Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas
Collection: The Cosmos Study Club
Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for The Cosmos Study Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1933-1934
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 28, 2025,
Dec 5
Cosmos Study Club
1933 - 1934
Organized 1931
Member Fifth District, County, State and General Federation
Meetings: Every other Monday from last Monday in September to last of May, in the homes of the members at 2:00 P.M.
Club Motto: “As long as we live let us continue to learn."
Club Slogan: Harmony and Order. Flower: Sweet Peas Colors: Orchid and Pink Study: Miscellaneous
Call to Order
Group Singing
Reading of Minutes
Unfinished Business
New Business
Roll Call
Items of Interest
Critic’s Report
President ....................Mrs. Frank Suhl
Vice President ........Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
Recording Secretary ..........Mrs. Roy Slinker
Corresponding Secretary .....Mrs. E. L. Munro
Treasurer.....................Mrs. Edward Beth
Critic........................Mrs. A. G. Wallace
Custodian.....................Mrs. A. F. Bohanna
Historian.....................Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Reporter......................Mrs. M. H. Miller
Mrs. Slinker
Mrs. Munro
Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Swearingen
Mrs. Clark
Civic :
Mrs. Pilant
Mrs. Evans
Mrs. Cartmill
Mrs. Hoyer
Mrs. Brandt
Mrs. Emerson
Mrs. Tennant
Mrs. Glamann
Mrs. Meierant
Mrs. Frank Suhl..................... 1418
Mrs. A. L. Swearingen................ 155
Mrs. Roy Slinker................... 1430
Mrs. E. L. Munro................... 1319
Mrs. Edward Beth.................... 590
Mrs. A. G. Wallace.................. 1232
Mrs. A. F. Bohanna................... 163
Mrs. F. A. Meierant.................. 947
Mrs. M. H. Miller.................... 806
Mrs. Harry Hoyer.................... 1457
Mrs. Erman Tennant.................. 762J
Mrs. H. W. Glamann.................... 68
Mrs. F. J. Pilant................... 601J
Mrs. H. G. Brandt.................. 1113
Mrs. O. N. Clark.................... 1105
Mrs. B. Y. Emerson.................. 1416
Mrs. Bernard Mack..................
Mrs. W. S. Taylor...................1088W
Mrs. Hurley Evans..................
Mrs. R. E. Cartmill................. 266J
Honorary Member
Mrs. S. M. Stayton................... 854
Keep us, O God, from pettiness, let us be large in
thought, in work, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off
May we put away all pretenses and meet each other
face to face — without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment, and always
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm,
serene and gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses,
straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that
create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one,
And may we strive to touch and to know the great
common woman’s heart of us all; and, O Lord
God, let us not forget to be kind.
—Mary Stewart.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States
of America, and to the Republic for which it
Stands. One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and
Justice for all.
"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts not breaths; In feelings not in figures on a dial.
We should count time by heart throbs,
He lives most
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.”
Phillip James Baily
September Twenty-Five
“Behold our chosen leader
Who presides with grace and charm,
Confidently we follow
Hail, to our President!"
Gleanings from the World’s Fair.
Hostess: Mrs. Suhl
October Ninth
"Though He slay me, yet will I trust
in Him.”—Job 13:15.
Roll Call...............Old Testament Characters
Dramatization of the Book of Job............ Mrs. Hoyer
Hostess—Mrs. Miller
October Twenty-Three
“Be not ready to condemn
The wrongs thy brothers may have done;
Ere you too harshly censure them
For human faults ask, “Have I None?”
Roll Call..........................................................World Events
Immigrants who have made good in America ...
..............................................Mrs. Taylor
Address......................................Mrs. R. T. Bridge
Parliamentary Drill.................................................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Clark
November Sixth
“Whatever makes men good Christians, makes
them good citizens.”—Daniel Webster
Roll Call..............................Timely Topics
Americanization and National Defense....Mrs. Miller
Prohibition..............................Mrs. Pilant
Parliamentary Rules.....................Mrs. Munro
Hostess: Mrs. Evans
November Twenty
"Beauty’s choicest mirror is an admiring
eye.”—J. L. Basford.
