s Washington ave.
W. T. Coverdale, 125 s Washington aye.
J. J Augustine & Co., 120,
122 & 124 e Harvey ave.
S. Elbinger, 127 n Washington ave.
B. F. Sparr, 129 s Washington ave.
Holman’s Fancy Bazar, 115 n Washington ave.
Harlan Bros, 138 n Washington ave. *
Johnson & Scandrett; 101 n Washington ave.
Furniture Dealers.
Z. Miexsell, 116 n Washington ave.
C. F. Luening, 212 s Washington ave.

Flour and Feed.
Wm. Weaver, w 8th st 3d w Washington ave.
John T. Wright, 232 s Washington ave.
W. R. Savage, 125 s Washington ave.
C. W. Smith, ss w Harvey ave 1d w post office.

W. D. Bastow, 228 w 9th st.

Foundry and Machine Shops.
Wellington Foundry, ‘ Moore & Prunk props 418 e Lincoln ave.

Holmes & Co. 121 n Washington ave.
Fisher, Wood & Co. ws Washington ave bet Lincoln ave and 4th st.
Maxey Bros. 208 s Washington ave.
Bee Hive Grocery. H. W. Andrews prop, 105 n Washington ave.
Walter McCoy, 217 e Lincoln ave.
C. A. Hall, 130 n Washington ave.
Long, Martin & Co. Cole & Robinson Block.
Howell, Hobson & Hodges, 120 n Washington ave.
Chicago Grocery, C. M. Staub prop 126 s Washington ave.
M. Sullivan. 211 e Lincoln ave.
Golden Rule Grocery, Geo. Q. McGown & Co. props 205 s Washington ave.
F. O. Gary, 215 s Washington ave.
J. T. Wright, 232 s Washington ave.
W. R. Savage, 125 s Washington ave.
J. Ballinger, ns Lincoln ave 3d w Washington ave.
A. W. Vanocker, ns Lincoln ave. 2d w A st.
Standard Grocery, Frambers & Brumley, props, Standard Block.

Jacob Albert, es s C st opp Walnut st.
E. T. Rector es s C st opp South st.
J. Austin, cor Lincoln ave and H st.
W. J. Lockhart, ws G st bet 12th and 13th sts.
Geo. Flanders ss Harvey ave between Blaine and Olive sts.

Gun and Locksmiths.
F. G. Holman, 223 n Washington ave.
M. S. Barker 221 s Washington ave.
Wm. Schendel 116 e Harvey ave.

Harness and Saddles.
Geo. I. Moyer, 140 s Washington ave,
E. N. Andrews, 117 n Washington ave.
Fred Kleine 133 n Washington ave.
A. Graff 107 s Washington ave.
Full Roller System.
If you want white, sweet bread, Try it. Warranted equal to any Flour made in Southern Kansas.
For sale by all dealers in Wellington and Sumner County, Highest cash price paid for Wheat and White Corn. Flour exchanged for Wheat.
Respectfully, geo. H. HUNTER, Proprietor.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
Wm. Gelino 122 n Washington ave.
Frantz, Mann & Co. 201 s Washington ave.
L. B. Aldrich basement Frantz Mann &. Co.'s hardware.
A. Graff, 105 s Washington ave.
C. C. Curtis, 104 n Washington ave.
Black & Ausmus 218 n Washington ave.

Hotels and Boarding-Houses.
Arlington House, Speed & Crenshaw, props, entrance 109 w Harvey ave.
Washington ave Hotel, P. E. Swem, prop, 228 n Washington ave.
Mrs. H. A. Palmer, 321 w Harvey ave.
W. C. Shobe, 304 s Washington ave.
Central Hotel, T. W. Hart, prop, es Washington ave 2d s 10th st.
Lincoln ave Hotel, S. Marker prop, 302 e Lincoln ave.
Tucker House, W. H. Tucker, prop, cor 4th st and Washington ave.
Brumley House, John Bolton, prop, 414 n Washington
Phillips House, Shaggs & Purcell, props, so cor Washington ave and 7th st.
Sumner House, C. B. An-thony prop, ns 4th st hot Washington & Jefferson aves.

Hair Goods.
T. Gardner, 311 s Washington ave.

Ice Dealers.
S. R. Feree, 221 s C st.
Rankin & Wilcox 110 n Washington ave.
D. G. Saul 234 n Washington ave.

Insurance Agents.
Espey & Millard over Wellington National Bank.
King & Davis 2d e Wellington National Bank.
W. H. Staffelbach up stairs Press Block.
J. C. Thompson, Marble block.
Isaac Hopper, Marble block,
W. S. Nelson over post office.
W. M. Ready over Miexsell's. Furniture store.
John Bradley, 1d w Sumner County Bank.
E. May & Co., 203 n Washington ave.
J. W. Fisher 416 n Washington ave.
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
H. P. Hall, 123 n Washington ave.
E. L. Roser, 108 n Washington ave.
Henry Ratekin, Marble block drug store.
J. M. Trester, 224 n Washington ave,
P. A. Wood, Arlington drugstore.

Lumber Yards,
Long-Bell Lumber Co. 411 s Washington ave.
Oliver Bros. 214 e Harvey ave.
Chicago Lumber Co. 102 s Jefferson ave.
G. B. Shaw & Co. 421 s Washington ave.
Rock Island Lumber Co. 333 n Washington ave.
C. V. McDonald nw cor Lincoln ave and Ash st.

Wa Lee 132 w Harvey ave. Ging Sing 231 s Washington ave

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
C. P. Mallett cor 3d st &Washington ave.
Geo. W. Rasure ws C st bet 9th & 10th sts.
Paul Cyphers, 320 n Washington ave.
Arnold Bros, 509 s Washington ave.
Hastie & Day ws C st bet Harvey ave and 7th st.
Illinois Stable, Dodson & Brumly props 213 n Jefferson ave.
T. V. Ogden, 313 e Lincoln ave.
Kentucky stable, Williams & White props 118 w Lincoln ave.
R. Dakeman, 229 s Washington ave,
Star Stable, P. H. Cleveland prop, ns Lincoln ave 3d w Washington ave.
City Boarding Stable, J. M. Welsh, prop, 138 e 7th st.

Music Teachers.
Mrs. C. B. Jewett, up stairs Glass Block,
Miss Avice Zinn, res 122 n Olive st.
Miss Lillie Harp, res 218 n F st.
Mrs. C. M. Tichenor, res se cor w Harvey ave & Park st.
Mrs. Norah Hunt. res 304 s Jefferson ave.
Prof John DePue, res 712 n Blaine st.
Phil Ivers, res 136 w 4th st.
Miss Fannie Young, 238 s Washington ave.

Meat Markets.
Ed Schafer, 204 n Washington ave,
Knowles & Garland, 113 s Washington ave.
John Kaserman, 227 s Washington ave.
Merchant Tailors.
G. F. Calver, 134 n Washington ave.
M. J. Kain, 230 n Washington ave.
A. D. Black 136 s Washington ave.

Misses Forrest, over Share Bros.
Mrs. McNichol, over Stanleys drug store.
Chicago Millinery Parlors, Dr. Evans prop, Spicknall block.
Misses Day & Glasgow, 124 c Harvey ave.
Mrs. J. T. Cordell, 204 s Washington ave.
Mrs. F. W. Brown, 112 w Harvey ave.
Mrs. L. C. Lewis, 236 s Washington ave.
Mrs. H. A. Porter, 210 s Washington ave.
Mrs. L. C. Nichols, 114 s Washington ave.

AEtna Mills, John G. Woods, prop, sw cor Lincoln ave & Ash street,
City Mills, Geo. H. Hunter, prop, ws F st bet Walnut & Mill sts.
Keystone Mills, McMahan Bros, props, at intersection S. K. R. R. and A. T. & S. F. R. R.

Musical Instruments.
H. G. Woolsey, 208 n Washington ave.
L. S. Cogswell, 111 e Harvey ave.
Wellington Music Co, 238 s Washington ave.
W. Randall 225 s Washington ave.
Watson & Barker, 109 w Lincoln ave.
Lee & Viele, ws Washington ave 2d s 9th st.
Mason Sc Newman 342 n Washington ave.

Snell & Sargent, over State National Bank.
Mrs. G. F. Davenport, 125 n Washington ave.

Physicians and Surgeons.
D. W. Spitler, office over Chicago Grocery.
A. C. Chenoweth, office, 202 s Washington ave.
Kate Mason office over Frantz, Mann & Co.’s hardware.
Z. F. Lillard, office over post office,
J. H. Orear, office Central Drug Store.
J. M. Hunt, office Central Drug Store.
J. A. Maggard, office Central Drug Store,
W. O. Barnett, office over West’s Drug Store.
F. B. Hamilton, office West’s Drug Store.
F. G. Emerson, office West’s Drug Store.
J. H. Heath, office sw cor 7th and Poplar sts.
C. E. Elliott, office over Snyder’s Drug store.
C. C. Forbes, office up stairs Press Block.
Brengle & Breneman, office 107 w Harvey ave.
Julia Brown, office 824 w 7th st.
B. B. Freeman, office 112 n Washington ave.
J. A. Clinger, office Stanley’s Drug Store.
W. F. Evans, office 109 n Washington ave.

Printers and Publishers.
Press Printing & Publishing Co. over Holmes & Co.’s Grocery.
The Monitor Printing office up stairs Press Block.
Standard Printing office Standard Block,
Republican-Postal Card office, Spicknall Block.

Real Estate and Loan Agents.
Smith & White 128 e Harvey
T. H. Dixon, 109 n Washington ave.
W. S. Nelson, over post office,
J. M, Walker & Co, 229 n Washington ave.
Showalter Mortgage Co. 1d w post office.
Southern Kansas Mortgage Co. up stairs Marble Block.
W. A. Black, 103 s Washington ave,
Dougherty & Smith, 205 n Washington ave.
E. May & Co, 203 n Washington ave.
Southern Kansas, Farm Loan and Investment Co, 104 w 7th st.
70. advertisements.
A. Drumm, President. I. B. Gilmore, Vice President.
Jno. W. Nyce, Cashier. F. E. Gilmore, Ass’t Cashier.
The Stock Exchange
Caldwell Kansas.
Authorized Capital, $102,000.00
PAID US CAPITAL and SURPlUS, $65004.00
Does a General Banking Business DIRECTORS:
A. Prumm. Ed. M. Howiss, Ben. S. Miles Jno. Blain
John W. Ayer P. O. I H Gillmore I B Gillmore Ed Hayes Ed Hayes
A. Drumm J. H Rahe, C. H. Son, A. L. Day.
Perry Orendrff




Geo. W Rasure & Co. 418 n Washington ave.
King & Davis, 110 e Harvey ave.
J. W. Davis, 128 n Washington ave.
Longman Bros, up stairs Marble Block.
J. T. Stewart. 118 n Washington ave.
Jarvis, Conklin & Co, over post office.
Murphy & Carroll, over H., H. & H's grocery.
Saunders & Fulkerson. 2d w Sumner Co. Bank.

Sewing Machine Agents.
W. H. Sweet 111 e Harvey ave.
W. H. Higgins, 128 e Lincoln ave.
Z. Miexsell, 116 n Washington ave.
C. F. Luening, 212 s Washington ave.

Wind Mills, E. P. DeYoe, 112 e Lincoln avenue.
Turning, scroll sawing and repair shops, Peter Shaurer proprietor 424 e Lincoln avenue.
Wellington Marble Works. Peniwell & Co, Props, corner Jefferson and Linclon aves.
Western Union Telegraph Office 205 n Washington ave-nue.
Wellington Water Co, Office 211 s Washington avenue.
Wellington Heat and Light Co, Office 211 s Washington avenue.

Public Telephone Co, Office 109 n Washington avenue.
Woods’ Opera House, H. L. Woods Manager sw Corner Washington ave and 7th st.
Tailoring & Repairing, Mrs M. F. Hawkins. 110 e Lincoln ave.
Lincoln Avenue Ball Alley, Hirons & Eaton props, s w cor Lincoln ave & C st.
I. B. Nichols Shooting Gallery 114 s Washington ave.
P. W. French Shooting Gallery 116 s Washington ave.
Washington Avenue Skating rink, cor Washington ave & 8th street.

R. R. Depots
A. T. & S. F. cor Washington ave & 16th st.
S. K. cor Ash & 2d sts.

Tom Miller 117 s Washington ave.
Boston Club, 118 w 7th st.
I. W. Duncan, 116 s Washington ave.
Farmers Restaurant, Jesse Derrick prop, 220 n Washington ave.
Nickle Plate Restaurant King Co., props, Cole & Robinson Block.
H. C. Clothier, 133 s Wash-ington ave.

Second Hand Stores.
A. A. Jordan, 217 s Washington ave.
H. A, Johnson, 220 s Washington ave.
D. M. Armstrong, 303 s Washington ave.

Barber Shop, Bath Rooms and Billiard Parlor. Located in the Business Center. -

Mayor, C. R. Person.
Clerk, G. S. Burton.
Attorney, W. A. McDonald.
Police Judge, W. T. Walker.
Treasurer, J. D. Decker.
Marshal, L. B. Fisher.
Street Commissioner, B. A. Ellsworth.
First Ward, S. H. Smith, John Wolf.
Second Ward, T. J. Sargent, W. F. Travis.
Third Ward, A. D. Moore, J. D. Share.
Forth Ward, D. C. Millard, T. B. Hubbard.
Fifth Ward, John Bradley, J. T. Church.
Wellington Post Office.
W. R. Holmes, Acting Post Master.
Office hours, from 7 a m to 7 p m. Sundays, from 11:30 a m to 12:30 p m.

Governor, John A. Martin.
Lieut. Governor, A. P. Riddle.
Secretary of State, E. B. Allen.
State Treasurer, J. W. Hamilton.
Attorney General. S. B. Bradford.
State Auditor, Timothy McCarthy.
Supt. Public Instruction, J. H. Lawhead.
Secretary Board of Agriculture, Wm. Sims.
Secretary State Historical Society F. G. Adams.
Sheriff, S. L. Jones.
Clerk, Wm. Berry.
Treasurer, R. A. Anderson.
Probate Judge, J. T. Sanders.
Attorney, J. L. Grider.
Register of Deeds, W. R. Wallace.
Superintendent Public Instruction C. E. Hitchcock. Surveyor, S. T. Wood.
Coroner, R. W. Stevenson.
District Judge, J. T. Herrick.
Clerk District Court, Jno. W. Nyce
Auditor, J. D. Beck.

Chief, S. R. Ferree.
Asst. Chief, and Secretary, B. A. Ellsworth.
Treasurer, G. W. Mishler.
Monitor No. 1.
Foreman, C. W. Wheeler.
Asst Foreman, G. W. Mishler.
Arcade No. 2.
Foreman, F. E. Phelps.
Asst. Foreman, J. R. Buck.
Hook and Ladder.
Foreman, I. W. Allison.
Asst. Foreman, G. L. Carr.
WELLINGTON WATER COMPANY. 211 South Washington Avenue.
G. F. Hargis, President.
J. C. Redfield, Secretary.
J. W. Hamilton, Treasurer.
C. W. Hill, Manager.
WELLINGTON LIGHT & HEAT COMPANY. 211 South Washington Avenue.
G. F. Hargis, President.
J. C. Redfield, Secretary.
J. W. Hamilton, Treasurer.
C. W. Hill, Manager.

211 South Washington Avenue.
C. W. Hill, Manager.

Northeast Corner Harvey Avenue and C Street.
A. Graff, President.
F. P. Neal, Secretary and Treasurer.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—Services every Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, and evening at usual hour. Sunday school at 9:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. Church on west Harvey avenue, corner F street.
W. W. Thorpe, Pastor.

METHODIST CHURCH—Services every Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, and evening at usual hour. Sunday school at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. Church on West Harvey avenue, corner Jefferson street A. T. Burris, Pastor.

Christian CHURCH.—Services every Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, and evening according to the sea-son. Sunday school at 9:30. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Church on Ninth street, corner Jefferson,
W. H Kern, Pastor.

BAPTIST CHURCH.—Services every Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, and evening, according to the season.

Sunday school at 9:00 Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. Church Lincoln avenue, corner Jefferson street.
D. W. Sanders, Pastor.
Anchor LODGE, No. 9, K. of P.—Meets every Thursday night at hall in Marble Block. Visiting brethern invited.
Edmund Frantz, C. C,
E. V. Newman, K. of R. & S.
COMPANY B. 2nd REGIMENT, K. N. G.—Meets every Monday night at Armory, in old court house for drill
P. W. French, Captain
J L. Fisher, Co. Clerk.
JAS,. SHIELDS POST, No. 57, G. A. R.—Meets every Saturday at hall on East Lincoln avenue. Visiting Comrades invited to attend.
A. B. Cheever, Com.
L. A. Simmons, Adjutant.
RIDGELY ENCAMPMENT, No. 41, I. O. O. F.—Meets on the first and third Friday of each month in Odd Fellows hall in Marble Block, Visiting brethren are welcomed.
Henry Ratekin, C. P.
W. O. Barnett, Scribe.
SUMNER CHAPTER, No. 37, R. A. M.—Meet? first and third Monday in each Month in Masonic hall. Visiting companions invited.
Jas. Holland, H. P.
J. T Sanders, Rec
WELLINGTON LODGE, No. 133;. I. O. O. F.— Meets every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows' hall in Marbel Block, Visiting brethren are welcome.
George Austin, N. G.
G. T. Pitts. Sec.

ST. JOHNS COMMANDERY, No. 24, K. T.—Meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in Masonic hall. Visiting Sir Knights are welcomed.
Reuben Harpham, E. C.
Orville Smith, Rec.
WELLINGTON LODGE, No 24, A. O U. W.—Meets every Tuesday evening in odd Fellows hall in Marble Block. Fraternal courtesies extended to visiting Workmen. W. A. McDonald, M. W.
W. E. Cox, Rec.
WELLINGTON LODGE, No. 150, A. F. & A. M. Meets second and fourth Mondays in each month, at hall in third story of Marble Block. Visiting brethren cordially invited.
I. N. King, W. M.
Dr. F. B. West, Sec.
WELLINGTON DIVISION, No. 22, U. R. K. P. Meets third Monday night in each month at armory in Marble Block. Drills at rink second and fourth Friday nights. Visiting Sir Knights invited.
H. E. Frantz, S. K. C.
H. J. Bone, S. K. R.
YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION.—Meets every Monday evening at the Presbyterian Church.
W. D. Murrell, President.
Robert Hamilton, Sec'y.
M. M. Barnard. Smith Taylor,
Notary Public.
Real Estate,
Loan & Insurance Agents,
We have Constantly on hand a Full Line of
All business placed in our hands will receive PROMPT ATTENTION.
Caldwell, - - Kansas.
Caldwell savings bank.

