Club Booklet - Twentieth Century Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas


Club Booklet - Twentieth Century Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas


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Club Booklet for the Twentieth Century Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1933-1934


Twentieth Century Club Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection





Twentieth Century Club Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Twentieth Century Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Wellington, Kansas
1933 - 1934
Wellington, Kansas
“If you have knowledge let others light their candle at it.”—Fuller.
First and third Tuesdays from October to June.
Organized 1930
Member Fifth District and State Federation
Mrs. Ellis Carr President
Mrs. James Austin Vice-President
Mrs. Elsie Smith Secretary
Mrs. Hubert Richards Treasurer
Mrs. Fawn Brown Critic
Mrs. Charles Rogers Miss Marie Sellers
Mrs. E. W. Franzke
Mrs. Edgar Loofbourrow Mrs. Wendell Ready
Mrs. H. W. Goodwin
Call to Order Roll Call Minutes
Report of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Program Critic’s Report Adjournment.
- Mrs. Harlan Altman Phone 1570
Mrs. James Austin 1326W
Mrs. Fawn Brown . . 1064
Mrs. Ellis Carr 1290
Mrs. Herman Crum 302
Mrs. H. W. Goodwin Mrs.Reifsneider 596J 514
Mrs. Edgar Loofbourrow . 416J
Mrs. Wendell Ready 690W
Mrs. George Renn 1219
Mrs. Hubert Richards 1581
Mrs. Charles Rogers 613
Mrs. E. W. Franzke 601W
Miss Marie Sellers 394
Mrs. Elsie W. Smith 615
Mrs. R. W. Van Deventer 1107
Keep us, O God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.
Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, and gentle.
Grant that we may realize, it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common woman’s heart of us all, and, O Lord God. let us not forget to be kind.
—Mary Stuart.
October 3
“Without good company, all dainties loose their true relish, and, like painted grapes, are only seen, not tasted.”—Massinger.
Covered Dish Luncheon Musical Selections
Hostess—Mrs. Carr October 17
“The love of books is a love which requires neither justification, apology, nor defense.”—Langford.
Roll Call—An Old Novel I Enjoyed
The Novel and its Development.......Mrs. Carr
The English Novel...................Miss Sellers
Hostess—Mrs. Rogers
November 7
“Out of the fictitious book I get the impression of the life, of the times ,of the manners, of the merriment, of the dress, the pleasure, the laughter, the ridicules of society. The old times live again. Can the heaviest historian do more for me?”—Thackeray.
Roll Call—Name a Selection of Scott
Sir Walter Scott and the Historical
Novel ......................Mrs. Austin
Development of Character in Fiction...
......................Mrs. Loofbourrow
Hostess—Mrs. Goodwin November 21
“No book can be so good as to be profitable when negligently read.”—Seneca.
Roll Call—A Famous Character in Fiction
Novel Reading.....................Mrs. Crum
Famous Characters in Fiction......Mrs. Rogers
Critical Comparison of Dickens and Thackeray ......................Mrs. Van Deventer
Hostess—Mrs. Franzke
December 5
“A book becomes a mirror, with the author’s face shining over it.”—Willmott.
Roll Call—Name a Woman Novelist
George Eliot and Her Work........Mrs. Goodwin
“Adam Bede”......................Mrs. Richards
Hostess—Miss Sellers December 19
“ ’Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, and the genial fire of charity in the heart.”—Irving.
Roll Call—A Christmas Verse
Musical Selections
“Gifts Prom the Desert,” Fisher....Mrs. Smith
“Christmas on the Singing River”... .Mrs. Franzke
Hostess—Mrs. Ready
January 2
“Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they have passed.”—Temple.
Roll Call—Current Events
Morality and Technique in Fiction__Mrs. Brown
The Nineteenth Century Novel.......Mrs. Altman
Hostess—Mrs. Austin January 16
“He who loveth a book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheerful companion, or an effectual comforter.”—Barrow.
Roll Call—A Verse from Stevenson
Conrad, Hardy, and Stevenson.......Mrs. Ready
Review, “The Return of the Native”, Hardy..
.............................Mrs. Smith
Hostess—Mrs. Loofbourrow
February 6
“Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind.”—Addison
Roll Call—Name a Foreign Novel
Foreign Fiction.............Mrs. Loofbourrow
Study of Don Quixote, Les Miserables, Anna Karenina .. .Mrs. Austin
Hostess—Mrs. Altman February 20
“It is nearly an axiom that people will not be better than the books they read”—Potter
Roll Call—Quotation from “Poor Richard’s Almanac.”
History and Background of American
Fiction......................Mrs. Jeter
Cooper and His Work..............Mrs. Rogers
Hostess—Mrs. Renn
March 6
“That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.”—Alcott.
Roll Call—My Favorite Type of Fiction Musical Selection
Hawthorne, and a Review of the “Scarlet
Letter”.......................Mrs. Renn