Roll Call..................Famous Art Museums
Tapestry In the Home.............Mrs. Tennant
The Beauty in Wrought Iron..........Mrs. Evans
Wedge Wood.......................Mrs. Cartmill
Hostess: Mrs. Glamann
December Fourth
“The foundation of every State is the education
of it’s youth,”
Roll Call..........................................Current Events
Astronomy............................................Mrs. Hoyer
The Sun and the Welfare of Man.......... .......... Mrs. Munro
Parliamentary Drill............................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Meierant
December Eighteen
“Dead he is not, but departed,
for the artist never dies.”—Longfellow.
Roll Call.............................Art News Items
Great Painters of Religious Pictures....Mrs. Suhl
How to study a picture..................Mrs. Taylor
Madonnas................................Mrs. Wallace
Hostess: Mrs. Pilant
January First
“So then every one of us shall give account
of himself to God.”—Romans 14:12.
Roll Call........................Recent Legislation
Hawes-Cooper Law........................Mrs. Beth
Economic drive against America..........Mrs. Cartmill
Inflation...............................Mrs. Miller
Parliamentary Rules.....................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Taylor
January Fifteen
“Music is well said to be the speech of
Roll Call...................American Composers
Life of MacDowell.................Mrs. Glamann
MacDowell Artist Colony...........Mrs. Tennant
Music, now more than ever—William
Woodin.....................Mrs. Brandt
Hostess: Mrs. Swearingen
January Twenty-Nine
“Our sight is the most perfect and most delightful
of all our senses; it fills the mind of
the largest variety of idea.”—Addison.
Roll Call.............Why Do I Attend the Movies
Motion Picture Industry..........Mrs. Swearingen
Movie Made Minds....................Mrs. Meierant
Parliamentary Drill.................Mrs. Slinker
Hostess: Mrs. Hoyer
February Twelve
“There is no place more delightful than
our own firesides.”—Cicero
Guest Day
American Homes; Yesterday and Today—Mrs. Pilant Hostesses: Mesdames Bohanna, Beth
February Twenty-six
“If there be heavenly music, it must be
the music of Bells.”—Charles Lamb
Roll Call..........................A Famous Bell
Opera Thru the Centuries...............Mrs. Evans
Bells .............................Mrs. Swearingen
Parliamentary Quiz ....................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Tennant
March Twelve
“Break the red stone from this quarry,
Mould and make it into Peace-Pipes.”—Hiawatha
Roll Call ...........................An Indian Trait
History of the Red Man...............Mrs. Bohanna
Ancient Indian Mounds ..................Mrs. Clark
Parliamentary Quiz......................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Emerson
March Twenty-Six
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers;
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”—Heb. 13:2
History of General Federation.........Mrs. Meierant
Etchings, Lithographs and Wood
Blocks..........................Mrs. Wallace
April Nine
“A house hung with pictures, is a house hung with thought."
Roll Call........................An Easter Thought
Paintings Pertaining to Easter...........Mrs. Clark
Mural Paintings.......................Mrs. Bohanna
Parliamentary Drill .....................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Mack
April Twenty-three
“Every noble life leaves the fibre of it woven
forever in the work of the world.”—Ruskin
Roll Call.......................................A Poem
Life of Louisa M. Alcott.....................Mrs. Beth
“Little Women”...............................Mrs. Mack
Report of State Convention
Hostess: Mrs. Brandt
May Seven
“Nature is the chart of God mapping out all
his attributes.”—Tupper
Roll Call__...............A flower and its origin
Bird Families of North America..........Mrs. Glamann
Forest Fires............................Mrs. Munro
Our Heritage of the fresh waters........Mrs. Emerson
Hostess: Mrs. Cartmill
May Twenty-one
“A little nonsense now and then is
relished by the wisest men.”
“Still sits the schoolhouse by the road,
A ragged beggar sunning,
Around it still the sumacs grow,
And blackberry vines are running.
Historian’s Report
Hostesses: Mesdames Slinker, Munro, Wallace
We bring to you, dear Father, the fabric of high
purpose we have woven in the days just past.
Perchance in our lack of skill and ignorance, we have
knotted some threads and others have been tangled;
yet Thou knowest we want to follow the pattern Thou
has set for us; and if Thou dost find interwomen some
scarlet threads of sacrifice, a blue strand of courage
and mayhap a tiny silver line of faith running through,
wilt Thou take it all, O Master Weaver, and make
it flawless and beautiful in Thy sight.
