Club Booklet - Wellington Book Club, 1936-1937 Wellington, Kansas
Collection: The Wellington Book Club
Club Booklet - Wellington Book Club, 1936-1937 Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for the Wellington Book Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1936-1937
Wellington Book Club Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
1936 - 1937
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Wellington Book Club Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Wellington Book Club, 1936-1937 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
WelIington Public Library
Wellington Book Club
Wellington Book Club
Organized 1929
Federated with State, Fifth District and County Federation
President - - Mrs. W. H. Schwinn
Vice President - - Mrs. Wilbur Felt
Secretary-Treasurer - Mrs. A. A. Belsley
Critic - - Miss Katherine Knowles
Order of Business
Call to Order
Roll Call
Unfinished Business
New Business
Book Review
Critic’s Report
Club Collect
Keep us, 0 God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding, and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face — without self pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment, and always generous. Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common woman’s heart of us all, and, oh Lord God, let us not forget to be kind.
Mrs. A. A. Belsley 602 Stage
Mrs. G. C. Bellinger 1261J Science
Mrs. F. A. Brooke 681 Ceramics and Glass
Mrs. Wilbur Felt 104F2 New Achievements of Women
Mrs. W. M. Ferguson 450 Poetry
Mrs. Charles Garland 265 Books
Miss Juanita Horner 601R Screen
Miss Katharine Knowles 167 Legislation
Mrs. M. E. Lehmann 1021 Etiquette
Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst 847 Health Education
Mrs. W. H. Rush 611 Foreign News
Mrs. W. H. Schwinn 1029 Whitehouse News
Mrs. S. M. Stayton 854 Music
Mrs. Grier Stewart 261 Domestic News
Mrs. Tom Stewart 1483J Psychology
Mrs. Merle Ward 1333 Art
Roll Call
Book Committees
1936 - 1937
Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst Mrs. T. W. Stewart
Mrs. G. C. Bellinger
1935 - 1936
Mrs. Wilbur Felt Mrs. W. H. Rush
Miss Juanita Horner
1934 - 1935
Mrs. F. A. Brooke Mrs. A. J. Muneke
Miss Katharine Knowles
1933 - 1934
Mrs. S. M. Stayton Mrs. M. E. Lehmann
Mrs. Myron Vandenburg
1932 - 1933
Mrs. W. H. Schwinn Mrs. Tom Stewart
Mrs. Charles Garland
1931 - 1932
Mrs. Amos A. Belsley Mrs. Grier Stewart
Mrs. Ed Charles
1930 - 1931
Mrs. F. A. Brooke Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Mrs. John Bradley
1929 - 1930
Mrs. W. H. Rush Mrs. Grier Stewart
Mrs. A. A. Belsley Mrs. Frank Gambrill
October 8
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. G. C. Bellinger “An American Doctor’s Odyssey”
Victor Heiser
Hostess: Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst
October 22
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. W. H. Rush
“My Life and Work,” Dr. Adolph Lorenz
Hostess: Mrs. A. A. Belsley
November 5
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. W. H. Schwinn "Heads and Tales," Malvina Hoffman
Hostess: Mrs. Wilbur Felt
November 19
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. Tom Stewart
"Wake Up and Live,” Dorothea Brandes
Hostess: Mrs. S. M. Stayton
Wellington Public Library
Wellington, Kansas
December 3
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. S. M. Stayton
“Finland,” Agnes Rothery
Hostess: Mrs. G. C. Bellinger
December 17
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. M. C. Ward
“Les Fleurs de Mai,” (Translation)
Edna St. Vincent Millay, George Dillon
Hostess: Miss Katharine Knowles
January 14
Roll Call
Book Review - Miss Katharine Knowles “Man, the Unknown,” Alexis Carrel
Hostess: Mrs W. H. Rush
January 28
Roll Call
Book Review - Miss Juanita Horner Selected Drama
Hostess: Mrs. F. A. Brooke
February 11
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. Wilbur Felt
“Daniel Frohman Presents,” Daniel Frohman
Hostess: Mrs. Tom Stewart
February 25
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. M. E. Lehmann
“Gone With the Wind,” Margaret Mitchell
Hostess: Miss Juanita Horner
March 11
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. Grier Stewart
“This Man Called Cervantes,” Bruno Frank
Hostess: Mrs. W. H. Schwinn
March 25
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. A. A. Belsley
“My Country and My People,” Lin Yutang
Hostess: Mrs. Chas. Garland
April 8
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst “Return to Religion,” Henry C. Link
Hostess: Mrs. Grier Stewart
April 22
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. F. A. Brooke
“In Quest of Lost Worlds”
Count Byron de Prorak
Hostess: Mrs. M. E. Lehman
May 6
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. Chas. Garland
“Saint Joan of Arc,” V. Sackville West
Hostess: Mrs. M. C. Ward
May 20
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. W. M. Ferguson “Arctic Adventures,” Peter Frenchen
Hostess: Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst
Constitution and By-Laws
Article One. Name.