Business Directory
City of Caldwell
Showing a List of the Firms, Professions, Trades and Occupations.
J. S. Burnette, office over Post Office.
George E. Snelling, office in Wewerka block.
Agricultural Implements.
Robertson & Detrick, ne cor Main & Market sts.
Clark Bros., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
C. C. Curtis, ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
Geo. Fletcher.
Caldwell Savings Bank, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Stock Exchange Bank, sw cor 6th & Main sts

Blacksmith and Repair Shops.
T. E. Dowell, ne cor Main & Chisholm sts.
Hickok & Swaggard, sw cor 5th & Chisholm sts.
T. R. Smith, ne cor 5th & Chisholm sts.
Lindsay, White & Co., es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Lepel Bros., sw cor Main & 8th sts.
W. M. Chance, ns 4th st, bet Main & Chisholm sts.
G. D. Freeman, ns 4th st, bet Main & Chisholm sts.

Books and Stationery.
O. Beeson, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Boot and Shoe Dealers.
York-Draper Mercantile Co., ne cor Main & 6th sts. .
H. C. Unsell, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
J. H. Frank & Son, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
H. M. McGuire, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts,
J. H. Brown, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
A. S. Groh, sw cor Main & 5th sts.
H. A. Ross & Co., ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Keeling & Co., ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
M. J. Lusk, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Share Bros., ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.

C. W. Collins, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Eureka Bakery, C. W. Holmes, propr, es Main st, 2d s 5th st.
Barber Shops.
F. C. Nommsen, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Sam C. Woodson, basement Leland Hotel.
Blair & Willis, Southwestern Hotel.
E. A. Davidson, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers.
A. J. Luder, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Billiard Halls.
Sam C. Woodson, basement Leland Hotel.
Blair & Willis, Southwestern Hotel.
Moores Bros., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Coal Dealers.
G. B. Shaw & Co., se cor 5th & Chisholm sts.
C. B. Bickford, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
J. G. Denhollem, es Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts. Long-Bell Lumber Co., ne cor 3d & Main sts.

Confectionery and Fruit.
Robt. Ingram, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
C. W. Collins, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
O. Beeson, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Frank Kyte, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Carpenters and Builders.
Dodson & Campbell, ns 6th st, bet Main & Market sts.
Cigars and Tobacco.
O. Beeson, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Frank Kyte, ws Main st. bet 4th & 5th sts.
Sam C. Woodson, Leland Hotel.
Blair & Willis, Southwestern Hotel.

Clothing Dealers.
M. J. Lusk, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Keeling & Co., ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
H. C. Unsell Co., ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts. York-Draper Mercantile Co., ne cor Main & 6th sts.
J. H. Frank & Son, ws Main st. bet 5th & 6th sts.

Dry Goods Dealers.
Share Bros., ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
H. A. Ross & Co., ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
A. S. Groh, sw cor Main & 5th sts.

Drug Stores.
Ed Hayes, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Dr. W. A. Noble, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Swayer & Gabbert, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
S. H. Horner, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

A., T. & S. F., foot of 7th st.
St. L. & S. F., Webb st, bet Ennis & St. John sts.

N. A. Scribner, over Griffith & Swartzel.

Miss B. O’Connor, ns 5th st, bet Main & Market sts.
Salmans & Harker, ns 5th st, 2d e Market st.
Faherty & Lemon, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Express Companies.
Wells-Fargo Express office, es Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
Adams Express office, se cor Main & 7th sts.

Santa Fe Elevator, Coleman & Foster, props, e end 6th st.
Jett & Son, s end Cheyenne st.

Furnishing Goods.
H. C. Unsell & Co., ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
J. H, Frank & Son, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
M. J. Lusk, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Flour and Feed.
G. W. Haines & Co., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Lambdin & Ewing, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
O. L. Jewett, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Furniture Dealers.
Yasey Bros., ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th st,
Schaeffer & Wickery, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Levi Thrailkill, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
E. E. Manson, nw cor Main & 5th sts.
Quintard & Wilkinson, se cor 5th & Main sts.
Lambdin & Ewing, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Keeling & Co., ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
G. W. Haines & Co., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Morris & Doty, es Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
Griffith & Swartzel, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Grain Dealers.
Chas. Liebler, sw cor Main & 7th sts.
Coleman & Foster, e end 6th st.
Jett & Son, s end Cheyenne st.

Gun and Locksmiths.
W. W. Eldridge, es Main st, bet 3d & 4th sts

Hardware and Stoves.
Hockaday Bros., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
C. F. Hulbert, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
W. S. Churchill, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Harness and Saddles.
W. D. Ridenour, ws Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts,

Leland Hotel, Sam C. Woodson, prop, nw cor Main & 6th sts. Southwestern Hotel, Blair &Willis, props, nw cor Main & 4th sts.
Moreland House, W. A. Sturm, prop, ws Main st, hot 4th & 5th sts. Illinois House, S. B. Hathaway, prop. es Main st. bet 6th & 7th sts.
Grand Opera House, Sam C. Woodson, & Wm. Morris, managers, nw cor Main & 7th sts.

Insurance Agents.
D. W. Jones, office front room over Post office.
Jno. B. Roberts, with J. M. Thomas.
Nyce & Gilmore, Stock Exchange Bank.
Barnard & Taylor, over Chicago Clothing House.
S. P. G. Lewis, in Caldwell Savings Bank.
J. M. Thomas, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Jewelers and Watchmakers.
O. Beeson, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
E. Eisfelder & Son, at Swayer & Gabbert.
J. Frank Dean, Noble's Drug Store.

Land and Loan Agents.
Wright & Cromwell, office at Leland Hotel.
J. M. Thomas, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
S. P. G. Lewis, in Caldwell Savings Bank.
Barnard & Taylor, over Chicago Clothing House.
Jno. B. Roberts, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
D. W. Jones, office front room over Post office.

Lumber Yards.
Rock Island Lumber Co., ss 6th st, bet Main & Market sts. Long-Bell Lumber Co., ne cor 3d & Main sts.
G. B. Shaw & Co., se cor 5th & Chisholm sts.

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
G. W. Haines, ns 4th st, bet Main & Chisholm sts.
W. Thompson, se cor 6th & Arrapahoe sts.
Bailey Bros., nw cor 5th & Chisholm sts.
Star Stables, Wendels & Williamson, props, sw cor 6th & Chisholm sts.
Pride of the West, Jno. Sanders, prop, se cor 7th & Arrapahoe sts. Big George, R. W. Wilson, prop, nw cor Main & Chisholm sts.

Sing Lee, ns 5th st, bet Main & Chisholm sts.
Mrs. Bettie Rinkel, es Main st. bet 4th & 5th sts.

Meat Markets.
E. H. Kilpatrick, ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
A. Mayhew, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.
Mrs. Mary Schwinn, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.

Merchant Tailors
J. J. Ryan, over C. F. Hulbert’s hardware store.

Miss B. O’Connor, ns 5th st, bet Main & Market sts.
Faherty & Lemon, es Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Miss Tillie Mihoover, ws Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts,
Salmans & Harker, ns 5th st, 2d e Market st.

Musical Instruments.
Clark Bros., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

W. H. Munger, ne cor 4th & Chisholm sts.

R. H. Cosand, ns 5th st, bet Main & Market sts.

Physicians and Surgeons.
Robertson & Downs, office over Lone Star Clothing House.
C. R. Hume, office, Noble's Drag Store.
J. T. Gabbert, office, Central Drug Store.
B. B. Morgan, office, sw cor Main & 5th sts.
M. R. Thrailkill, office, Central Drug Store.

Printers and Publishers.
The Caldwell Journal, Tell W. Walton, Editor, over Stock Exchange Bank.
Caldwell Weekly Times, D. D. Leahy, Editor & prop, office in Times block.

Queensware and Glassware.
Schaeffer & Wickery, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Bob Sharp, es Main st, bet 6th & 7th sts.
D. S. Booker, ns 5th st, bet Main & Chisholm sts.

Sewing Machines.
Clark Bros., es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Vasey Bros., ws Main st, bet 4th & 5th sts.
Schaeffer Wickery, es Main st, bet 5th & 6th sts.

Caldwell Post Office.
0. Beeson, P. M., office hours from 7:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M., Sunday 12 M. to 1 P. M.

J. G. Denhollem, Agent Wells-Fargo Express, es Main st, bet 6th &
7th sts,
Office Western Stage Co., se cor Main & 7th sts.
Stage Co.'s Barn, ne cor 8th & Main sts.
J. Minton, Notary Public, in Caldwell Savings Bank.
Caldwell Water Works, J. C. Lambdin, supt, office, Lambdin & Ewing store.
C. F. Sommer, agent Quartermaster Department, U. S. Army, ne cor 7th & Chisholm sts.

CHRISTIAN—Services every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock;
and every Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us. Church on Market street.
Rev. J. R LUCAS, Pastor.
FIRST M. E. CHURCH—Preaching every Sunday, 11 o'clock a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. All are invited to participate. Rev. W. H. ROSE, Pastor.
PRESBYTERIAN—Preaching every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m.
and 8 o’clock p. m. Sunday school at 10 o’clock a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Rev. S. R. ANDERSON, Pastor.


F. M. Blair. Jay Willis.
Southwestern Hotel.
North-West corner 4th & Main sts.
BLAIR & WILLIS Proprietors.
TERMS: $2.00 Per Day.
Chas. R. Hume,
Office at Noble*'s Drug store, one door north of Caldwell Savings Bank.
Caldwell, Kansas.

Residence—Corner 4th and Market streets.
Caldwell. Kansas.
Office over Post office.

MASONIC—Regular communications of Sumner Lodge No.
203, A., F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturday evening in each month. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. S. L. LONG, W. M.

ODD FELLOWS—Regular meetings of Caldwell Lodge, No. 176,
I. O. O. F., held every Thursday evening at their hall, in the old opera house building, J. R. GRIFFITH, N. G.
R. ALDERMAN, Sec’y. N. M. LEMON, V. G.

fRONTIER DIVISION NO. 18, U. R. K. OF P.—Meets in Pythian hall every first Friday evening of each month for business, and every Friday evening of each week for drill.
GEO. W. REILLY, Sir Knight Captain.
C. M. ACUFF, Knight Recorder.
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS—Progress Lodge, No. 127. Meets every Wednesday at 8 o’clock p. m. in the Pythian hall.
W. G. KILLEBREW, K. of R. and S.

G. A. R.—Upton Post No. 27. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday in each month, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting comrades invited to attend. J. M. THOMAS, Commander.
S. S. RICHMOND, Adjutant.

CALDWELL LOCAL ASSEMBLY, NO. 2826, KNIGHTS OF LABOR—Meet at Christian hall on Market street every Saturday at 8 o’clock p. m. JOHN IRWIN, M. W.
R. E. DUVAL. Rec. Sec’y.

K NIGHTS OF HONOR—Meet every first Tuesday in each
month at 8 o’clock p. m., at Masonic hall.
F. L. HUME, Sec'y.

W. C. T. U.—Meets the first Thursday in each month.
MRS. FOSTER, President.


Geo. W. Reilly, - - - - Mayor.
A. M. Colson,
J. M. Kerr,
J. W. Ross, Councilmen.
T. E. Dowell,
Levi Thrailkill,
J. D. Kelly, ------ Police Judge.
C. F. Sommer, ----- City Clerk.
Geo. R. Snelling, ----- City Attorney.
A. Witzleben. ----- City Treasurer.
C. F. Conn,.................................City Marshal.
Oscar Wilson, Assistant Marshal.
A. Rhodes, ----- Street Commissioner. H. Peitzman, - - - - City Sexton.

Levi Thrailkill, - - - Chairman.
E. H. Kelpatrick, - Treasurer.
Henry Vasoy, - Clerk.

A. M. Colson, - Chief.
T. W. Walton. ------ Secretary.

Caldwell P. O.
Abbott, E. F. Brewser, C D. Cooksel, G W G.
Acuff, C M. Breese, S N. Cooley, J.
Adams, A. Breese, L S. Cooney, H.
Allen, E D. Brown, R P. Corzine, Wm.
Alderman, R. Brown, J H. Corzine, J A.
Anderson, S R. Briley, J N. Corzine, T I.
Asire, W A, Briley, Wm, Cosand, R H.
Bales, S A J. Bryan, W P. Covington, J A.
Ball, B F. Buszek, A W. Craigin, A M.
Ball, C H. Burnette, J S. Crocker, S.
Ball, Ed. Burch, Jas. Cromwell, F C.
Ball, S W. Butler, Silas. Cunningham, W.
Baldwin, J B. Campbell, J M. Cutshall. A H.
Baldwin, J T. Campbell, A. Davidson, J C.
Bartlett, E S. Campbell, Jas. Davidson, E A.
Bartlett, E F. Campbell, L J. Deatley, Jno.
Barnard. M M. Canada, C T. Deatley, L W.
Bates, R. Carson, Jno. Deitrick, A H.
Beeson, P. Case, J L. Denhollem J G,
Beeson, O. Case, Jno. Derwin, Owen.
Bennett, M H. Chance, Joe. Dean, J F.
Benedict, L. Chance, Wm. Dillion, F S.
Berwick, Jno. Chilson, W D. Ditt, Dave.
Bickford, C B. Childer, P. Dixon, J M.
Blackburn, Jno. Chick, E V. Donaldson, S.
Blackburn, J, A, Churchill, W S. Dorsey, J T.
Blair, J A. Churchill, D A. Doty. D H.
Blair, Enos. Clark, M T. Doty, W H.
Black, L C. Clark, S S. Downs Dr. S.
Black,William. Clark, M. Downer,W T.
Black, Geo. Clark, J F. Drew, T W.
Black, D. Clark, Wm. Dowel, T E.
Bohr, J W. Cochran, A. Duval, E R.
Bolton, Joseph. Coffelt, W. Eisfelder E.
Bowers, W W. Coffelt, Sam. Eisfelder, J C.
Boone, Dan. Collins C. W. Ellison, J B.
Booher. D S. Colson, A M. Eldridge W W.
Booher, D. Conn, 0 T. England, J H.
Branket, F. Cooksey, T A. Ewing, G W.
Brankot, F J. Cooksey. Chas. Eyestone G W.

Fausler, A V. Haines, G W. Hume, F L.
Faughtp, W H. Haley, J W. Hummer, W H.
Filbrood, Chas. Hamilton, M D. Hunt, W L.
Finney, Farnk. tlamilton, N W. Hunt J W.
Fletcher, G A. Hamilton, N. Hunter, J.
Fletcher, B A. Hamer, 0. Huntley, D T.
Flees, G T. Hammon, J A. Hutchinson, W G.
Foster, J T. Hann, J W. Ingram, Robt.
Fossett J H. Hance, A. Ingraham, P.
Fossett, J H. Harris, Bam. James, E K.
Franklin, B T. Harris, Jno. Jarrett W A.
Frank J J. Harris, M. Jarrett, S A.
Freeman. G D. Harris, Chas. Jett, F M.
Fullan, Jno. Harshal, Jno. Jett, M A.
Gabbart, Dr Ira T. Harshal, Chas. Jett, J J.
Gailey, Ben. Hartman, A P. Jewett, O L.
Garland) Ben. Harrison, W H. Johnson, Geo.
Gee, Asa. Hathaway, S B. Johnson, Wesley.
Gilmore, J B. Hathaway, Elmer. Johnson, H E.
Gilmore, F E. Hays, Ed. Jones, J M.
Givens, J B. Hays, W O. Jones, S N.
Givens, J A. Henderson, M T. Jones, DW.
Goldborough, W H. Hickok A D. Keeling, H C.
Goldsworthy, S. Hidester, D 0. Keiger, A.
Golden, Mat. Higgins, Frank. Kerr, J M.
Goodhue, A. Hill, A H. Kerr. W T.
Goodhart, P L. Hill, Geo S. Ketteming, M.
Gooding, S E. Hill, J C. Key, B W.
Gordon, G G. Hironymus, L. Kilpatrick, E H
Gowen, J W. Hockaday, Ed. King, R L.
Groh, U P. Hodges, James Kinney, R.
Groh, A S. Holdridge, H C. Kiser, W H.
Graham, W H. Holmes, C W. Kiser, Me K.
Gray, Jas. Hooper, Jas. Knode, A U.
Greenwill, R T. Horner, S H. Knode, I S.
Green, T P. Horton Wm. Kulms, F W.
Green, T H. Hubbell, W N. Kurre, B.
Griffith, J R. Huffman, Jas. Kyte, Frank.
Haight, H C. Hulbert, C F. Lamb, L B.
Haines, Wm. Hume, C R. Lambdin, W R.

Lambdin, E E. McColloeh, J P. Mullen, J A.
Lambdin, Wm. MeColloeh, A. Murrey, J L.
Lambdin, J C. McConley, P M. Murphy, B A.
Larkin,Wm. McClurg, W M. Murgin, W H.
Larkins, Dick. McGarvin, Jas. Nasworthy, J W.
Lawyer, J. McGuire, H M. Neal, T E.
Leahy, D D. McGee, J R. Neal, Charles.
League, W R. McKnight, H. Nelson J C.
Lee, A B. McLean, A. Nightengale, Jno.
Lee. W D. McMillan, Wm. Noble Dr W A.
Lee, W D Jr. Mehew A. Nommsen, F C.
Lee, W. Meloy H T. Norton. H.
Lee, W H. Meloy, D P. Nyce, Wm.
Leibler, Chas. Meloy, D A. Nyce, J W.
Lemon, W J. Meredith, H. Nye, Oscar.
Leonard, M F. Merritt, Wm. Nye, H.
Leppel, Emil. Merritt, Sol. O’Conner, Tom.
Lester, R L. Metcalf, R D. O’Conner, Pat.
Lewis, S P G. Meyers, J H. Overall, A B,
Lewis, P P. Miller, R H. Parks, Wm.
Lewis, R. Miller, Ben S. Peach, W.
Lindsey, W H, Miller, J M. Perry, Wm.
Lisco, Jas. Miller, Lem. J. M.
London, M. Miller, Eugene. Price, D.
Loshbough, O C. Minton, J. Price. H,
Long, S L. Mize, A. Pullen, M A.
Luder, A J. Moore, G H. Rawson, G W.
Lumley, Joe. Moore, C H. Raper, Jno.
Lusk, M J. Moore, O. Ray, Isaac.
Lynch, D. Moody, J M. Reiley, G W.
Magown, L D. Moody, G C. Rhoades, W A.
Mogown, C E. Moreland, P. Rhoades, A
Malaley, W E. Moreland, Jas. Rhoades, G.
Malone, E C. Morgan, Dr B B. Rhoades, L.
Manson, E. E. Morris, Wm. Richmond, S. Sr
Mankin, Wm. Morris, Jno. Richmond, J. T.
Martin, L. Monson, C. Rice, M. W.
Marigold, Jno. Mosser, J. W. Ridenour, W. D.
Marian, W. E. Mosser, A. W. Ridings, W. H.
Mayne, T. Mosser, Isaac. Robinson, E.