And as we now go our separate paths, O Father,
make us to know that every road, each tiny trail, under Thy Guidance,
leadeth into the Broad Highway
of Thy Love. For the sake of Christ, Thy Holy Son.
—Betty Manroe Sipple
Wellington, Kansas
The higher education of women being one of the
leading questions of the present time, and an interchange
of ideas being conductive to this result, it has
been decided to form an organization to be governed
by the following rules and regulations.
Article I
NAME: The name of this organization shall be
Article II
OBJECT: The object of this Club shall be to encourage
women to study, to furnish opportunity for
self-culture, to promote an interest in the best literary
works of the day, and to consider subjects of general
interest, whether of a literary, social or educational nature.
Article III
MEMBERS: Section 1—Any woman may become
a member of this club upon election to membership
by the club and the payment of the annual dues.
Section 2—The membership of the club shall
be limited to twenty members.
Article IV
OFFICERS: The Officers of this Club shall be a
President, Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a
Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Critic, a Club
Reporter, a Custodian and Historian.
Such Offices shall be elected by ballot for a period
of two years at the first regular meeting in
the month of January, and they shall assume their
respective duties at the close of the last regular meeting in May.
Section 2—The Corresponding Secretary shall be appointed by the President.
Article V
MEETINGS: Section 1—Regular meetings: The
Club shall meet every other Monday beginning with
the last Monday in September and ending the last
of May.
Section 2—Called meetings: Special meetings may
be called by the President, and notice thereof given.
Section 3—Guest Day, to be observed twice a year.
Time, place and character of which to be determined by the Program Committee.
Article VI
ANNUAL DUES: The amount of dues per capita
shall be determined annually by the vote of the Club
at the first regular meeting in the calendar year. One
half of all of said dues shall be paid not later than
the first regular meeting in May. Balance of said
dues to be paid by the regular meeting in September
following. Such assessments as may be recommended
by the Executive Committee shall be paid promptly
as the occasion demands.
Section 2—PENNY ART FUND: Each member
shall be assessed one penny each year for the Penny
Art Fund, which shall be paid by March 1.
Article VII
QUORUM: Six members shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.
Article VIII
AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present, but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
Article I
DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Section 1—Of President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee, shall appoint standing committees, call special meetings, approve by her signature all orders drawn by the Secretary upon the Treasurer, and exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the Club.
Section 2—Of Vice-President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 3—Of Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the Executive Committee, collect all dues and issue receipt therefor, collect all the money for the various funds of the club and pay same to the Treasurer taking her receipt thereofor, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for payment of money approved by the President.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each member upon her reception into the Club.
Section 4—Of Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with her correspondence and send out notices and reports as required and perform the duties of the Recording Secretary in her absence.
Section 5—Of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all dues and other money from the Recording Secretary, giving her a receipt therefor, and shall disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee. All orders for the payment of money to be drawn by the Recording Secretary, approved by the President. Previous to the last meeting, she shall prepare and submit to the Executive Committee for audit, a detailed account of the receipts and expenditures of the Session, which account duly audited shall be presented to the Club at its last meeting.
Section 6—Of Critic: The Critic shall at the close of each meeting offer her criticism on any part of the program.
Section 7—Of Club Reporter: The Club Reporter shall report to the local paper any items of interest regarding the meetings of the Club and shall report to the Official State paper any program of special interest.
Section 8—Of Custodian: The Custodian shall preserve and keep in her possession all mementoes, records and things of value to the Club as these shall accumulate from year to year.
Section 9—Of Historian: The Historian shall compile in book form any or all of the club papers, clippings, roll calls, pictures, etc., furnished by the club members which in her judgment has historical or permanent value. Volumes to be delivered to the Custodian not later than the first meeting of the next club year.
Article II
COMMITTEES AND DUTIES: Section 1—Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Club and the chairman of each of the standing committees. It shall be the duty of the committee to examine applications for membership, to propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, and to have full charge of the business affairs of the Club. The members of this committee present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 2—Standing Committees:
(1) Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of three members who shall appoint places of meeting, arrange programs, secure lectures, and otherwise plan for advancing the interest of the Club.
(2) Social Committee: The Social Committee shall be composed of three members who shall have charge of all social affairs desired by the Club.
(3) Music Committee: The Music committee shall consist of three members who shall provide music for the program of each regular meeting, and for such other occasions as may be desired by the club.