Wellington Book Club.
Article Two. Object
The primary object of this club shall be to study such books as shall be chosen by the program committee.
Article Three. Members
Section One: Any woman may become a member of this club by election to membership by vote of all but two members present; election to be by ballot. Membership shall be by invitation.
Section Two: Membership shall be limited to sixteen members.
Article Four. Officers
The officers of this club shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and Critic. Officers to be elected biennially by ballot at the second meeting in January and shall assume their duties at the close of the last regular meeting of the year. No officer may succeed herself.
Article Five. Meetings
The club shall meet every alternate Thursday afternoon, beginning with the second Thursday in October, at 2 o’clock.
Article Six. Annual Dues
The amount per capita of annual dues shall be determined by vote of the members at the first regular meeting of the year, and the said dues, together with such assessments as may be recommended by the executive committee, shall be paid within one month thereafter.
Article Seven. Quorum
Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article Eight. Amendments
The constitution may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present, but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
Article One. Duties of Officers
Section One: Of the President: The President shall preside at all meetings; shall appoint any committees, and exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the club.
Section Two: Of the Vice President: In the absence of the President shall assume the duties of President.
Section Three: Of the Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the executive committee. She shall collect and have charge of all funds belonging to the club, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for the payment of money approved by the President.
Section Four: Of the Critic: The Critic shall at the close of each meeting offer her criticisms of any part of the program.
Article Two
Section One: Miscellaneous: Members must prepare assigned work, or provide a substitute, and two successive failures forfeits rights to membership.
Section Two: Each member is to familiarize herself to some extent with every program.
Section Three: A failure to pay dues or assessments within the prescribed time shall be considered a withdrawal from the club unless a satisfactory explanation be given.
Section Four: A fine of 25 cents shall be imposed for absence except in case of serious illness.
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 3 3/4" wide X 5 1/2" tall, in handprinted cover, with typewritten pages, and bound with a ribbon.
Club Booklet - Wellington Book Club, 1936-1937 Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas--History
Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations
Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs
Club Booklet for the Wellington Book Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1936-1937
Wellington Book Club Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas
1936 - 1937
Sumner County Club Booklet Collection
Wellington History Collection
Wellington Book Club Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Wellington Book Club, 1936-1937 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
WelIington Public Library
Wellington Book Club
Wellington Book Club
Organized 1929
Federated with State, Fifth District and County Federation
President - - Mrs. W. H. Schwinn
Vice President - - Mrs. Wilbur Felt
Secretary-Treasurer - Mrs. A. A. Belsley
Critic - - Miss Katherine Knowles
Order of Business
Call to Order
Roll Call
Unfinished Business
New Business
Book Review
Critic’s Report
Club Collect
Keep us, 0 God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding, and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face — without self pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment, and always generous. Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common woman’s heart of us all, and, oh Lord God, let us not forget to be kind.
Mrs. A. A. Belsley 602 Stage
Mrs. G. C. Bellinger 1261J Science
Mrs. F. A. Brooke 681 Ceramics and Glass
Mrs. Wilbur Felt 104F2 New Achievements of Women
Mrs. W. M. Ferguson 450 Poetry
Mrs. Charles Garland 265 Books
Miss Juanita Horner 601R Screen
Miss Katharine Knowles 167 Legislation
Mrs. M. E. Lehmann 1021 Etiquette
Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst 847 Health Education
Mrs. W. H. Rush 611 Foreign News
Mrs. W. H. Schwinn 1029 Whitehouse News
Mrs. S. M. Stayton 854 Music
Mrs. Grier Stewart 261 Domestic News
Mrs. Tom Stewart 1483J Psychology
Mrs. Merle Ward 1333 Art
Roll Call
Book Committees
1936 - 1937
Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst Mrs. T. W. Stewart
Mrs. G. C. Bellinger
1935 - 1936
Mrs. Wilbur Felt Mrs. W. H. Rush
Miss Juanita Horner
1934 - 1935
Mrs. F. A. Brooke Mrs. A. J. Muneke
Miss Katharine Knowles
1933 - 1934
Mrs. S. M. Stayton Mrs. M. E. Lehmann
Mrs. Myron Vandenburg
1932 - 1933
Mrs. W. H. Schwinn Mrs. Tom Stewart
Mrs. Charles Garland
1931 - 1932
Mrs. Amos A. Belsley Mrs. Grier Stewart
Mrs. Ed Charles