Robinson, John. Smith, S. C. Vandever, G. F.
Robinson, W. L. Smith, T. R. Van Eaton, C.
Robertson, J. F. Snelling, G. R. Vasey, Robt.
Roberts, J. B. Sommer, C. F. Vasey, Jno.
Rorick, W. Speer, C. L. Vasey, Wm.
Ross, H. A. Spicer, Geo. Vasey, H. B.
Ross, J. W. Spiker, J. C. Waldon, E. B.
Ross, F. P. Spiker, Jeff. Wallenburg, A.
Rose, H. A. Spiker, S. A. D. Walker, G. S.
Rowen, Jno. Spiker, C. M. Walsh, S. P.
Rowen, M. T. Spiker, J. L. Walton, T. W.
Rowen, L. Stearns, W. W. Watkins, A. J.
Rowden, G. B. Stearns, W. M. Watson, J. M.
Russell, Jas. Steinbach, J. M. Way, Chas.
Ryan, J. J. Stenby, D. Weiderman, Joe.
Sanders, Jno. Stinson, A. E. Wellman, H. E.
Santer, Jno. Sturm, J. D. Wendels, J. H.
Schaub, D. D. Sturm, W. A. Wendels, J. F.
Schaeffer, Jno. Suddarth, Joe. Weoneke, H.
Schever, Carl. Swaggard, E. M. Wheeler, W. E.
Schneider, Jno. Swarthout, R. B. Wheeler, J. T.
Schwinn, A. - Swartzel, J. B. Wheeler, C. W.
Scott, C. E. Swartzel, Louis. White, F. P.
Scott, J Swayer, S. Whiteside, E. D.
Scribner, N. A. Taylor, Smith. Whitney, Wm.
Selber, J. A. Taylor, W. B. Wickery, T. H.
Seger, J. E. Thomas, J. B. Wilcox, O.
Share, J. D. Thomas, S. D. Williams, J. B.
Sharp, Jas. Thomas, J. M. Williams, Ed.
Sharp, Bob. Thompson, G. A. Williams, Ike.
Sharp, Jno. Thompson, Ab. Williamson, R. C.
Sharp, D. Thompson, W. H. Willis, Jay.
Sharp, T. Thrailkill, Levi. Wilson, R. W.
Sheridan, Levi. Thrailkill, Dr. M. R. Wilson, Chas.
Sheridan, Wm, Tinch. H. Witt, A. C.
Siles, L. D. Todd, H. A. Witzelben, A.
Simmons, S. Tushans, T. L. Wolper, Wm.
Simpson, G W. Tuttle, S. T. Wood, B. B.
Smith, N. Unsell, H. C. Woodson, S. C. sen.
Smith. J. M, Unsell, O. E. Woodson, S. C. jr.
Wren, Jno. Wright, E. D. Wyatt, J. H. Young, A.R.

Conway Springs P. O.
Alexander, B F Crane, C H Howe, P
Allan, P R Crowder, G W Hufford, D D
Anderson, A M Dautrick, G Jeffries, J E
Andrews, A Davis, C W Jenkins, L
Armstrong, G B Dawson, J S Kiger, C M
Atchison, W E Deal, J W Kurz, J W
Atfield, J Dudley, J C Land, G W
Baird, E E Fahs, D M Laughlin, J W
Barnard, J R Fauts, P Loike, J
Billips, J W Ferguson, J W Longnecker, H B
Booth, J J Flesher, G R Losey, W T
Bosley, H Fowler, C Maddaux, Geo
Boyd, Jno Garber, S S McCammon, E A
Boyer, L S Gable, E F McKibben, S jr
Brinston, L Gibson, Jno McKibben, S sen
Broadfoot, T Glendenning, T McKibben, R
Brown, W S Gonger, M T McMains, M C
Gallon, W Graham, N O McMiller, J J
Campbell, Q Griffin, C E Meintz, P
Campbell, S E Grist, Geo Miller, D S
Carson, J L Gunn, C Moore, S B
Carlisle, C H Gwin, D L Needham, C W
Casey, T N Hall, P Nehe, J J
Casey, J T Halpin, II Ninneger, J B
Cattrell, I T Hargrove, G L Ninneger, W T
Chapman, Q N Harlon, W E Nixon, Jno
Chenoweth J H Harper, H M Oatland, J T
Chenoweth, J P Harriman, B F Oberchain, J M
Churchill, B Hank, E W Pomeroy, Frank
Clapp, J P Heington, A Probst, N J
Colbert, J S L Hill, H A Prough, Geo
Cooper, W E Hinchman, J S Rath, J
Cox, E G Hobaugh, D Redman, C T
Cramer, H M Howard, B Redman, G W

Redpath, A Stoner, C B Watson, C R
Reese, J W Strait, M F Webb, A D
Roder, Jonas Sullivan, G H Whitmore, Frank
Rowe, J M Tainer, T H White, Jno
Bowlin, D D Taylor, C P White, B S
Russell, J A Tincher, W H Wike, A R
Shellhammer, N Thompson, B F Williamson, T A
Shenk, W Thorp, G W Wilkinson, A
Simmons, F T Underhill, J A Wilson, A B
Smith, J M Underwood, D Wise, D M
Smith, W S Vale, M H Wolf, W
Smythe, T T Walton, W J. Wolf, J
Smythe, J M Watson, R W Wyatt, Joseph

Belle Plaine P. O.

Adams, Geo Cain, J E Darby, John
Allen, Prof E W Cain, Foster Darby, Sam
Anderson, N Campbell, W C Donahue, Thos
Anderson, C F Carter, W H Downs, A R
Armstrong, W L Carter, W L Dunlap, R O
Asher, Rev Noah Cashatt, J Dunlap, Ad
Barr, W W Carpenter, B M Epperson, A D
Barr, A L Cheek, A Epperson, A B
Baur, A W Chapman, I R Epperson, A
Barton, T G Clodfelter, G W Farmer, L
Barber, E W Cornwall, D B Fink, M T
Bender, J Copenbarger, D Fisher, F
Benson, J W Conner, A Fisher, Rold
Binkley, S L Cole, Jno Fisher, Saml
Blackwood, Theo Cown, G C Fowler, F
Blanpied. J M Cross white, C S Forney, J H
Broadhead, S A Crawford, Thos Forney, J W
Butler, F G Crist, Sam Garrett, J M
Buhrlige, W E Curtis, W W Gilchrist, J
Bugh, J H Cuthbert, W L Grimes, Wm
Burns, J J Davis. Job Grogg, G W

Greider, G H Mason, Jno Roberts, Dr D H
Haythorn, O Malernee, T B Rufe, W H
Hallam, Jno McConn, M Y Sheldon, Chas A
Harmon, J L McYowen, J Shay, C
Henderson, J W McHarg, T B Sheaver, S
Henson, Frank McHarg, S M Shaw, W H
Hitchcock, C W McHarg, D Shaw, Chas
Hitchcock, W H McIlhaney,H Sloo, W A
Hitchcock, W L Miller, Peter Smith, R M
Hitchcock, Holt Miller, W L Snover, W A
Hillyard, J Miller, Thos Snover, E D
Hoffner, V Miller, E M Snover, A W
Hodkinson, Geo Mooney, A L Stone, Jas
Holbrook, Wm Mountz, S S Stickler, Wm
Holtzman, P Myers, StClair, L W
Humphrey, J W Ney, W L Strange. A A
Idle, A L Nixon, Milt Strover, E R
Irwin, W F Nixon, A F Sturg, C
Jackson, N L Otto, L C Stephenson, J A
James, C G Overstreet, N S Triber, H
Jones, M C Owens, T J VanNess, F W
Jones, W H Parker, A R Vail, John
Jones, J B Parker, J H Vauhn, J L
Johnson, L W Perdue, E M Wareham, J
Johnson, E M Pitcher, Jas Waller, E E
Johnston, J R Plymell, W W Wagner, D
Jordon, G Potter, E M Waltman, W F
Justice, J D Potter, F N Wheeler, H B
Large, Elmer Powers, Jake Williams, J C
Leatherman, A M Reed, J D Willey, I
Lightburn, Jno Reed, W L Willey, W H
Lobdell, Orin Richards, H S Wilter, P
Master, Wm Ricord, E E Wilson, D O
Malence, Ezra Ripperton, Dr J C Workman, H J
Mackay, Jas Rogers, W R Wright, G W
Robinson, G E

Wellington P. O.

Ash, C Gregson, Joseph Pitts, Nathan
Ash, W P Gregson, A J Pitts, John
Bain, Saml Hankla, S T Pressnel, Wm J
Barnes, Jesse Hackney, H G Ramsey, Alonzo
Barnes, Chas Harnett, Harry Redman, Isaac
Baer, John F Holt, G W Reed, James B
Beard, H M Hull, N A Robinson, Robert
Champlell, J L Hull, C F Robinson, Wm
Champlell, Alfred Keeton, I S Sebring, W E
Covell, M D Lawrence, J H Shieras, E
Coveil, Chas L Lambert, E T Skeen, Wm M
Denny, J P . Lam be, A C Spahr, O F
Delaplane, D S Lambe, John Stewart, I J
Diemer, Isaac Landis, A Switzer. W H
Diemer, O C Lenker, W P Switzer, John A
Dishler, C H Lemmons, J M Swezer, F C
Dorsey, John Littlefield, Robt Swan, John
Duckworth, J A J Logan, John Tatrin, John A
Eberhardt, Chas Logan, Adrian Traccell, Thomas
Ellis, G W Lynch, Jacob Wetmore, A P
Epperson, J S Massey, Wm Wharton, Benj
Flora, E E Mains, David Wharton, A
Fox, Saml McClaskey, I R Whealey, W G
Fry W C McCurdy, D S Winsor, G G
Francis, Jacob Meredith, James Winsor, F H
Francis, Jacob jr Meigs, W L Wilcox, J W
Francis, John Miller, John Wyckoff, S D
Fugna, J G Miller, E A Yoachman, G E
George, Wm Miller, O S York, E
Grodes, S W Ozlesbay, P York, A J
Dalton P. O.
Abbott, S A Ellis, J W Jones, W H
Ash, J R Green, Isaac Kennedy, A J
Clark, Elliott Homedeur, Chas Kennedy, F M
Doughty, E J Howghtaylor, H Kingdom, Nat
Doughty, G W Holland, E H Kidney, G W
Randall, Chas
Russell, Wm
Zucker, B Taylor, B

Oxford P. O.
Carr, F.
Close, Albert

Belle Plaine P. O.

Agney, J.
Allen, Jas
Alter, John
Anderson, D. H.
Ayers, A. H.
Ayers, M. D.
Ayers, P.
Barnett, R. F.
Barton, Wm
Barr, Wm
Beams, J N
Beard, N
Bears, E. O.
Berder, JA
Bishop, J W
Bouchfield, Jno
Bowles, AF
Boyd, Frank
Broadhurst, J
Brock, Saul
Brasshead, SA
Burgess, LA
Burjess, G
Byrness, Wm
Cain, GW
Carter, AM
Clewell, AD
Clewell, Geo.
Cooper, J. G.
Colsan, John
Colson, Frank
Collins, W. P.
Cornwall, E. E.
Doll, D. M.
Doll, Robt.
Doll, Jos
Dalziel, Wm
Dand, J. W.
Darby, C
Darby, Wm
Dedrick, M. P.
Downs, J. P.
Downey, W. O.
Douglass, J. A.
Dunlap, A. A.
Dunlap, J. M.
Dye, Moses
East, W. B.
Elliott, I. N.
Epperson, G. M.
Epperson, E.
Fisher, J. C.
Forney, A. G.
Foulk, Walter
Foulk, W. T.
Foulk, W. R.
Froment, Wm
Fuller, R. A.
Gaines, M
Gideon, C. L.
Gideon, J. R.
Gilchrist, D
Gilchrist, Wm
Glecker, J.
Griffith, R
Griffith, Y
Grover, A
Hackney, E
Hall, M
Hamilton, D. K.
Harrison, G. W.
Hardman, P.
Harman, J. F.
Hastings, T
Hawke, W
Hayes, I. L.
Heath, D. R.
Helms, T.
Herrington, W. H.
Hickle, S. H.
Hiatt, S. B.
Hill, Jas.
Hoover, W. O.
Horner, M.
Horner, C. F.

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Hostettler, A McMillan, J F Snider, D
Humphrey, G G Meeker, G E Sovrells, V P
Hunt, C Miller, R H Sovrells, W H
Huston, I L Mickley, E F St Clair, H C
Idle. E Moore, J C Stehpenson, C N
Irwin, H Mordy, Jas Stephenson, J B
Jeffries, E C Morgan, Wm Sutherland, J P
Johnson, A Moninger, D Taylor, J M
Johnston, J W Mowett,T Troup, D
Kilmer, M B Mountz, F P Troup, John
Kilmer, R K Mountz, J T Troup, O
Kirby, J M Neely, John Troup, D J
Kueh. J Ney, W R Turley, S S
Lambert, Wm North, T Turley, G M
Lane, W L Owens, S J Turney, A M
Lane, M Persell, L M Vancelous, J
Lane, Thos Pinkley, C Vancelous, F
Large, J A K Ridford, A Vancelous, W H
Lewis, J J Ripperton, H M Vancelous, T
Longside, W C Roberts, H A Vetter, Geo
Longside, A Robeson, J W Walton, J F
Logan, E M Schughart, J C Watson, J B
Logan, E M jr Schughart, I N Watson, A H
Love, T Shafer, D F West, Judson
Love, Wm Shafer, E Wheeler, Ira
Love, Frank Shemelfanig, F Winkle, G W
Mahew, E A Shriver, E Wolf, D P
Markley, A J Shurtz, J V Wright, Josh
Markley, J A Sicelolf, J Wright, W F
Markley, L C Simpson, J W Young, D W
Martin, W H H Smith, A Y Young, C
McAllister, C B Smith, H Zumbrum, Wm
McCown, W

London P. O.
Frey, E McOlister, N Smith. A M
Frey, C Prohaska, F Yilk, Lewis
McOlister, D C Seese, Adam

Mulvane P. O.

Ashmore, G W Graham, John Looper, G C
Atwell, J Graham, N Maguire, H M
Bishop, E Grist, N Maguire, D F
Bishop, N Grist, John Mason, W L
Blanpied, W N Grist, L McQuitty, M V
Bowles, J M Gunn, D Mordy, T R
Broks, J C Hawke, J Phillips, F A
Butts, S J Hinkle, G M D Wagner, C
Crum, J L Hinkle, W A P Wagner, Fred
Cushman, A D Hollis, Dr W B Walker. J
Gaskell, Chas Kuhn, J M Winters, M N

Caldwell P. O.

Adams, Thos R Courtrigh, A J Green, James
Adams, E M Collins, Joseph Gumm, C M
Apperson, Wm Collins, J F Gubton C
Await, P M Coiner, S A Hall, John A
Balaban, Joseph Crowden, Wm Hall, John
Barok, Charles Crarge, A B Hahn, Anthony
Barok, Joseph Davis, Charles T Hames, S S.
Barok, John Doubleday, John Hannum, Jonas
Bailey, Joseph Doty, Seth Heller, Charles
Bailey, John Drennen, J T Heraldson, S
Belmer, J H Duncan, Mark Hill, S C
Blackstone, C Emmons, N H Hill, Wm
Bobeck, John Emmons, Charles Homecheck, John
Bryant, Joshua Emmons, R W Huffman, John
Bryant, Charles Fowler, J H Huffman, Jerry
Bryant, William Garlets, Saml Huffman, Charles
Brown, John S Garlets, Dennis Huffman, Ed
Buresh, Joseph Garlets, Jacob Jarrett, Thomas
Calhoun, S J Goble, T Jarrett, F N
Calhoun, L B Graham, Willis James, Charles
Caruther, T H Grain, Daniel Jindra, Joseph
Cherne, Anton Grissom, Wm Kalorek, Joseph

Kerwood, James Murphy, Wm Seclement, Jose
King, Solomon Mundroff, J B Smith, W P
Kozak, Frank Nakvinda, Joseph Snow, J J
Kozak, Joseph Nelson, Wm Solider, August
Lambdin, Silas Nelson, Delos Speaks, George
Lassell, W H Nelson, Harry Stonekoker, J J
Lester, A L Nulik, Joseph Swartz, Frank
Lovern, John Palmer, H S Tracy, L
Lovern, Josephus Palmer, Wm Way, Charles
Lowry, John Palmer, W Wardlaw, Benj
Lyman, Patrick Paul, James Wilson, James H
Mahaffy, John Pekar, John Wilson, John
Mahaffy, Chas Porter, F Wilson, James H
McAdams, Chas Ricman, Chas Wilson, A N
Milton, L Richmond, M D Wilson, AL
Miller, Benj Scott, James Wilson, Elias
Miller, George Scott, Josiah Williams, John
Morris, John Scott, Wm Williams, E G
Moran, David Scott, Arthur Yeager, Jacob
Monk, Henry Scott, George Yeager, Alfred
Murphy Bonham

Doster P. O.

Beach, J J Gobble, Vester Nottingham, Geo jr
Blinn, Hubble Godges, W B Nottingham, Geo sen
Botkin, Amos Henderson, G L Pecock, James
Brown, Mathew Hood, J A Peska, Joseph
Brown, J R Joslin, Raymond Posey, G H
Caruthers, T H Jones, John Posey, Stealey
Chestnut, Benj Kerr, S A Pope, John
Chestnut, J C Kubik, Frank Pope, Thos
Clayton, Geo Kukl, J J Richard, W H
Cordell, G S Larnore, Wm Ryan, A L
Cordell, Martin Lendin, Silas Sears, John
Cordell, Wm Lenik, John Sears, Ellis
Cordell, J H Minser, Frank Sears, G
Cordell, S A D Moore, Thos Sears, John L
Dial, Saml Nimms, Wm Skeggs, Geo
Duncan, M Nottingham. John Subera. James

Triplet, Jos Turner, Henry jr Willet, W H
Turner, Henry sen Wilden, Benj Willet, L

Rex P. O.

