Club Booklet - Twentieth Century Club, 1930-1931 Wellington, Kansas


Club Booklet - Twentieth Century Club, 1930-1931 Wellington, Kansas


Wellington, Kansas--History

Wellington, Kansas--Civic Organizations

Wellington, Kansas--Community Clubs


Club Booklet for the Twentieth Century Club of Wellington, Kansas, 1930-1931


Twentieth Century Club Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas


Wellington Public Library, Wellington, Kansas




Sumner County Club Booklet Collection

Wellington History Collection





Twentieth Century Club Wellington, Kansas, “Club Booklet - Twentieth Century Club, 1930-1931 Wellington, Kansas,” Wellington Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,


The Twentieth Century Club
Wellington, Kansas
The Twentieth Century Club
Wellington, Kansas
“If you have knowledge let others light their candle at it.”—Puller
First and third Tuesdays from October to June.
Organized 1930
Member Eighth District and State Federation
Mrs. Herman Crum............................President
Mrs. J. Dewey Green....................Vice President
Mrs. Billy Alford...........................Secretary
Mrs. Ray Rothrock...........................Treasurer
Mrs. James Austin..............................Critic
Mrs. George Renn Mrs. Hubert Richards
Mrs. Fawn Brown
Mrs. Ellis Carr Mrs. Ross Atterberry
Mrs. Lester Jeter
Call to Order Roll Call Minutes
Report of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Program Critic’s Report Adjournment
Roll Call
Mrs. Billy Alford . Royalty ...1404
Mrs. Ross Atterberry. ... . .Interesting Women. ....451
Mrs. James Austin . .New Books . 1326W
Mrs. Fawn Brown . . Sports . . 1067J
Mrs. Ellis Carr .. Music . . .1290
Mrs. Herman Crum . .Humor .... 302
Mrs. Herbert Davidson.. . Health . .333W
Mrs. John W. Garland.. . .Fashions ....265
Mrs. J. Dewey Green.... .. Editorials . . 843W
Mrs. Lester Jeter .. Radio ...933J
Mrs. Wendell Ready f .International News. .. 690W
Mrs. George Renn . . Household Hints. .. . . .1219
Mrs. Hubert Richards... ..Star Beams ..1298J
Mrs. Charles Rogers . . Aviation ....613
Mrs. Ray Rothrock .. Movies ...1122
Mrs. Joe Schwinn . Theatrical News.... ...1029
October 7
Mythology.............................Mrs. Renn
Seven Wonders of the World............Mrs. Ready
Hostess—Mrs. Brown October 21
Keeping Time Through the Ages.........Mrs. Brown
Byrd’s South Pole Expedition..........Mrs. Jeter
Hostess—Mrs. Green
November 4
American Poetry..........................Mrs. Richards
Kansas Poets...............................Mrs. Rogers
Hostess—Mrs. Alford November 18
Book Review................................Mrs. Schwinn
Outstanding Americans......................Mrs. Austin
Hostess—Mrs. Richards
December 2
Paintings and Painters .Mrs. Atterberry
Famous Art Galleries Mrs. Alford
Hostess—Mrs. Crum
December 16
Christmas Music
Christmas In Other Lands Mrs. Renn
Hostess—Mrs. Austin
January 6
Immigration............................Mrs. Green
Conditions at Ellis Island............Mrs. Richards
Hostess—Mrs. Garland
January 20
History of Motion Pictures...............Mrs. Rogers
Life of Sarah Bernhardt...............Mrs. Atterberry
Hostess—Mrs. Renn
February 3
New Plays............................Mrs. Garland
American Playwrights....................Mrs. Crum
Hostess—Mrs. Rogers February 17
Famous Colonial Houses..................Mrs. Alford
Yesterday’s Kitchen and Kitchens of Today----
.................................Mrs. Brown
Hostess—Mrs. Jeter
March 3
Women of the Old Testament...........................Mrs. Renn [Rock
Bible Quiz...........................................Mrs. Green
Hostess—Mrs. Atterberry March 17
Story of Old and New Tapestries......................Mrs. Ready
Schwin [Loofbourrow]
Irish Laces and Linens...............................Mrs. Sohwinn
Hostess—Mrs. Rothrock
April 7
Book Review.. Mrs. Austin
Hitty Mrs. Garland
Hostess—Mrs. Schwinn
April 21 Guest Day
Art Exhibit...
Hostess—Mrs. Carr
May 5
Oriental Rugs .. Mrs. Hackney
Linoleum Blocks .Mrs. Davidson
Hostess—Mrs. Ready
May 19
Indian Pottery
Indian Legends
Kansas Wild Flowers .. Mrs. Rothrock
Hostess—Mrs. Davidson
Article I
Name: The name of this organization shall be Twentieth Century Club.
Article II
Object: The object of this club shall be to encourage women to study and to consider subjects of general interest whether of a literary, social or educational nature.
Article III
Officers: The officers of this club shall be president, one vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer and a critic. Such officers shall be elected annually by ballot at the next to the last meeting of the year and they shall assume their respective duties at the close of the last regular meeting.
Article IV
Members: Any woman may become a member of this club upon election of membership by the club and the payment of the annual dues. The membership of this club shall be limited to sixteen members.
Article V
Regular Meetings: The club shall meet the first and third Tuesdays in each month, beginning the first Tuesday in October, at three o’clock, continuing until sixteen meetings have been held.
Article VI
Annual Dues: The amount per capita of annual dues shall be determined by vote of the members at the first regular meeting of the year and the said dues shall be paid within one month thereafter.
Article VII
Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VIII
This Constitution may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present but the amendment must be proposed at least two weeks before action is taken upon it.
Article I—Duties of Officers
Sec. 1—The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the executive committee and shall appoint standing committees.
Sec. 2—The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence.
Sec. 3—The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the club.
Sec. 4—The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds of the club.
Sec. 5—The Critic shall at the close of each meeting offer her criticism on any part of the program.
Article II
Sec. 1—The program committee shall consist of three members who shall select places of meeting and arrange programs.
Sec. 2—Flowers shall be sent only in case of death in the immediate family of a member.
Article III
Any woman desiring to become a member of the club shall present a written application. New members shall be admitted by ballot, their names having been previously presented to and accepted by the Executive Committee. Two votes against a candidate shall prevent her election to membership.
Article IV
A fine of twenty-five cents shall be imposed for absence.
Article V
Members must prepare assigned work on the program or provide a substitute and two failures within the year forfeit the right to membership.

Original Format

Small bound program booklet approximately 4" 1/4" wide X 6 1/4" tall, in handprinted cover, with typewritten pages, and bound with a ribbon.