(4) Civic Committee: The Civic Committee shall consist of three members who shall attend to all civic affairs voted by the Club.
(5) Flower Committee: The Flower Committee shall consist of three members who shall attend to the purchase and disposal of flowers. In case of death
in the immediate family of a member (including father and mother) flowers shall be sent. In other cases, the Secretary shall send a letter of condolence from the Club. In case of the continued illness of a member for a week or more, cards shall be sent.
Section 3—Quorum: In all committees of the Club, a majority shall constitute a quorum.
Article III
ADMISSION OF MEMBERS: Section 1 — Any member of the Club may present a name for membership at any regular meeting of the Club.
(2) New members shall be admitted by ballot, their names having been previously presented to and accepted by the Executive Committee.
(3) Old members shall be given preference when names are submitted for membership.
(4) Three votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership.
Article IV
MEMBERS: Section 1—Honorary Members: Honorary membership for exceptional service rendered to the Community or to the Club, may be conferred upon a member by a two-thirds vote of the Club. Honorary members shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Club. They shall not be required to pay dues but shall pay their per capita share of the social meetings they attend. If they desire, they shall be assigned program work. Absence fines shall not be levied against them.
Section 2—Absent Members: A member temporarily absent from the city may retain her membership in the Club by paying her annual dues and providing for her program numbers.
Section 3—Non-Resident Members: Any member removing from the city forfeits her membership in the Club only by her request.
Article V
MISCELLANEOUS: Section 1—Members must prepare assigned work on the program, or provide a substitute, and two failures within the year forfeits the right to membership.
Section 2—Any member may bring a visiting friend to any club meeting. Such visitors not being a resident of the City.
Section 3—The President may be excused from any place upon the program.
Section 4—A fine of ten cents shall be imposed for absence.
Section 5—A failure to pay fees, dues or assessments within the prescribed time shall be considered a withdrawal from the Club, unless satisfactory explanation is given.
Article VI
AMENDMENTS: These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, providing a two weeks notice of the proposed amendment has been given.
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 4 1/2" wide X 6" tall, in hand printed, photocopied cover, with typewritten pages, and bound with a ribbon.
Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for The Cosmos Study Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1933-1934
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Cosmos Study Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Cosmos Study Club, 1933-1934 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 28, 2025,
Dec 5
Cosmos Study Club
1933 - 1934
Organized 1931
Member Fifth District, County, State and General Federation
Meetings: Every other Monday from last Monday in September to last of May, in the homes of the members at 2:00 P.M.
Club Motto: “As long as we live let us continue to learn."
Club Slogan: Harmony and Order. Flower: Sweet Peas Colors: Orchid and Pink Study: Miscellaneous
Call to Order
Group Singing
Reading of Minutes
Unfinished Business
New Business
Roll Call
Items of Interest
Critic’s Report
President ....................Mrs. Frank Suhl
Vice President ........Mrs. A. L. Swearingen
Recording Secretary ..........Mrs. Roy Slinker
Corresponding Secretary .....Mrs. E. L. Munro
Treasurer.....................Mrs. Edward Beth
Critic........................Mrs. A. G. Wallace
Custodian.....................Mrs. A. F. Bohanna
Historian.....................Mrs. F. A. Meierant
Reporter......................Mrs. M. H. Miller
Mrs. Slinker
Mrs. Munro
Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Swearingen
Mrs. Clark
Civic :
Mrs. Pilant
Mrs. Evans
Mrs. Cartmill
Mrs. Hoyer
Mrs. Brandt
Mrs. Emerson
Mrs. Tennant
Mrs. Glamann
Mrs. Meierant
Mrs. Frank Suhl..................... 1418
Mrs. A. L. Swearingen................ 155
Mrs. Roy Slinker................... 1430
Mrs. E. L. Munro................... 1319
Mrs. Edward Beth.................... 590
Mrs. A. G. Wallace.................. 1232
Mrs. A. F. Bohanna................... 163
Mrs. F. A. Meierant.................. 947
Mrs. M. H. Miller.................... 806
Mrs. Harry Hoyer.................... 1457
Mrs. Erman Tennant.................. 762J
Mrs. H. W. Glamann.................... 68
Mrs. F. J. Pilant................... 601J
Mrs. H. G. Brandt.................. 1113
Mrs. O. N. Clark.................... 1105
Mrs. B. Y. Emerson.................. 1416
Mrs. Bernard Mack..................