Armstrong, M Grove, E E Sieg, Francis
Bailey, Alex Grove, J T Slaybaugh, Jacob
Bright, Alfred Holden, Edwin Sprote, O R
Brown, Willis Holden, Wm Stephenson, Wm
Brown, W D Johnson, W L Ward, Charles
Brown, B F Kelly, John Wash, J W
Corn, Jasper Koloefkorn Fred Wincel, Anton
Copeland, James Linder, J W Wilkinson, J G
Cummins, Orison McClelland, O S Wilkinson, Frank
Elson, W H McClelland, A S White, A J
Fletcher, Thomas Sieg, W H

Caldwell P. O.
Adams, W B Dawson, Alex Hawk, D A
Alger, Robt Dawson, Chas Hinchcliff, M
Angus, J A Dawson, C V Hinchcliff, Wm
Atkinson, John Dawson, D Hinchcliff, E
Bailey, C V Davis, C G Hinchcliff, John
Bailey, L G Davis, G H Hipson, H
Bragg, John Deering, J A Holdridge, F C
Brown, F C Dickson, C B Hokeff, A
Brown, J H Elswick, J Hunter, John
Bridgewater, S J Gabrie, J Huffman, W A
Bridgewater, Jos Gardner, G N Hutson, J F
Briet, J E Garlitz, S Hutson, J E
Builta, J H Garver, J W Ingle, G D
Butler, J L Givens, W H Jindre, John
Burrows, F Greenman, J D Johnston, C M
Caylor, J Griffin, L R Jordan, John
Cleveland, W L Groh, J S Jordan, James
Cochrane, M Godell, Saml Jordan, F
Collins, H Hale, J Kalfpleisch, G
Collins, Jack Hand, N Krenie, W
Collins, W H Hand, James Kubick, F
Cooper, I N Hand, A Kuchera, A
Covey, J Harrod, M Kunkle, John
Czaplinski, A Hawk, F M Kunkle, Jake

Lackey, L B Mortimer, Wm Snodgrass, T
Laflin, Joe Myers, C E Soucek, M
Leffel, F Myers, I C Soucek, John
Leffel, O Newcomer, J Squires, W
Leffel, H Newell, R H Stephenson, J J
Leboda, F Newman, W N Stephenson, N D
Leboda, J Newman, C I Steuby, C
Light, S Newman, Jas Stoner, G M
Lisenbee, John Nottingham, W H Stevens, J A
Lively, M Oswald, J Skoor, Joe
Logan, D Overholzer, I B Skorepe, John
Logan, F B Payne, John Taylor, S
Love, J B Pennington, A D Todd, C E
Mann, B J Rathbun, E Tuttle, S
Mann, Virgil Raybern, J S Urban, J
Mays, Geo Rickets, John Vanmeter, S N
McDonald, C E Robinson, M N Vanskite, L H
McDonough, J Robertson, W S Warner, L
McLean, D Roth, J Watts, Wm
McLean, N Roth, A Wells, J W
Melicor, J Scarth, G Wells, E S
Mertle, M Scribner, T J Wells, Geo
Merick, D Sherman, A Wells. C
Miller, G Shipley, P S Wells, H N
Mitchell, S B Shipley, J R White, H B
Mitchell, F Sibets, J B Winters, I R
Mitchell, W J Smith, Floyd Wykes, Wm
Mitchell, John Smith, N Wykes, W H
Mitchell, Wm Smith, J G Wykes, D
Mitchell, R Smith, Chas York, F
Moores, W Smith, B F York, M D
Moore, J W Smith, Frank York, John

Milan P. O.
Abbott, Henry Christy, W M Collins, John
Carter, Wm Christy, H C Corbett, M J

Dodson, R B Knight, Geo . Smith, Robert
Doolittle, G A Koch, C W Spence, W H
England, John Koch, Geo Starks, J O
Forb, Amos Leaverton, Henry Swan, Alfred
Folks, J B Lorah, Joseph Swan, Geo
Frazier, Geo Maywell, James Thralls, A E
Goldsmith, J M Marshall, James Townsend, J M
Goldsmith, John R McKiney, Geo Wample, A J
Goldsmith, Henry Newbolt, J C Wamsley, J B
Grigsby, F R Newbolt, John B Warlow, L B
Hazle, J A Porter, James A Welhington, A V
Hazle, A A Raymond, J W Weldon, A J
Hazle, J W Roach, S C Wood, Thomas
Halstead, G E Roads, Elton Wood, Lincoln
Holt, J N Sargent, Geo

Caldwell P. O.

Coryell, Chas Moore, J C Quinn, Wm
Henry, W A Mose, J A Reel, Lewis
Hebb, E T Myers, H S Rice, Sami
Hubbard, B F Myers, Thomas Rice, A L
Hubbard, G W Newman, A G Richards, H
Koons, R B Newman, C D Vest, John
Larison, Jack. Paterson, J A Warlow, B W
Larison, J M Partee, Joseph Wise, Abram
Logan, E T Pierce, Lewis Wise, Wm
Mason, S P

Orie P. O.
Bowman, C R Heasty, R M Krimey, E D
Coyell, L B Henderson, W G Norman, A
Hanlon, W B Kerns, Jos Vincent, J K
Heasty, C L Kiger, W M Wolf, Frank
Heasty, J C

Perth P. O.
Brann,Geo Waddell, Byron

Corbin P. O.

Austin, Henry Hubbard, F M Ryan, P D
Begley, Nichlos Kelly, R Sapp, W L
Crooks, Jas A Larkins, E Waddell, R M
Coy, W J McGee, Peter Williams, Z S


Conway Springs P. O.
Allen, Geo Golsberry, T M McElhiney, M
Alexander, A Grove, Geo McElhiney, P V
Arnold, L Griev, James McElhiney, Jas
Barhman, E Guin, James McKibben, John
Brown, F P Hawe, Elmer Morory, D A
Brown, A F Haller, John Moore, Saml
Bradshire, J G Hayans, W M Montgomery, G W
Burey, A E Harles, John Noble, Jacob
Buison, A M Hansbarger, R H Noble, H T
Clark, S V Hill, O H Person, C J
ClarK E R Hoffman, O T Raver, W H
Clark, L W Hobson, Wm Reive, J A
Clark, G W Jarbo, R A Rector, J M
Crabee, John Jessup, James Rinehart, T J
Damelley, C F Jessup, Clay Rinehart, Geo
Dixon, Thos Johnson, Wm Rowe, A C
Dodson, I E Kallogg, J A Rouse, J H
Donald, G W King, E R Ross, J C
Duncan, J R Lang, Jos Sisson, T A
Duncan, John Landis, F B Sisson, E A
Edwards, S C Landis, G W Snuinger, H
Edwards, John Leach, J A Snuinger, E
Elliott, O Leach, A C Snyder, J A
Elliott, R Leddy. A Sones, S
Elden, Robb Leddy, Peter Sparks, J R
Fasnacht, M B Little, F A Strong, Edward
Finney. J C Lucas, J M Tamlin, D B
Fosnacht, I S Majore, Sand Tamlin, W E
Gooch, J F McElhiney, R Tamlin. B A

Ullery, Josiah Wall, John White, R H
Viceland, P Way, Saml Wise, David
Watcott, Wm Wansley, T Wolfe, Wm
Warren, E S Whitman, Eli Wolfe, John


Argonia P. O.
Abbott, H Bundy, C R Fortune, G M
Alexander, C T Bundy, H Ford, Chas
Allen, W H Clark, A S Ford, Hampton
Anderson, C C Clark, John Freeman, E
Anderson, G W Cook, L H Freeman, A U
Anderson, Robt C Cook, C G Freeman, Chas
Anderson, J Cook, A B Frantz, F E
Arnold, Joseph Cook, L M Galiger, J C
Atherton, C B Cox, Wm Gannon, C E
Bain, W C A Crabtree, J S Gannon, D A
Barger, A Criter, D M Gass, B H
Baltz, C F Crook, J W Grimes, T J
Baughman, J S Davis, R G Gruell, J Q
Berlett, Louis Davis, John Guthrie, Thos
Bear, G W Davis, W C Hartley, A
Blackburn, N L Davis, A Hadley, C H
Blant, T M Davis, E M Harrison, D B
Brochert, John L Dingerson, Chas Harrison, J J
Bowker, Chas Dingerson, Fred Harrison, F M
Bowman, T Dozier, F E Hammond, C C
Boston, C F Dunham, J A Hanson, A
Boyce, E F Du nker, J F Haynes, C T
Brown, E Eddy, W H Hetrick, J
Brown, M F Eubank, G S Hendrey, J W
Bryant, D H Eurris, J T Henderson, H H
Brown, W H Ferguson, J B Herson, J S
Brain, Edgar Ferguson, S Henderson, W M
Bramer, John G Ferguson, C W Hickok, Wm
Burton, G Ferguson, Joe Hickok, HD
Burge, Joe Fiddler, E S Hickok, J E

Howard, M Merrs, J B Shaw, Homer
Howard, J W Mears, J L Shaw, O B
Holowell, J E Hears, J B Smith, M L
Hutchins, Abe Mercer, J O Smith, Bert
Jay, Wm - Miller, John Smith, Jess
Johnson, P M Mocabee, W H Smith, James
Janeway, D F Nearhood, H K Smith, E F
Jackman, P Nicol, C C Smail, M L
Jackman, Wm Nickolas, John Somer, Geo
Jeffries, F Nicholson, Benj Springer, Frank
Jordon, J Nickolson, W A Spencer, W P
Jordon, G Nininger, L Spencer, E
Keen, W C Parny, E R Spingle, F G
Keen, Chas T Paradis, J R Stevens, J W
Keen, E A Parker, E Sumpter, F M
Kirkpatrick, J W Parisho, T L Sumpter, I P
Kinsey, O Pegram, A Sylvester, A W
Kinsey, E E Pegram, J M Tannehill, Wm
Kibbe, Wm Perry, Douglas Thompson, PI
Kilbourn, J C Perry, Wm Thomas, Clarkson
Kilbourn, G W Pennybaker, C N Tracy, O H
Kline, P S Peel, Edmund Tracy, R J
Lewis, Sam Polk, E E Twinnig, Chas
Lewis, D A Pool, P V C Vaughn, Joe
Linn, George Pritchard, B S Vance, J C
Limley, Wm Bead. C L Van Warner, J W
Logan, E E Riley, John Vincent, J W
Loomis, C S Rogers, Eli Webb, B O
Mason, I R Rouzee, W P Wilson, S P
Markwell, S A Pomine Wilson, H B
Martin, Edward Sayrs, L P Wickersham, C M
McQuaig, W O Salter, L A Wilkinson, J W
Miller, Clint Sell reiver, A Wray, Cyrus
Middleton, E Schreiver, Victor Ward, W P
Moreton, B P Scolpf, E M Watson, W H
Montgomery, P C Seabert, Chas Walker, L J
Monroe, John, P Short, James Warren, Louis
Mummey, J F Sherman, E L White, E E
Mummey, H C Sherman, Wm White, J
March, M L Shull, H H Whetstone. D M
Whetstone, W W Wiggins, B F Yeager, M H
Wiggins, I N Wilson, I M Zeigler, C J

Perth P. O.

Abell, George Dowis, Stephen Latemore, Robert
Adams, Wm F Eaton, Frank Larkin, John
Allen, Jacob Faley, Jerry Laughlin, C
Apple, Peter Fuss, Ezra Lindsay, Wm
Armstrong, James Gallager, A Love, Allen
Barry, Robert Gardner, J B McDaniel, Z G
Barry, Dan Gardner, Thomas McDaniel, Wm S
Bastry, Josh Gaunt, J C McDaniels, Levi
Bardner, J F Goodwin, G L McEachren, M
Bettett, I Grey, Andrew McEachren, A
Bennett, John Griffith, James MeBeath, Sam
Borelor, J S Grove, B F McKenna, M E
Brown, John Gueltz, Wm B Mitchel, Henry
Rruce, Alroy Haymond, F Michil, Ed
Brogan, John Hawkins, H Mickly, Charley
Burns, M Hanom, Mike Mosby, W O
Burch, John Hasty, R M Moat, E
Clark, C E Harrison, J J Moore, Frank
Coles, F Heflebower, D F Moore, James
Coles. E Hendricks, Will Neff, Rochell
Covy, Robt Houston, Z T Neff‘, A
Cowhard, W Y Hoover, J W Pacock, L
Combs, Leslie Idding A B Parker, Rice
Conghous J Johnston, Peter Parish, C L
Crisler, Wesley Johnston, John Patterson, C S
Crisler, James Johnston, Lewis Penaston, I
Daniels, P M Kenady, James Phinor, Wm
Daniels, R Kern, Paul Porter. Wm
Damron, C A Kinsley, Wm B Pratt, Howard
Dowis, G S Kinsley, John Pratt. Harry
110. EDEN township

Pratt, C M Shirley, John Wells, John
Preston, H S Small, Tom Wells, S C
Readbough, Sam Smiley, Wm Wells, W W
Reiser, D Skaggs, John Whaley, W
Rhodes, Charley Skaggs, M P Williams, John
Roberts, George Tedstone, Thos Williams, Frank
Rockhold, E Thompson, George Williams, G N
Rosdill, E Tilthson, John Wilson, Levi
Ryan, D Tipton, D Wilson, Mathew
Ryan, John Vondellorn, D Wynn, Edmond
Scott, M A Walden, L A

Corbin P. O.
Allen, John Estice, Wm C McDaniel, Z G
Arbegate, A L Gerand, Ermost McDaniel, David
Barr, Alx Griffeth, M A Murry, F E
Begley, Wm Hull, J W Tweedy, A J
Brown, Elihu Kiney, George Williams, H B
Cibertt, Chas Sonsworth, Jones Williams, Isaac
Cragon, James

Orie P. O.
Anderson, H Darland, V Mendenhall, John
Anderson, Wm E Evans, E Strat, M
Dodson, J S

Mayfield P. O.
Palmore, C J Sandusky, Wm Williams, A P

Milton P. O.
Broomfield, J B Cragmil, J Deck, M F
Broomfield, J M Cragmil, I L Dodson, W S
Burford, J E Cuthbertson, G J Dunn, D C
Casner, W J Deck, John Dunn, Emmerson

Dunn, A G Hellar, J C Rogers, S D
Garrish, J F Hoyt, T C Rogers, J M jr
Gibson, J B Jarboe, J Roberts, H A
Gilispia, G W Jarvis, Levi . Schamehorn, J E
Glaze, W N Jones, R T Simpson, Fletcher
Golton, W McWilson, W Simpson, J A
Golton, Charles R McDonald, David Smith, N B
Golton, Charles R Mead, G G Smith, Robert
Grovers, A J Mummey, D Teachout, F D
Hall, J C Mummey, A T Troeger, H A
Hall, J F Painter, W Troeger, E F
Hardy, C G Port, John Turner, C E
Hall, T J Rayser, John Terrier, D W
Hall, J Reynolds, C M Vezey, Gilmore
Hall, J M Rogers, J M sen Williams, A G
Haight, W J T Rowan, D F Yeakle, A

Sunset P. O.

Bishop, F Knight, J M . Nelson, A H
Bull, J McCormick, T Strider, J Y
Cary, E M McCormick, A Strider, Jacob
Carter, R S Mull, J C Strider, W H

Conway Springs P. O.
Dodson, J K Leatherman, J R Noble, H L
Gayer, P P MeCuily, W Riggs, G M
Gayer, D E McCully, C Riggs, C R
Gray, Anderson Moulton, F B White, J T

Norwich P. O.
Broomfield, S S Russell, C T Wills, J T
King, J N Short ridge, John

Kalamazoo P. O.
Calaway, J D Stone, P A Vanpelt, A L

Argonia P. O.
Hamilton, M L

Caldwell P. O.
Aldrich, H S Carr, C D Hoffman, Henry
Aldrich, F B Coffelt, J W Harper, J L
Alford, John Coupland, J D How, Bert
Alford, C M Cordes, George Hood, Bud
Aldrich, W H Campbell, W E Horton, Samuel
Atkinson, W B Coffelt, John Hawk, P L
Apple, J A Craney, Wm Henn, J W
Barker, A J Cox, E O Hoeckstenback, F
Balthred, Jerry Cashatt, A Hocekstenback, Fritz
Bandy, J R Clevenger, G W Hocekstenback, C
Beck, Michael Clevenger, J Ingle, B C
Bradford, G W Dumbar, T J Ingle, M L
Beck, George Duncan, Robert Ingle, J M
Belcher, Harry, Donham, I F Johnston, Luther
Butcher, Edward Donham, Wm Johnston, A A
Baun, F W Elsenrath, Henry Johnston, W A
Butterfield, John Evans, Harry Johnson, L B
Bridgwater, G A Fox, Samuel Johnson, John
Ball, J H Frontz, Peter Leonard, Frank
Craig, James Forbes, Cyrus Lusk, Myron
Crawford, T H Ford, W H Lusk, Melville
Clapole, J J Forth, George Lusk, Selah
Clapole, W J Fitch, O T Leeper, Charles
Clapole, Wm Funk, Robert Lowell, Jacob
Carter, N C George, Williams Lepold, Wm
Cheney, W E sen Gillett, J S Lowe, Isaac
Cheney, W E jr Gordon, Wm Lowe, Benj
Cheney, E E Gee, Asa Lincoln, Alonzo
Cozard, N S Green, Benj Miller, Solomon
Cox, Moses Greggory, Wm McKimson. Neil
Cox, John Grendron, Henry Merris, J S
Clark, Jacob Hale, Harvey Mathews, S E


Marion, Chester Reese, S F Summers, J W
Monee, J C Ryland, J A Slade, J P
Martin, N P Robinson, John Simpson, Geo
Nelson, C F Rose, Thos Foot, Martin
Nelson, W C Smith, W T Tuttle, S
Neal, Reuben Struble, M H Toole, W H
Nelson, R A Swaggart, M H Vaughn, Horton
Oerke, Frederick Stratton, J W Vaughn, W H
Peek, D F Snow, W S Vaughan, R V
Peters, G W Snow, H S Wherry, Jas
Patton. Z H Snow, C E Wilkinson, J J
Philips, David Shoop, A D Wilkinson, Wm
Patton, J F Shoop, Charles Wilkinson, T A
Patton, Hiran Spurgeon, J W Wishard, W F
Palmer, S Snyder, J F Whitlaw, E n
Palmer, F Sprague, Charles Wilson, M D
Penny, W A Sayrs, D N Wilson, B W
Ridings, S P Somna, C Whittlesey, L W
Rigings, C C Salisbury, A C Windt, Chas
Ridings, Elmer Smith, G W Wood, Joseph