1930 - 1931
Mrs. F. A. Brooke Mrs. W. M. Ferguson
Mrs. John Bradley
1929 - 1930
Mrs. W. H. Rush Mrs. Grier Stewart
Mrs. A. A. Belsley Mrs. Frank Gambrill
October 8
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. G. C. Bellinger “An American Doctor’s Odyssey”
Victor Heiser
Hostess: Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst
October 22
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. W. H. Rush
“My Life and Work,” Dr. Adolph Lorenz
Hostess: Mrs. A. A. Belsley
November 5
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. W. H. Schwinn "Heads and Tales," Malvina Hoffman
Hostess: Mrs. Wilbur Felt
November 19
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. Tom Stewart
"Wake Up and Live,” Dorothea Brandes
Hostess: Mrs. S. M. Stayton
Wellington Public Library
Wellington, Kansas
December 3
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. S. M. Stayton
“Finland,” Agnes Rothery
Hostess: Mrs. G. C. Bellinger
December 17
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. M. C. Ward
“Les Fleurs de Mai,” (Translation)
Edna St. Vincent Millay, George Dillon
Hostess: Miss Katharine Knowles
January 14
Roll Call
Book Review - Miss Katharine Knowles “Man, the Unknown,” Alexis Carrel
Hostess: Mrs W. H. Rush
January 28
Roll Call
Book Review - Miss Juanita Horner Selected Drama
Hostess: Mrs. F. A. Brooke
February 11
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. Wilbur Felt
“Daniel Frohman Presents,” Daniel Frohman
Hostess: Mrs. Tom Stewart
February 25
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. M. E. Lehmann
“Gone With the Wind,” Margaret Mitchell
Hostess: Miss Juanita Horner
March 11
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. Grier Stewart
“This Man Called Cervantes,” Bruno Frank
Hostess: Mrs. W. H. Schwinn
March 25
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. A. A. Belsley
“My Country and My People,” Lin Yutang
Hostess: Mrs. Chas. Garland
April 8
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst “Return to Religion,” Henry C. Link
Hostess: Mrs. Grier Stewart
April 22
Roll Call
Book Review - - Mrs. F. A. Brooke
“In Quest of Lost Worlds”
Count Byron de Prorak
Hostess: Mrs. M. E. Lehman
May 6
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. Chas. Garland
“Saint Joan of Arc,” V. Sackville West
Hostess: Mrs. M. C. Ward
May 20
Roll Call
Book Review - Mrs. W. M. Ferguson “Arctic Adventures,” Peter Frenchen
Hostess: Mrs. W. H. Pankhurst
Constitution and By-Laws
Article One. Name.
Wellington Book Club.
Article Two. Object
The primary object of this club shall be to study such books as shall be chosen by the program committee.
Article Three. Members
Section One: Any woman may become a member of this club by election to membership by vote of all but two members present; election to be by ballot. Membership shall be by invitation.
Section Two: Membership shall be limited to sixteen members.
Article Four. Officers
The officers of this club shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and Critic. Officers to be elected biennially by ballot at the second meeting in January and shall assume their duties at the close of the last regular meeting of the year. No officer may succeed herself.
Article Five. Meetings
The club shall meet every alternate Thursday afternoon, beginning with the second Thursday in October, at 2 o’clock.
Article Six. Annual Dues
The amount per capita of annual dues shall be determined by vote of the members at the first regular meeting of the year, and the said dues, together with such assessments as may be recommended by the executive committee, shall be paid within one month thereafter.
Article Seven. Quorum
Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article Eight. Amendments
The constitution may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present, but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
Article One. Duties of Officers
Section One: Of the President: The President shall preside at all meetings; shall appoint any committees, and exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the club.
Section Two: Of the Vice President: In the absence of the President shall assume the duties of President.
Section Three: Of the Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the executive committee. She shall collect and have charge of all funds belonging to the club, and shall draw on the treasury for all orders for the payment of money approved by the President.
Section Four: Of the Critic: The Critic shall at the close of each meeting offer her criticisms of any part of the program.
Article Two
Section One: Miscellaneous: Members must prepare assigned work, or provide a substitute, and two successive failures forfeits rights to membership.
Section Two: Each member is to familiarize herself to some extent with every program.
Section Three: A failure to pay dues or assessments within the prescribed time shall be considered a withdrawal from the club unless a satisfactory explanation be given.
Section Four: A fine of 25 cents shall be imposed for absence except in case of serious illness.
Original Format
Small bound program booklet approximately 3 3/4" wide X 5 1/2" tall, in handprinted cover, with typewritten pages, and bound with a ribbon.