Club Booklet - Prentis Study Club, 1946-1947, Wellington, Kansas
Collection: Prentis Study Club


Club Booklet - Prentis Study Club, 1946-1947, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington, Kansas--History

Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations

Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs


Club Booklet for the Prentis Study Club of Wellington, Kansas 1946-1947, Organized 1898, Federated With State - District - County


Prentis Study Club, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection






1946 - 1947

Prentis Study Club, Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Prentis Study Club, 1946-1947, Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Prentis Study Club
1946 - 1947
Wellington, Kan
Organized 1898 FEDERaTED
Color: Turquoise Blue Flower: White Carnation
Motto: "Literature is ultimate truth and "beauty interpreted.”
Prentis Club
President.....Mrs. Grace Smith
Vice Pres.....Miss Georgia Stipp Secretary... Miss Anne Townsend Treasurer .Mrs. Berthe VanVoorhees
Pres. ...Mrs. Lucy J. Dickinson STATE
Pres..........Mrs. P. A. Petitt
Fifth District
Pres........Mrs. J. R. Tanksley
Vice Pres. ...Mrs. Geo. E. King Record, Secy. ..Mrs. Allan Pelt Treas.....Mrs. P. D. Langerman Corres, Secy..Mrs. A, P. Wright
Program: Miss Ida Hoge
Mrs. Alda Fossett Miss Lilian O’Brien
Social: Mrs. Sophie Knowles
Mrs. Myrtle Fisher Miss Cora Newbold Miss Ida Hoge Miss Anne Townsend
Budget: Mrs. Myrtle Whitfield Miss Eloise Harper Miss Noveline Alderson
Civic: Mrs. LeOta Caldwell Mrs. Lee Peniwell Mrs. Maude Rothrock
COMMITTEES (Continued)
Friendly: Miss Lucille Stipp Miss Mattie Sulsar Mrs. Gertrude Swan
Publicity: Miss Georgia Stipp
Mrs. Berthe VanVoorhees
Roll Call Topics Alderson, Miss Noveline
Caldwell, LeOta (Mrs. J. C.)
Fisher, Myrtle (Mrs. C. A.)
----------- World News
Fossett, Alda (Mrs. W. L.)
Science and Invention Harper, Miss Eloise
--------Child Welfare
Hoge, Miss Ida-------------Poetry
Knowles, Sophie (Mrs. Oscar C.)
Newbold, Miss Cora--------Safety
O'Brien, Miss Lilian
-----A Humorous Story
Peniwell, Lea (Mrs. John)
-----------Kansas News
Rothrock, Maude (Mrs. R. W.)
-----------New Books
MEMBERS (Continued)
Smith, Grace (Mrs. Sidney A.)
—----------Federation News
Stipp, Hiss Georgia
---------------Noted Women
Stipp, Hiss Lucille----------Art
Sulsar, Hiss Hattie
-----------Household Hints
Swan, Gertrude (Mrs. L. L.)
Townsend, Miss Anne
------Radio and Television
VanVoorhees, Bertha (Mrs. K.S.)
—Events that Make History Whitfield, Myrtle (Mrs. C. E.) -----------------------Education
H0N0RARY MEMBERS (Continued)
Porter, Mrs. Edith
Wichita, Kansas
Renn, Mrs. Della
Houston, Texas
Saylor, Mrs. Vivian
Los Angeles, California
Shawver, Mrs. Lottie
Lincoln, Nebraska
Stewart, Mrs. Laura
Lincoln, Nebraska
Sutcliff, Miss Juanita
Twin Falls, Idaho
Woodcock, Mrs. Maude
Drury, Kansas
"A precious friendship that was ours to share moves everlastingly onward in sweet memories."
Hitchcock, Mrs. Olive
McKee, Mrs. Lottie
Rothrock, Mrs. Grace
Prentis, Mrs. Carrie
Metcalf, Mrs, Mildred
Hackney, Mrs. Clara
Luening, Miss Katharine
Hoge, Miss Josephine
Butts, Mrs. Mary
Smith, Mrs. Blanche
Lynch, Mrs. Ethel
Taylor, Mrs. Laura
Roll Call
Report of Secretary
Social Hour
Theme for the Year
You must look into people as well as at them.
Lord Chesterfield
* * *
October Fourth 6 p.m.
Covered Dish Dinner
”At table it pays no one to be bashful."
Roll Call....A Vacation Incident
Collect.......Mrs. Grace Smith
Presentation of Year Books.....
Program Committee
Hostesses.....Mrs. Gertude Swan
Mrs. LeOta Caldwell
October Eighteenth
8 p.m.
Roll Call
Guest Speaker..............
Report of General Federation Meeting......Mrs. Allan Felt
Hostess......Miss Lilian O’Brien
* * *
November First 8 p.m.
Roll Call
The memory of the red man How can it pass away While their names of music linger On each mount and stream and bay Richard Huntington
Indians of Kansas.........
Miss Cora Newbold Hostess... Mrs. Grace Smith
November Fifteenth
8 p.m.
Roll Call
England may as well dam up the waters of the Nile with bulrushes as to fetter the step of Freedom.
... Lydia Child Great Britain Today...
Miss George Stipp
Hostess.....Mrs. Alda Fossett
* * *
November Twenty-ninth 8 p.m.
Roll Call
’’Hail, Independence, hail!
Heaven’s next best gift To that of life and an immortal soul!"
The Philippines...
Miss Anne Townsend Hostess...Mrs. Myrtle Fisher
December Thirteenth
8 p.m.
"So now is cone our joyfulls feast;
Let every one be jolly;
Each room with ivy leaves is
And every post with holly.”
Roll Call .... Facts about a
Christmas Carol
My Favorite Madonna
. .... Miss Mattie Sulsar My Favorite Christmas Poem
.. Miss Noveline Alderson A Christmas Story
.... Mrs. LeOta Caldwell
Response on one of the above topics by each member Hostess ... Mrs. Sophie Knowles
January Tenth
8 p.m.