Corbin P. O.
Alexander, I G Cox, J H Derrick, D B
Akers, J N Christy, T P Dayton, L L
Archer, E D Clarke, Isaac Dillon, G S
Allen, W N Criss, Russell Dunbar, J W
Alguire, James Carter, George Ehlars, C
Adams, A S Crame, D B Frendenberg, A L
Balzer, Valentine Corzine, F M Foster, John
Balzer, George Cloyed S L Foster, Geo
Beavers, F P Collins, Davis Fleming, F A
Byers, John Dunbar, A Gatton, G W
Brownback, T P Dennis, J M Gross, J T
Breckenridge, T P Doubin, S C Gooch, T H
Britton, Erasmus Dayton, H J Gifford, D K
Billson, W H Denegar, D W Harman, Jas
Black, Clark Davis, J W Hart, J B
Collins, Sherman Bonham, Albon Hawkins, A T

Howe, H W Martin, Chas Reed, Nathan
Heldreth, Owen Murphy, D Reuthrauff, J
Hyde, S T Moore, P B Riley, J F
Hays, C R Myers, D W Rarick, J
Herrelson, A McGuinn, F P Roark, H C
Herrelson, W T Markwell, W H Reuthrauff, A
Hedrick, Wm Murphy, Thos Robinson, B B
Hess, R M Mason. T Sears, J T
Heldreth, J H McKenzie, A J Simons, J A
Hays, Chamey Mays, Joshua Simpson, Joe
Howe, N A Mc Brain, John Searcy, G W
Hall, Justus McCleary, G G Smith, O E
Hollis, J A Nelson, W A Stiles, Nelson
Jones, J P. Nelson, J D Summers, J W
Kralicek, Joseph Nelson, J F Slade, J P
Kralicek, Wesley Newby, Lee Simpson, Geo
Kimnear J A Nelson, Ivy Trimbe, Shelton
Keller, J S Nelson, .J L Travis, Jacob
Kennedy, W J Nelson, Jonas Willhoite, W F
Kern, W H Nelson, H. W Walton, F M
Liston, W R Ogden, F V Williams, J T
Liston, J O Ogden, B F Ward, Noah
Lewis, W Payne, R S Wood, W P
McElwain, J T Peck, A H Ward, J W
Miller Wm Ramseyer, P S Young, Harry

Drury P. O.
Gilbert, D N Peckenpaugh, P G Rhoads, J N
Gilbert, W W Raypholtz, Wm Rhoads, J A
Moulden, W R Raypholtz W S Rhoads, D N
Parker. Henry Rhoads, Wm Vanwegan, S D

Mulvane P. O.
Anderson, P S Ashworth, S Ashworth, R D

Ashworth, G S Hinshaw, G F Poter, N M
Ashworth, Wm Hilbert, John Powers, F A
Blaker, W W Howard, G S Proctor, C
Brysan, Wm Hoague, C S Reaves, T J
Brown, P S Jellingwarth, Jas Richmond, T V
Brenton, Simmons Jones, A Russell, Wm
Burnett, T B Kennedy, E A Russell, A B
Childers, M E Kennedy, W R Schoper, F C
Citistrum, J B Kennedy, S S Schoper, I E
Darnell, T M Kiblinger, G W Shores, G W
Darnell, H S Ladd, B Shull, N M
Davis, W Larison, C M Shull, E
Drummond, J B Loper, J D Shull, A
Dye, Jas Morris, F T Shade, Adam
Farney, J D McCleland, Geo Shaffer, W F
Fahnstock, J T Miller, H H Smith, E O
Feller, Fred Morris, A M Smith, A
Freeman, I N Morris, S E Story, Samuel
Freeman, W F Newton, Jas Sundback, I
Franks, M Newton, E Sugg, L F
Fultz, Daniel Newton, J M Swazie, J O
Harding, J W Nordean, John Swanson, Gus
Harman, J A Page Watts, S
Henderson, J Pinkerton, T William, Alvin
Helbert, G B Poter, S William, Wm
Hill, G W Poter, W M William, Alex
Hilbert, Chas

Udall P. O.
Anderson, John Burden, E A Holler, Geo
Anderson, J W Carlton, D M James, S H
Austin, J D Carpenter, John Jewitt, H C
Austin, C A Chenoweth, J W Jewitt, G A
Austin, W F Churchill, L C Kreps, H
Bloomershine, G E Cromley, Wm Mark, R
Bruce, J W Freeman. R McCutchen, R M
Brunker, Jas Grandall, Chas Olmstead, Wm
Buckles, R W Hawk, John Shoup, L S


Wellington P. O.
Ayres, S Hall, W B Rogers, J A
Baker, F H Jordan, J M Rogers, T W
Chinard, S F Jordan, Jacob Schlosser, John
Cooper, Frank Jordan, W H Sebring, H L
Deshler, Clark McCracken, Saml Showalter, J W
Deshler, Henry Myers, C Webb, J E
Elam, T C Myers, Levi Willis, Saml
Galli, C Nichles, Geo J Winter, J R
Galli. E C Rhodes, C W Wyckoff, W T

Knox P. O.
Bentley, W S Hubbard, H A McMahan, H L
Bowen, N M Hubbard, A E Massey, Wm
Bowen, F Hubbard, R H Fain, John H
Bowen Jefferson Jamison, J F Pomerey, Peter
Bowen, Finley Kincaid, W H Rogers, R R
Bogart, J H Knox, H C Snyder, Jas
Bogart, N J Leamaster, Frank Snyder, I E
Bynam, P L Logan, J A White, Thos
Hubbard, A R Logan, C W Winner, D J
Conger, Geo W McDermit, John

Cleardale P. O.
Bain, B S Fritts, John Morrill, M A
Ballard, Wm Fritts, R L Norris, W R
Brown, Clark Graham, J G Osburn, H B
Brown, J M Gray beal, S Pelham, G L
Cox, J A Hardman, J W Pugh, D L
Cummins, A M Jarboe, A Quarry, N
Cummins, H Kincaid, F A Querry, S
Cummins, John Knight, Peter Riley, Jas
Davis, J S Lewis, W B Rosecrans, W O
Davis, E A Mastin, Albert Rosecran, W H
Donagon, J F McEachern, J C Springate, C M
Donahue, J M McElhinney, W P Tompkins, R S
Foster, C W Middleton, J H Wartick, J F

dealer In
129 South Washington Avenue.

Dealers In
harness and Saddles,
South Haven., Kansas,

Real Estate, Loan & Insurance Agent
Office in Wewerka Block, Caldwell, Kansas.

Rome P. O.
Brothers, Edgar McManis, A J Osburn. M
Glasgow, W S Miller, John Spangler, A
Greenley, John Nolen, T M Tingle, Rolen
Jones, Saml

Concord P. O.
Eiklor, John McManis, J C Shewey, Daniel
Fultz, S R Reynolds, T A Williams, Jasper
Harbaugh, H F Rhodes, D W Wollam, W J
Hackney, P T Seamen, J F Wyckoff, J G
Holland, R F

Guelph P. O.
Ballinger, W A Fox, Wm Myers, Jno
Blake, E V Gregory, J W Nickel, J W
Bookwalter, E Hamilton, J Onstott, D S
Bookwalter, Geo Hamilton, J A Owen, Edward
Boogart, J E Henszel, August Owen, Wm
Bronaugh, T B Henszel, Geo Owens, A C
Brown, T M Henszel, John Parker, C M
Buridick, Jos Hodges, J W Parker, E R
Campbell, Reed Huffington, J S Parr, T
Carson, J N Huffington, J L Peters, W M
Carson, P S Hume, G T Peters, H J
Carson, C B Kendrick, S J Petigrew, D B
Cavender, H Keck, C Pickett, Newton
Dunbar, J A Keck, Lee Pickett, N A
Dunham, Samuel Keeper, J Plummer, T J
Falen, Andrew Keefer, C H Reynolds, E
Flick, Jno Kell, J Ridgway, D
Flick, Walter Khirkan, S Riggs, Samuel
Fleming, M F Lenn, B M Runyan, Thos
Fleming, H J McFarland, J H Sharp, D W
Fleming, T W McClaskey, C B Sharp, J R
Fox, Dory Miller, H D Sharp, F M
Fox, Ryland Myers, H M Sharp, G R

Shirley, Van Sullivan, W L Walters, W O
Suavely, J L Turner, E H Walters, G O
Snavely, J H Wagoner, J P Weddle, J A
Sparkes, Pleasant Wagoner, Stephen Withman, Lewis
Statten, Gilmer Walters, John

South Haven P. O.
Barry, W A Horne, G W Rouse, J A
Brann, W E Horne, H M Rouse, E
Brann, J A Horne, J A F Roberts, Jas
Brann, J L House, J F Rowland, W W
Brigg, T M Howland, Jos Ryland, Wm
Campbell Hunt, J H Ryland, W R
Camell, W T Jarvis, G F Shephard, Frank
Clifton, A B Jaunch, J W Smith, J W
Cochran, E E Jones, D W Smith, F M
Creed, F P Johnston, J M Sparks, J C
Denton. G W Judd, D J Strange, G W
Dickerson, J Knapp, G W Stauffer, John
Dray, Crocker Long, H J Sunderland, A
Eylar, Chas McComb, H J Sunderland, J S
Fagg, Joel Milligan, W A Thorpe, Robt
Farris, Z Z Moore, W E Thompson, G B
Flack, John Newbany, W N Ward, W A
Flack, Jas Norris, W H Ward, J A
Frazee, J Noble, J W Ward, S O
Glover, J F Oharn, Waller, A T
Henson, C H Odenweld, Chris Wertz, John
Horne, A L Oliver, F P ‘ Wollsey, G W
Horne, F S Patterson, Jas Wright, R L
Horne, N E Ramsey, A J

Cleardale P. O.
Allen, N W Beighler, Sam Brooks, H W
Anderson, G L Beighler, Geo Brown, Thos
Apt, Wesley Behimer, R H Burger, Isidore
Apt, H A Belvell, J J Byler, A H
Arnspiger, A M Bowmastor, John Campbell, Reed
Arnspiger, Henry Bogart, J W Cummins, Alex
Bartlett, C L Brooks, R M Cummins, H C

Davis, John Johnson, James Ruhl, A W
Donahue, H J Jones, Joseph Russell, J E
Donahue, A R Jones, Jessie Ryland, B F
Evans, S E Judy, W H Sevens, Norton
Evans, G D Kincaid. C E Shuping, H J
Evans, Saml Kincaid, A H Sharp, John
Evans, O F Keir, C A Sharp, J E
Evans, Ira D Keout, S Sharp, Lee
Ferguson, J E Kimmel, Geo Simons, A E
Fitzgerald, W J Lavering, I Smith, J E
Fitzgerald, A Levering, S H Snowden, A O
Fitzgerald, Peter Luton, John Springate, R A
Ford, W H Maple, M H Strange, Frank
Gilmore, G M Maple, L W Thorpe, Alex
Gipe, J W Maple, O W Thorpe, Jas
Gorman, Thos McNutt, J C Thomson, C F
Harris, Wm McCluskey, Jas Tolman, T P
Harris, Albert Patterson, Jas Truitt, R H
Hicks, J E Peters, J Truitt, Clemmy
Hicks, Saml Pile, E Weekly, Wm
Higgins, J W Rason, R S White, H N
Higgins, S A Risley, L A Willis, E D
Higgins, L H Risley, J G Williams, H M
Hodge, J P Rice, Jos Williamson, A PI
Huffman, E Rosell, Eugene Wolf, Adam
Jarvis, F J Ruhl, E F Young, H A
Johnston, W A

Hunnewell P. O.
Ahrnsbrak, John Estell, J S Johnston, J M
Bilile, Jos Farout, J B McDowell, A V
Brown, H V Ford, G H Mabem. J W
Brown, Edward Ford, G Payne, J L
Bunch, N B Foster, J W Rollier, Lewis
Bunch, H C Graham, O G Rollier, W T
Chambers, O L Hill, J N Stratton, N W
Chambers, Timothy Hosley, Theo Warrenbury, L G
Cooksey, T M Hull, O L Warrenbury, J IP
Cremer, Alex Hull, C C

Belle Plaine P. O.

Adams, L Elliott, Austin Lawless, J W
Adams, M Ficher, A Lawless, S
Adams, M Frost, F D Lilly, J A
Alexander, J W Gapan, John Mathais, F
Antle, J R Halifield, Wm Mitchell, A
Arnett, S C Henderson, B A Ohlman, H
Arnett, O Holliday, D Parliman, E W
Arkers, E Holliday, J M Pierce, Jas
Barrow, J H Horton, W B Redman, J E
Cardiff, M Huston, H Shay, I
Carnahan, A Huddleston, H H Siemer, D
Carnahan, J B Johnston, David Stoy, Geo W
Chestnut, John Jourdan, W G Troutman, M
Clark, L M Junken, A W Troutman,
Crouch, J H Lawless, J Vanderwark, B jr
Cross, B N Lawless, E B Vankenvark, V
Daly, Albert Lywless, Amos Waterson, S
Daly, A Lawless, Jacob Willey, F P
Ellis, M C Lawless, A J Willey, J D

Cicero P. O.
Angelo, L B Cross, J J Dorsett, S C
Artman, Wm Cunningham. M Dorsett, J C
Baxter, H Curry, G W Dorsett, J W
Botkin, A Curry. J E Dorsett, W M
Burford, W A Davis, J N Dorsett, S R
Carter, S B Denton, I Drake, E R
Calvert, W H Diemer, H W Drake, W B
Collins, J Diemer, F H Ellis, A
Cornwell, N C Dorsett, D W Ellis, E

Ellifutt, L Martin, B M Snodgrass, J S
Fauchier,.J J McCoin, J F Stewart, Geo A
Fauchier,G W Mendenhall, H Stiger, J C
Fauchier, E F Mendenhall, G A Stweard, W T
Farris, J S Mendenhall, C W Symns, H
Frazier, J R Morgan, R W Teague, M
Friend, Geo W Morris, J H Teague, J A
Gardner, W F Morris, M M Tesh, C A
Hackney, M L Montgomery, A I Waterburry, O E
Henderson, P D Nance, R D Waterburry, V K
Howard, J P Parsons, J. Wagoner, A
Howard, W C Paulus, D Wagoner, G W
Howard, Wm Pendleton, C A Wagoner, J A
Howard, J Phillips, R E Whitlock, Grant
Hobart, F Porter, Jas Williams, J H
Holliday, M Richard, R H Williams. E G
Linn, J M Ridgway, T J Wood, E A
Lomax, S D Rounds, G B Wright, Geo
Masoner, A C Rounds, V C Young, F
Maxfield, Wm O Robbins, J H Zimmerman, J J
Martin, J P Scott, W E

Wellington P. O.
Bolderson, M M Golightley, J Platt, Enoch
Edwin, A Hainesworth, Benj Rhoads, Jas
Freeman, Geo L sen Hainesworth, C Rogers, H
Freeman, Geo L jr Hardenbrook, Wm Sherrill, J W
George, N J Hollingsbrook, W G Thompson, E B
George, W Jewell, D Tracewell, Wm
Gifford, G W Johnson, J W Voht, Albert
Gifford, John Plank, E L Zimmerman, M

Millerton P. O.
Algets, Geo Best, H T Brammer, Wm
Anderson, B F Beery, Noah Burdge, J C
Barnes, D Brown, J R Bundy. B F

Cann, Sol Kaler, O C Reiff, Jos
Cherry, A B Ketchel, Geo Riggs, Wm
Clum, A C Kenedy, Jas Riggs, Martin
Cleary, Joe Kibbe, M H Rogers, D E
Clark, John Lane, E C Roberts, D H
Colhour, W C Laughlin, H Rumer, F
Colgate, G C Laurie, Martin Sackett, J W
Cochran, J W Leak, H E Schup, Ed
Croson, C E Leak, J D Shinn, J E
Dervage, H Malcolm, John Shreves, E D
Dervage, Jas. Malcolm, Arch Simpson, A G
Downing, D J Mann, Lark Sidal, L
Duncan John McPherson, J L Smith, D H
Duncan, J R McGetrick, Peter Smith, H
Elkins, L McIntyre, Grant Snavely, J E
Erwin, L M McIntyre, Alex Snavely, I B
Fisk, J R McNeal, J W Sparr, M L
Glaza, O H Miller, John Sbarr, A D
Green J H Hiakel, John Stratton Thomas
Haines, J G Morrison, T W , Stewart, W H
Haines, E C Murry, Wm Thorp, W R
Harrison, C H Murry, Yames Thorp, John
Harman, Abe Murry, M Thomas, G
Hering, Silaf Murry, Thomas Trpton, T H
Holiday, J II Paxson, John Trimble, Wm
Houser, J F Taxson, E T Uhler, Levi
Huffman, J W Pirerson, J W Waescn, H
Jennings, Gso Prilliman, H H Walkine, H
Johnson, B F Price, J S Weston, John
Johnson, John Reed. Jacob

Clearwater P. O.
Barber, Fred Dickey, John Martin, Joe
Bowman, J A Ducret, D Parker, A J
Bowman, S R Gilbert, D Peguot, Alden
Bodle, P S Gubitz, Fred Powell, J A
Carter, W T Hamilton, C M Sadler, A M
Carter, R P Jamerson, Thos Sautter, D
Clemmer, H C Lowman, Henry Swiger, Jos


Singer, W F Singer, M T Whitsell, John
Singer, J L Stewart, F Wright, S W

Dublin P. O.
Chaney, W D Hiett, A M Tooley, Geo

Purcell P. O.
Lupton, R Riner, H M Thomas, Geo
Purcell, W M

Armstrong, G D Hangen, Christ Prather, Wm
Armstrong, H C Heart, E Prather, D
Briggle, Geo S Heart, Geo Raney, W H
Briggle, M L Hogsett, R H Robinson, J C
Chamberlain, W J Hull, Thad Robinson, Wm
Chamberlain, Wm Jett, W M Smith, Nelson
Dryer, H Larrabee, W J Smith, Chance
Dryer, Duglas Long, Wm Snodgrass, S A
Erwin, Leward Macy, Eli Stands, J J
Fritchman, T W Macy, Perry Spear, W C
Funderburk, Jas McLean, Newton Taylor, H A
Funderburk, T McLean, Wm Todd, Geo
Garity, Henry McWhorter, R H Weaver, T 0
Garity, Jas Myer, Daniel Wickery, Sam
Good, F M Myer, Jacob Wickery, John
Green, E D Nelson, S C