Mrs. W. S. Taylor...................1088W
Mrs. Hurley Evans..................
Mrs. R. E. Cartmill................. 266J
Honorary Member
Mrs. S. M. Stayton................... 854
Keep us, O God, from pettiness, let us be large in
thought, in work, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off
May we put away all pretenses and meet each other
face to face — without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment, and always
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm,
serene and gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses,
straight-forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that
create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one,
And may we strive to touch and to know the great
common woman’s heart of us all; and, O Lord
God, let us not forget to be kind.
—Mary Stewart.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States
of America, and to the Republic for which it
Stands. One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and
Justice for all.
"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts not breaths; In feelings not in figures on a dial.
We should count time by heart throbs,
He lives most
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.”
Phillip James Baily
September Twenty-Five
“Behold our chosen leader
Who presides with grace and charm,
Confidently we follow
Hail, to our President!"
Gleanings from the World’s Fair.
Hostess: Mrs. Suhl
October Ninth
"Though He slay me, yet will I trust
in Him.”—Job 13:15.
Roll Call...............Old Testament Characters
Dramatization of the Book of Job............ Mrs. Hoyer
Hostess—Mrs. Miller
October Twenty-Three
“Be not ready to condemn
The wrongs thy brothers may have done;
Ere you too harshly censure them
For human faults ask, “Have I None?”
Roll Call..........................................................World Events
Immigrants who have made good in America ...
..............................................Mrs. Taylor
Address......................................Mrs. R. T. Bridge
Parliamentary Drill.................................................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Clark
November Sixth
“Whatever makes men good Christians, makes
them good citizens.”—Daniel Webster
Roll Call..............................Timely Topics
Americanization and National Defense....Mrs. Miller
Prohibition..............................Mrs. Pilant
Parliamentary Rules.....................Mrs. Munro
Hostess: Mrs. Evans
November Twenty
"Beauty’s choicest mirror is an admiring
eye.”—J. L. Basford.
Roll Call..................Famous Art Museums
Tapestry In the Home.............Mrs. Tennant
The Beauty in Wrought Iron..........Mrs. Evans
Wedge Wood.......................Mrs. Cartmill
Hostess: Mrs. Glamann
December Fourth
“The foundation of every State is the education
of it’s youth,”
Roll Call..........................................Current Events
Astronomy............................................Mrs. Hoyer
The Sun and the Welfare of Man.......... .......... Mrs. Munro
Parliamentary Drill............................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Meierant
December Eighteen
“Dead he is not, but departed,
for the artist never dies.”—Longfellow.
Roll Call.............................Art News Items
Great Painters of Religious Pictures....Mrs. Suhl
How to study a picture..................Mrs. Taylor
Madonnas................................Mrs. Wallace
Hostess: Mrs. Pilant
January First
“So then every one of us shall give account
of himself to God.”—Romans 14:12.
Roll Call........................Recent Legislation
Hawes-Cooper Law........................Mrs. Beth
Economic drive against America..........Mrs. Cartmill
Inflation...............................Mrs. Miller
Parliamentary Rules.....................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Taylor
January Fifteen
“Music is well said to be the speech of
Roll Call...................American Composers
Life of MacDowell.................Mrs. Glamann
MacDowell Artist Colony...........Mrs. Tennant
Music, now more than ever—William
Woodin.....................Mrs. Brandt
Hostess: Mrs. Swearingen
January Twenty-Nine
“Our sight is the most perfect and most delightful
of all our senses; it fills the mind of
the largest variety of idea.”—Addison.
Roll Call.............Why Do I Attend the Movies
Motion Picture Industry..........Mrs. Swearingen
Movie Made Minds....................Mrs. Meierant
Parliamentary Drill.................Mrs. Slinker
Hostess: Mrs. Hoyer
February Twelve
“There is no place more delightful than
our own firesides.”—Cicero
Guest Day
American Homes; Yesterday and Today—Mrs. Pilant Hostesses: Mesdames Bohanna, Beth
February Twenty-six
“If there be heavenly music, it must be
the music of Bells.”—Charles Lamb
Roll Call..........................A Famous Bell
Opera Thru the Centuries...............Mrs. Evans
Bells .............................Mrs. Swearingen
Parliamentary Quiz ....................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Tennant
March Twelve
“Break the red stone from this quarry,
Mould and make it into Peace-Pipes.”—Hiawatha
Roll Call ...........................An Indian Trait
History of the Red Man...............Mrs. Bohanna
Ancient Indian Mounds ..................Mrs. Clark
Parliamentary Quiz......................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Emerson
March Twenty-Six
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers;
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”—Heb. 13:2
History of General Federation.........Mrs. Meierant
Etchings, Lithographs and Wood
Blocks..........................Mrs. Wallace
April Nine
“A house hung with pictures, is a house hung with thought."