Hostess—Mrs. Van Deventer
March 20
“The very essence of good humor is that it must be without harm and without malice,”—Leacock.
Roll Call—Name a Humorist Tendencies in the Modern Novel... .Mrs. Goodwin Modern English and American Novelists..
...........................Mrs. Richards
Mark Twain, Humorist................Mrs. Crum
Hostess Mrs. — Jeter

April 3
“In the highest civilization the book is still the highest delight.”—Emerson.
Roll Call—A Recently Read Novel
Edith Wharton and Willa Cather.......Mrs. Carr
Review, “Death Comes to the Archbishop”..
.............................Mrs. Brown
Hostess—Mrs. Richards

April 17
“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.”—Tennyson.
Quiz on Fiction....................Mrs. Ready
“Forsythe Saga”—Galsworthy.........Miss Sellers

Hostess—Mrs. Brown.
May 1
“Wondrous strong are the spells of fiction”— Longfellow.
Roll Call—Literary Current Events The Development of the Short Story, Mrs. Franzke Reading of a Short Stroy by Edgar Allen
Poe...................Mrs. Van Deventer
Hostess—Mrs. Smith May 15
“He Cometh unto you with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner.”—Sydney.
Roll Call—A Favorite Short Story Writer
Short Story Writers................Mrs. Renn
Short Story by O’Henry.............Mrs. Altman
Modern Short Story.................Mrs. Jeter
Hostess—Mrs. Crum
Article I
Name: The name of this organization shall be Twentieth Century Club.
Article II
Object: The object of this club shall be to encourage women to study and to consider subjects of general interest whether of a literary, social or educational nature.
Article III
Officers: The officers of this club shall be president, one vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer and a critic. Such officers shall be elected annually by ballot at the next to the last meeting of the year and they shall assume their respective duties at the close of the last regular meeting.
Article IV
Members: Any woman may become a member of this club upon election of membership by the club and the payment of the annual dues. The membership of this club shall be limited to sixteen members.
Article V
Regular Meetings: The club shall meet the first and third Tuesdays in each month, beginning the first Tuesday in October, at three o’clock, continuing until sixteen meetings have been held.
Article VI
Annual Dues: The amount per capita of annual dues shall be determined by vote of the members at the first regular meeting of the year and the said dues shall be paid within one month thereafter.
Article VII
Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VIII
This Constitution may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks be-fore action is taken upon it.
Article I—Duties of Officers
Sec. 1—The President shall preside at all meetings of the clubs and of the executive committee and shall appoint standing committees.
Sec. 2—The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence.
Sec. 3—The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club.
Sec. 4—The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds of the club.
Sec. 5—The Critic shall at the close of each meeting offer her criticism on any part of the program.
Article II
Sec. 1—The program committee shall consist of three members who shall select places of meeting and arrange programs.
Sec. 2—Flowers shall be sent only in case of death in the immediate family of a member.
Article III
Any woman desiring to become a member of the club shall present a written application. New members shall be admitted by ballot, their names having been previously presented to and accepted by the Executive Committee. Two votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership.
Article IV

A fine of twenty-five cents shall be imposed for absence.

Article V
Members must prepare assigned work on the program or provide a substitute and two failures within the year forfeit the right to membership.

Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 4 1/2" wide X 6 1/4" tall, in typewritten cover, with typewritten pages.