Perth P. O.
Atterbury, L H Barbee, A C Compton, W J
Atterbury, W M Carroll, James Hawley, H I
Batchelder, J A Clark, James Henly, J D
Batchelder, J E Coles, W J Ketering, O
Barbee, W G

Ketering, Geo King, J Y Thompson. R O
Kimmel, A W Laux, C C Thompson, Jacob
Kimmel, W M McLain, Erwin Thompson, J W
King, Taylor Noland, A 0 Walling, W M

Home P. O.
Adams, Wm Finnefrock, M L Pfeifer, Geo
Albin, Wm Fleming, W Potter, T
Bartlett, S C Fox, Charlie Popplewell, W J
Barbour, Kelsie Franklin, B E Popplewell, John
Berry, W E Frame, Geo Popplewell, T H
Boory, Fred Frame, Henderson Putney, 0
Boulton, Levi Garrison, F F Putney, J F
Brankle, Lenard Gant, Thomas Putney, V B
Brown, John Garnand, D L Rahe, C H
Brothers, R S George, A Repp, John
Brothers, Wm Frieve, Fred Rineheart, Geo
Brothers, Scot Hatton, C Rineheart, John
Burly, R H Haton, G H Rice, H
Butcher, Wm Hagerty, James Risley, E L
Campman, Bob Johnson, C N Schall, Wm
Cowger, J L Jones, Zell Scaburgh, S C
Coshnett, M V Judd, N J Smith, Geo
Creighton, John Loller, J M Smith, C C
Cruse, John Mayo, B E Spoohr. Conie
Cummings, A Macy, J Spoohr, John
Davis, J C Miller, S W Stallcop, B
Davis, Jonathan Markley, M Stiger, John
Davis, Richard Marlin, Dan Stump, Charles
Davis, J B Murlin, C E Vail, J F
Davis S F Mackley, Jam Van Horn, Elwin
Davis, Lenis Ogden, J J Wade, W S
Desart, E M Omo A S Wakefield, W M
Elsas, John E Omo, Fred Wilson, Adam
Engel, C Perrin. Jacob Winens, Dave

London P. O.
Acton, John Dugan, Wm Monroe, L
Allen, T C Engel, L W Neal, R M
Allen, B F Gibson, Geo Nawfiter, John
Anderson, Wm Harris, B Ordway, L D
Bandy, F Hillbrecht, C Ordway, O C
Barnett, H Hitchcock, H Osburn, O F
Barnett, Geo Hitchcock, C E Patterson, W W
Beams, Jas Holmes, J D Patterson, W H
Bell, Jas Howe, G E Patterson, E E
Berry, C Howe, A Pickens, O S
Beeler, David Huff, A F Reynolds, Geo
Borum, S P Hughs, W H Sager, John
Borum, O Hurst, Mark Sager, Wm
Bowers, W E Hurst, H Schwartz, Fred
Booth, Chas Hurst, Levi Shields, J W
Brown, Chas Kerley, C H Schoeppel, M
Brown, M Kerley, R Siler, J L
Brown, L Kerley, Ed Smith, David
Bruner, S Kerley, David Stephens, J W
Brunscher, F Knowles, J A Stevens, H M
Bush, R I Knowles, Fred Stewart, T
Bush, Robt Lane, C Stunkel, H
Crone, John Leforce, W H Tuttle, N P
Clester, John Littrell, A J Ward, D D
Clester, Sam Lumsdon, John Wells, R
Crider, John Lumsdon, Robt Wells, S T
Cross, John Lynch, G C Weems, T B
Dailey, Jas Martin, A White, W R
Daniels, Wm Mennell, C B Williams, T L
Day. Jas Moffitt, S J Wooley, E

Clearwater P. O.
Armour, E J Chapman, J C Clemmer, T A
Carter, J E Chapman, Y Cummins, W H

Edgington, C E Hull, S V R Morgan, J A
Foriend, J Massingill, R H Nye, W H
Geisendorf, Louis Mathews, Wm Yersin, Marc
Gott, Wm McKittrick, J Yersin, Emil
Hammer, G E

Dublin P. O.
Anderson, R A Lipperd, C C Morrison, T
Bennett, J J McAbee, Wm Neal, G T
Bennett, L McAbee, E Ortz, Harry
Clough, W S McAbee, Frank Osburn, B F
Conner, Chas McCabe, G T Richard, G H
Costy, Chas McCafferty, A Skrewsberry, G H
Foster, Geo McGee, John Thomas, T J
Frantz, J Mercer, Wm Thompson, H
Harris, J Morris, J W Watt, Mart
Hiatt, J A Morris, GW Wills, C
Huebner, F Morrison, Jas Wills, J W
Lert, L

Wellington P. O.
Alloway, J R Demuth, David Meeker, Henry
Alloway, A Dorsey, W J Mooman, J M
Alloway, W H Elsworth, A T Mounce, J S
Alloway, John Graff, A Nixon, Thos
Applegate, G W Graff, H Nixon, Johnsen,
Barnes, Alex Heskett, J R Nixon, Adam
Barnes, Wm Hettrick, G W Nixon, Caleb
Barnes, Warren Hodge, A S Nixon, John, jr
Blakely, B Holland, Jas Oliver, J M
Blakely, Wm Hoover, W A Sloan, Oliver
Blakely, S R Johnston, H Teague, A J
Brown, J T Jones, C F Teague, R P
Burrows, R Lee, Geo Thompson, M M
Carr, Andrew Markel, J Vawter, T T
Conn, John Markel, C B Vawter, Geo
Demuth, Wm Markel, P G Wilson, E C
John G. Woods. President A. BRanaman, Cashier.
Paul WETZEL, Vice President, J. L. Wetzel, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00.
Wellington Kansas,
Does a general Banking business. Collections given special attention. Interest paid on time deposits.


Belle Plaine P. O.
Chaney, Wm Overstreet, Wm Smith, R C
Overstreet, A H Overstreet, E

Millerton P. O.
Chenoweth, L F Thomas, L M Thompson, J W
Craft, Fred

Caldwell P. O.
Payne. J W Penington, H Thompson, W L

Milan P. O.
Bryant, D W Henderson, P C Stiffan, Fred
Dillon, J F Holt, J F Simpson, J B
Dillon, J C Powell, J C Yates, Leon
Holt, H H Robertson, E A

Roy P. O.
Alton, J S Elder, E W Herst, D F
Anthony, N Ferres, Elmer Hull, C C
Allen, S F Freeman, G W Johnson, Chas
Burnett, J A Freeman, A L Johnston, Jos
Cleckner, J G Fay, Jesse King, S R
Cowles, John Gillett, J L Linch, John
Cowles, A J Hemberger, J Livingston, J
Durgin, O Hubbard, Jos Miller, John
Elarton, Robt Harrington, Jos Miller, Jos
Elarton, Wm Hadson, H Mason, Jas
Ernest, M Herrington, M Megill, D F
Eoff, Walker Harlan, E L McKean, H W
Everhart, J W Harlan, Elmer New Kirk, John
Elarton, W Harlan, O B Naylor, John
Elarton, Ed Harlan, H Naylor, C C

Parkard, B L Showalter, Wm Sayers, T J
Richart, J H Sloan, J D Showalter, A O
Ream, J W Shanklin, Geo Vaughn, J
Redus, R S Smalley, H S Walker, G W
Showalter, W T Shires, B T Woodward, E E

Argonia P. O.
Beal, Jno Hopper, J J Matson, L J
Burdick, F Henderson, A Pepen, G F
Bear, A Henderson, G Phillips, L N
Esterbrook, G Henderson, Jno Scadder, Frank
Esterbrook, T Hanson, J A Simpson, I
Fowler, Wm Holland, D C Scadder, J B
Fowler, Jas Hutton, A B Thompson, E P
Fowler, Jno Howard, Wm Warlow, D
Fuller, C PI Jones, S G Wendell, A
George, Mayne Johnson, J T

Doster P. O.
Darby, Jas Jordan, Wm Logue, Daniel, s
Darby, Wm Jordan, J J Pope, F M
Giles, Baker Jordan, G W Pope,Wm
Jordan, T R Logue, Daniel, jr Perringer, Geo

Freeport P. O.
Coake, G L Farrington, G F Reynolds, J B
Dyer, J S Farrington, A A Reynolds, G O
Dyer, Jno Jones, G A Wilson, W A
Farrington, E G Naylor, Jas

Mayfield P. O.
Abbott, Wm Barnard, J F Black, Arthur
Adams, Ansell Bently, Chas Black, Ed
Baker, J W Bently, Jack Brap, E M
Osborn township. 131.

Brummet, B F Harris, C F Scrivner, J T
Brown, Jacob Henry, W T Shobe, W O
Brown, Stephen Hilton, Seth Shumate, W H
Butler, J F Houck, IT S Simmons, Jackson
Calvert, John Hutchinson, G L Simmons, W H
Carter, J W Joseph, J H Smith, W H
Cash, L C Johnson, L N Snyder, G M
Conner, W F Johnson, J W Snow, Harry
Crabb, J R U Judd, Scott Steel, G R
Oreekmore, F B Knowles, W R Steel, Robert
Deering, Thos Margnort, Milton Stanton, Wm
Doering, J W Madcly, J M Stoffle, Sos
Dilling, D D Magille, John A Swartzell, L N
Bolen, G A McManomy, W Sweeny, Sam
Dolen, J E McCormick, A Tearce, L
Durham, J B McCosh, Allen Threlfall, M J
Easterbrook, W D Milon, Wm Threlfall, A A
Elexander, A E Mounce, J D Threlfall, E J
Evans, M F Munee, C W Threlfall, J P
Evans, Lee Niel, W IT Tilley, W P
Evans, Elias Nickle, W H Traughber, E E
Freeman, E T Nichols, R L S Turner, J W
Freeman, A L Nunn, J A Updegraff, A
Friend, T J Oathouse, J E jr Vandever, Jas
Gardner, Ivey Oathouse, J E sen Vandever, Milton
Gardner, Thos Ohara, M Vandever, J L
Gardner, Henry Parker, J H Vanslike, C A
Gardner, N T Pedigo, W P Walton, G W
Geil, John Penison, Isaac Walton, S V
Gibson, E L Penniwell, E J Wayland, Wm A
Gibson, A T Penniwell, Grant Wilson, A IT
Gilliland, J G Porter, John Wise, J H
Gilliland, Madison Roberts, C C Winstanley, J M
Harman, H D Rose, W C Wilber, O G
Harman, Ed Rose, John A Williams, Morgan
Hager, J W Robinson, A Wright, J T
Hart, W Roscow, P T Yeoman, Miner

Perth P. O.
Atkins, V D Erhard, T G Erhard, G N

Erhard, A C Moore, J W Scrivens, E D
Lamb, G W

Wellington P. O.
Adam, T M Markley, J E Vangant, C G
Bailey, Geo McKowen, Sam Vining, T E
Buford, J T McKowen, J M Water, Robert
Coban, R V Murphy, J T Wiggins, H H
Hann, N T Putnam, Jas Williams, L R
Huntsbarger, J Spencer, L K Wilkerson, Wm

Oxford P. O.
Abbott, D F Bhunnan, C L Buffington, J M
Alderson, R T Binkley, C P Burton, N J
Alderson, W A Blasdell, J E Bussard, G V
Alderson, J Bonser, L Bussard, J G
Alley, C Bogner, Jno Bussard, Joe
Alley, B F Bowdish, J L Butler, Geo
Atterbury, D W Bowman, W F Butterworth, S
Bain, J D Bowman, N Cain, D H
Bailey, Frank Boyd, C W Cain, A E
Bair, Abe Boyer, F M Caldwell, W B
Bartlett, N Brown, Hiram Campbell, W B
Bartlett, J W Brown, Jas Canfield, G A
Barnes, A H Brown, R B Canfield, N C
Barnard, A Brewer. J H Carson, Jno
Barrett, H Bruster, Jas Carson, W L
Banks, B F Bruster, J C Cornell, W B
Baxter, Jno Brams, A J Carr, F
Bay, M J Buckler, W M Gatlin, A O
Baughn, Jno Buckler, J M Clark, M L
Beaman, Wm Buckler, C Clark, C F
Beaman, J W Buckler, J A Chemrant, C M
Beckner, T A Buckler, H H Chemrant, Morris
Beck, R L Buckler, T C Chandler, L F
Bennett, W R Buchanan, L I Christner, J M

Cole, L Foster, J B Holmes, W L
Coltis, Jesse Frazier, Geo Holland, J A
Colligan, Jas Frazier, J H Hollingsworth, T A
Collins, M Frazier, S Holiday, W
Corethers, W H Frazier, W Houser, D
Corbin, J M Frink, A P Houser, Henry
Cordell, J D Furnas, S W Howard, C R
Copeland, A Golloap, E C Hoover, J C
Copeland, Wm Galiger. S S Hoosich, Geo
Cottman J D Gasaway, W H Humphrey, J C
Cooley, D W Gasaway, Ban Humphrey, S P
Converse, J S Gasaway, W O Humphrey, G W
Craig, T J Gardiner, J Hyde, M
Davis, O K Gaile, T Hyde, Ban
Davis, L E Gibson, W P Ives, L J
Davis, Frank Gilbert, P M Jackson, E
Dedrick, R Griffin, W P Jackson, C W
Dickerson, E C Griffin, D C Jackson, John
Dingers, T W Gwinn, L Jacobs, Chas
Dingers, S Z Halman, A Jarvis, D W
Dingers, R M Halman, Wm Jenkins, B F
Dorsett, Julian Haley, Wm Johnson, L
Dorsett, David Harris, L Johnson, J A
Dorsett, B J Harting, L Johnson, J R
Donley, T R Hardman, D M Johnson, S
Dota, Jno Hartzel, D Johnson, Shelly
Beta, Chas Hairland, Geo Johnson, E D
Droz, E H Harlan, C A Jones, J C
Droz, A Hardy. J Z Jones, Dan
East, S J Hahn, J J Kelley, J M
East, W H Hawk, S W Keller, M
Eckard, H G Plain, G R Keir, Wm
Eckard, Bob Herbig, H Kessler, T
Eichinger, W Herbig, Jas Keesee, R
Eparhart, D D Herbig, B B King, Aaron
Fargueson, B Herbig, N Kinsil, J W
Fenton, W Herbig, A Kranich, E A
Feiner, M Hill, H T Krotz, W
Fisher, J R Hill, W D Lashley, A
Flagor, Sam Hilyard, S Lasure Joe

Lawyer, E W Mills, J M Rice, Albert
Lonier, H A Middleton, W E Rice. A B
Lem aster, Eli Misseldine, B Riley, G H
Lemaster, S D Molten, W Robinson, J W
Lewis, G W Morton, Geo Rogers, J G
Little, H G Morgan, J M Rollings, C M
Little, Wm Morrill,W C Routson, Dan
Love, J W Morrill,A Russel, J D
Love, Geo Moore, Alf Sanders, I S
Lowry, B R Moore, Oscar Sherbur, W
Looker, Wm Moore, Jno Shoup, B
Lucas, Jno Mulliken, J S Shoup, A J
Lytle, M A Myrick, E H Sleigh, Joe
Haggard, J J Neville, J B Sleigh, Ed,sen
Martin, W A Neville, T J Sleigh, Ed,jr
Mavis, M Nestor, J Smith, W E
Massy, Henry Norris, W J Smith, H C
Marshall, G S Nottingham, J Smith, W H
Maddox, J H Nutter, J E Smith, Ed
Maddox, W C Osborn, C H Snow, J C
McQuilly, H Overly, S C Snyder, V
McQuilly, Wm Owens, J H Snyder, E
McKinney, D C Palmer, Chas Snyder, L
McKee, Geo Parker, J W Snyder, Geo
McCune, A H Perdue, J M Spitler, Geo
McDonald, J Perry, N W Spitler, J
McClure, Wm Phillips, L Soika, Matt
Melvin, Wm Pierce, W H Somerville, G A
Meredith, A. Porter, Moses Somerville, J
Metz, Ed Potter, W H Steele, Y
Metz, Clint Pontius, L D Steele, J M
Miller, F M Prater, Job Stevens, E
Miller, D B Price, Geo Station, J C
Miller, E S Rankin, P Stinson, R
Miller, Geo Reed, C F Stiles, G B
Miller, J R Reese,A M Stout, Frank
Miller, D O Reese, J F Stockinger, Dr
Mills, Geo Rhoads, S Tate, Frank
Mills, F M Rhyne, I G Taton, D
Mills, W L Rice, W E Taton, A

Thomas, C W Vanseoye, Joe Whitman, T J
Thomas, N O Veaile, Geo, sen Wilcox, Dan
Thew, F H Veaile, Geo, jr Wilcox, R T
Thew, W A Veaile, Jno Winsor, G H
Tilton, Jno Vorel, Louis Williams, J A
Tilton, C G Votaw, D E Wood, A J
Tilton, W A Votaw, Clias Woods, J L
Timme, Chas Walker, C D Woods, W O
Tolby, Dan Watson, Geo Worster, C S
Tolby, Jesse Watts, E M Wright, J W
Tolby, Silas Weckel, A H Yeager, J W
Tolby, S, jr Wengler, A Yohn, Frank
Tranghber, H Weager, J M Young, H J
Triska, J Wheitzel, H Zeiger, S
Uren, J T Whitman, J F Zeiger, D
Vandevort, J

Oxford P O.
Arrighi, A Hughes, Jno Pierce, D L
Baker, Jno Kerr, Wm Rothwell, J F
Baxter, Thos King, Melvin Shore, C C
Charteen, A J Lemasters, E Shore, W L
Collins, J W Lemasters, S Shore, A J
Collins, Calvin Malaby, C E Shannon, Jno
Collins, D Martin, G W Spencer, S M
Coyle, Jno Marsh, V A Spencer, W L
Crocket, Chas Morris, Wm Spencer, G
Crouch, F McCammon, F M Stobaugh, R
Crouch, Jno McCammon, T J Stobaugh, E M
Crach, Ellis McCammon, F P Stobaugh, Wm
Daniels, J J McKinney, J E Standlin, D
Dickenson. R C Meek, W R Wells, Jas
Harrison, Perry Meek, N H Whitman, J S
Heymbaek, Geo Millen, C Whitman, Jno L
Hinkley, N T Overly, T D Whitman, J A
Hoadland, Jacob Overly, Jacob Williams, Jno
Howard, W Owens, P Wreams, Geo
Hughes, Owen
Wellington P. O.