Roll Call........................An Easter Thought
Paintings Pertaining to Easter...........Mrs. Clark
Mural Paintings.......................Mrs. Bohanna
Parliamentary Drill .....................Mrs. Pilant
Hostess: Mrs. Mack
April Twenty-three
“Every noble life leaves the fibre of it woven
forever in the work of the world.”—Ruskin
Roll Call.......................................A Poem
Life of Louisa M. Alcott.....................Mrs. Beth
“Little Women”...............................Mrs. Mack
Report of State Convention
Hostess: Mrs. Brandt
May Seven
“Nature is the chart of God mapping out all
his attributes.”—Tupper
Roll Call__...............A flower and its origin
Bird Families of North America..........Mrs. Glamann
Forest Fires............................Mrs. Munro
Our Heritage of the fresh waters........Mrs. Emerson
Hostess: Mrs. Cartmill
May Twenty-one
“A little nonsense now and then is
relished by the wisest men.”
“Still sits the schoolhouse by the road,
A ragged beggar sunning,
Around it still the sumacs grow,
And blackberry vines are running.
Historian’s Report
Hostesses: Mesdames Slinker, Munro, Wallace
We bring to you, dear Father, the fabric of high
purpose we have woven in the days just past.
Perchance in our lack of skill and ignorance, we have
knotted some threads and others have been tangled;
yet Thou knowest we want to follow the pattern Thou
has set for us; and if Thou dost find interwomen some
scarlet threads of sacrifice, a blue strand of courage
and mayhap a tiny silver line of faith running through,
wilt Thou take it all, O Master Weaver, and make
it flawless and beautiful in Thy sight.
And as we now go our separate paths, O Father,
make us to know that every road, each tiny trail, under Thy Guidance,
leadeth into the Broad Highway
of Thy Love. For the sake of Christ, Thy Holy Son.
—Betty Manroe Sipple
Wellington, Kansas
The higher education of women being one of the
leading questions of the present time, and an interchange
of ideas being conductive to this result, it has
been decided to form an organization to be governed
by the following rules and regulations.
Article I
NAME: The name of this organization shall be
Article II
OBJECT: The object of this Club shall be to encourage
women to study, to furnish opportunity for
self-culture, to promote an interest in the best literary
works of the day, and to consider subjects of general
interest, whether of a literary, social or educational nature.
Article III
MEMBERS: Section 1—Any woman may become
a member of this club upon election to membership
by the club and the payment of the annual dues.
Section 2—The membership of the club shall
be limited to twenty members.
Article IV
OFFICERS: The Officers of this Club shall be a
President, Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a
Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Critic, a Club
Reporter, a Custodian and Historian.
Such Offices shall be elected by ballot for a period
of two years at the first regular meeting in
the month of January, and they shall assume their
respective duties at the close of the last regular meeting in May.
Section 2—The Corresponding Secretary shall be appointed by the President.
Article V
MEETINGS: Section 1—Regular meetings: The
Club shall meet every other Monday beginning with
the last Monday in September and ending the last
of May.
Section 2—Called meetings: Special meetings may
be called by the President, and notice thereof given.
Section 3—Guest Day, to be observed twice a year.
Time, place and character of which to be determined by the Program Committee.
Article VI
ANNUAL DUES: The amount of dues per capita
shall be determined annually by the vote of the Club
at the first regular meeting in the calendar year. One
half of all of said dues shall be paid not later than
the first regular meeting in May. Balance of said
dues to be paid by the regular meeting in September
following. Such assessments as may be recommended
by the Executive Committee shall be paid promptly
as the occasion demands.
Section 2—PENNY ART FUND: Each member
shall be assessed one penny each year for the Penny
Art Fund, which shall be paid by March 1.
Article VII
QUORUM: Six members shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.