Roll Call


A Land of Awakening People Mrs. Sophie Knowles Hostesses .....Miss Georgia Stipp Miss Lucille Stipp
* * *
January Twenty- fourth 8 p.m.
Roll Call
A Center of the World Interest Mrs. Grace Smith
Hostess ..... Miss Cora Newbold
February Seventh
8 p.m.
Roll Call
Her Struggle for Freedom Mrs. Alda Fossett Hostesses ... Miss Mattie Sulsar Miss Eloise Harper
February Twenty-first 8 p.m.
Boll Call
Unjust rule never endures perpetually.
Mrs. Berthe VanVoorhees Hostess ... Mrs. Myrtle Whitfield
March Seventh
8 p.m.
Roll Call
Discussion.....The United States
in World Affairs Mrs. Myrtle Whitfield .... Leader Miss Eloise Harper Mrs. Maude Rothrock Miss Ida Hoge Mrs. Gertrude Swan Hostess..... Mrs. Maude Rothrock * * *
March Twenty-first
8 p.m.
Roll Call
Tendencies in Modern Poetry Mrs. Myrtle Fisher
Hostess............Miss Ida Hoge
April Fourth 8 p.m.
loll Call
"When you can't moke light of your troubles keep them dark." Stunt Program
Each member a contributor to the fun.
Mistress of Ceremonies...........
Mrs. Alda. Fossett
Hostess..Mrs. Berthe VanVoorhees * * *
April Eighteenth 8 p.m.
Roll Call Book Review
"A Man From Kansas”
—David Hinshaw Miss Lilian O’Brien Hostess.......Miss Anne Townsend
May Second 8 p.m.
Roll Call
Current Trends in Health Education Mrs. Lee Peniwell Hostess.....Miss Noveline Alderson * * *
May Sixteenth 8 p.m.
Roll Call
Women in the Post War World Miss Lucille Stipp Hostess.......Mrs. Lee Peniwell
* * *
June Sixth
8 p.m.
Breakfast...........Melody Bowl
Members and Families

Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 4 1/2" wide X 6" tall, in hand printed, photocopied cover, with typewritten pages, and bound with a ribbon.