Jones, S B Shultz, J T

Belle Plaine P. O.
Barner, M Gurr, W Megonigal, R B
Barner, A S Hatfield, Ben Meece, J M
Berry, Jus Hatfield, Jno Meece, J H
Beard, F N Hatfield, Peter Moore, S
Bennett, Elijah Hatfield, Perry Nearing, M
Blair, F W Hatfield, Albert North, W S
Booth, J J Hatfield, A A Osborn, Wm
Booth, Jno W Hammons, T G Osborn, L E
Booth, Jos W Harness, O Ostrander, W
Booth, T H Harmon, S Overy, W H
Bruster, J D Harmon, J G Peddecord, T B
Carrothers, A Hathaway, C M Plymell, W
Carrothers, J S High, N Poovy, W H H
Carrothers, D C Horner, W A Prill, J H
Clodfelter, W Johnson, J L Reitz, J M
Cone, Eugene Jordan, E C Reitz, B L
Cone, A A Kersey, J M Reitz, B P
Cox, J H Kimble, S Reitz, J F
Cox, J S Kimble, Geo Richardson, T
Constant, A S Lipperd, J W Sawyer, A
Constant, J R Loer, T B Sabaugh, G P
Cronwell, T N Loer, A D Shay, W A
Cronwell, Stephen Lowe, Jos Shay, J A
Crookshanks, J B Long, W P Skimmer, A J
Daly, W Martin, C J Smith, O R
Dutton, W P Mason, T H Smith, E
Fisher, Geo Martin, C J Stanfelt, J C
Fisher, I J McMillan, Jno Tabor, M W
Fisher, Henry McMurry, A Tennery, J H
Fisher, L B McCainmon, T Temple, W
Good, I N McCammon, J L sen Vancuren, Isaac
Griffith, Hugh McCammon, J L jr Vancuren, Jno
Griffith, C C Kinney, L Vancuren, Wm

Widick, Jno Wiley, D A Woodring, L F
Widick, A Wood, E R

Milan P. O.
Adams, Wm Burges, Ras Goldy, S
Alexander, J E Bunker, F M Golden, J
Ambrevier, J Carperson, R V Good, S H
Ammon, H Chisom, A Greensted, A M
Ammon, Jos Coopran, Wm Gwinn, B
Armstrong, M Conn, Sam Hastings, W
Barnhill, N C Cooper, S T Harper, M
Barnhill, J E Cotton, S J Haynes, C A
Baird, Jno Cooper, J W Halstead, Ed
Bayly, J G Cotton, J E Henderson, M
Banks, J N Coalman, Geo Henderson, M A
Bassian, Joe Corsal, Eli Henry, J E
Beaddy, W A Colbertson, Wm Herron, Frank
Beck, Willis Crain, 0 High, F
Beck, Jno Crain, E High, Z K
Bears, Oliver Crain, Jno Hill, S A
Benedict, J Darringer, A Hill, Alf
Bensly, Jno Davis, Cary Hill, Andrew
Benetios, R Derrington, B Houser, S A
Benedict, A H Deffanbach, M Holt, A J
Beebe, O DeMoss, E Hough, G W
Billberrv, W J Duboah, F Hoagland, F
Billisor, J D Easter, E D Houseworth, A
Bissell, J E Edward, F B Hulsey, C M
Bissell, M Emmons, Jas Ingram, B F
Braddy, J N England, M B Ingram, David
Brown, T Farr, Jno Johnson, Jas
Brown, W R Fonts, J Johnson, Dan
Brailby, B Q Foster, F M Keeran, Thos
Burnett, G Foster, R S Kell, G H
Bunch, W V Foster, C Kell, Jno
Bunker, P A Gill, Ed King, Rob
Burnsides, Jas Goodwin, 8 Lewis, S J

Lewis, J M Patterson, James Stayton, E
Lewis, L J Paysley, H Stewart, E T
Lee, G H Pitts, W E Stocking, R
Lysner, J E Plank, M J Tattershell, W
Marshall, F T Prunty, J D Taylor, J M
Mann, John Quinn, O P Thornburry, C
Mayall, R Reddy, Wm Trusdale, H
McMillan, II Rosliett, S Turner, Geo
McClure, Jos Row, J D Vail, C S
McKinney, A Robaelter, C Wallis, H H
McKinney, Geo Robson, F M Wallis, W J
McCama, G Robinson, J E Warner, Geo
McCudy, A Roberts, B B Warner, C
McNeal, G H Roberts, J H Warner, B A
Miller, O R Service, S Warner, Alt*
Miller, F M Shaffer, A F Warner, A
Miller, John Shaffer, Chas Wagoner, J
Milne, Geo Shore, F M Weaver, J E
Moore, Geo Shaw, Jas Wist, O P
Moffett, T O Shobe, H Wilson, Wm
Morgan, N Slavor, Wm Winstanley, Q
Myers, A Smith, M William, J J
Nottingham, N Southwick, R William, S S
Nottingham, GT Southwick, A Wilkerson, W
Fybery, A S Southwick, Clarence Wood, N N
Oldham, M A Southwick, L Wright, B P
Ostrander, L Stillwell, G J Wykoff, T
Otis, J M Strawser, Jacob Sater, J S
Patterson, T W

Wellington P. O.
Adams, F M Baker, L J Bradey, B M
Arnett, L S Baird, S M Burrows, Benj
Atkins, J J Blewett, C E Burrows, R M
Ate, Leonard Botfcorff, C N Burrows, W R
Ate, James Bottorff L W Carroll, F W
Barker, Warren Brown, Tazewell Campbell, J K

Camp, Jno Frambers, D 0 McMath, W H
Camp, R T Garrett, Thomas McConkey, A M
Cart, G M Gentry, C E McArdle, Jno
Cart, Wm Gift, J F Metcalf, T A
Carrothers, Jas , Grice, S J Metcalf, M B
Childers, G W Green, W E Megee, J B
Childers, R Graffy, Jack Morrison, Wm
Childers, R R Harman, Geo Morrison, Harvey
Childers, Jesse Harrison, W H Montgomery, J B
Conn, W S Hale, S R Morris, C
Corban, G M Hart, Jas Orner, W H
Conner, C M Hart, C H Pyler, E
Conner, W H Heskett, J R Park, Thos H
Copeland, M Heskett, J W Palmer, Joseph
Crocker, L L Heskett, B F Parkinson, R
Curtis, C F Henderson, P D Patten, Jas
Cummins, H H Henry, T J Plummer, R F
Davis, Jos Health, R W Plevin, Hugh
Davis, J H Heaps, M J Reed, C E
Daily, W D Hitt, D A Reed, F P
DeArmond, W L Hitt, Geo Reed, W T
Donnelly, W H Hitt, Frank Ream, Wm
Dolson, C H Holmes, G W Rissell, Jas
Dunwoody, J Holmes, O B Robbins, W H
Eaton, Thos Hood, R M Rockwell, Thos
Eaton, Thos J Hood, C R Rockwell, Q
Edmondson, J C Hood, S H Ross, J A
Edmondson, W F Hummel, J B Russel, Thos
Fitzhugh, W H, jr Hutchinson, T J Schlobohn, Henry.
Fitzhugh, W H, sen Hunt, M H Schlobohn, Louis
Finney, Jas Isow, W M Strickland, W J
Forsyth, H A Johnston, Geo Street, D M
Folsom, W H Johnston, A D Stevenson, David
Frank. Geo Lee, John C Strevey, H B
Frank, S L Little, Perry Straw, Harmon
Frank, B L Mathews, B D Swan, J M
Frank, B B Mathews. Wm Swan, J D
Frantz, J H Mathews, J W Swift, Albert
Freese, S B Martin, S A Sylvester, J C
Frambers, H L Mann, F M Terhune, M
140. South haven Township

Thompson, S G Voorheese, J W W Wynn. John
Tilden, H J Wallace, Ed Yeatman, A O
Trekell. Franklin Wat.sun, J F Youmans, J E
Vanmeter, Jas Wathews, M H Ziglar, J D
Vernard, T W Wood. W H

Cicero P. O.
Adams. Wm Lawless, Reuben

South Haven P. O.
Adams. David Brown, H W Davis, J W
Adams, J S Branscomb, C O Davis, .1
Adams, D Bratehes, Chas Davis, J S
Adamson, O M Bruner, M Dennis, AG
Agnew, C M Butcher. H L Dodson, W D
Alespire, J W Butler, Frank Dodson, R H
Arnold, W A Bunch, J M Dunbar, Thos
Baleman, J H Burdick, Sam Dunbar, Wm
Baker, N W Burdick. I L Dunbar, David
Beck, David Carringer, M Dunaway, J N
Bell, Wm Cannon, H Eckert, J T
Bennett, Harry Chenoweth, J S Eckert, Adam
Bereiter, Henry Childers. J M Ellison, Riley
Blackwelder, John Chaney. J W Ellison, I B
Blackwelder, E Chenoweth, W S Elliott. A G
Blue, H M Clark, Davis B Elliott, M H
Blue, J F Clark, Wm A Evans, Wm H
Black, A J Clark, J M Evans, L
Boggers, E F Clockner, A B Fetters. L N
Brothers, A M Cooper, S Feeser, J G
Brothers, F M Coakman, I Fitzgerald. Frank
Brown, A W Goate, Jesse Foy, A G
Brown, R A D Collins, C M Foy, Jas G
Brown, J C Conley, T H Foy, J B
Brown, R M Cushman, C I Foy, I A
Brown, J M Cummings, W C Foy, A E

Franklin, W E House. D B McGlaughlin, S R
Funderburk, Jno House, J W McCandless, C R
Geeslin. Ben C Hoppes, Marcus McDowell, O H P
Geeslin, David Hoppes, A M McPhee, J J
Gibson, W O Horton, J M McKay, Riley
Glass, Benj Hortnn, Wm A McMillen, Edward
Glassgow, N L Hockenberry, Jay McDowell, ,1
Gorden. Robt H Hockenberry, H A McDowell, E F
Goadman. John Hoag. I J McHenry. Ed
Gott, Frank Horn. E l McGinnis, W S
Goodhue, G H Hoppel, John McKee, .J A
Gontz, W H Hunt, I A McKahan, C C
Goutz, J A Hunter, Thus Mills, J R
Granthan, J E Hunter, J W Mills, C L
Gregg, C B Hunter, Geo Miles, E L
Grayham, Joe Ikeman. Fred Miles, Jesse
Guthrie. Wm Jarvis. John Miles, H L
Hawkins, I L Jarvis, Robt Miller. W W
Hagee, Albert Jay, J C Morrill, E A
Hadson, Wm H Jay, .J T Moore, E J
Hammer, Jos Jesser, Wm Moore, G W
Hartranft, Saml Jones, F M Moore. W G
Hatfield, Chas Keesling, Jacob Mohn, John
Hatfield, John Kelley, Andrew Mohn, E E
Haskins, Squire Kenneg, W B Moss, C W
Haskins, Harrison Kirkland, H J Moss, R W
Haskins Emery King. G W Moss, D A
Hannah, J B D Kleinsleiber. G F Moss, D D
Hardesty, G W Kline, S Mock, J A
Hamilton, E W Kline, I A Mock, S B
Hanlin. Saml Kurtz, John Morse, W H
Hefley. J L Kurtz, Geo I Musgrove, J R
Heizer, W A LaVance. A Musgrove, L S
Heizer, N C LaVerne, John Musgrove, M
Hedgcock, Coston Lee, J E Musgrove, Lem
Hedgcock, I H Lee, Wm Murry, I A
Henderson, J M Lile John Murry. D I
Helmricks, R G Mason, Wm R Murry, J D
Hemstreet, H McGregor, Robt Nave, Delmont
Hick,Jasper McClellan. C M Nave, Wesley

Nash, A M Robinson, C W Stow, M M
Neisler, M E Robinson, D P Stow, Leonard
Noble, S B B Robinson, E Sutton, Z N
Noble, S C Rogers, Wm H Sumter, W R
Noble, J H Roberts, W B Tate, J J
Norris, G G Rosell, E I Tate, Wm D
Nutt, Saml Robinson, F M Thompson, L
Nugent, E H Robinson, J F Tilbury, H W
Oldenburg, Henry Ryland, M L Tilbury, Carey
Parson, Jesse Sayrs, Saml Tindell, J N
Pennypacker, D H Sanders, M B Todd, Chas
Pennypacker, O P Sanders, A F Tonlin, H H
Peckham, J C Salter, Geo W Troutman, Ezra
Peckham, J W Schell, Geo Traytor, J H
Pedigo, Asher Selby, Henry Troutman, J C
Pickering, L A Sheres, S S Tsenary, J H
Prough, Saml Simms, Alvin Vanfossen, H
Quillen, P F Sitton, Jesse Viditton, S R
Quillen, J W Skinner, A Walcher, M L
Ray, P H Smith, J P Walling, H R
Reese, M V Smith, John C Wagon, C B
Reese, L B Somervill, R F Walden, Chas
Reggs, J S „ Speer, W P Warranburg, J N
Repp, C D Strange, A Webb, S C
Reid, J R Strange, John M Whedbee, E A
Reynold, W I Strange, A C Whitaker, J P
Riggs, Stephen Strange, J L M White, Saml
. Riggs, A R Steel, Jas Whitehead, Jas
Riggs, E M Steel, J A Whitehead, Wm J
Rinker, Jas A Steel, E B Wickoff, J M
Rigdon, W M Stewart, W J Wickoff, S W
Riley, J I Stephens, Ezra Williams, Rufus
Ridenhour, A M Stephens, David Wicker, J M
Richmond, JP Stroup, M P Wicker, John M
Richmond, E G Stroup, M Yarnell, J L
Richmond, Jesse

Hunnewell P. O.
Atticks, Henry Avery, Thos Barber, Saml

Baugh, L F Hamilton, J H Moore, G W
Baugh, O P Hamilton, C C Mulkie, W
Beacock, W L Hebling, Geo Murry, I A
Birch, Geo Henry, H Parker, C F
Bowers A J Helm, Peter Parks, John
Bricker, M Horsley, W M Parks, L A
Brafford, J P Horsley, Jas Parks, C A
Brewster, J O Hollcraft, Frank Parks, R N
Briggs, Sidney Jennings, G W Piatt, A
Brian, J O Jennings, W P Russell, Chas
Clevenger, A G Jones, Chas Shirley, L H
Clark, B F Jones, W C Smotherman, Lewis.
Cook, G W Iveir, Robt Stewart, John
Crow, H H Lawrence, Rich Stoneburger, J V B
Crow, E H Lawrence, W H Suliven, Tim B
Daugherty, Peter Lawhead, H W Tannie, M R
Day, D M Langdale, J J Teswillger, F P
Douglass, W R Langdale, Frank Tibbitts, Riley
Edwards, T M Langdale, J A Tibbitts, Jef
Fitzgerald, Wm Langdale, A A Tronson, G
Fitzgerald, Frank Laycock, G W Tracy, Anthony
Foresyth, R M Little, J A Tracy, Chas
Garrett, C C Livingston, John Vanderven, Wm
Gilmore, Ernest Lott, F M Vanhook, Geo
Goad, S M Maben. S S Vickus, J S
Green, J A McKinney, J W Whitaker, Andy
Gray, Wm McDowell, E E Wicks, W W
Gray, Jas McDowell, OHP Wilson, R J
Hale, Q McDowell, J M Wilson, Jackson
Hale, F A McPhee, J J Wilson, Jas
Hale, L E McKay, Riley Wright, IT T G
Hamilton, Jackson McMillen, Edward Wright, A L
Hamilton, Peter

Rome P. O.
Adams, David M Brown, L R Heizer, C E
Alderson, A J Brown, Louis D Martin, Chaw
Alderson, J W Butcher, Preston Morehart, Henry
Brown. N H Bymaster, D W Mowls, J E

Published by Press Printing Company
A. L. RUNYAN, Editor.
Sumner County Press. props.
Official Paper of Sumner County.
The Paper That Pays to Advertise When Others Fail to do so.
It has a larger circulation in Sunnier county than all the papers published at the county seat combined.
Therefore it is the Cheapest and Best Advertising Medium.