Article VIII
AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present, but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
Article I
DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Section 1—Of President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee, shall appoint standing committees, call special meetings, approve by her signature all orders drawn by the Secretary upon the Treasurer, and exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the Club.
Section 2—Of Vice-President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 3—Of Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the Executive Committee, collect all dues and issue receipt therefor, collect all the money for the various funds of the club and pay same to the Treasurer taking her receipt thereofor, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for payment of money approved by the President.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each member upon her reception into the Club.
Section 4—Of Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the President with her correspondence and send out notices and reports as required and perform the duties of the Recording Secretary in her absence.
Section 5—Of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all dues and other money from the Recording Secretary, giving her a receipt therefor, and shall disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee. All orders for the payment of money to be drawn by the Recording Secretary, approved by the President. Previous to the last meeting, she shall prepare and submit to the Executive Committee for audit, a detailed account of the receipts and expenditures of the Session, which account duly audited shall be presented to the Club at its last meeting.
Section 6—Of Critic: The Critic shall at the close of each meeting offer her criticism on any part of the program.
Section 7—Of Club Reporter: The Club Reporter shall report to the local paper any items of interest regarding the meetings of the Club and shall report to the Official State paper any program of special interest.
Section 8—Of Custodian: The Custodian shall preserve and keep in her possession all mementoes, records and things of value to the Club as these shall accumulate from year to year.
Section 9—Of Historian: The Historian shall compile in book form any or all of the club papers, clippings, roll calls, pictures, etc., furnished by the club members which in her judgment has historical or permanent value. Volumes to be delivered to the Custodian not later than the first meeting of the next club year.
Article II
COMMITTEES AND DUTIES: Section 1—Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Club and the chairman of each of the standing committees. It shall be the duty of the committee to examine applications for membership, to propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, and to have full charge of the business affairs of the Club. The members of this committee present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 2—Standing Committees:
(1) Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of three members who shall appoint places of meeting, arrange programs, secure lectures, and otherwise plan for advancing the interest of the Club.
(2) Social Committee: The Social Committee shall be composed of three members who shall have charge of all social affairs desired by the Club.
(3) Music Committee: The Music committee shall consist of three members who shall provide music for the program of each regular meeting, and for such other occasions as may be desired by the club.
(4) Civic Committee: The Civic Committee shall consist of three members who shall attend to all civic affairs voted by the Club.
(5) Flower Committee: The Flower Committee shall consist of three members who shall attend to the purchase and disposal of flowers. In case of death
in the immediate family of a member (including father and mother) flowers shall be sent. In other cases, the Secretary shall send a letter of condolence from the Club. In case of the continued illness of a member for a week or more, cards shall be sent.
Section 3—Quorum: In all committees of the Club, a majority shall constitute a quorum.
Article III
ADMISSION OF MEMBERS: Section 1 — Any member of the Club may present a name for membership at any regular meeting of the Club.
(2) New members shall be admitted by ballot, their names having been previously presented to and accepted by the Executive Committee.
(3) Old members shall be given preference when names are submitted for membership.
(4) Three votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership.
Article IV
MEMBERS: Section 1—Honorary Members: Honorary membership for exceptional service rendered to the Community or to the Club, may be conferred upon a member by a two-thirds vote of the Club. Honorary members shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Club. They shall not be required to pay dues but shall pay their per capita share of the social meetings they attend. If they desire, they shall be assigned program work. Absence fines shall not be levied against them.
Section 2—Absent Members: A member temporarily absent from the city may retain her membership in the Club by paying her annual dues and providing for her program numbers.
Section 3—Non-Resident Members: Any member removing from the city forfeits her membership in the Club only by her request.
Article V
MISCELLANEOUS: Section 1—Members must prepare assigned work on the program, or provide a substitute, and two failures within the year forfeits the right to membership.
Section 2—Any member may bring a visiting friend to any club meeting. Such visitors not being a resident of the City.
Section 3—The President may be excused from any place upon the program.
Section 4—A fine of ten cents shall be imposed for absence.
Section 5—A failure to pay fees, dues or assessments within the prescribed time shall be considered a withdrawal from the Club, unless satisfactory explanation is given.
Article VI
AMENDMENTS: These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, providing a two weeks notice of the proposed amendment has been given.
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 4 1/2" wide X 6" tall, in hand printed, photocopied cover, with typewritten pages, and bound with a ribbon.