Raffensperger, J N Whitten, R S Wilson, E O
Spear. A L Whitten, Easton Wilson S D
Walcher. V S Whitten, D L Wilson, L D
Walcher, Ben J Wherritt, J W

Conway Springs P. O.
Barnes, J E Elias, Chas Jones, I G
Bell, Geo Erwin, Abe Jones, A S
Bostick, Wm Fetterolf, J H King, Daniel
Boyce, B Frantz, Wm Knittle, Dan
Boyer, H E Frantz. S C Lamedee, J H
Burns, Pat Francis, S A Lindsay, J H
Carr, P A Freeman, H C Lowry, G A
Carr, Jacob Fulkerson, R Mathes, J C
Carr, Martin Funk, Levi McCammon, G B
Carr, J W Gorham, A L McCammon, T
Carr, J D Gorst, W W McCammon, John
Cheyney, D Grove, Henry McCary, J C
Cheyney, C A Grove, Ben Mercer, F P
Cline, H Grove, John Middaugh, Geo
Conley, Wm Hahn, A J Middaugh, John
Conley, John Haverstock, H Monnet, S C
Conley, Jas Hawley, F N Mountcastle, W D
Conley, Wm Hawley, W S Neher, J H
Conley, D Hedrick, L Plaugher, Sam
Coutlet, B B Hedrick, W A Plaugher, J W
Coutlet, W H Henderson, J F Price, Theo
Cornell, G W Herington, J Rerick, Silas
Cox, J H Hock, Martin Rerick, J G
Cripe, Eli Hock, Adam Richardson, T S
Cripin, Alvin Hock, H B Right, Robt
Cropin, F A Hoover, N Robison, M
Curtis, J G Jackson, Wm Sloan, G W
Darland, A C Johns, W N Skiles, Dan
Duncan, T E Johnson, Wm Smith, Lewis
Edwards, Wm Johnson, John Snowden, F M
Eikenberry, A Johnson, F S Snowden. W
Snowden, Seth Thompson, J B Wise, John
Simmons, Chas Trovel, Jake Wise, E A
Simmons, John Trovel, Jos Wolf, Wesley
Stanley, Zeke Walker, Jas Wogoman, M
Staton, John Weatherbee, C Wycoff, Wm
Taylor, Geo

Argonia P. O.
Achelphol, Fred Hammond, H D Ryal, R A, jr
Achelphol, J H Hammond, J Ryal, O R
Adair, C T Haworth, J L Ryal, E D
Baggs, Caleb Haworth, W R Ryal, John
Baggs, John Haworth, L E Shawberg, Wm
Beals, A H Haworth, M Shoeber, C
Bevan, L O Haskins, D W Simmons, David
Bland, W A Hedrick, E Springer, Chas
Bland, L B Hill, H H Tannehill, Jas
Boyd, M W Kingsley, S J Thomas, A
Boyd, Thos Kingsley, E Thomas, David
Butrum, J C Kuntle, W Thompson, A
Canaday, B F Leavenworth, L B Treff, W C
Devoit, Frank Lewark, Frank Trout, Ben
Doling, H McNeal. S A Trout, John
Gant, J M Mitchel, J D Walker, E
Gant, S Montgomery, D Weeden, O C
Hammond, C S Oiler, J H Widick, Albert
Hammond, Warren Omo, A P Widick, John
Hammond, Wm Osterloh, H Williams, J N
Hammond, L B Richards, Wm Woodring, D
Hammond, A W Robertson, J F Woodward, Wm
Hammond, R S Ryal, R A, sen

Ewell P. O.
Andre, Fred Burger, John Chism, Jas
Bebee, J B Burger, Jack Crookshanks, S
Bebee, B L Burchinal, A J Davis, F M
Biggerstaff, S Boatright, W T Dawson, Sam
Bishop, R L Chism, John Falon, David

Fewgate, R B Lee, W G Reinhart, Fred
Garrity, Mat Lucus, James Reinhart, Geo
Gee, J P Malaby, W B Spencer, H
Hall, J H Moore, Jos Strait, H
Hyten, W T Moore, Ed Strait, M
Johnson, J M Murphy, C J. Thurlow, J
Lang, C Pite, John West, Geo
Lang, Louis Rector, T C Wilson, M A
Lawhorn, J J

Milan P. O.
Bagent, Wm Morrison, T A Starboard, E W
Byers, P Shea, Timothy Jr Strait, Milton
Byers, A Shea, Timothy Sr Speaker, S
Cloyd, Joe Staley, Jas Wheeler, F L
Hasbrook, Jno Staley, Jake Wilson, G C
Julian, B F Staley, G Yarnell, Wm
Monroe, Jno

Sunset P. O.
Carnes, W H Hartman, Isaac Monday, L
Dickhut, H Hiatt, G Slocum, A P
Harman, S G Monday, H Slocum, C M
Mayfield P. O.
Fagan, J G Gardner, H P Sullivan, M
Fagan, Jno . Norris, R H Sullivan, Jno

Wellington P. O.
Barts, J S Cress, A J Day, Wm
Beitel, H J Cress, F L Good, W B
Botkin, Simon Cross, J K Good, P Z
Bonham, J V Cross, S B Gilliland, Andrew
Burton, O G Day, Nathan Gilliland. A J

Gilliland, J W Johnson, J A Morgan, P
Greathouse, L F Kimsey, J B Myres, B F
Hannon, Adam Kimsey, J E Myres, J H
Harris, S O Lindsey, W R Noteware, Frank
Haughey, J D Lindsey, Miller Noteware. John
Hall, Jacob Love, John Ragon, E A
Hazle, T B Love, Jas Ross, B
Hepperly, J H Love, Ephriam Seitz, Henry
Hepperly, David McBride, Chas Seitz, J A
Helme, A McJVIullen, R Shackleford, L M
Helme, E McMullen, Wesley Shackleford, J A
Hirons, Jos McMullen, Albert Sherman, John
Hofield, P Meuser, Chas Wakefield, A
Hodges, J E Meuser, Wm Wood, Clay
Hobbs, David Moulton, H Wright, Henry

Conway Springs P. O.
Beal, Siles Fulkerson, J A Lile, M A
Bishop, E Hare, E McBride, Thos
Bishop, S C Haimer, J F McBride, S J
Bratcher, J E Hisington, Lewis Otis, H S
Burkdoll, E F Hisington, Jesse Ritchie, J T
Cole, H A Holley, I T Stanley, J M
Cromer, J Holloway, A Stanley, G M
Duncan, J R Holloway, J Stanley, A E
Edwards, O D Jacquins, J N Wallace, Anson
Fauchier, J E Johns, J Wallace, J R
Fauchier, O Johnson, O D Wilson, S L
French, T H Lewis, Allen Wigins, Ed

Mayfield P. O.
Davis, F A Howe, Ed Twyman, J W
Dear, H L Hill, T C Vaughn, A C
Gifford, Chas Strange, W R Wells, P
Gifford, J B

Purcell P. O.
Adams, F M Carey, B

Milan P. O.
Barnes, C M Green, J W Huffman, J W
Dixon, C C Hisington, Jeff Huffman, G W
Dixon, B F Hisington, L W Kibbe, M F
Green, J

Oxford P. O.
Alexander, J M Jolly, J W Ross, D
Brown, Ed Johnson, G D Roberts, Ira
Broadhurst, W A Knowlton, M L Scott, T C
Carr, Jno Krotz, W Scott, Frank
Carr Stephen Krotz, Mike Scott, W A
Chapman, J M Kurtz, Albert Shmidle, Jno
Cornell, W H Lake, H N Somer, Jas
Cornell, E Lohman, A Somers. W
Cooper, Isaac McFadden, Jno Spence, J A
Dedrich, E H Moore, S S Spence, J M
Emde, Fred Moore, A B Spence, Thos
Frazier, Jno Nice, J R Spoon, J W
Green, Wilkinson Noel, Jno Swan, Thos
Hamm, L Oiler, H S Swan, W F
Hendrix, N Osburn, Jos Templin, W
Hoge, Z W Patton, John Thomas, L
Hoge, F J Patterson, J D Tilton, E W
Holiday, Jas Patton, Geo, sen Turpin, Jas
Holman, J T Patton, David Vanlangvelt, John
Huffman, Peter Patton, Edward Whited, Frank
Jackson, R R Perkins, John E Wright, R H
Jenkins, A S Potucek, Jos Wright, J B
Jenkins, Geo Potucek, John Yeager, Jos
Jolly, Jackson Reser, J W Yeager, F N
Jolly, Chas Riggs, J W Young, Jas

Geuda Springs P. O.
Axley, Jas Berkey, J H Bigger. Adam

Bixler, J D Heftlinger Fred Riggs, J T
Bixler, M He ftlinger, Alonzo Rowland, W L
Burton Thos Hefftlinger, Elijah Stockton, S D
Bricker, Thos Herrick, Frank Stockton, R M
Chaplain, R P Huston, Dan Tankeresly, B R
Culligan, Benj Jones E H L Thornburg, Geo
Dale, Henry Jones, J T Ward, S L
Eehtemach, J H Jones, Wm Wertick, Anthony
Furquharson, Jas Manley, John Walker, A A
Felter, W W McKiney, W D Willard B
Filter Thomas, Miller, Geo Willard, E M
Hagg, John Pipes, Richard Woods, Geo
Hammond. S C Quinn, James Wright, C E
Hambree, H L Riggs, S S

Cleardale P. O.
Chamberlin, J D Huffman, W M Montray, J M
Cummings, Neiah Huffman, Geo Poteel, J T
Freeland, W R Johnson, A B Tennant, Simeon
Haws, Geo Justus, W A Vaughn, Jas
Haws, John McGhee, Geo A Ward, Paul
Haws, John B McEchein, Call Wartick, W E
Haws, Robert Millar, Geo Wright, T H
Haws, J W

Wellington P. O.
Jones, J M Paton, Geo, jr Seman, J M

Geuda Springs P. O.
Acton, A G Alten, J S Armstrong, Harrison.
Acton, A H Allen, Jas Archer, J J
Acton, E L Allen, G Q Athino, A C
Acton, O B Anderson, O M Atterburg, J D D

Axley, Geo W Echternach, John A McGloughlin, D A
Axley, J S Edwards, A C McIntyre, D A
Bannister, A Fass, S H McCormick, S H
Barnard, C Ferwald, E McComber, Wm
Barns, Benj Ferwald, T C McCain, Frank
Berkey, W T Foutz, Byran McCutcheon, A B
Berkey, W M Gorden, Wm Melick, B K
Begun, Henry Goss, H S Miller, J W
Behimeo, M J Goodard, L B Mills. Robt
Biler, Q M Hadicake, Wm Moore, John
Bixler, Isaac Hatching, G R Moore, Joshua
Bovvers, Wesley Hendrix, S P Myers, J M
Boon, R B Hendrix, C T Neer, S A
Boatright, Jacob Heisinger, Geo H Newton, J D
Bonto, Jos Hickey, Clarence Osburn, Daniel
Bricker, Jos Holland, O G Pallon, L S
Bricker, R B Hollingsworth, Wm Paul, J H
Bricker, John Hollingsworth, J Phillips, J T
Brown, D F Hough, S Powell, J N
Brock, E A Hunt, A M Post, Edgar A
Brock, Z Jones, John S Post, Simon
Brink, V H Jones, John H T Post, H T
Buxton, Rufus Jones, Clement L Prouty, D H
Buxton, G H Jones, James, S Quick, A L
Bumgardner, J O Kelso, J O Reynolds, F R
Bumgardner, H H Kenyon, N C Reynolds, Geo
Bumgardner, Eugene Kimes, J A Reynolds, John
Capper, Tobias ICimers, J D Reynolds, Ellsworth
Caldwell, J O Larson, Hans Reireh, Wm
Carpenter, A T Larson, Wilhelm Rice, Wm
Carpenter, Albert Limsey, T Roney, J_M
Chapman, Wm Long, L W B Robinson, J L
Cowen, Chancy Loter, H S Robinson, Geo M
Corby, Geo W Love, R C Rogal, Titos
Corby, Saml Love, W C Russell, J F
Coppenbarger, J R Lorey, Elias Russell, D D
Crimble, Wm Mardis, J A Ballade, FT
Davis, F D Marung, Geo Sample, Moses
Davis, Morris Manning, J W Sample, Lewis
Dickinson, A Mason, J W Schofield, Aaron

Schofield, W H Stiner, Geo Ward, L E
Seroggs, H C Stiner, Tobias Ward, Orrin
Sherborn, Elmer Stiner, Elmer Walker, W H
Sherborn, G W Stiner, A J Walker, A H
Sherborn, W J Strand, Leander Weaster, D W
Sherborn, I W Steward, Jno T Weathers, J C
Shirm, Levi Sullivan, Jos Weathers, C E
Shirm, Reason Teichman, J A Weller, E
Shirm, Wm Thompson, E R Willard, C B
Sims. J A Tomb, Alonzo Wierman, A H
Simmons, A B Trenary, Geo Wilday, C A
Simmons, Geo Trenary, Joseph Woodside, J C
Simmons, Harry L Trimble, P J Woodside, Chas
Simmons, H T Tritch, J G Yeoman, C H
Smith, O H Varner, W S Young, F G
Smith, L M Wade, E E Young, Wm
Spence, T J Wade, T A
Gnelph P. O.
O’Hara, A Abshear, John Harland, Geo F
Peters, Chas Arnett, T 0 House, Dodridge
Peflit, C Baker, Wm Hobbs, Alfred
Pickett, G H Bellville, Dodge Johnson, John
Pickett, J S Biggs, Geo Johnson, John W
Ross, Alexander Bond, H W Johnson, Orie
Stewart, Isaac Brinson, J Johnson, Frank
Teter, Geo Caven, T L Kepler, John
Thompson, H J Caven, J H Keller, Abaraham
Tibbitts, A H Chishain, Moses Keown, Wm H
Tibbitts, L E Crick, Geo L Kivetts, Alfred
Wenworth, Wallace Crick, G B Lewis, S E
Wenworth. C M Crick, John Lewis, John A
Wenworth, F Criger, Geo A Lenox, Jonn
Wenworth, Clayton Crocker, C M Lovelace, J N
White, A J Davis, M MeCloskoy, John
White, Geo Dilworth, C E McCloskey, Isaac
Williams, Geo H Dunn, J J Megreeday, W R
Williams, A T Gile, J A Mowery, J R
Work, R J Gole, J W Myres, H S

Work, Alexander Work, Geo M Worrel, Rings
Work, Julius Work Lawrence Young, B

Bitter Creek P. O

Austine Emanuel Ewing, J H McMillen, D
Austine Samuel Feagen, J C Metcalf, Geo
Barber, C F Fester, Julius Presburg, Geo
Beach, Elijah Hart, G W Pritchard, Joseph
Beach, Chas E Hensen, J P Randolph, E F
Berg, John Hollenbeck, John Sands, Israel
Bonto, Mavan Hollenbeck, A B Sands, Frank
Casile, Joseph Hollenbeck, Peter Saint, H F
Christian, John Johnson, James Scott, Thos
Coggins, D F Jones, I L Smith, John B
Coggins, Isaac T Jones, J W Stine, Adam
Dean, Jas. A Keller, Wm Stine, Edward
Dean, John Kelso, M F Stine, Jacob
Dean, Jas A Larkins, John Strong, D A
Dean, Albert Larkins, Wilson C Vickery, I M
Downing, Josiah Marshall, O H Warner, Lavnia
Downing, L. Manwarring, Samuel Wheleer, J
Downing, James McMillen, A M Wilson, A
Ellis, Frank

Arkansas City P. O.

Annis, O W Feagens, D F Hoagland, C C
Blackman, D S Feagens, Thomas Krinkle, J D
Blasiure, John Felton, M A Keown, T D
Brennen, Joshua Gates, John M McCain, Chas
Curry, S M Gates, E M McCoy, W R
Eckel, John O Gates Alpheus Nichols, Peter
Fair, W H Huft, John. Nichols, Henry
Feagens, Daniel Holt, Howard Porter, O

Cleardale P. O.

Abshear, A Buckmaster, W Buckmaster, Jasper s

Burnett, BTC Elliott, W P Schafer, L O
Butts, Danl Hodge, Wm Sharp, Isaac
Butts, Isaac Jones, W A J Sharp, Peter B
Cawood, L C Jones, Geo A Sharp, F M
Coon, M M Lee, John Sharp, Geo W
Edwards, J C Lenox, John Werther, Emil
Edwards, Owen Proter, W O Young, W W
Elliott, John L

Allen. J H Cann, A Faror, I S
Albert, J Cense. A Fish, G H
Altman, O W Chenowoth, W B Flandro, C E
Anderson, Jas Claywell, J H Forbes, C E
Aubrey, W F Clay. W D Foraker, W G
Avery, M Clements, T B Frable, S
Banks, J Cole, I D H Frable, W J
Banks, W R Cole. J L Francis, W M
Banks, A J Crawford, H C Frack, S
Barton, J S Craine, W Fultz, A
Barton, E Craine, J R Funk, W
Bailey, G W Craig, J W Garver, ,J
Beliel, J Davis, J W Garver, C J
Beliel. P Davis, A W Gasaway, J F
Beard, J W Davis, J A Geiger, S P
Black, A M Deihl, G B Geiger, C E
Borger. O C Dickman, T Geyer, I
Botkin, J Dobbins, A Geyer, J
Botkin, A Douglass, L B Geyer, J M
Botkin. F L Drips, G W Gooch, T J
Bowerman, T S Dunaven G M Gore, S R
Bowers, H Dunaven, T Gray, H
Brown, J Q Dunaven, E L Gurr, G C
Camp, G A Dugan, W L Hackney, O J
Camp, M W Egleston, H N N Hall, J P
Camp, S B Epperson, C G Hall, P B
Cann, F Farris, J F Hale, N S

Harris, E Mallory, J A Robbins, F
Harris, A B Marker, G E Robinson, C
Hanna, A Mapes, J Robinson, M
Haun, S N Mapes, W S Ruggles, J T
Harman, W H Mayfield, J P Rumble, I
Hamilton, J W McDavitt, M Sears, W N
Hawkins, E McDavid, J Shaw, J
Hastie, J McDonald, U Sheck, J T
Hazard, J S McLaughlin, J W Shipp, O
Helda, B McMahan, T V Shipp, H
Herrick, J T McMahan, J S Shinliver, C C
Herrick, S P Mckee, J M Simons, J R
Hiatt, L McKowen, S Sliger, W H
Hiatt, E Metcalf, W 0 Smith, O
Hiser, J M Metz, J M Smith, H F
Horner, C Mercer, R B Snowden, N H
Horn, H Miller, G S Spindle, G D
Howe, M Milliken, J A Spindle, H R
Howe, A Moore, J K Sprague, F R
Holland, J Moore, F M Staffelbach, W H
Hoyt, J Murphy, J C Staubus, L
Hunter, G H Myers, W Staub, J
Hurd, T Myers, L K Stearnes, J H
Jamison, E P Myers, T J Stettler, J
Jamison, E Nicholdson, T B Stewart, G. W
Johnson, R Orr, R W Sulsar, L J
Johnston, J Orr, R Swan, A H
Johnston, L N Orr, A Thompson E J
Johnston, W Parker, A E Thompson, W
Keagy, M B Paul, J D Thornton, P
Kelly, O Porter, J Tichnor, P
Kimball, M L Porter, J W Townsend, W
Kittering, M Porter, G J Tritt, M M
Lackey, T Peftley, B Tritt, W P
Lackey, J G Piatt, W Trout, R A
Laliman, D Pratt, W H Trotter, A J
Letcher, D Pruitt, O E Troup, W
Loper, H A Reed, G W . Trowbridge, S
Lynch, W Riley. J Vandenburgh, H
Mahan, L E Rinehart, W \ Vickers, S J

Walker, T D Whitley, J A Wood, J
Walker, W R Whiteside, G W Wood, J H
Walcher, R E Wightman, H R Wood, T W
Wallace, W R Wightman, E Wood, J G
Ware, J D Wiggins, V Woods. A O
Watson, M V Wilson, W C Worden, J
Weaver, Wm Wise, Wm Woolsey, J D
West, L Wood, V Woolsey, M W
Whewell, R
Griffith and Swarzel

Caldwell Kansas.

Flour & Feed,
Queensware and
WEST SIDE OF MAIN STREET BETWEEN Fourth and Fifth streets.

Office in Post Offfce Block up stairs

Wellington, ---- Kansas
ESPY & Millard
Real Estate and Insurance Agents

The oldest established Insurance Agency in the city and the largest number of Reliable Companies.
We Have BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE, both City and Country.
Remember the place, up stairs over Wellington National Bank—Entrance on Washington Avenue,